HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-15-67'`~t_?~I
Mirute~ of the regular meeting of the Pu1_aski Town Council,
held August 15, 1.967, at 4:00 P. M., in the Municipal office.
Th=;re were present: Mayor C. V. Jackson, pres~din~>.
Councilmen: S. G. Frye, ~. T3. Gallsmore, `~r. S. Cummin~•s,
Paymon:' F. F?atcliff, C=]_<n K. Aust, Rudolph
Farm~:r. , H. H. F~^~ert
~.hsen+,,: T. J. McCarthy
Als^ presen+~: Town Manager: Fvan Tlorton
Clerk: Gladys P. Da]ton
Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore
D1". of Pncreation; r.Ted. B. Bane
Visita~s : Jane Graham, Scuthw~at. T3_m~s renoi°±•nr
Pau]. nellin;~~P-•. Ro^nok_. Ti.m.:s renor•ter
Tom Cassell, ?~1Fi1V F.a,di_o Station
Chas. Davis and Dean Cox
Bill. nalton and P. M. Sadler
Chrence Penn and Frank Payne, Sr.
The invocation was given by Councilman Aust.
Ma.nu.tes of the regular meeting of Itumast 1, 1967, were
Mayo°• Jackson advisee it was the timE and nl~ce Far
holdinr* a pub l.~.c h^arin-° nn the elosin~- or ~t.r~Pt,G an!~ a]1~ys in
the Bal] Park property or. Rou±e 99, a5 requested by the Pulaski
ST , Rf ~? T_:EYS Motor Company, as well as on the motior. by the To~~m to close
PROP~?PTY certain streets, avenu.:s and alleys wi±h:i.n the Towr.. Mr. Sadler
CT 0^~;D
.stat,ed. he Baas n'°esen'. in beha]r of Mr, rh~c. Davis, to seE? that
there ,,,ill be a ~edicatQd entrance to Mr. Davis proper+,y. A
latter frpm t,hA Man?per of ~'zenAral Chemi^al Comn^ny to the Town was
read. in which letter ?pnroval was given for the construction of a
road from Rou' e Q9 hi^~hurav across th,~ ir° prap~rty to the pronr.rty
of Mr. Davis, ape or. mo±ion of f'ounci.lma,n rn~ert, ^ecor_ded by
Councilman Pat,cl.iff, and carried, it ~•rnc, ~'~'Cr'I~IRP that the streets,
alleys and avenues de::cr-ibed in the not-.ice of public h::arin~ and
in the petitions, be closed subject. to formal action of the Council
in the enactment of an ordinnn^e after rer•eivinn the grant, oC rinht-
of way from the G^ner?]. rh<;mir'al Company for nn access road from
??out,e ~9 to ? noi!1t near and ad jacen', to th_ Davis p~on rty, and
from that point to t•he terminus of the To,•rn strut lyir..~ along
F'lectro Plastics property.
Council. held a public hearinr on the application of Mr^.
'rant F~ail,-y for p,=rmis.^--,ion +.n n]ace a. he,a^e trail_r on. Mt. ~].ivet
!'nur.nil mi n~, con':d , R/l~/67 t~~~
r`• ~EIT~;~ r0`id. any? a~ ±,}Z,-„~.(, .,r~~ nn n1~nn~l.tlnr t,0 +,}"11r r~ptl.~f'., (OUnC!11m~n
,. ...
H~TT,^?~, T?>e-~~ Irv- mo~-~d that },h~requ,~,ct be nran.tcri, which mo+ion ~.ras s?conded
by Councilman Cummin~G, and carried.
Council hc.1_d a public h~arin^' on the application of C. J.
C , J . BRnOK- Rrookman to place a hou.^e t?-a i.l~r on r1~•~lbern T'nrid , and ns all the
MAN nrG~ . FO~
II~tT~'E mpn'TT.,. ~ ~ pal rnaui:~~mPnts h^~? begin mgt an T t.h~»P .,ray no oppo~it.ion to sar~P,
rnu.nci.lm~n ?'~'rnrt mo~T~d that the rP~u.cct be 'ranted, which motion
was seconded by Councilm~:n Farm.~r, and ^arried.
