HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-05-67~-d~~~ Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council, held December 5, 1967, at 1~;00 P. M., in the Municipal office. There were present: Mayor C. V. Jackson, presiding. Councilmen: S. G. Frye, C. B. Gallimore, Glen K. Aust, Raymond F. Ratcliff, ?^'. S. Cummings, T. J. McCarthy, H. H. Eggert, Rudolph Farmer Also present: Town Manager: Evan Norton Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore Visitors: Jane Graham, Southwest Times reporter Jim McLendon, WPUV Radio station Rod Layman and Arthur Koch, Attys, for Rush Barrett Paul Rash and Wm. F . Brinkley E. V. Davis, Rush Barrett and Irvan Morefield The invocation was given by Councilman Aust. The minutes of the regular meeting of November 21st were approved as corrected. As required under Chapter 18 of the Town Code, Town Council held its annual public hearing for the purpose of determining the number of public vehicles, taxicabs and for hire cars for which Certificates shall be issued during the calendar year 1968. Council' considered formal applications for renewal of a total of twenty- PUBLIC HEARING three (23) taxicabs. It was noted that Rush G. Barrett had filed RE : ISSUANCE OF TAXICAB CERTIFI- an application for three (3) cabs, and that Chas. TnTarren CATES - 23 ISSUED Matherly had requested permission to operate two (2) more cabs in addition to the three (3) which he had made application for re- newal of certificates. Mr. Irvin Morefield, who was granted three certificates for the year 1967, advised he had only been able to operate one cab for a portion of the year because of ill health and the fact he could not get dependable drivers for the other two cabs, and advised Council that he had only made application for renewal for one cab and would like to see Mr. Barrett have the other two. Council discussed the aspects of the applications for five (5) additional cabs, and on motion of Councilman Aust, seconded by Councilman Cummings, and carried, it was, RESOLVED, that the application of Rush Barrett for three cabs and of Chas. Matherly for two additional cabs, be turned over to the Police Committee, for report to Council. On motion of Councilman Gallimore, seconded by Councilman Eggert, and carried, it was, RESOLVED, that certificates of Public -~~~ Council mins. contd. 12/5/67 Convenience and Necessity be granted, as follows: Checker Cabs ------------------- 1 City Cabs ---------------------- 10 E. V. Davis Cabs --------------- 3 Deluxe Cabs ------------------- 5 Diamond Cabs ------------------- 1~ Total ~ A reauest from Paul Rash for sewer service to his property SEWER COMM. on Alum Spring Road, near the property of Fred Swinburne, was TO STUDY turned over to the Sewer Committee on motion of Councilman Aust PAUL RASH REQ. FOR seconded by Councilman Gallimore, and carried. FOR SEWER LINE EXT. On motion of Councilman Aust, seconded by Councilman Ratcliff, and carried, it was, RESOLVED, that the Trailer HOUSE TRAILER application of Danny Phillips to place a house trailer on a APPLICi~TI ON OF PHILLIPS lot belonging to Lee T. Phillips, ~l~0 Pepper Street, follow the TO FOLLC~nT USUAL P'ROCED. usual procedure of advertising for a public hearing. On motion of Councilman Cummings, seconded by Councilman Eggert, and carried, it was, RESOLVED, that house trailer applica- QUESENBERRY tion of Arnold L. Quesenberry to place a trailer on a lot belonging HIXJSE TRAILER to Emmett Quesenberry at 60t; Newbern Road follow the usual procedure APPLICAT~ ON TO FOLL0~-~1 iJ~UAL of advertising for a public hearing. PROCEDURE Town Attorney Moore explained the following report of delinquent taxes as submitted by Town Treasurer J. L. Patterson: 1966 Levy ~fi 1f35, 9f~1. ~2 s~ Penalty 911.10 Erroneous Assessment + penalty ~12.0l~ TREASURER "S ~ 1 ' 7'~'~ DELINQUENT SUP'IMARY DELINQUENT TAX LIST TAX REPORT personal Property 3,~o6.2R plus 5~ pen. X190.31 X3,996.59 FOLLOGI'S Real estate 2, 7t~? . 