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Council mins. May l~,`1967
Minutes of the regular metting of the Pulaski Town
Council, held May 16, 1967, at 4:00 P. M. in the Municipal
There were present: Mayor C. V. Jackson, presiding.
Councilmen: H. H. Eanert, ["I. S. Cummins, T. J. McCarthy,
R.avmond F. Ratcliff, Glyn K. Aust, C. B.
Gallimore, Rudolp~i Farmer
Absent: S. G. Frye
Also Present: Town Manager:
Town Attornev:
Town Engineer:
Di.r. of Public t~orks
Town Treasurer
Chief of Police:
Evan Norton
Gladys R. Dalton
Garnett S. Moore
Larry Haneock
F. H. Holyfield
J. L. Patterson
C. E. Comer
Visitors: Jane fTraham. Southwest Times Reporter
Tom Cassell, GIPUV Radio
Noel Rich
Mrs. Barbara Hawkins & Mrs. Anne Cary
Neighbors for Junior Woman1s Club
I. N. Morefield
E. V. Davis
Dean Cox
The invocation was given by Councilman Ratcliff.
Gn~.~, T~1 C~TTp,rr .
Tn rrRll.nT^~ P::'RI~~.
Tn T?TTTr ^ S?.rID~.
PO!?T !±.T SKY
L ~'".T LS ~t~~ nm .
Minutes of the regular meeting of May 1, 1967 were approved
as corrected.
Town Manager Norton reported that the Town Planning Commission
he'd considered the request of the Dolphin Swim Club of Pulaski to build
a club-type~wimming pool and other recreational facilities at
Slr~*lanes Bowling Alley on Ftoute 11. Mr. Norton stated this is not a
use that is specifically allowed under. the sonin~ ordinance but would
come undP.r Section 12-4, Uses Not Provided. For, ?ahieh provides for
consideration of such special applications by the Planning Commission with
recommendation to the Town Council. Mr. Norton further reported
that due to the lack of suc:: facilities in Pulaski, the Club proposes
to build a swimming pool, ?aith membership Limited to 20C families
from sale of Mock in the amount of g°250.0 and annual dues in the
szzm of :~~50.00; that membership would. be scre?ned and the facility
would ne operat,ed as a family-type recreation facility; tennis
courts and other recreational facilities would be developed on the
five acre site, with landscaping and beautification being a part
of the overall elan. Mr. Norton reported that it was the recommendation
of thn Town Planning Commission to Council that this request be
granted. On motion of Councilman Aust, seconded by Councilman Ratcliff,
and carried on the following vote:
Council mins. contd. 5/16/67
Raymond F. Ratcliff- aye
W. S. Cummings - aye
T. J. McCarthy - aye
Clen K. Aust - aye
H. H. Eggert - aye
F?.udoloh Farmer- aye
C. B. Gallimore -aye
S. ('_. Frye - absent
it way- RESOLVED, that the recommendation. of the Town Planning
Commission be accepted, and the Tourn Attorney was d~_rected to
prepare the proper resolution carrying out the decision of Council;
said. resolution is as fnllows•
?•?HFRF,AS, the Dolphin Swim Club of Pulaski
made application to the Town Manager as Zoning
Administrator for the establishment of a use for a
club-type swimming pool and other .recreational
facilities upon property lying near Skylanes Bowling
Alley on the Northwest side of Route #11 and Pleasant
Hi11 Drive: and,
~•:iH~;R~;.4S, the said. Administrator had some doubt
whether the said use was covered in Article VII or
Article VIII of the Zonin~* Ordinance, and did therefore
refer the application to the Planning Commission; and,
tiaHEREAS, the Planning Commission met on the 15th
day of M~3' _ , 1967, and has filed a written report
w~..th the Counei.l rPCOmmendinc to the Council that it
grant a use permit for. the purpose of the operation ~~f
the club-type swimming pool and other recreational
facilities as set out in a~plicant~s request; and,
l~:rHERAS, it now apprears to the Council of the said
Town, meetin~• in re~TZlar session on the 16th day of May,
1967, that Article XII, Sec. 4 of the Zoning Ordinance
of the Tourn of Pulaski has been complied with and that
the operation proposed by the Dolphin Swim Club would
be a proper oper~tioh in the zone trhere the Club proposes
to construct swimming ppol and other recreational
N01~1, THFREFORF, BE IT RFSDr:VFn by the Council of tho_
Town of Pulaski, Vir~i.nia, in regular session on this
16th day of May, 1967, that:
(1) A use permit be, and the same is hereb~~,
granted to the Dolphin Swim Club of Pulaski, Virginia, to
construct, operate and maintain a club-type swimmin~• pool
and other recr_eationa]. facilities at or near the Skylanes
Bowline P.11ey 1yin~ Northwest of Route 'ill and Pleasant
Hi11 Drive.