Council. considered. the rnou~ sa•. n~' Kah^ p• ~'elc~man, TncnNn-
o~^at~r?, for a l~ ~'t, ~a~em~~nt to con~tTMa.^t. an ^ir line toreth~r
~~+~~.h an ^l ectric _lin~~ o~rer ~fa,lley Ctr~et, extan.din]- from their
.T~fferson Mi11s plant to the Hill. Plant, and asked Council. to a~?r~e
to the contract T~rhich hnd beer. prerared by the Tour. Attorney. Cn
motion of Coia.ncilm^n !'rallimn-°~. ,~econde~ rv councilman rlammin~s.
and C~rr•iE'd, l+. ~;ra~, r?FC(1T~Tti'TP that In t7'r,t.r rl;' t:h , ot:u!~v and ccnGider-
aticn. ~i~~en th9 s rern~cct by the To~.-n Mananer and To,.!n Attornsy,
moved },hat t,h~ fnllowin^~ resolution be radon+ed
?-:TH?'FFA^. ±,he To~~n of I'~zl^ski >1^c reach~~~? an a~'rePment
PERM. rR.^l\?"'rn ~,T~th Kahn ~'. Feldman, Inc,, to :in~t,a1.1 cc--main ai_r lie:. ahn•*~ the
xEi~T ~. ~~>_.T~M:~rT
2'(1 •[T.T,^'('hT~..~ 1~'V('l Of ~Ta,ll _V rt.rnAt;~ C.017t~'11dC?£it,, }f1trF•f'.rlnr t,iitl'] ~n nl - r+trin ]_ln~;
ATR ~~ ET-;'C. ~ -
1,I>`~?E CUF'x> o~~ar ,c:ai,a sr~ll_ry ~tr~et, ~out,h,a~~>+, ,,n,a,
rTnT.r mr~nrFnr,~~ RF Im ,~-rc;~I,Vrn rv the Crnancil. nr the
'?'n...n t~f F~11 3.^k 1., ~~1'^f*7.n1 ^, p'~nni;lnf'' 1 n '' ^!'ul °~" ~<'~Sl (ln nn +h~
lath ~?~v n° A.v~r.st, ~Q67, +:hat:
l+. c~rt-~i n ~a~~ment ~.-,-cement. a^t~r? the 1 Sth '~v of
n.,, Wit.
1 X67, nrant nn rr rmi s.c on i~r.+.o u~hn °. '{'Adman, Inc., fo•,
the conet?-~zct,ic!n of a certain air. lines, together ~.'ith ar. electric
1.i n-- over said. Val1~v street, ?~?outhtaest, which ~.r~~ this day
presented. to said. Council, be, and the same is hereby, ratified.
and approved and the Mawr of the To~::n n" Pulaski. is hereby
aiz},ho-~i~ed and directed to execute the ^a-id a~reer^ent on the
p^rt o'" th:~ To~~-n and the Cl.crk of ~.,;,a ^^,~~ ail t,o aff_x her rarmo
end t,hn Tn*.,•t? seal thereto lmmf;!~S~t°.l~l l_lp7n 531d '?'~'r~'E?m°.nt bB~!1,
r`!f+f!U.t, "-!~ 1.1V th="~ ^-_•t")Y~i... y, Ot'f :i.f i.`-?l." tl r' x1}~r 0. F`,-.~.7 Tfl`~rl TriC c^'~d t0
'$C@('?,~ Council m~n.~. nort,r?. 8~]_5~67
ran ~,ach n',;h= r th:i n..C ,aC m.ny becom ~ r.:;~~~~-a~~7, i_7 order to carrn
ou;, the, +,~~•?~^ .,r, r.e,n,,i.,--i nn~- of t,hi nnrr~nm n';.
nT,np'~-rr mr-?I" 1`"th da~r of Atz-TZ^+., 1.967.
mr1L*nt n„ PITT "C'T j1T^(`._T'I~
- ~
Ry /~=~ r, ~T. Jackson
M~. ~: rz r.
