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Minui`~c [~?' the rr?PUlar Ippctlnry' OA the, Pul_as?~i Toiln COUC1C11,
held Au.~ust 1, 1967, at 4:00 P. M., in the Municipal Offce.
There were present: Mayor C. V. Jackson, presdinn.
Counci]m~n: Rudolph Farmer, H. ?i. Eggert, C. B. Gallimore,
Glen K. Aust, W. S. Cummins, Raymond F. R.atcliff,
S . Cx . Frye
Also nresen~t:
T. J. McCarthy
Tothrn Mana~?er:
Toyrn Attor. ney:
To+~rn Fn~ineer:
F'van Norton
C,ladys R. Dalton
Garnr~tt ~ . Moore
Larry M. Hancock
Visitor: Jane Graham, Southwest Times reporter
Paul Dellinger, R.o^.nok Timis .reporter
Tom Casse]_] , ~TPW
Geo. A. Hil]_sman, Chamber of Commerce
L1_oyd Fetrey
The invocation was given by Councilman Gallimore.
Minutes of the retrula:r. me'etin~ of July 18th were approved
as recorded.
Mayor Jackson opened the meeting by advising this was the
Aum. ].r, 1.967
d€zta set for
hearing on
c7 o:~inrc of
,fit . ~• nil .,y
fo._• piz. Mot,o~
time and place to hold the adjourned nublio hearing on the closi.n~
of certain struts and al] ;vs in the Ball. Park Prop~•rty on Route 99,
which hid been sold. to the Pulaski Motor Company. It was brounht out
by the Town Attor•n~y that upon Gouncil~s motion, after being reauest-
ed by the C=en~;ra1 Chemical Company in consideration of its donating
certain other rights-of-wav for street purposes, notice had been post-
ed that the Tot~rn woul.~? consider this matter at its recrul.ar meeting on
the 1st day of A.ur*ust, 1967, and proceed according to the provisions
of c~cl.ion 15.1-364 of the Code of Virnir.ia. On ma.",i..on of Council-
man Cummin,--s, sPCOn•'ed by Councilmar. Ratcliff, and carried, the 15th
day off' August, ]_967, at 4:00 P. M. was set fora nubli.o hearinp• in
this matter, anal that this matter be held jointly from this point on
wii;h the Pulaski Motor Company petition for closing certain streets
and al]_eys in the Ball Park p-~operty on Route 99. On motion of Council-
man Aust, seconeded by Councilman Cummin~-~s, and carried, the fol].owinn
resolution was adopted, naming; viewers, as follo~~*s:
TAKE NO^_'ICE that the undersigned, Town of Pulaski,
Virginia, upon its o~,m motion, and after being requested by the
Council minutes contd. 8/1/67
General ChemicaJ_ Comp-any, in consideration o° its donating certain
other rights of waz7 for street purnoscs. has pending befnrP it.
TH ~' 4JiT~'CmTO~t of whether certain streets, avPnu^s any? allays in
the Town should be vacated and closed, sa'd streets, avenues and
alle~Ts bei nS mo~^e particularly described =~s folJ ows
Lying no~~th of the present location of Route
~~99 and south of the Davis and Electro-Plastics
land, and south of the boundary line of E?st Street
and to the eastern boundary lie- of the Chemical.
Company, sa;c~ st,rFets to be clo~~nd b~~ n~ those
portl.ons of KimbaJ_J Avenues, Bohannon A.vAnu~,
Commom~eal_th ^:vPnu^, Macaill Avenue, Bride
Street, Fourth Street east of Kimball P.venU.p,
and that part of Third Street roplaced by the
location of Route X99, and alleys within said.
Blocks No. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and. 18,
as shown on the aforementioned map, al J. off' which
have not h~~rPtofore been opened and which lie
north of the p»esen-` location o`'i?out? #99.
TAu^ FURTH ER T?~TICI' that the To~.an will consider this
matter at its regular meeting at 4:00 o'cJ_ock P. M. on the let day
of AuF?ust, 1967, and urilJ x~roceed as provided by Sectoion 15.1-364
of the Code of Vir^inia of 1950, as amend^d.
