HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-18-67~~~~fi~ Mi.ru `cos off' th^ rP~u.l^r meets n~• of the Pula ski Town Cn~zncil , h~~l? Julyy 1F~, 1967, at. 4:Cn P. M., in the hfi~niciral offi.re. Th;r~~ were present: Manor C. V. Jackson, presiding;. Councilmen: Raymond F. Ratcliff, ?d. S. Cumm:in~*s, Glen K. Aust, S. G. Frye, H. H. E~Cert, C. B. Gallimo~-'P and Rudolph Farmer Absent: T. J. McCa.rthv Also n:_•esena-: Toy*n Mana~~r: Evan r?o~r•ton Clerk: GladvG ??. pal+•on Visitors. Jane Graham, "ou`,hwest Timers rPra•t~r Tom Cassell , ??~TPT pads o ct~t:ion °obert P. Beam~r Jr?wel Anne Catron The ir_~ro^ation ttita~; ~•iv~n by Cnurrilmr!n n~tela_ff. Minutes -~f +hP r~s~t1?r mPeting• of July llt.h were approved, as corrected. Mayox• Jackson welcomed Miss Jewel Catron, who was a JFj•dEi_: CATPOPI contestant in the recent Miss Vir~•ini~~ PaCeant held. in Roznoke on THANKS CnTtn1CII, FC: KTrT~N~SS the lath of July, :L967. Miss Catron stated. she had come to thank DiJPIN^ THE MISS VA. P^.G. the Mayor, Towr. Coi~.ncil and the many Pulaskians for b?~nn s~ kind and er.courag•in~ to h~ r by s~ndin~ telegrams, card.^, and flo~rrers to hr d~arinn th? recent Miss Vi~~nini~ Paryean+. Miss Catron was f9_~•st runner-up in this na~Pant. Mr. Beamer stated he was appearnr before Council in rP- snonse to a letter from the Treasurer's office concernin~• a Town MR. RFAM~'P ordinance which T~ra~~ adoptFd in 1952 and having to do wat~h the secur- RF~tT~ ST5 FFF BF T 0`.•'ERFn ing of license in the amount of x'.20.00 for dealin~* in the sale of FOR LTCFT~'SF TO SE't_L PTST!?I,S pistols and dirks. There tti~as discussion concerning this town code rerrulation, and Mr„ Beamer stated hc~ would. like to g~o on .record as approving a procedure ,,ihe.reby and anrl.ication for the szle of hap:? runs must bn ma!~e, with conies heirs forwarded to the FIST, the Sheriff's Dep~.rtm~nt and To?.*n Police nepar+,ment, and that ar. individual sa1c o'' hand ~zns mtast he carried out under t,h~ same procedures. Mr. MP.. BFATCR Beamer su~~?ested that the ordinance be rP-~.rritten to carry a lessor SUGGESTS 0I'B. BF, nF '~?RITTFPT fee and. more in kPepinn with the State fee of d'5.~U and Federal fee of akl.C~O. Councilrr~an ~;ggert moved that the matter be referred to the Ord i.r_ancc Committee for studt.~ and recommendation. The motion was s~;con~?ed by Councilman Cummin7s, and carried. To?..*n Mana~•er n?o,~ton presented to Council ar annl.icata.on from A?rest Stowers fo~• permission to place a hou:-e trader on Val_lev Woad. 0n motion of Councilman Cummin~*s, and. seconded by Councilman Colancil mins. coned . 7~1F~~6? ~u.st, anal carried, it was, RESOLVED, tha±• the usual proced~~re of holdinn a public hearinn in these matters be carried out. Mr. Dorton then presented to Council the application. npr~r Tr„ P.. FC , of Drexel Lonn, o:° rky Hanes, for p~rmisc-i.on to operate a public BY r~, T~OTT~' m0 OPFT'^_TF D~NCr dance ha 11 at Sky Ianes on PoutP 11. Tt Baas brought out that this II^:r,I, nT S'cy L".N~;S operation ~•mul~? bo club-type, available t•o members on1-y, a~*~ 16 to ~~ ,years, 9:G0 P. M. to 1.00 A. M. nightly, but to clo..^e at 1?-:00 on Saturday niche:-. Mr. Norton advised that the x10.00 fee had been n^id by Mr. Lon~•, and. a complete inspection had been made of same by the Fire and Police Chiefs, and it. appeared a1J- requirements had been mat. He further stated. there is. no beer license at Sky Lanes. On motion of C rnincilman Ca.llimor~, s~condod by Councilman Farmc,r, .and carri•:d, i+., ~Tas, R}~'SniTTFn, that p.:rmission be nrantod to rky Lanes to on^r?te a public dance h^11 accor~?inr to the ros>ulations o~' the rPCentl.y adopted ordinance by the To?~rn Council. It was reported that the construction of the Route 611. water lino extersion i^ pendin{~ the receipt of a deposit from the con`_ractors, Hopkins and Loop. Councilman Cummins advised that the request for water p~r,Z, rn_ ?,"rqT_ service to a p~°oposed motel cite nn ??.ou±.~ 99 had. been dropped in- Fp SFRV , TO • P::'_OP. P•70TrT, asmuch as the cost of this extension was p ~ohibitive, and that it SI"'F OTT ?