HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-06-71~~~~~ 1 1 RESOLUTION RETIREMENT OF HUBERT T . ALLEN 1 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council, held April 6, 1971, at 4:00 P. M., in the Municipal office. There were present: Mayor C. Robert Edens, presiding.. Councilmen: J. L. Congrove, Wm. A. House, A. L. Graham, J. H. White, S. G. Frye, Glen K. Aust, Raymond F. Ratcliff, Mason A. Vaughan Also present; Town Manager: J. E. Marshall Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore Visitors: Jane Graham, Southwest Times reporter Joyce Gardner, WPUV Radio Station Paul Dellinger, Roanoke Times reporter C. W. Barker, W. T. Smith, Mrs. 0. M. Duncan, Stephen Smith, Mr. C. V. Jackson Hubert T. Allen, retired Town employe The invocation was given by Councilman House. The minutes of the regular meeting of March 16th were approved as recorded. May or Edens recognized Mr. Hubert T. Allen, a retired Town employe, and expressed regrets for losing such a good employe and wished Mr. Allen a good retirement. He then read a resolution. and on motion of Councilman Frye, seconded by Councilman White, and carried, the following resolution was adopted: n. WHEREAS, Hubert T. Allen became an employe of the Town of Pulaski, in the Water Department, on September 17, 1945, and continued in that Department until March•26, 1971, serving for many years as the Superintendent of that Department; and, WHEREAS,.during al,l the many years of service, Mr. Allen provided very loyal and unselfish service, often over and above his normal duty hours.; and, WHEREAS, the unselfish service rendered by Mr. Allen has been an inspiration to all that have known and worked with him, but he has now found it to be in his best interest to retire, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF PULASKI, VIRGINIA, meeting in regular session on April 6, 1971, wishes to publically recognize Mr. Allen's lasting contribution to the people of the town and hereby thanks him for his many years of service and kindnesses by which so many have known him, and wishes for him much happiness and many leisure hours during his retirement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be recorded as a part of the minutes :of this meeting, and that the original thereof be delivered to Mr. Allen. Mayor Edens also presented to Mr. Allen an engraved plaque. ~~ ~f~~ April 6, 1971 On behalf of the Pulaski Jaycees, Stephen Smith presented to Council a petition requesting that such steps as are necessary be taken JAYCEES PRESENT to bring about and accomplish such changes in the traffic situation PETITION RE: WASH.AVE. & at the interesecti:on- of, Washington Avenue and Main Street, to MAIN ST. TRAFFIC LIGHTS TURNED Properly, adequately and safely remove and eliminate the hazardous OVER TO ST. COMMITTEE condition "now existing with regards to pedestrians. Councilman Aust moved that the matter be turned over to the Street Committee. The motion was seconded by Councilman Graham, and carried. In answer to Mrs. Duncna's question relative to the progress being made with regards to the adoption of an air pollution ordinance as AIR POLLUTION RE~?ORT TO BE requested in a recent petition to Council, Councilman Congrove advised AT NEXT MEETING it ,was the hope of the committee to have a report for Council at its . next meeting. In support of a recent letter from Mr. C. V. Jackson, President of the New River Valley Airport Commission to the Mayor and Council, Mr. Jackson stated this was the first request from he Commission to $1,673.75= the political subdivisions for operating costs funds, and that this OPR.COSTS FOR NEW was brought about principally because of the failure of the Division RIVER VAL. AIRPT. of Aeronautics to fill their expected commitments to the Airport COMM. TO BE CONSIDERED Commission due to the decline in their revenue and the increase in IN NEW BUDGET demands made by other airports throughout the State. He stated further that the Town of Pulaski's precentage share for these operating expenses was $1,673.75 and solicited Council's approval of the request. No.activn was taken at this time by Council, but was referred for budget consideration. As Chairman of the Ordinance Committee,.. Councilman White presented to Council an ordinance to amend and re-enact Section 30 of the Business and Professional License Tax Ordinance, licensing ORD. FOR distributors of gasoline and other petroleum products with offices DISTRIBUTORS OF GASOLINE & both within and without the Town and providing reciporocity with PETROLEUM PRODUCTS other Virginia municipalities. After reading the ordinance Council- man White moved its adoption which was seconded by Councilman Ratcliff, and carried: ~~ ~~~ April 6, 1971 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND RE-ENACT SECTION 30 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSE TAX ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF PULASKI, VIRGINIA, LICENSING DISTRIBUTORS OF GASOLINE AND OTHER PETROLEUM PRODUCTS WITH OFFICES BOTH WITHIN AND WITHOUT THE TOWN, PROVIDING RECIPROCITY WITH OTHER VIRGINIA MUNICIPALITIES; ISSUING CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTIONS; AND PROVIDING PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS. Section 30 (A) Gasoline and other petroleum roducts. (1) Any person, firm or corporation whose storage tanks and/or office are located within the corporate limits of this Town, and who transport gasoline or other petroleum products of like nature on or through the streets of th is Town for sale or delivery within the Town shall pay a whole- sale merchant's license. (2) Any person, firm or corporation whose storage tanks and/or offices are located outside the corporate limits of the ORD. FOR Town of Pulaski (and neither is in the corporate limits of DISTRIBUTORS Pulaski), and who transport gasoline or other petroluem products OF GASOLINE & on or over the streets of said Town, for sale or delivery within PETROLEUM the Town, or who conducts a business of dealing in coal oil, PRODUCTS gasoline, or other petroleum products, by -gelling or delivering, the same to other than licensed or retailers, shall pay a retail merchant's license on all business done within the Town. (3) 1. Any person, firm or corporation whose storage tanks and/or office are located outside the-corporate limits of the Town, but within the corporate limits of some other town, city or county within the State and does business within the Town of Pulaski, and who would otherwise be required to purchase a license under ,the provisions of paragrah (2) above,. but has purchased a license similar to that which is required by this ordinance from the town, .city or county wi-thin. Virginia where its storage tanks and/or offices are located, may apply to the Treasurer of the Town of Pulaski for a certificate of exemption from this ordinance. 