(2) That all of the. requirements of the Zoning Ordinance
be complied with insofar as they are applicable, and. that
otherwise the said Zonin~• laws shall apply in the same manner
as if the said use hereby rrantPd had bPPn rot out and
provided in the 7oninp Ordin3nc~.
(3) That: the Town Manar*er take any and a.ll other
necessary action required in eranti.n~ this Hermit and that
a certified copy of this Resolution operate ad a Hermit for
- the use established hereby.
P.DOPTFD this 16th r3ay of May, 1.967
'~O~~1P? OF PITI:A ~'~I . `?I??GTNI4
~Clerk f Council
~~~ "-`~ Council- minx, c.ontd . May 16, 1967
Town 4ttorney Moore advised that due to a delay in closing
ptTB7I~ ~'A~'.II?C all la~al steps in the request by the Pulaski Motor Company for the
cmT?~':,Tc RFC, Totrn to abandon and close thosa alleys and "treats Iocat,ed in that.
C!' • 9DJ~~iT:; rT. n certain r~are~~l of land 1yin~ on Main StreAt and known as the "Ba11_
jTT,T'-"TT ,TTTTT_ 6,
1.967 Park" property and racently purchased by the said Motor Company, it
would be necessary to continue said public hearing; until the next
r. a~rular maetin~ of Council. Councilman T?atcl.iff movAd and Councilman
Aust seconded, that tha Public Hearinn be adjourned until June 6th
at 4 P. M.
Police Chief Comer gave the following report on Taxicab
Checker Cabs, I. P'. Morefield: 3 assigned (1 in operation)
2 out for approximately two months.
F. V. navis C~:bs, F. U. Davis• 2 nabs in operation -Davis
~•rants Cnrtificata to operata another cab.
Diamond Cabs, Mrs. Hubble: 5 assinnad, n in oparation
(,one out for six months.l
Deluxe Cabs, Mrs. Dennis Patcliff: 2 assigned, 2 in operation
'•?arrne Mather.ly: 3 assi{~nad (3 in operationl
City Cabs, Odal Mayb-~rry: 1C assigned, ~ in operation.
2 haves baan narked nn account of no d"iva"s
~? davs
Total F^abc asGinn~d"-=-------- 25
Total Cabs in operation------ 20
Mr. Morefield stated that he had been ill. and had. been unable to
secure Capab].a drivers, and as ha could not attand to this tha two
cabs had baen aut of onFration for anrroximatal.y two months. Hn
asked Counci] t.o rant him aa~it~ona.l t1.ma until ha could b^ back
Nr.., Mn~,FrT_T~ at the stand and have all three taxis in operation. He also
~vmr,~-c,_nrT mn suggested that, the Carti_facate tirhieh Mrs, Hubble planned t: turn in
7'~'~'C;:T Cn? mnvT
nn nnmTnrr~ -^.~; of tha day of theme~tin~ bd granted to Mr, F. V. Davis. To'*n
Manarar r?orton ranor+ed that Mrs. Huhbla had tizrn~d in the CartificatP
on one taxi. On motion of Councilman Gal.limore, seconded by
Councilman Cummings, T. I~?, Morefield wa ~rantad an extension of 9C
c?ayn, aftar ~;rhich tuna h~ must r~nort back to Counoi.] nn hi.n taxi
nr. motion of rounci].man ~~1_limora, secondad by Councilman
F, ~T, T)n,~rTc Farmer, and carricrd, it tray, ~'P'SC~LUED, that E. V. Davis, be -ranted
rr~ n r'^rD CT'pT •
Tin^rT Cr~MP7,Tnr?CP the Certifica,a ~.,rhich urns turnod in to the Town that. day by Mrs.