~`I' , 99 D}?OPPT+',~ was un'erstood that a ~ae11 is bei nn considered by tho:,e reauPstinn this service from the Town. Councilman CumminCs reported that further study must be made on the request for water service to Snider Lane. Councilman Frye stated he had no further report to ma3ce on the Oakwood Cemetery development plans. Councilman Farmer stated there ~~aas no resort to make on the matter of an ordinance renulatin~ ab~ndon~d automobiles. -~~i~ To~,.n Manaror T?o~t,on ronorte~i +.,hat the To•,m would spread calcium chloride on the t'!r?.vel str~Pt krovm as Smi'.h Dane to control the dust in this area. Councilamn patcliff advised there was no report on sewer service to "Hider .Lane and I_~ottier Bottom, but that plans and studies are bei.n~ made of those as we1.1 as the re-quest of Fred Jackson for seti.7er servic4e to Mathews Court, and sewer request to Taylor-DiL on Struts in Bro~.Tn addition. ~~~~~~'~ Council minx. contd.. 7~1~~6? Councilman r~~ert stated there wa.s nnthinQ further tp report on the parking r-equ~st of the Merchants Council; nor the hospital property matter. To~.~m Mana{?er T?orton advised that the State Hinhway Department had made a recent survey of primary and secondary streets, and had reported a11- was in good shape. He further stated several streets will be completed in time to be considered i.n this years milca~e; that other streets wi71_ be widened. and can come into the system for credit; and that 1.2 mil^s or more coup' be added on before the quarter ends, and s;nce these ~fmuld be included in the first quarter, credit could be taken for the entire year, amoun;:ins to '1200.00 or .1500.00 additional income for the Totm. Mr. n?orton advised that he had requested HUD to furnish the Town with a report, as soon as pocsibl.e, on the status of plan- pin- advance for the new municipal buildinr~. Mr. Norton advised that a special meetinn of the To~•rn Rlanninn Commission woul~ be held Thursday, July 2'~th, at trhich time a representative from VPI would be presen+, to discuss the downtown parking situation. Town Manager n?Orton briefed Council on the condition of n?'='Sr' TRrTCx Tn the 1963 Model papal truck which has been in use at the Filter BF RtTRCH^.SF'?1 FAT; USE ~!T Plant. It was brow-~ht out that the troub7P with the brakes on FIT,'^FR, PT ?ip?T this truck coul_~? not be "clzNed" and s9 nce it is dangerous to have this truck in operation, asked for permission to trade this truck. Councilman Ga1.1 imo~^e mo~r~d that an app~•opriation in the sum of `~'-1800. be made from the Equipment and Stores Fund to be used toward trading this eauipment. The moti-on eras seconded by Councilman Cummins, and carried on the foll_o?wing vote: Raymond F. Ratcliff - aye Try. S. Cummins - aye fil ~ n K . Aust - aye S. G. ~'ry~ - aye To~.rn Manager Norton advised t H. H. Eggert Rudolph Farmer C. B. CTallimore T. J. McCarthy • zat the purchase of aye aye aye absent new Christmas lights had ?peen worked out so that the To~;rn ?could have no responsibility in the purchase of those li~;;hts. On motion of Councilman Cummin~-s, seconded by Councilmman Fr-r?ert, and carried, it was, pFc,OI:Vr~'P, that the sum of d~100.00 be uced from the ~^jater Fungi for the purchase of land for 1-,he pumping; station on Peppers Ferry Road.. Council mins. contd. 7/18/67 Council discussed- the naming o~' the Fora Highway Parr. as wel-J as the FirGt Str.?et Park, and it was the feelinn that an opinion from the town citizens should be secured with reference to the naminC of the two narks and su~s~ested that th^ Couthwent Tim~•s carry a hall of in it,r newspab~r fo-~ pubJ_ic opinion on this Council anrped to m~~t with Y^ruPr o° the firm Y?.rner and. !associates, Incorporated, on Mon~?ay, July 37rt, at 4;00 p~ M., to discuss further City status. The matter or a new brochure for the Town, as suggested by the Chamber o~' Commerce, was carried over to the next meetinr~ of Coun^ il. )•) Town Mana~•er Norton advised that the Chief of Police, To~•Tn IN'.'rS. Or NOT- Attorney Moore and h^ taerP makin~* an in•~c~-ti~at~.on of what eoul-? be O'"'CYCT:~? n?OISE - done about motorcycles makin~• ~o much noise around town. This noise was complained about by several. of the Councilmen. Mayor Jackson stated he felt the Junior ~~~omanrs Club should be commended for the beautiful flowers on the brides, and that he had ~rrritten a l Ater to Messrs. Miller and rharl~s B~zshonn commenr'inn therm on the attractiveness of the filling- station which th w are J~.. ?~~~, CI..ITR ox~~ratin~- as the Pulaski Motor Esso Station on East Main Street. F. RU°:Hpr,Tr. FsFYOS. T~ BF COMMET'D- Mr, Jackson stated he felt "we should mak? every effort to encourage FP C?P? BEAT1`r'I F . PROJ:?CTS those trying to beautify" their businesses or homes. On motion of Councilman E~?~ert, seconded. by Councilman ~atcliff, and carried, i+ Trras, R~,C,^T~V~;n, that Council. ~o into executive se~s5on fo~° a discussion of certain matters pendi.n;. The, meeting adjourned at 5:00 P. M. APP'.'OVED "/ ~~ , ~ or Attest: ~~~~~~ Cle of ouncil