Given un^'..er its hand and no^ted this 18th day of July,
1967, on the bu1_J_etin board in the Pulaski. Coun-~y Courthouse, at
thy, Mtznicip~l offices of the Totan and the Pulaski sire Dc~p^rtm~r,±
loc^ted on the north side of Jefferson Av~nuF, all in the Town of
Pulaski, Vir{?i nin
BY C Garnett S. Moore
Town Attorney
BE IT RESOI:jIT?T1 BY THE COUA?C II, (~'~ `T'HT' TO?~?i~? OI' PUL~.~FrI,
~IIT'.GI'IA, meeting re~ulnr sAssion ~r the 1_^t day off' Aunust, 1.967,
as fol.lows~
t-THEREAS, thF Council n~ th^ To-•n unnn its o~•n motion any?
by resolution of July 11, 1.967, d;rPCt~d ±,he attornoy fo» sai_d
Totm to cost sii.ch no+ice as requir?d by in~'ividuals prior to
filing a Petition with said Town, of the Town's motion to close
certain streets, avenues and alleys within the To~,m of Pulaski,
Virginia, and described as foJ_J_ows:
Lyin,^ north of the z~resent location of Rou+e ~{99
and south of the Davis end T'J ~c+•ro-Plastics land,
and south or the, boundary tin n~' East Street and
to the eastern boundary line of the Chemical Company,
%~~~)~ Council mins. contd.. 8/1/1967
said strF~ets to be closed. being those portions of
Kimball Pvenue, Bohannon Avenue, Commonwealth Avenue,
Madill Avenue, Bridr:;e Street, Fourth Street Fast of
Kimball Avenue, and that part o~' Third StrPPt r?nlacPd
b~~ the locat:i on of Route ~E99, and alleys within said
Blocks 1~Io. 1., 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 18, as
shoern on the aforementioned map, all of which have
not h~^retofore been opened and which _lie north of
the present location of Route #99;
WHEREAS, it appears that the attorney for the To~•rn has
caused proper rot~ice as requi~Pd by statute to he po~tPd in at
1_east three nl_aces in the To..?n, includin~• the Cou~•thouse of the
Circuit Court o° Pulaski County, ~Tirninia, on the 18th day of
J»)y, 1967, and. at least ten (lOl days have expired. since the
said Porting; and,
WHEREAS, the Council of said Town, upon its own motion
and after due consideration, further directs that the viewers herein-
after appointed, view the described. streets, avenues and alleys,
and that all n+-her stPns necessary be followed to br~nn this
m~;tter properly before the Council for its final consideration;
GIHEREAS, said petitioner has requested. the Council to
appoint the necessary viewers and. to take other steps to properly
determine this matter:
and fled.
(1) The application be, and the same is hereby, received
(~~ STiewers be appointed as follows:
1.. GJ. M. Board
2. C. L. Plunkett
3. E. C. Grigsby
G. C. Ha11
(31 Such viewers shall. meet and report in writinS whether
in their opinion any, and if any, what, inconvenience would result
from the vacation and. closin~ of the street as .requested in said.
(a) That the Cl^r~- of Council. give written notice to all
land owners affected by any changes caused. by the closing of the
streets, avenues and alleys, and further, that said. Clerk of
Council minutes contd. 8~1~67
Council give public notice by publication of same in the Southwest
Times, a local newsp^per, once a week for two consecutive weeks,
the public h~~arinn to be not less than fi~rA (5~ days nor more than
ten X101 days after final publi.~ation; and that said notice
describe the said street and. set out therein that the Town may
vacate and close same, and that the 15th day of August, 1967,
be fixed as a date upon which the said Council will hold a public
hearing upon said matter o~nding heforP it,, and that a)_1 persons,
interPSted m^y be hard Aither fnr or against any or all of said
petition under consideration.
(51 That the said Torn Manager and Attn~ney for said Town
do any and. all other things necessary for the proper determination
of this matter.
A.DOPTDD this lst day of August, 19F7.
TOG1N 0''' PUL^,~'~KI, ~lIRGIr?IA
/s~ C._V._Jackson____
~1 Glady:> R. Dalton
Clerk of Council
Mayor. Jackson then advised. that Council would be ,clad to
hear any one either for or against the petition of B. C. Glampler
to the Town to close a certain portion of Camnbell_ nrive lyin~~
an~1 bei_n^~ in the Draper Mountain ErtatQn ^nd descri.bed. in a notice
annearir.m i n the .South~..rPst mim~-,s that Council would hold a public
h'arin~ on this petition on August 1st. 'Where aopsared to be no
one present desir.inM to be heard, and Tom Attorney Moore read the
instruction which had been niven to the viewers on th.e 27th day of
Au{Yu.st, 1967, and a report of the viewers. bo+,h of ~.ahich are as
In~-truction^ to ~rlS~rlArS
Rte; mo,.rn n~' Pul_?ski. ;ri Mini-~.
Vacation and abandonment of a certain street
lying- within the Town of Pulaski.., Virgini^,
as more fu1_ly set out and described in a
petition filed with said Town by B. C.