`,~rTTN TTY, n, n •
CnTTrPInT^ npr,?. Hubble, condit.ion~d upon his compliance ,r,±.h tha nrrlj nan~Q ~ovarin~
~'.' CABS
±h^ nn~ration~ of cabG in t,hA town of nulaski.
JI . ~r~ONLnN'S CT.?7R RepreCPntj_n~ t,hn Junjor 1,roman~G Club, Mrs. Barbara Har,rkinG
FCT; FT_.eT CT. and Mr^. Anna nary No1ghbors, ar?visad Council that it was the desire
of thou Club to assist the Town in same ~~~arthUrile project with their
efforts and flznd~, and it t,ra^ the fP~lin~ of tha Club that a t~r3±ar
rnuncil minx. can+,i , pray, 16. 1.967
JR . '.TnMp TT
CT tT?? T;XP"T~ecFc
r~~rcT, ~' Fn..; !1
Fn.. TFr.: Trl~,?TT
fnunta.~n for F1.rst, ct,rr~,t. Park might ,rrP1.1 rP such a project. Mrs.
H~~.rkins nrP^Pnt.nd to mr~mhers of Council. sic+,urer of d ~ ~flP-_ Prt t-'Tl~s
n° f'PUnt,~;n~, and '3 ~'nnra d1fiCUGSlOn f~llotled COn.c~rninr< t.h1~' a~ well
r:~ nf,her needG of the town. Mrr, NP~nhrr?rc alsr stnt,ed the Club
felt that a teen-a~^P Center t,~as a v~:,,.z, r'~e°s, n~- n^~c? at this time
and left ~,i th Counci.l_ the follo~~Tir.~ P~s~luti_on t,rhich hard been adobted
11v their Club:
ThP member ship of the Juna_or 1•loman~s C1.ub of ~~1~sTri
°.COPni~teS ~ !?ef'1 nitF` and nr~t.ii Yi(. nF?F%~ for "unrrT,l^F?f~
afternoon ?n" f'.t7r'n;1n?' PntPrt,a'1 nmenl', and rn~rF?atlOnal
aCtls71+:1~^ fnr the t,nn['1an°Y'~' jn 't'.}jn trn,rn ~f PUl^ck1..
The Junior T~roman ~ ~ G1_uh z~r~~~ To~:m Counci]_ to
ctPn-np 9tc efforts towarra ~..lzT; nn th-i.~ rrobl~m
an~~ nln~?r~~ its arrss+.anc~ t^ the t~,,Tn.
Crn~nca.l.m~r ~'^~~-~rt mop.*~r? +,hat, t,h~ nf~'~r n~' t,h~ Junior '.^'oman~s
Club tr, aciGt thr' Tn,.-r in some nrojPct, ber.eco~*nized ~,=~th thanks and
annrnc~ation, which motion way secr,ndPd by Councilman Gal-limore, and
carried unanimously.
T TTFP T;T.,n,1~1 A letter from Mrs. Bruce McCall.. Youth Conservation Chairman,
M;.", Mr('~rT;
TT7An?KTT?^ TnT.?pT thanking Ma~ror Jackson and To~~m Offa.cials for makinn Youth P.ay a urea-`.
FiTT Yni?"'H nnY success ~rT~° read. by the Clerk.
A letter from C'7uynn Furniture rmm~any commrndan~ the
T ~;TTF?? ("'iMr~?T -Po13.cP and Firms nr`na_•t,mr,nt fnr th~;r al~...+, ear„~~~~ ir, the rPr~n+~ ..,-i nd
FIF DrP_, storm ?aa~ alse read by thr C1.erk, a~ taa~ a 1e+,ter ~',-^m th-~JFhovah~s
?'rltnF'G` r'~-' ff!r t~h~' rF'C'.f'Clt U.if? Df' trlr' 1~T~7t1f?n`il ('-tl?~rrr7 A."jt10?'V fnr 1tS
assembly April 2.1-23, 1.967.
T~"~'"Y H^ ~ll'~CK, T~arr~~ M. Hancock, the new Toi.Tn rnginenr and Bni.ldi_nu and
IT~Pl'r~'PTrC~TI ?nnir.n ?r~minist.rator, who assumed his du+,ies on Ma~:~ 15th, was
introduced to Council..