87 137.1-~1t 2, 86.31 1966 TAXES: Persona Property & Real Estate including 5~ penalty Uncollected as of June 30, 1967 -------------------•~ 6,882.90 1966 --- 96.3% Collected On motion duly made by Councilman Gallimore, and seconded by Councilman Farmer, the following resolutions were made and adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Tre~~~surer's report for delinauent taxes for the year 1966, as certified to the Council, be accepted; that the Treasurer be credited with the amount shown to be delinauent and that said list of delinquent real estate tax be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Pulaski County, Virginia, to be recorded and indexed by him; that a list containing all unpaid real estate taxes ~~J~~f~ Council rains. contd. 12/5/67 as of June 30, 1967, be published in a local newspaper on January 25, 1968; that a list of unpaid personal property and any and all other taxes be prepared; that such lists be posted at the courthouse and other public places, all said proceedings to be in accordance with the provisions of the TREASURER'S Code of Virginia, 1950 Edition, Title 58, Chapter 20 Article 7, and Chapter 21, Article 7 and any other applicable amend- DEL. TAX meets to the said Code, BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that the Town Treasurer shall REPORT continue his efforts to collect all above mentioned unpaid taxes. The Treasurer submitted a list of improper and erroneous assessments for approval of Council as follows: TOWN OF PULASKI, VIRGINIA 1966 Taxes 1 Credits for erroneous assessments, Duplications, Non-residence, etc. ~+a ~ ~ Pereo~ ~~ 68 A11eyg IvaII 1~~, Jro 005 n90 °~ 388 Ao~rd, Williata Ho 035 7n02 ~ 390 H~~W, awes 2p 009 1080 ~ 493 Broo3oiere Phi3.lip Mo 005 ®90 °~ 437 Hrovn, Douglas Lo 036 X 495 Hsnrd, Clinton io ,36 020 ~ 647 CatnpbHlig Lola 009 1080 ~ 824 Coop, John Ho 054 9,0080 ~ 827 Caac, Mi~ei Bo 036 ?020 ~ . 866 Crockett, `?steers a33 6066 ~ 888 Cruise, Iseso 00 023 450 -~° 900 caraii~a Fle®t8, Iuco 009 - ~~ ~ x.04 Davisg Claaries Ho, PTO o40 7092 °'0°' 1127 Desds~ Doha ~~ Ho 005 090 °~ 1156 Diakersox~, Rag Ao 005 090 -a° 1164 Da~bins~ Joseph Ho 032 6030 ~ 1250 &lt~srdse Charles C® 060 12006 ~ 1270 811isg I{ymsa H® 005 090 ~ 134'2 Fariey, I'kcuato+n R0, Jr0 027' So40 ~ 1347 Fa,ranere Clarence ~0 053 10062 -Oe• 1367 Feltag T,srrg D o 018 3060 m•0- 1984 Fitsgerglde Louise Mo 028 5058 ~ 1$422 Finlep-, Hog' Qo ®18 3060 ~ 1516 Gallimora~ Sarah L, .023 4050 °~ 1 5 7 5-A GrOfol~thA Elin~n Lee o3le. 2088 adl~ L ' ~ l,{7~0 dl'@oI~", Robert D o 027 5040 ~G° D Council mins. contd. 12~5~67 .!`t ~' ~r 1635 Grutah~ ~I13s ~i~ 429 5~0'Y6 1638 Gs~tab'hffi ~1~n ~, ~3b '~~©20 16~ C€rubb~ Paray ~Ig 3b60 3.6523 ' ' a~lsam;~ 1~e2~~ ~~ .41. 8~ 14 7 / Ci1ZttQr, M~~r M, ~. sue. 17'16 t~msealcrse, d~ 'fit Tlp o~ 1.786 A~II,,~ Wesley C o ~ 073 1~ 4 58 MI5 de~taneom, Wo N[n ,25~ - 504 2284 Jalhnsto8, Jacky ~Tr, ,05 ®q0. 23]4. Jo~ee~~ Ra~by A, 032 6640 2325 aarre].ls, James P, .32 6;30 25?3 Lee Fieot Lease Cos~p6 036 'To2t3 265.0 Linko~a$, Arch~a C. 068 d!~ 2624 Lo~kett~, Robert S~ ,27 50401 2'd39 MA,ba, Fred La a23 ,$, 50 2858 Mitchell, wi].].