Wampler, and hereinafter described.
Convening ~f the duly appointed viewers of
Laid. To~,-n at 2;pp p. M., on the 27th day of
July, 1.967, in the office of the Tot•rn Attorney,
~C~f i~
'~$-~~~ Counci7_ mints, contd. 8/1/1967
Pulaski, ~jir~inia
Gar. nett S. Moore, Attorney for the Town of Pulaski;
G. C. Hall,
C. L. Plunkett, and
~^1. M. Board
Viewers are hereby instructed by tho said ToT:m 4ttorney
as fo]_loU?S:
(l~ That your appointment was made by the said Town ia.nder
authvr~.ty granted in Title 15.1-364 o.f the Co:?e of Virginia of 1.950,
as amended., and any and all other general po.aers granted said Town.
(2.1 That as viewers appointed by said ToT•?n, ,you are
instructed to vi_ow that corta:in street set out and described
as fo1_lows:
That portion of Campbell Drive lvinn immediately
east of the no~•tion c7_o~~~d by ordinanep enacted
by the ToGm of Pulaski., Virginia, on June 6, 1967,
and east of Iot No, 1 in Cection 2 of Draper Mountain
Estates, rand beinn 54.4 feet in tiridth and extendin~-
between parallel lines 2D0 feat oast of the =Moro-~
mention_~ section closed by the Trn.m of Pulaski,
Virginia : said portion be-i.n;^ an a~ldition_al 200
feet of Campbell. ?hive lying immediately east of
and adjacent to the portion_ closed.
(,31 You shall determine by your view and your evaluation
thereof whether or not any inconvenience wrnzld ho caused by the
closing of the said street, and a.f any, whaf, inconvenience would
result and to ~,rhom, from discontinuing the portionreauested
as a part of the system of streets, avenues and alleys of the
Town of Pulaski, ~Tirgin_ia.
(4) To report in writing ,your finding^s as above
instructed in tha.s muter to the Council. of the Town of Pulaski,
This roport is to be filed as sopn a:s convenient afte?^
,you have viewed. the nror?oGed street to be abandoned or vacated,
and after your Pvaluation_ thereof from ,your view, and from such
other facts ,you determine to be pertinent thereto.
riven under my hand this 27th dat* of July, 1.967.
/s ra:rnett S_. Moo_re_
A.ttorney~.for the Town of
Council. mir_s. Contd. 8/1_/1.96?
R.e: Town of Pulaski Vir~*inia
Vacation and abandonment of a certain street
lying within the Town of Pulaski, jT1~°p nl^,
as more fully set ou+. ir. a petition filed. by
R. C. '~?amnl~r with the said Trnan, and therm
described in. detail.
~. Ci. l'1amD1..~;r
?•?e, the undersi~nPd, vie~rers dui.y appointed by resolution
of the To~.rn of Pulaski, Vir~~.n.ia, adopted on the 11th day of
July, 1.967, convened in the Town Attorney'^ office at 2:00
o'clock n. M., on the ?7th day of July, 1067, and at that time
.a~r~ ~izren ?:critter. instructions by t.hr, nttnrney for said Trn•m of
Pulaski, ?lir~^i_nia, upon our duties as viewers, the original of
the instructions being herewith attached as a part of these
P,fter reading the instructions, the unders~nn~d did.
o: rsona:l.ly visit the 1_o^,a.t,5 on described. in the afor. em~ntion~d
r~tition and a_n the instructions, and aurPe that the closing of
the street in question will: In our onir.ion cause no inconvenicence
to any person by reason of the abandonment and discontinuance of
said portion of Campbell P.riv?,
Csven under our hands t~;is 27th '?av of July, ? Q67.