C7 ^rk n" C~unci~
M~•. J~m~.^ McMi1.l.~.n ~.?a^ ~.e?~riG~d t,h^t t,hc t.,'n±.n^ CnT~uni.tt:ec
?`'OT F'E;ASTB?.T' h-,d recommcne?~d ±,hnt it was no+. feac~a1=~ to cnn:'t,rnzet n. two inch
T~ r,~rT^TT~TTCT
?~PATFp T IT`T:, t•ra±.^--• 7 in_: to ~nrVe' only h:i.; reGdence on Smi'~h T ?n',. Th.'; ~et7mat,-
GT,? SMITH ? "1`T:'.
ed rn,'•t O_n c??nh a l-j n._ ?.roc ,~;~ "n(l~fl(1~ ~•rhich th„":V f'e'lt ?.rq:q nY'C1h7.~itlV9.
T-P 1.~' Y"e?(711;>:•t f'f~,' t'.~+r~n-fI?lnn~_. Of' },}fin ,<-}2..~.t?t f,o kE?(?p ~O~d'n ra?7~`t~ Gt,'?~-
P. Mr, rF~fr,rr n +r.nn , (' ~ ' i;t°n,
T .Fnm ,TTm n^ ~d t,n t.h ". t .-n~~ _ fn_ f`~arther st?ze?,r Ord r~commend-
ST . nTTST ITT; ~?~TF,n -
~q~p T~ ST, a+,ion nn mo'_.inn o ° Sounr•i 7 pn+, . ' f ~~ ~r,~
m^n c17~f, ,,.:con... , Y,y r, n,?n^il.m~n
r21].1.m0"~ , '1nr7 narri ~.~ .
Mr. Mr.M 1.1_nn made ~'o:~•ma~ annl i rati on for ?a~t,~r Gervi^e to
~'rG • re1i, annt,h:. r hou:.e bn7 onMinn to him and 7 oc^t~+? nn Smi-`h T.nn~ some:
T•rAT'='n ~Fp~l, -
nrT c,M7TH distance from hi ~ residence.
T A pT~;
Co?an^i.l consir?ernd +h~ forTnal.. annJ.icn+,i_on of Clnr~nce
APP. GRA.1`Tmr'.D Penn .^-.nd Nrank Pa„r,: ~ Jr,, On;rat,J.n? as ?•;'n[t ~' T?,,,,
~nd _ ~'CrP,atlon Center
Tn np~;RATE on Mn-in rtrc~~t, to on,~rate a public dance hall and holy? dances each
rri_d?~r ni~*ht. To~~m I!fa~aner TTOrton ad lri.sed that recomm~ ndati.or..s by
Fi-^~ Chi.~f Iin~l. ?'~~? Trn.m rn~ineer Hancock for cortnn chan~~G in
th:_: b?z~lain•- h^r? b~~n complied with any ~^~nnmm~nd~d the annlicat,inn
be Apn,.ntr~~. ^.r)?.7''?^il.m?n G?111m0":'p ac r; ]1~xi ~~trlan n-" j;h(~ n
COTTm'1.ttF'e?~ mOY.'ed +.h?t thr' ann~.1C'?t7_nn T"1° err?nte?d, GTh1Ch m0`_iOn ?.1?S
^~co~d her ro?zn~ilmpn C?zmmi.n;~s, .~:~d ca
.. rri::d.
Town Mana~~:r P~tnrton ndvi.^~~? thnt J_c~tte'rs from Connressman
AP~F'. TO HUD T"ramnl.cr and Senato7• T?,yrd indicated the To?~~n~s app7..ication to HtTn
BLDG. BEIrT a fo_r federal f?znds fm' a n~:L,r rfiznic:ipal Buildin - was ben~* px•ocessed
and given consideration. Also, a 1.-:tter from Mr. Jerome >?,. Parlor
o_' the ncp~:rtment or ?-IouGinM and TJrbnn ;newel onmr nt ~ n~?-i csted our
application i.^ hn~_n~" processed nn the moot ex~~,da.t,inus ba~i s.