~.em P~ 023 454 30~ 1Ka'~fokie, Roosev®at a31 ~ 6032 325.8 a~7.sa~ &to~rd R, 03$ 6030 3273 Pter~ Eruest T~ ot~l, ~c10 3349 P~~L3~ps~ Bl~ ~0 003 090 36~. R9itthe.rdscras, ~':~~gil 035 7002 3~3 R~opB Rnbort Co 042 804 37,4 R~peffi ale ~„ ob7 13©32 3'x39 Rift, Ce~a.a t~s p61 `' 021 3986 S~'8o~'6~ P~ai113.p p~~ +,+3®~ .4~' .9 S~ra~, I. 0. 043 8®bk t +~3 The. iin3ox~ Life :'~naQ Ceso a~..8 3®60 44.52 Tbomps~a~ Ze'o M~ x,23 ,tee 50 1 1e449 ~ T o ~ .e~i-~ ~'e~i3 f~® ®19 3078 . ~ 45~ ~ ~. ~,, a-d~[Z[@8~g Z''R°i~d$Y"J.Cy Prs o~ ~0~6 ~s~. T~iomgsoz~, ~.~, ~0 0~ 3060 ]. ~e~der~i~t~ Fie .19 3078 4~ Vwiglyans 2hu~n A. .35 ~To02 4634 V~ars, Bobby La _ 027 ye4t) t~6~42 vixisa-, Letoy Lo 032 6030 4790 whites we F. .63 12p6o CREDITS ~'qR FRRQNEOUS ASSFS~'MFTJTS, DUPLICATIONSe NOY~RFS.~ FTC. SUI~L~4ARY 63 Items ~ 392032 Peeme~ltp 5~ ~• 27'®90 .2026 ~~ ~- -~ 13050 ..~o.. ~s ~_ -o- moo.. 39072 • ~ $12odtr Tots. ]~apraper 1.966 Take-" - - ~ 432oLV- ~~~~~ Council mins. contd. 12~5~67 On motion duly made by Councilman Gallimore, seconded by Countilman Aust, and carried, the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED, that the Treasurer's list of erroneous assessments for taxes for the year 1966 be submitted to the Commissioner of Revenue for further verification; that upon verification by the Commissioner of Revenue for Pulaski County, Virginia, that the said taxes are erroneous. The Town Treasurer is hereby ordered to correct tax tickets accordingly, and he is hereby relieved from the duty and TREASURER'S responsibility of collecting same. DELINQUENT TAXES FOR 1965 DELINQUENT The Town Treasurer submitted a revised statement of TAX REPORT delincJuent taxes for the year 1965 showing remaining unpaid as of June 30, 1967: 1965 Levy $ 177,792.79 5% Penalty 9l~1.26 $ 1-"l~, 7~i : OTC SUMMARY DELINQUENT TAX LIST CONLpARISON UNCOLLECTED 1965 TAXES6-3o-66 6-30-67 Real Estate & Personal Prop. $8,11~'8:~'--' $~:~5'~ 1965 --------- 97% collected DELINQUENT TAXES FOR 196l~ The Town Treasurer submitted a revised statement of delinquent taxes for the year 196 showing remaitu ng unsaid as of June 30, 1967 1961 Levy ~ 153,773.55 5~ Penalty 798.87 SSt~;~7~':7~ SIJI~lARY DELINQUENT TAX LIST Total uncollected 1965 Personal Property & Real Estate Taxes --------------------------------------- ~G,681~.55 Total uncollected 196L~ Personal Property & Real Estate Taxes ------------------------------------- $,3,675.63 C0?~PARIS(`r? Un?COI:I..FCTFD TAV~'C 1061. June 30, 1966 June 30,1967 Real Estate & Personal Property , 1. 9 ~ $~'~-` 196t~ --------_ 97~ collected ~ ~~~~ Council mins, contd. 125/67 On motion made by Councilman Gallimore, seconded by Councilman Aust, and carri ed, the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED, that the certified list of the Town [] Treasurer for the years 196l~ and 1965, showing remaining delinquent taxes be accepted, and it is ordered that the revised list of real estate be transmitted to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Pulaski, Virginia, to be filed; and the Treasurer is further directed to cont~_nue to collect the unpaid taxes on said list. Councilman Frye, Chairman of the Finance Committee, advised C fl FINANCE COMM. TO REPORT ON RECENT AUDIT REPORT OF FINANCE CUMM. RE: AGREEMENT WITH CLAREMONT CORP. FOR EXT. OF WATER LINE TO RT. 611 that the Committee had considered the recent audit of the Town's business for the past fiscal year, and a written report of their findings would be made at the next regular meeting of Council. He further stated that "it looks like we had