/s/ fir. C. Ha1.1
C . L . Plunkett
~, ._ '.J. 1~4. _ hoard
on motion of Councilman Aust, seconded by Councilman E~nert,
and carri~~? on the follo~.~inn recorded vote;
Raymond. ~'. Ratcliff - ^y~ H. H. F~'~'Prt - ay~-
?•1. ~S, Cumminr~s - ape Rudolph Farmer - av~
r1_en K. ^ust - aye C, T3. ra1 J imore - ayF
S. G. Frye - aye T. J. McC~rthy -absent
the follo~rTa.nn ordinance was adopted
nr, ~ n NPRFT,T, AV~'n1TT~' Tnf T[-~` ilR n vr, P
TA? THE TO?~T? nT PITi: ^, "u7 , `rTRGIA?I!! ,
SiTRJ~'CT TO CrpTn-rr1 rXCFP'r'ION~, nrTT)
TC P?'OVIPE FO° P ^,.Y~~~~T1T Off' CONS OF
(~ .R.~~
~~~ ! ~ Council mins. ~ontd . 8~1.~1967
'''~=~?~'A ° , ~ • C • ''amnl ~r fil ~d his petition on the 11th ~iay
of .July, 1.967, with the Council of the Totsrn of Puhski, vir~i nia,
^..ft~r nostinr~ on the 1st. day of Ju1.y, 1.967, notice as required by
law a.n at least three Maces in said Torn, which postin^• was at
least ten days prior to the filing of said petition, said petition
requesting the Towr to vacate and abandon additional portions of
Campbell Drive, any? set out and described in said petition trhich
eras filed; and,
G1IL~F,F^c, upon filinn off' thr a..fo~~sa~c? p-;tition, the Council
did apnoin~t ?~T. M. $o~ra, ~. T.. Pl?znkctt and E. C. f'rr.'?sliv as
viewers, and G. C. Hall ~n elt^rnate, nursuan* to Section 15.1.-'64.
of thy, Code of jrlrg nip or 1950, as amend~~? ; n.nd,
T.,T~n,,h", subsequent therto, a1.7_ t,h~: 1 ^n To•:rn rs ~-rho ~J.*oi_i1
be aff~ctnd ?~v the vac?tion of the ~~'~~•~~^;? nort~nn, (the only
1.^n'n~.rn. r afr~e+.,ed is petition r~ and or ths_ ~~~li hearing th:.r.eon
t~ be set for• the:: lr+. da~* of ~la~zst, 1_Q67, i n the To~.~n nf~~..e n,"
Pizl^~T;i, fir, r•r~_n-i.~, ~~.~~? nnt.ic~e r~,• nn d~ ~ i-*ered to t,hc 1 .r.dc~~;mer
an;? a1 so by p.ron;Y• ^~n' ~ i :,~+,i ~r i n th~-~ Sou ".h,rnst Tim°;s
a local
n.~::wsnan~~r; and,
T.ij~'nF'Ar nn the 1 ~t d~~~ ~' A, m ~ ca sa .
r? .z, _z,~t, 1 67
~d public hearing
was he:lr? pursuant to the afn~•~sa,? nn-!~.ir,P, and th:~re annear:~n
no persons Onnn~ed '';O th,~ V`!C?tlns- a!;r? ab?ndonin~ O`' Sa~~ Street.
?^ sot ou-~ in the n~~tition and hcrninb~fn-~n described, and zznon
the filing o° the v-ic?•rers~renort st~tin~~ that in the nninion o."
th~~ vi ~-;`,~ers no ir.con~*~nience ~.rou1 ' re~ul.i, from th~-~ abandonm~~:n+
and d, scont9_nuanc~ o" th~~ use ~ f a'• her ~1 n-in~ the • norti nn ~„ . aic'
street set out. i n.. the p tit,, ~n fil -d ~.ri th Council ? nd h~~:reinaftar
mo~•e n^rticularly d~~scr.'.bed; anr?.
^rEIFRFnc • f,here arP certa~ n u:,ili.~-u lin~_ s in th;; Wort' on
of the street no-:- be-,in-• con^'?ered fog ab.~n~~onment; and
t•II~PF~~ th~~ !'oiznnil of th^ Town or Pulaski, Virginia
o^ the:' onininn t`~.at no inronvenxence woul~~ result fromthr rln^in--
of the norti_on or Campbell Drive, providing an ~asem.~~nt, for the
water lin^ located in said street r~ ght o" ~•rav i^ reta~ n~-•d ; ?n'
the+., all_ requirements or 1a~,~ h^ve been comnl.ind ~•r' `h;
?~TnT'. TT-~;nF~~ ~, BF' I"' 0?'DATrT'-'n BY TH" rnTTTT^7'T, nT T~ TnZa~T
C" PITT... ^_ aT•°T , VT:GIn?I ^
a s foil o~•~s
Council. minx. contd.. 8~l /l 967
That port; on n" !`ampbell Drivo i vin imm ;diate~
east of th,-: r,o»tion clo^ed by o,°c~; na~n~e enact~dy
by the Tot:rn n~' Pulp s~~i, Vi::•g'. nip , on June. 6, ] 9E7,
and east of I,ot n?o. 1 in Section 2 0~' Draper Mountain
Estates, any? bey n^~ 59.9" feet i n width any' extending
between parallel 7..inos 2CC feet east of the afore-
mnnt.ion~°d section closed by the ToT~m of Pul.?sz~i.,
Vi.rg?.ni?; said po.rt~on bein.M an additiona•1 2Cn
feet, of Campbell.. Drs.°*e lying immediately oast of
anr? adiacent to th ~ oo~~tlon c7_o~~ed,
be, an:' tho samA i^ h:~r~bv, vao~'':Ad a~ ?. public stroc~+• in the Toz:~n
o~ Dta.l^~-'-i, Vir~~n.i.a. excen'in-, ho-•w~r, t:h: f?*p-foot no-^t'on
thereof lvan~ nn ~'+,h~r s':?e or th cente^ lin.~, of those certain
water lines located within said street bo?.zndaries, which is reserved
as an oasemrynt for utility purpo^es, and upon the f~irther condition
that any portion of said Campbell nri.vP h~rPafterre-opened shall.