2. The Treasurer shall grant a certificate of exemption upon the applicant-paying to the Treasurer the sum of $i .00 t o cover costs of issuing same, and upon being furnished proof of the identity of~applicant and evidence of his purchase of a similar license in the Town, city or county where his storage tanks .and/or offices are located, and providing further that sucl~il; town or city grants a like privilege of licensure (to licensee) of the Town of PUlaski under this ordinance. 4. Penalties. Any person, firm or corporation who violates any provisions of this ordinance shall be punished as provided in Section 17 of the License .Tax Ordinance. As requested, Town Manager Marshall reported that approximately sixteen months ago the question of reviewing the Town's Retirement Plan TOWN MGR . REPORTS was considered and placed in the hands of the Retirement Committee and RETIREMENT PLAN TO Finance Committee of Council; that the present plan is a Trust Bank Plan, BE CONVERTED TO INS. and that proposals were obtained from two different insurance companies PLAN 7/1/71 `~~~ April 6, 1971 which were considered by the two Committees. However, the stock market being-what- it was at-that ti-me, it was considered not a very good time for the sale of stocks. Mr. Marshall stated the Committees had now tnet jointly and would like'to consider the possibility of going to an insured plan rather than the trust plan in order to up-grade the present benefit 'level and provi"de'a better retirement than is provided for under the Trustee plan.' He stated it would be necessary to-nofity t'he Trust Bank in Roanoke to 'convert the stocks and.honds.to cash and place .on pass book savings with the highest rate of interest until July 1, 1971, but the Bank had advised that it would not be necessary to give them sixty'-days ribtce, but would only need the authorization of Council to Tquidate"the''stocks or convert same to cash, at which time the. new insured plan would take over. Councilman Frye stated it was the recommendation of the FINANCE Finance Committee and the Retirement Committee to terminate the Trust COMM. RECOMMENDS Plan and-convert as of July-1, 1971 to an Insured Plan,-and moved that. the CHANGE IN RETIREMENT Town Attorney be directed to prepar-'e the necessary documents to effect PLAN AS OF JULY 1,1971 this change as of July 1, 1971. The motion was seconded by Council- man'Vaughan, Chairman of the Retirement Committee, and carried. Councilman Graham brought to the attention of Council a REQ. FOR request for a parking space at the Jewel Box on Main Street, which PARKING SPACE AT JEWEL matter was turned over to the Street Committee on motion of Councilman BOX BM@C REE. TO Frye, seconded by Councilman Ratcliff, and carried. ST. COMM. Town Manager Marshall presented the following Resolution, and on motion of Councilrnari White', seconded by Councilman Vaughan, and carried, the resolution was adopted :A ° WHEREAS, the"Pulaski High"School Oriole Basketball Team, a member of the New River District, did obtain within HIGH SCHOOL the year 1971 the high honor of having won twenty-one (21) BASKETBALL district games and thereby winning the New River District RESOLUTION Championship, and were also declared Region IV Champions by ADOPTED winning two games therein; and WHEREAS, the players, Coach and staff displayed the highest degree of sportsmanship, integrity and desire to win in accomplishing such feat; and k ~'~`7 April 6, 1971 WHEREAS, the efforts of the players, Coach and staff speaks of the finest ambassadorial job. that could be accomplished NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF PULASKI, VIRGINIA, meeting in regular session on April 6, 1971, that it wishes to express its congratulations to the players, Coach and staff for their very fine season just ended, and to thank them publically for the representation given for both the school and all citizens of the area. Town Manager Marshall reported on the recent Highway Department field inspection of the proposed Allison Lane-Bob. White REPORT ON HWY.FIELD Blvd. Street, and the recommendation of the'~own Planning Commission INSPECTION RE: ALLISON for rezoning an area from R-1 to R-2, but no action of Council was LN-RT.611 & REZONING necessary on these matters. MATHEWS COURT Mr. Marshall also reported on the tree trimming program TREE TRIM. PROGRAM. now being undertaken by the Town crews, as well as the possibility of PLACING OF placing a stone in Jackson Park on which a suitable plaque will be STONE IN JACK6~N placed. PARK Mr. Marshall stated the traffic signals had been installed at East Main Street and Franklin Avenue, and would be placed on full TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT cycle the day following. Mayor Edens requested that these lights not MAIN & FRANKLIN ON FULL be turned on until the public can be alerted of same and asked the CYCLE press to give some consideration to this in its paper. Trailer permit applications for Luther A. Woods, Jr. to TRgILER place a house trailer on Snyder Lane, and James William Eads to place APPLICATIONS TO BE a trailer off Birch Street, were presented to Council. On motion of ADVERTISED FOR.PUBLIC Councilman Vaughan, seconded by Councilman White, and carried, it HEARING was authorized that these applications follow the proper procedure of advertising for a public hearing. At 5:00 P. M. Councilman Vaughan requested an executive session, EXECUTIVE and the motion was seconded by Councilman Graham, and carried. SESSION At 6:00 P. M. Council returned to regular session on SPECIAL motion of Councilman House, seconded by Councilman Congrove, and carried, MEETING SET FOR and. set Friday, April 9th, at 4:00 P. M. to hold a special meeting of INDUSTRIAL DEV . ~~ ~~~ April 6, 1971 Council to discuss an Industrial Development matter. On motion., made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 6:05 P. M. APPROVED' ~ , ~~'~~~ Irlayor ATTEST: Clerk the Council 1 1