a good year". With regards to the Route 611 water and sewer line extensions, Councilman Frye reported as Chairman of the Finance Committee, that in May of 1963 the Town entered into an agreement with the Claremont Corporatio, wherein the Claremont Corporation agreed to convey to the Town of Pulaski the necessary right-of-way for the relocation of Route 611 and the extension of Morita Vista Drive, and the Claremont Corporation would install necessary water and sewer lines along the proposed Morita Vista Drive extension, and for each lot which was developed along Morita Vista Drive extended, the Town would refund to the Claremont Corporation the sum of .$200.00 for each water connection, and X100.00 for each sewer connection; that by reason of this agreement the Town owed the Claremont Corporation the. sum of ~1~500.00 for fifteen (15) water and sewer connections; that the Towne had paid to the Claremont Corporation the sum of X1200.00, leaving a balance due them in the sum of $3300.00 for water and sewer connection fees. Mr. Frye further reported that according to an agreement entered into in November of 1967, between the Claremont Corporation of Pulaski and the Town of Pulaski, the ~~550 $2200. APPROP. FR. WATER FUND, & $1100. APP ROP.FROM SEWER FUND RE: EXT. OF LINESTO MONTE VISTA DR. & 611 Council rains. contd. 12/5/67 Claremont Corporation agreed to contribute towards the cost of the water and sewer line extensions on Route 611, the sum of ,$1~,111~.00, less net credit for fifteen (15) water and sewer connection fees due by the Town in the sum of $3300.00, leaving the sum of ~811~.00 to be paid to the Town by Claremont Corporation within ninety days from the date of said agree- meet. Mr. Frye further reported that because the current budget did not provide for the payment of the $3300.00, it was the recommendation of the Finance Committee that X2200.00 be appropriated from the ti's"ater Fund and credited to Account No. 8027-1, and the sum of $1100.00 be appropriated from the Sewer Fund and credited to Account A1o. 7013-~. Mr. Frye put this recommendation in the form of a motion, which motion was seconded by Councilman Gallimore, and carried on the following recorded vote: Raymond F. Ratcliff - aye W. S. Cummings - aye T. J. McCarthy - aye Glen K. Aust - aye S. G. Frye - aye H. H. Eggert - aye Rudolph Farmer -aye C.B.Gallimore - aye Mr. Frye asked that the list of payments involved in this Route 611 water and sewer extension project be filed as a permane nt record of same. ROUTL 611 WATER & SE4~TER EXTENSIONS Estimated costs: Percentage _r___ Water - 56r from Church service $ 1,875.00 plus 56' to Church service 281.68 Total Water $ ,1 63.16 Sewer - 3,007.10 36.81,. Town Appropriations: Total - $3300.00 (utility rebates, Morita Vista Dr.) Distributed to W & S Funds, 1/3 and 2/3, $200/water co nn. $100/sewer cone: 2/3 Water fund $ 2,200.00 1/3 Sewer Fund 1,100.00 Total $ -3,~~ Cash & Materials Contribution by Claremont Corp.: To extension on Rt.611 $ l~,11lt.00 To 260' C.I.Pipe, Morita Vista Dr. 520.00 Total $ ,.~ Less Utility rebates 3,300.00 J Contribution of Church of God 1,000.00 Total contributions $ continued to page 1551 0 1 1 ~~~1 Council mins. contd. 12/5/67 Charge to ?