be tzn~er the provisions or the Subr?i?ision 'lydi_nance.
BF I'" Fit' Tu;.:P n~ nnTrT~:,D th^t the To~:m Mara7er of the To-:rn
of Pzzl^ st-i, Vi.rn` ni ^ , ca,,.^,P to be rocrr~'~a in th~~ nAPd Books or
thy. County o':' P zzl_~~.sl-i_, ?T9.rainia, located in the C1er?,~s ~?ffice of
the sa'+1 County, a copy oP this o~di nand, and to ta', e any anc? all
othc;r steps necessary to p~~operly place on the record the said
BE IT Ff?~T?-i~'R 0=1)ATT?ED that Iar, M Bo;~rd, C. L, Plunk; tt
an' G. C. Hall., the aforesai~ viewer°s, b~ psi.? the sum o" Ten
Do~i.~rs l^=~ln,nnl each, arr,? that the, cn.~-t,n in••n1_v?d ir. the
v~oa+:-i.n-- or th,. efo, ^~~_ G+,re~~t bo na; ' ?,ST th ; r<ti_± ~ oner.
`,'t~:~RFUPCr1, thi~~ ordinance is h~rebv adonto~? by t,h~
vo':.n nr th m,,mbers off' Council , a.s frill o'.••^
T•~t?OCGon C~zmmirigs Aye T'aymon' T'atc' iff !1V~
T. J. NeCarthy absPn+., S, r. Frye AYe
Gl c; n P.ust dye nu;? ~l. rah F~ rm~ r A.ye
Claude Ga11 imore ,~,A-v_Ey H. H. Fgnert Ay=;
A_n~? therupon, tho Ma,,~or o" said To:•m of Pul^s~ci, upon
p'-"5ena.ration to him of said n'°d~.nanco, arnrovPd ar.d si;-n~~:d the
sa~-~P, this lit d-~y o~' August, 1967.
Tn?;;~:? ~r Pig `.S?'.I, VT:~'T,TT^
By _Ls~ C. V. Jackson
G Gladys R. Dalton
___~ _ - --
Cl:-rk o:" Council
~~~ (`} Counca.l wins, contd. 8~1~1967
public hearing was held on the application of Albert
P~PMTSCIOr? Stowers for permission to place a house trailer on ?lalley Toad, and
r.?? n rTmFn A .
STn?.?Fpc TO as no one appeared opposin;^ this application and upon the recommendation
era ?rnT,T,~:y ?'n. of the Tot,~in Manaaer, Councilman Far~^er movr.d that permi^sion be granted
Mr. Sto?,rers to dace the hou.s~ tra~7.>r an ~Ia11~,y Ro^d. mh: moti.on was
~econdPd by !"ouncilman Aust~ anc? carried.
Lloyr~ PPtrey, who lives on Case Kni"e Poad, apps deed before
C~?zncil. anal rec~?zeGt~d GPwer. service. 0n motion of Councilman Rust,
seconded by Councilman ?Frye, and carri ^d, therequest arras turned. over
to th; Sewer. Committee for st?dy and report to Council.,
M. C. Bell, who lives at 416 Jacksan ~~-enue, anpc:ared before
a~'?•?F~R S~'t?tT, Council_ and std+,Pd the Health Dep~..rtmc:r_+., had condemned hi.^ septic tank.
^- "K RY P~ . C .