I± is the fsolinm of Council that Pulaski. should be ~•rell
IMPO_?TnT"' represented at the public }trarin~ on tentative allocations of the
M~'F'T7T?;~ G/26
ALt~r, n°` Hi~hwav Commission for the Sa1eTM Pi strict to be held Monday Jun:,
- ~
IT1'CXFit~IA" f`OMM.
~TTTny Cr)p•!ty?. 2F, at 1:00 P. M. a+• Hot,e7_ noanoke. and. t;he T~ah~ic heari.n~^ ~+'
JTTn?~ ] ."t.h
m~trnpelitan Area ~t.tzd•* Commi.~,^~on to bn hel.r' on June 12th at 10:00
. M., a+., T-~,otPl noanoke. Members ~..,erP urge <, e r„s.
d to tr, t~ b r> nnt.
Crnzncil man Cummi.nmG advs_GPr? t.ha+ the '~?a' ~r Committee
t.!~,~1d mer?+. nn t,hP 19t,h to cnnGi_r3Pr the oror~ose~ wat.r:r extension on
]? out e 611..
In the absence of Councilman. Frye, no new report was made on
the proCrPSS of the development of Oakwood Cemetery land.
Council mins. contd. May 16, 1967
P ~:.CPn'~'n ~__D. To~rm Attorney Moore ,read. a draft of a nronosed. ordinance
pre Tn RF cancernin~r the requirements to bF met in the on~ ra'-inr. of a t,~~nr
M.T Ir? np,
TEFATACr~' o~nt.nr a.n th~ Tor.=n of Prz~_^st-i; and Counc~~man Farmer mound ±,hat, the
~rdina,rce b~ rlac~d nn a.t~ fi.rs+, r~ad.r_~ anrT tha+, it bn anrroved on
sty f~ rst r~.~~~ihM, rahich mot:i on tr,as spcondnd by Councilman F~~nr.=t,
and carried.
Mr. Ratcliff rnnorted that the Dil7.on-Ta.yJor sewer request
T1TT,T,nrT_ had been considered in a, brevious project estimate to cost approximatFly
`l'AYi'.(1-- cr,.~p
IT?~r". ~~23,000„ and scheduled for the project to be carried out in four
nr;1TT = cm
~'r?, mu-•r.. year,; that the present. budget carried the svm of x'6,825. to be applied
towards tha_s extension. He further reported that Mr. Norton anal his
staff were r~~~a.luati.nn the projn~t, and a nnca route ~-rhich t~rnuld
s^~•v~ arproxima~nly 29 houses, and. it notr apx~ea~°ed that this extension
~•muld. no throurrh before the 4 ,years timF nstimn+e, and with the
current bud~Pt and next yeasts bu~?ant apnrorriat~on, there should be
about ~'1.~,000 to be apolied to the sewer line extension.
Mr. T~atcliff further reported that soon after the approval
of the Hotaard Street sewer extension, it was recommended tY~ t this be
held up until a survey could be made of the Case Knife Noad ~sew~r
situation, but the ~-urvn~, indicated there were not enauph nronerty
o~:.mnrs interested to continue the Howar_c? Street sntaer extension on to
Case Knife Road. It ~~ra.^ the recommendation of the Sewer Committee that
Council take a seriou;~ look at this and ~o ahead w9.th the :5400.00
expenditure that was passed on January .3rd. which will. take the line
rvTrr*cTnr? up to the intersection of Fayette Street, which will be a bid move for
~,, fir, T,rr, p
?,Ir?,. Tn sewer to that area, and while there are not the usual number of
x' ^ ~'TTF
~T, connections which the Council. normally require, the committee felt
~ppr-.n~*rn the line should. be extended to the ~'avette Street intE?r.ri~'C'tion, and
moved that the January 3rd action of Council be carried. out to construct
the set•rer line to the intersection of Fos*ette Str~.et at a cost of
x'5,400, This motion was seconded by Councilman Gallimore, an,?_
Reporting for the Land BuildinC and. Parks Committee, Mr.