^'ater and Sewer Capital Outlay: Total Cost ~ 8,163.78 Less Contributions & appropriations 5,63.00 To Capital Outlay $9.78 To Water Extensions b3.16~ ~ 1,597.81 To Sewer Extensions 36.81t~ 931.97 Total ~8 Reconciliation: Approp. water fund ~~ 2,200.00 Approp. sewer fund 1,100.00 Cash & Contributions 2,33-t.00 Water Capital Outlay - Account 8027 1,597.81 Sewer Capital Outlay - Account 7013 931.97 Total ~ .,l .7- Balance in budget accounts: 8027 11-22-b7 ~ L~,88~.00 7013 11-22_-67 X13,373.58 Town N;anager Dtorton advised that for the extension of the water and sewer lines from the property line of Claremont Corporation along the front of the Church of God property to the connecting point with the Church's utility lines, the Church of God had agreed to pay the sum of $1,000.OG to the Town, including connection charges for the extension of the lines a distance of approximately 202 feet north of the Church's south lot line. The cost of this extension, including connec- tion, was estimated as follows: 8" Sewer line: 202 x $2 . ~3 ~ l~90.86 CHURCH OF GOD Less credit dif. ~" pipe 101.00 AGREES TO PAY Net $ ~ $1,000. FOR SEWER & WATER 6" Water Line: EXTENSION ALONG 202 x ~3.~3 $ 692.86 RT . 611 Total ~ , 0 1.'Tf 3/!~" Water connection $ 135.00 Sewer connection 50.00 Total $ Total cost X1,276.72 ?"1r. Norton recommended that this proposal. be followed. Councilman Ratcliff moved and Councilman Gallimore seconded, and it carried, the approval of this extension of utility lines as out- lined above. Town Manager Norton commented on the excellent work of Mr. Ratcliff and other members of the dater and Sewer Committees in working out this project with Claremont Corporation. ~~~~~ Council rains. contd. 12/5/67 Councilman Ratcliff reported that the sewer Committee had viewed the Fayette Street sewer proposal - there appeared to be a potential of ten (10) houses to be served, six of which are willing to sign up now and it is believed the other four will sign up also; that COMMITTEE RECOMMEND the estimated cost for this project is $1969.68, but because FAYETTE STREET SEWER PROJECT of the type of soil in the area, it was believed this project BE COMPLETED could be done for approximately ~1C00.00, and although it was the feeling of the Committee that perhaps this was not a good investment, the Committee recommended that this sewer extension be made, and so moved, which motion was seconded b,y Councilman Gallimore, and carried. Councilman Ratcliff advised there was another sewer matter which he would like for Council to discuss which was not on the agenda. Councilman Gallimore moved that the matter be placed SEWER COMM. TO on the agenda for immediate discussion, which motion was seconded STUDY REQUEST OF JAMES DUKE by Councilman McCarthy, and carried. Councilman Ratcliff then FOR SEWER EXT. ON DfJRA HIGHWAY advised Council that he had been approached by James Duke for sewer service to his property near the old Dora Fur nice Commissary; th that Mr. Duke has water connection and he came to the Town office in September of this year and made $100.00 deposit for sewer connection. On motion of Councilman Gallimore, seconded by Councilman Aust, and carried, the matter was turned over to the Sewer Committee for study and report to Council. Mayor Jackson advised that since the last meeting of Council, COUNCIL the Town had lost a very valuable employe, Robert H. Coltrane, who HONORED R. H. COLTRANE died November 30th, and Council stood for a moment of silence in respect for Mr. Coltrane. Town Attorney Moore explained to Council the procedure for establishing a Parking Authority. The first step would be to TOWN ATTY. TO prepare a ,proposed bill which would give the Council power to SUBMIT BILL FOR COUNCIL'"S establish a Parking Authority and which bill would be submitted CONSIDERATION RE: PARKING to the General Assembly in January. Mr. Moore stated he hoped AUTHORITY to have this bill ready for Council's consideration at the next regular meetiY~g; and that the main thing was to get the enabling -~~~~ Council mins. contd. 