RFT T: nrT Mr. Bell. adv3 sPd that ?lthou,•-h the colt o" conn~ actin,- to t';~- to?.•n setrer
J A_CK,S0T1 !!VF .
would b~ r..ostly to him he felt it, ~rrould be be+,ter than construetin~
anoth~,r septic tank. To?~n Manar*er TTOrton advised that it waula be
better than const,?•^:ctinr- ar.o}•her set~t~c tank. To?.rn Manaaer Norton
advised that it would ncessitate the layinL of approximately l75
feet of pipe across private property and a creek, ~t a cost of ``'3.00
a foot or ~~525.~0 to dive sewer service to Mr. Bell, anr~ that a portion
of this cast would be an obl.i~at;on of the town, or .the. cost of lay-
-ink; approximately 25 f~~t of th.~ 175 feot n.cessa„~, +,n rnzt se?<,*car to
Mr. Be1_l~s nropc~rty, Councilman Rat,cliff mop.*ed and Councilman CumminUs,
seconded, and it was carried, that To~~m Manaaer 1`lorton ne.aot5ate with
Mr. Bell and see what portion of the cost Mr. Bell would be willing
to pay of the total cast of t;~'S25.00.
Ceorae Hillsman, executive Manaaer o~" the Chamber. of Commerce,
advised. theST were ert.ix•ely out of br^ch?a.~•es any? town macs. He sta,Mt~ested
C. C. !!SKS that the nresen+, sma'11 town man sho•~in-° ~trp~t,~ be marked foa• p.~on>r
TOk1~? FO'_ ~ COPI~ 5 -
OF M~.PS FOFt identie"7.cation a:' cnrta9_n areas places of busin~.~ss a,nd industry, and
since the ToT:.•n no?•.* has the egizinmcnt to mak:-: these mans, asked that
the Chamber be furnished wa_th copies of this mar, for distribu'.;ion. It
was brought out that th^ bud~!et carries an item for Pramo+..ion and
Developm•:nt and thc~ oast o`_' these m^ns cou1.~:? be charrrnd to this
account. Cn motion n° Crnznr,ilmrzn Ratcl.iff, seconded by C~uncilm~n
Fr?nert. a.nd carried, it was, npS^T,Trrn~ that, the Ta~~n nrov:i:?e the
Cham'ner of Commcrce ?•rith 3000 conies of this To?:m min foz• distribution.
Council mins. contd. 8/11967 `~~/
+tn application of Mrs. Grant Railey to place a house
.n_PP, F~l'? TRP IT - trailer on Mt. Olivet Road was discussed b-- Council. and on motion
~. RAII;FY of Counrilman Au;-t, sPCOn%~d by Councilman Ratcl.iff. and carri~:d,
i'. ?ass, pFSOLVF?l, that, the usual nrocPdure for h^n~alin-; trailer
anplicat3 one be carri~:d out in this- in^tancA.
On motion n^ Coun^i1m~n Cummings, seconded by Councilman
dpi?, F'?'
TU A TT ~;~? ~'?~ ~, any carried, it was, RESCLVFD, that thy; application of C. J.
M^,DF. RY Rrookman to place a house trailer. at thy, corner of Newbern Road
C. J.
R??~~OKM1T' and Madill ViI J_age follow the usual. p~rocedurc~ for tra~1_~~r application;
and a public hearing- be advPrti:-ed fo,~ sa~P.
On motion oP Councilor^n Ra.tcliff, seconded by Councilman
cr?.?r~n I,Tni". Frye, anal carriF~d . i~~, was. RFcC? t,TF?~, that a sewer lip.,; extensi on o~'
IA?ST.q~.I,.,D ^rrx~oximately 8E' feet to serve a temporar~r bu.ldin;--- o,, the _gppalachian
FOT' n .F,P.
Po?•rer Company be installed at the expense of the Po*•rer Company. It was
estimated the cost would be X3258.00.
Councilman Cumminms reported that it was the recommendation
of the Water Committee that more information be seci.zred relative to
the= Snider I.?ne reauest for water service befo^~e any rooort cou1~3 be
m--^.de to Council.. On mnt.ion of Counn97mar ??~tcli:°f, neconded by Council-
man Farmer, and carried, it ?•Tas, ~'FSC?~rr'P, that the recommendation of
the Mater Committee bP accepted.
Councilman Frye stated there Urns nothing further to report
on the progress of the Oakwood Cemetery n?_ans.
Councilman Farmer advised that +.,he Ordinance Committee had
Tir CnRT,F nrTFC coniderc~d the request of the Pulaski Ca.bl_^ TV Company that they be
nnT~~;~ Tn v'7 ~
allowed to raise it,s connection f?e rate 'rem r`1~.~'~' to ``'1.5,Cn, and
i'- .,rss the recommendation n^ the ~'ommitt,rr~ th?t thp~r be advised that
p:~rmi..ssion be ?ran-ec~. On motion of Counr,ilm^n Farmer, seconded by
Councilman Cummins, and carried, it waG, ~,SOLSIED, that the Tot.rn
Manager advise the Pulaski Cable T?T Company that pc;rmiss ion has been
granted them to raise the connection fee from :''10.x`0 to ``15.00, and
that this proced?a.re mu_~-t be carried. out, aeeoridn~? to the franchise
wanted this comp~ny by the town.