E_~^~~,rtr~z~ort~d that his committee had met with the Merchants Council
?3T',r)Ti;.,~T and considered their request for the establishment of an off-street
T3V n~rgNnnr
('~)TTNr,TT ~'n' n?rkinsr authority. Mr, E~rert further stated the Merchants Council.
ESTR, nF~_ _
cT. n~rKTn?r. is vary much interested in cov~rin~ Peak Creek from Jefferson. ~vnnue
Council minx. contd. Ma~~ 1.6, 1967 (~
to 'dashinSton Avenue for a parkinG deck, and that the Land Build.inGs
any? Parks committee felt that, because of a conflict of interest on
mn?.r?,T ammn m, the part of the? Town Attorney, it woul-d be best for Mr. Moore to
CT-TnTTT T1 T,Trr)TTnT Tr,'Y
TTTIvt<~z?r r. F^+_ disqualify himself on this particular question as to the true ownership
Or T''~AK G>'EL'K of the Creek, and in this way Mr. Moore ~•rould then be in position
to represent his son in the matter. Mr. F~nert further stated the
committee in makinr* this recommendation d9d not, mean to reflect on the
honesty' of the ToUrn Attorney, but felt it, *.~Ta,~ unfair for Mr. Moore
as well as the Town to handle this question in any other manner. Mr.
EGGert then stated. that after the accomr~lishment of this, the
Committee recommended that a competent attorney be secured to represent
the Town in d.eterminin~ the o~•rnership of Peak Greek. Mr. E~nert
asked that serious censidPratS.on be riven to this recommendation and
the'- the matter be placed on the a~Anda fcr the next. council meetinG.
r~O"~ I_FGAT TO Toz•m At±,ornev Moore advised tha+. it would not be 1eGa1 for
TO ~TT?FF. NffLT, the To~•rn to furnish tax-frF~n gasoline to the Jeffe.~son Mills Rescue
Squad, as the statute definitely states that the purchase of tax-
free Gasoline"sha11 be for the exclusive use of the political subdivision".
Mr. Moore farther advised Council that he could find nothinG
under the sta.tF election laws, Governing the time bet~sreen one
referendum and. the call of another. Council agreed to take this into
consideration in its next bud Get study. An abstract of votes
case in the Town of Pul_as?:i election held Mav 2, 1967, upon the
question of the establishment of a HousinG Authority was read by
Town Attorney Moore, and on motion of Councilman Ent~ert, seconded
by Councilman T'atcliff, and carried, the fo1_lowinn at~str.act, as read,
was made a part of the minutes;
uIT?C,IPTIA . OrT MAY 2.r.d, 1067, TTP(~^, TTt~, ~)TT~'nmTnrT OF
THT? ESTART.I`"I~;I''T OF ~ H; ATT.,-err. ~.-TTIIO'?TTY A."- PP?'O,T~'n'TFT)
Votes Cast For: F1VP, Hundred Forty-six (5461
Votes Cast AGainst: Seven Hundred Sixty-one (761)
C~TtRT rip PUI,ASKI COI?A'TY, OP? MAY 3rd, 1967.
jTOTFr. C~CT - ?^?e, the undersiGned Commissioners of Election
~'~~ H!~CISIPdC~ held in the Town of Pulaski, VirGina_a, on Tuesday,
AUTTI. 546 May 2, 1967, do certify that th~~ above is a true and
Ar=A- i 1'",.T 761 correct at~straet from the return of said election
do, there-More, determine and declare that _ 546
votes were cast for the question presented, and
761 votes were cast aSainst the same.
~~~ Council minx. contd. May 16, 1967
Given under our hands this 3rd day of May, 1967
/s/ Gloria D. Glhite
~s/ Jack M. Bane ____-_____
/s/ E._L._ Smith _
A.TTr~cT: /s/ Marvin G. Grahan
I, Marvin G. Graham, Clerk of the Circuit
Court of the County aforesaid, in the State of
Virginia, do hereby certify that the foregoing is
a true copy of the abstract of votes given at the
election abovenamed as certified, signed and attested
according to law and deposited in n:y office.