12/5/b7 legislation on the books and Council could later decide if they ~rished to use it. He further stated such an Authority is operated as a separate entity from the Town, and the Town is not bound unless the Town obligates itself. Councilman Ratcliff moved that the matter be kept on the agenda which motion was seconded by Councilman Frye, and carried. Town Attorney Moore presented a proposed agreement between the Michie Company and the Town of Pulaski for codification of all town PROPOSED AGREEMENT WITH ordinances since the last codification in 155. Mr. Moore stated he MICHIE HELD OVER felt the figure quoted in the proposed agreement t~o be a little high, and he hoped to discuss this with Michie and bri ng back a cost figure which Council could consider later for their up-coming budget. On motion of Councilman Frye, seconded by Councilman Ratcliff, C. & P. TEL. and carried, it was, RESOLVED, that the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co. CO. GRANTED PERMIT FOR be granted a permit to lay an underground line from the terminus on Route UNDERGROUND LINE TO 11 and extend all the way up Peppers Ferry Road, subject to the pro- TERMINUS ON RT. 99 visions contained therein. Town Manager Norton advised that the Model Airplane Club had asked permission to use the area north of the airport road, between the old hangar and Alum Spring Road, and had also asked the town to grade this area, which was estimated to cost appro- MODEL AIR ximately $100.00. On motion of Councilman Galli*rore, seconded by PLANE CLUB GRANTED PER- Councilman McCarthy, and carried, it was, RESOLVED, that the Model MISSION TO USE LOVING Airplane Club be granted the right to use this field from year to FIELD year provided they meet the legal req_u~rements outlined by the Town Attorney. On motion of Councilman Frye, seconded by Councilman DORA HI-WAY Gallimore, and carried, it was, RESOLVED that the area between PARK NAMED the N & ~a Railway Station and Dora Highway be named "Dora Hi-?Tay Park". »~ Council mins. contd. 12/5/67 Members of Council were reminded of the Municipal Work MUNICIPAL WORK SHOP IN ABINGDON Shop to be held i n Abindgon December 12th, starting at 9:30 A. M., and adjourning at 2:00 P. M. Members were urged to attend if at all possible. On motion of Councilman Cummings, seconded by Councilman MORTON & BANE Gallimore, and carried, it was, RESOLVED, that the Town Manager TO ATTEND MEETING IN and Recreation Director Ned Bane attend the meeting of. the RICHMOND & PRESENT Virginia Commission of Outdoor Recreation to be held in Richmond, TOWN'S REC. PROGRAM December 15th, and present the Town's Recreation Program plans. On motion of Councilman Gallimore, seconded by Councilman Cummings, and carried, it was, RESOLVED, that a Town P~Techanic accompany Mayor Jackson and Town Manager Norton to Richmond to check TOWN MECHANIC, MGR. & MAYOR on a truck which the New River Valley Airport Commission plans to TO INSPECT TRUCK FOR purchase for the removal of snow from the runways at New River Valley SNOW REMOVAL AT NEW RIVER Airport, at no expense to the Town, but to be borne by the Commission. AIRPORT On motion of Councilman Gallimore, seconded by Councilman Frye, and carried, it was, RESOLUED~ that Council go into executive EXECUTIVE session. SESSION There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:3o P. M. Approved: ayor Attest: ~` 1 er 1