0n mota_on of Councilman Farmer, seronr'ed by Councilman
T~;~~ert, and. carried, it was, RFS~LVFD, that the follwoinn ordinance be
adopted to amend and re-enact Chapter 1, Section 49 of the Code:
r~~,~r) Council mins. conic. 8/1/1967
R~' Im QnATrTT,D BY THE C~iTnrCIL 0'^ THE TO?~'1`T n~ PUL^S?'I,
V?~:,r,Tn?I" , that;
On any p-rson, firm o~~ corporation en¢a~ed in the
n, n, rFQ1TTn_ bus3.ness of sellinS pistols, revolvers, and handguns of any type,
LI('r+r?SF rnT' there shall be the specific license of X1.00, which shall be in
SFT r,Tni^ rTTN°
addition to a regular merchant's license for sale thereof.
Any pistol o.r handgun des7rncd to fire a cartridge,
wheth.cr blank o-~ 1Pad, or o~.h~r substances shall be deems d to be
included in the proTrici ons- of thi,~- ord3 Hance.
Apnl_ications for license under this section must first
be approved by the Chief of Police. All purchases and sales made by
all licensees shall be reported monthly to the Chief of Police
~;iving the ser9al_ number of the ~?n sold, the name and address- of
the selh-~r and thc~ purchaser.
Adop+.,ed this 1st day o`_' A.u~~st, 1.967
Trn,rn7 C^ PtiL ~^ S"I , jT I:'C">`1I ",
RY s C. V. Jackson
Mayor ~_____._._..~_
/s/ Gladys R. Dalton
Clerk of Council
Councilman Ratcliff advised that any report of the Sewer
Committee on the Snider Lane sewer request was continent on the
?Water Committeefs report and. no report soul-? be made at that time.
Tot•~n Manager nTOrton pw°es~nted cost estimates fol• sewer 1 ine
extensions exten?insY to south corporate limits of Rt. 11 and connecting
to Hermosa Drive in Draper Mountain Estates and. Park Lane and Haney
Street, ar_d after a full discussion of these estimates Councilman
Ratcliff su~pest.ed the Town Mananer look into the possibility of
workinn with the r~~~npc~rty o?.m<~rs in the si?bdivision and s~~ if they
Han ncno'~.iate wi±.h t.h~ svhdividers and possibly hook onto th.-. other
sewer line (to the Barker residence), and brio? back a plan for the
Council mine. contd. 8/1/1967
Council to study.
'~~_~ I
Cost estimates and. maps were liven to Council m^mbers concern-
ink the Loftier Ro-`,tom Sewer rPOUest for study anc~ ccnsid.eration. T1o
action was t;^ken on this.
F.Pno~_~tin:~ ~'or thn Land Pui1~i_n^s R~ Parks C;ommitt,Ae, Chair-
J~lln' RnT ~)- m^n F~rrort advised that in connection with the intentions of Council
CAl,T"'H HT'';En
TO ?1FTFrT+~Cl~r to determine ownership of Peak Creek, which for years has been the sub-
~t rnr^RSH~ P OF
P~'AK Cp~FK ject of considerable discussion, it was d^ci?.ed at a rFCent meetin- of
Council to have a committee in"erview an out of town attorn:y to obtain,
if possible, something concrete in the way of the nrnbablo cost just
for searchanT? the records. and if the res~zlt of this search left the
matter in dour~t, then Council would. decide whether or not the Town
would t•rant to take the matter in court to secure a Declaratory Judg-
moat. The Mayor appointed the Land Buil.din~;r and P arks Committee
to conduct the; iri+~r''T"V1P,W and this was don ~ ?~TA~3nusda-r, July ? Oth.
4t that tame Mr. John r;oldsmith from Radford was c~~~esent in the
Council chambers and he outlin:~d the various steps necessary for
researchan~ title to the property. Mr. Goldsmi+,h stated that at would
not be r~ossibl^ to say definitely ju^t ghat the: to±<,~ cost would be,
but that the ch~.rge for th:~ law,y^r dean rr thr: trork ~•roul' be ~=~?5.00
n^r hnu_•, and. that ir. his opinion ?"2.5O~.nn ~•roul~? come vPrT7 close to
th:- final. fi.Mure. Hn also stated. that at any time durin~* the search
of the records, if Council was d.i.ssatisfi d, or for any particular
reason wanted. to terminate the matter, this wou1~? be done and the
charge would. be made only for the time act.lzally spen~`.. From the final.
resul_±,s woul.a follo~-r, ac is mentioned abo~.ra, court proceedingG, should.
thF o~•~mershin be i.n question. Ownership r,f the creek is of import-
ance to the To~Jrn of Pulaski, whether the final result is the covorinC
for narking space, or any other uses that the Council may want to
entertain in-the long range planning;.