In testimony whereof., I herf~unto set my hand and
affix the s?al of said Court, this May 3, 1967.
s Marvin G. Grahan
_ ~..~_. _
Marvin G. Graham
Mr, Moore advised that the Highway Department would hold
HTG?1?,TAY DEPT. a public hearing at the new Courthouse on June 15th at 7:30 P, M.,
H~AP.ING 615
on PROJECTS on the two pendin^ projects for Pulaski: Route 99 (Randolph Avenue
P.T . 99 R. .ll_
to the Corporate Limits) and Route 11 - Pico Terrace intersection;
that. notice of this meetin~* would be maihd to all property owners
involved in the two projects, at which time a program ~•rou~d be set
up and a time table given to the property o~rners.
Town Manager Norton stated the Town Planning Commission
P~'2UEST ~I' had .considered the request of the Chamber of Commerce that the Park
C . C . T~' TT^~
T~~ N^-N'E 0'' on Dora Highway, which was recently improved by the Town and the
ST~~' PAR ~~t '=3eautification Committee, be named "?dyatt ?.Tayside Park" in honor of
Mr. H. C. ?°lyatt of the Norfolk Rc ?"7estern Rai7_~ray Company, and recommended
that it be so named. There appeared to be some confusion as to
whether the Dora F~xirhway Park, or. First Street Park, should be
named for Mr. ?ayatt. On motion of Councilman Ratcliff, seconded by
Councilman Eg ert, and carried, it was, RESOLVED, that the recommendation
of the Planning- Commission be carried over for further discussion.
Town Manager Norton sta_.t?d. he honed all members of council
NE?~] FIEF had looked over the new Fire Truck on display in front of the Bunts
D=SPT:."_Y Buildinn.
Town Treasurer Patterson nave members of Council a written
PnOGPFSC report on the progress of the data processing set up now being
~~' 11(1_Th ~ _
P .OCFSSIT?" undertaken by the Town.
Council agreed to meet at the National Guard. armory on May
B~rnGFm STrr-v 23rd at 7:00 A. M. for a budget study on the 1967-68 budget.
nT. nnMny.Y
M':v ~~ Mayor Jackson advised tha+• Commissioner Plentl of the
Council mins. contd. May 16, 1967 ,~~~)~
rr.,~p. f`m7nn~ nivision of Ae-rona~ztics for the State would make an inspection
nr, rT p 1l
n11~n~,,y rrr. of the New lover Airport runway Z~Jednesday morning, the 17th, regarding
the extension of the runway for jet land~_ng.
Councilman GallimorF asked that the ordinance abandoning old
automobiles be placed on the agenda for the next council meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 6:06 P. M.
/s/ C. V. Jackson
- - Mayor -.~ --- - __
/s/ Gladys R. Dalton.
Clerk of Council ____ ____
Minutes of the regular meeting o~' the Pulaski Town "ouncil
h~1d Juno 6, 1967, at 4:C~ P, M., in the Mtinicira.l office.
There Were present: Mayor (;. Tr. Jackson, presidin^
Councilmen: H. H. Eggert, C. R. Gallim.ore, T. J. McCarthy,
Raymond F. Rateliff, S. G. Grye, Gl:;n K. Aust,
Rudolph Farmer
Also present: Town Manager: Evan DTorton
Clerk: Gladys R. Da7_ton
Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore
Visitors: Jane Graham, Southwest Times reporter
Paul Del]_inger, Roanoke Timis reporter
Tom Cassel 7_, WPW Radio Station
Foy Ault and B. C. ~ramplcr
Rev. tid. B. Johnson
Thv invocation was Given by Councilman Gallimore.
Minutes of the regular meetin~^ of May 16th were approved
as corrected.
Mayor Jackson advised that the public hearinr* on closing
streets and alleys in the parcel of land recently sold to the Pulaski
nTT• ~~ r,n. Motor Company had been continued from the May 16th meeting to this
cT , rT r~'~jr.T-
nni-rT" C!}r?mdate, and the Council was ready to hear any one who wished to speak
1 r' nr^ 1"T ; (~ ~i Ar
"nth regarding this matter. Town Attorney Moore advised that a report from
the General Chemical company had not been rece3.ved and suggested. that
the hearing be continued further. Counci-loran Ratcliff moved that the
public hearing be continued until the 20th of June, 1967, which motion
was seconded by Councilman Grye, and carried.
Mayor Jackson then advised that the public hearing on closing
a portion of Campbell Drive had been continued to this date. Mr. Moore