~'rn?n~>a7 minx. cont~?. R/l~/67
mo-::rn P,1a~~^r r'n •t.on r~~,a ~ l..t,+.er from Mr. ?3ob Rashore,
T:T?' , ~', TT~AT?KS
FROM ROY "COTTTS ni.rtric+. ~xecutivP n.~ Rev ~cou+.~ n:' Am~ "? ^~ . +.hnnka n~- him fn~• +,h~
tim-, a11n- ~~~? t.h~m in eYplsinin~ +..h~ Fxnl orin~ Set~ci<a.l.ty Program
desi..~n~d to meet the needs and. desires or hi~-h school. ane boys.
An out;linc: of the comprehens9_~re r.J.ans for the development
Of rxatP.•nT00~ F'~'~nrVa1." aroma: the Molzn`,?~n Par'.- J"nd find T?l?.v-
Tround in the r.oY•thr~~t, "r'rtl!?n On t~"^ r('{)'.rn~ ,aac n"•esen~`~d bV
T?n(+rnat',"I nC' Tel "nn},n-;, TTnrj RanE'. M"• B^Y! as'Ced ~n11nr']J ~" 1•?ermiSSlOn
PF~',T!f, (=R^~iTrrl f,n ann~v fOr ~''~~~r?~ rind C.t~tn ftan''F f0 th<.' !~E'.v~1 OT?Tll~'ni of this
7'F,C . PF P", . TO
nP~~rY ~'n_ r`T'. r~CrCat10na1. prOsTr?m a"era D~`'r10~"~ n" C'n~ f'Yt~gCdln`; f1VP, y--:arri,.
- Frn . F~`l~ ^S
FO?' nFV. A'F'C. H~ f_~zrth~-:r stated some= o° +,he c;st to the to~rr. could be in the form
PFO~`F.^ M
o" labo.N, and that this rJ_an woul-' be in Line with the lonL-ranr~e
c=!pi~..aJ_ impr.ovem:_~n': plan s>>bmitted. by t.hc To~:rri Ninna~•Pr for the. next
f~-?^ years. On motion o~ Oolznci.lman nurt,, secnnd~d by Councilman
'~°tcJ_iff, and. Carr7.^(~, ]. a- Ur~c~ t?~'~'^T.TTr`?1 th'?t, ~ r^"f~l1a~(-,]_(1n ~1F' d?^a_G,,n
"'n~"r"'t,)"?<" that a .-+.nnt; fn,,,, o,-,r.rti?atln!',o1 Till""T)C?S~-?d b~ m`'dF? ?nf~
•,,,+,h0'"•'i_?•1n~ try? TO"Yt jVTan~r*nr to {'1.1 ~.?''^ n:. CF;" [ar~ rf?QZIe.`3t.
F?J;P. m~ ttF ~-tnnT? r~,,.nci.lm~n r,~.~mm7_n,.,~ ~~,r5 s~~? •tha+. +h^ T•'~t~r !'ommittee
uT'~-),. F^: ~'~~nmF^ ~.rnu7 a m^k,: a rer.ort end r~corimcnd?tion on the `'ni.'rr mane request,
f~_ • ..,at~r services ?t thy; next meeti n~- n" CounciJ_.
Councilman C~ammin s a~visPd that the T~'ater Committee
~ac~uld ma<.~: ? r~no?°t and rpcomm?n?ation nn the ~ni ?cr T:ane reau.e.st
flo„ ~~~ater ^er<*ices at the next meetin~ of Oour..^i1.
Councilman Farmer h^d no reno_t From the Or~li.nance Comm9.tteP.