Councilman E~?~ert mo•red that Mr. John Goldsmith of Radford
be Amnloyed to search the rPC~rds to d~termir.~~ the o~~rnershap of Peak
Creek, and that the coG±. be taken from the Gneeral Fund. This motion
was seconded by Councilman Frye, and carried.
Town Manager P?o:^ton advised that Senator Byrd and Congress-
man G?ampler had recently been contacted with re8ards to hasteninn
`~j~~1~ Council_ mins. contd. 8/1_/7967
action on the Plar_n.in,M Advance for the r.~t•.* Municipal Building.
A basic Planning; Program budget recommended by Dr. ?•Iest-
erman at V.P.I. which was explained to Council by Town Manager
D?orton, was referrsd to the Finance Committee for study on motion
of Councilman Cummings, seconded by Councilman Aust, and carried.
Tot•m Mananer n?orton advised that th; PolicP Department
hid been makin? a concerted drive against motorcycle operators,
and no further complaints had been received with reCard to this
muffler noise.
A tabulation of bids on a front-end loader was presented
fir,;?,? F~~UIp, to members of Council and after conGideration of these bids and u~-
FOr t~1~,773. on the recomm~n~?ation of Toy>m Mana~Pr Norton, Councilman Cxa3limore
moved that the recommendation of Town Manager Norton to trade in the
Hough Loader for the Cat P_emonstrator, for the sum of x"12,773.00, be
accepted. This motion was seconded by Councilman Cummings, and
S. Cx, FRY' In vieta of the contemplated absence of both Mayor Jackson
ACTTT?^ UTrF_ and Vice Mayor McCarthy, Councilman E~Rert mooted that S. G. FxgF- be
M~.yOR .
appoin+ed Actin,~• Vice Ma.por, which motion ~~~as seconded bar Councilman
Gall.imore,and_ the following resolution was adopted:
T~~HERFAS, T. J. McCarthy, the Vice Mayor is i7.1 and present-
ly in the Ur+iversity Virniria Hospital; and
Ta?I-~REA6~ Mayor C. V. Jackson glans to b~ out of the
r,a_ty for a period a" time,
Nn,,. Tf-ICR1~,Fn~,,E . RE IT P?'SOT,VFD, that
S. G. FryE;, a member of the Council of the Town of
Pulaski be, and he is hereby, appointed Actin{- Vice M ayor in the
absence of T. J. McCarthy, the duly appointed tT3.ce-Mayor for and
durin^~ the absence n° the said Vice-Mayor.
Adopted this lit day of Aurnzst, 7.967.
TO?'IP? nr PT1T,!` SKI , VTrGI1~?I n
s C._ V. Jackson
s Cla_.d s R. Dalton
Clerk of the Council.
Council mins. contd. 8/1/7.967
Jane Graham,reoorter for the cnu±h~rrPSt Timers nave a report
on a recent po7.1 tak n by th~~ Srnath~srest Tim:s fo~• s,~n•~estion:- for
naming First ~tr~et Park and Dora Hi~-h~aa~; Park. No action was taken
bz~ Council , but the matter was continued.
On motion or Councilman Cummin.~s, sPcondr-•d by Councilman
T~~*n? mn ranert„ and carried, i'~ was, nFSOT,VFn, that th" To~•rn would t:~ke over
~rG'^mHFr' and or,~~rate the ~.reath~r station r,:,~Psent7~r Tocated at the ~enrral
rh--mical. Comp^ny rl_ar?`:, acco:•din~~ to a litter dated July 1?, 1.967
frnm the iJ. S. Department of Commerce, `~.'ea.ther J~ureau of Raleinh,
No:~•th Caroling .
~'. F^rI`?En Mayor Jackson aopointed Coun^ilman T?udolnh Farmer to take.
~ np ~+~ mr,,~t, ~ c ..
R^m , ~J.11rr BPD , the place of ti•J. !! . Larson on the To1~rn ~ ~ P~'ti"_•~m^nt Plan Ro^rd .
There b?in,- n.n fu.~•th :r r1.zs7n-cs, the mep+,inr adjourned
~t 5:xn P. M.
n pp^rJpFn :
/ ~ ~...n„
Clerk of Council