Councilman na.t.cJ_iff rero?'•tpd ~s follo~rrs~
Trod J'?Ck,nnn °n?.Ter rP,c7U.._ ct - nOthlnf" f1 n'?J
`1'~!V1.Or-T~1.J.J_on ^(?GTP.?` rP,quE'St - ?•Tait7.n~" f'O' 'Ln°ormatlon
f"om t.h^ VIC Co. any Oren: ray Chemi^al Comp^ny
I;otti r Bottom ;-e?sTer request - It hid been estimated the
cost of this con~tructi.on to be approximately `'8,4:85.00, and that
•about Pifty n<~rcer_t o`' the trenching- ?•Tn,.zJ_,' bP in rock. A survey
inr~icated that nine houses could be served, seven of T•rhich >>rant
the service and only three havin~° raid t,h~,;,~ connection fee, but
that ('0112' mn-,•~, Srn ~.rllJln"" t0 naq the f~`f?. Tt ~.dac ~F?Clded th.`t+
?rn',h~r look b~ ta~rPn Gr] t•h ~nf;Ci a.l enT'~-'1 d~rat:i On b°~ n'r fT1V°n t.n 'f.hn
~?~velonm~n'. or th, [urrclzn~in= area.
QQ /
'~~()`~ Council. mine. contd. £~~1~/67
Th.~ pnr•k T one and Haney [tr~~t sewer rc~auc~st *.•rns cont;_nu~•-:d
on the ar~Pnda.
M.r. patcliff further stated that tho Sni..?er I:ane sewer
request tras cont9n~er.~~ on the rer~ort o.° th,. ?r~tnr Gommttne fo~~
^r~tnr SE'.Y'V1CF`~ t0 that arf??,
T'F?T)O'_'tln," f'n:: the. ~'ln'?n^!' C;OmmlttE'P,, ('OUn('1~.JTlan ?''Y'VC
PFD, anCPTFn stated the Committna recommended the adnn±ion of arPSOlution
ASSIST, GnnnrT reo,.zc~-:tin~° a p1.-.nnin•- assistance mrant in the amount o" S~'29,Cnn
PT:Or'Rn.nrt wo;-kin:- through tha ~TPI Pr,-r?m, and in T-r"ich the Tn-..gin n7.~ds%e to
provide' '1_",6nC in kin' aNd i_n sorvi^es ^~ z.+,s matchin- share of
s~~ch a rrar ~,. ~n motion o" Counnil.man G~~llimore, seconded. bar
Councilman Farmer, and carried., the folloTrinc resolution was adorned:
`.~11~ERFAS, thy: Tn~.:n Council of the Torn of Pulaski, io connizant o`'
the need. for nomprehnnsiv~ n7.^nnin~; and.
T•i?I;~RE9S, the ToT:-n o;"' Pzzlns'.~i is empol•rered by state 1~~9_slati-on to
undert,ak~: planning act~viticn, ~nclu,lin-• the ?npronria+,'on n^ flzn~?s
to szznnort such n. ^tiv9 -`v (Co,'.P 1950 (Sunn1_.) , 15-963. ": ; 196?, C . 9(?7) ;
?.'H~REAc, the Town o_° Pulaski does desire to initiate a comprehensive
plarnin~ pro,-ram; and •
ti•)?~'R,FAS, the ToT~rn of Pulaski desir. es to undertake the follo~:rin<~
projects: ~"
1. R^se mapping
~. Physical. charractori.stics study, includin f,. land use
survey and analysis a.nd trannnnrtation rlr+n
3 Pobulation anr~ ecnnomin b~,~~ ~tudv
~!. A?eiahborhnod analv,~is
5. Comm~znit,y fac_i_1.i+.i s nl-~n
6. ~en:ra1 dPVelonm~n, nl~ n
7 , Puhl is imnrovrm~n-` ~; n-~o~•ram
8. ?onin~• ordinance revision
9. "ubdiTrision rr~rnzl_ati.ons rFVision; ar.d
?^rFiF;~EAc, the total en^t of thi^ nr•o`;ram tanul.d be ri~n3,500; and
?~1Tfi'PF.n.C, the To?-rn o" Pul^ski in not fannneially able to assume the
to+•al cont. fo:r a c~omnrehensi~*? pl~nnin~• nro~*raTM!• and
T,ni~r~;gc! th;; Federal. f=ove_~•nm~nt does m?kc, 1ooa~. nl^.nnin~ ass'stanc~
nrant:s ?vailabin un~:?er C^ct,`.on 7~l of the Hrna~inr "et. of 195, as
pln~, 'r~rPFFrI, F BF -gym R~cnT,*TFD that the ToT~m Council of the To~,.-n of
TCTm~ ?~JTTL Pu1.as?;i h;,.reby requests a p1^nnin;~ assistance ~^rant in the amount of
P nnVTnF x''29, n00 and p]_ ~d~es the ToT.rn of Pul^.ski jai] l provide ~`] ! , 500 in kind
'']!',5~0 +,n and in sorvicns a.s its matchin;~ share for sl?ch f-ra.n`-,.
CT' GR^ATT ADOP"'FD this 15th da-r of Au,c->>^t, 1967.
Tn??rT n~~ PiTI " CT~I, VIPl3TrTI.".
B,y 1~1_C •^ ~i, Jackson
s Glndvs ?'. ~1a1 ton
1~1.___.~.._.. _..__-_-___ _ _~.
Clerk o' the Council
council minx. contd. 8/1/67 '~`t7+~
Councilman Frye further adva_e~d that the Committee
recommended the fol.lo-~in;^ l.~;tter be ac]dressed to Dr. ?~Im. F. Skelton,
Dean, s9_~ned by the m•op^r. To;?n Official anr~ fog°~.~ardad to him.
This motion was sPeon~?Pd by Crnzncilman ~,~~nPrt, and ca~rri~d.
?,u~~zst 1F, 1907
? T??.. TO Tlr Lij ~ ]_l?m F''.. Skelton, mean
VPI COT?C~':RN- extension. ~?ivision
It~Tr }~r,nTrnrrpr~ tT3.;°ninia Polytechnic Tn~titute
INFO. SY`'.TFM rjlacksburn, Virgo nin 24061.
Hoar Doan Sk:~1.`on:
Thi:~ letter ~ :written as a ctatemen~'~, o° Un~.'erstandin
between the Town of Pulaski, trirginia, and the Extension Division
of the Vi.r.ginia Polytechnic Institute concerning th.e execution of
the Planninn Informat:i.on System (see ronnerative Fxter.sion
Pu licationt M?'D 1.~, July 19671 trhieh i^ to be un,?ertak~n by the
O„n~-or for tTrban any? z?n~iona7. S±udi,:~.
Th" To-~n off' Pulaski a~rPPc th^:t, un7.ess fun~~nr i^ made
a~railahlc~ for th ~ ~,~ork un~?er a n~•opose~? '7O]_ errant, it w~.ll assume
r.esnonsibility fo-rre~.mbursi.n~ the Extension P.ivisi.on in an amount
not to exceed."730 for work p:=rformed according to the attached
b~ar?~et statement. Such n~iymen`, iG to b~ made on or before Juna
1, 1968.
s C. V. <Tackson
rtT,J /~ ~~ v~-.,
~'l.annin~ Tnro~at,j~n rvst~~m
P1Jlaclrj.~ Zjj~•ninl^
~'rC?~::C`t Ar7minl-tration
Pro^ct n-ir~~tor: 4sc+.. Pro". F1~on Mi11:r
J .5 man. moths C~ L'1.08~.33/m^n month
tlniversi±y Overhead
36~' x `~'1 F25
I ntervie*Jrs
2500 man-hours ~~ x`1.40/hr.
Tabulation ?• Cod9_n_=~
80O man-hours ~~ "?1_.40/hr.
Card Rznching
Card V~rl"lcatlon
PrintinJ & Penroduction
~~~~~ Council minx. cor..td. 8/15/67
In an effo?•t to hold the r_~°esenr, employes at the To~~rn
ITTC, TN ~~dArrFS chores as ~•re11. a..s to attra.et ne~~~ onns, Counril.man Frye moored that
Fn•~ TC'.~?~I SHOP
E?~1PL:CYFS it ~•ras tho recommendation of the Finance Committee that the town ~ s
hiring- rate be increased from ~~;1.30 to ~='1..~0 per hour. This motion
w~~s seconded by Councilman Galli.more, and carried.
Mr. Norton explained that considerable: difficulty had.
TO!~1Pd MCrR, been experienced in ~Pttin~ Datamac, Inco~°porat,Pd or Roanok:- to
DTFFICiTT.TY fu:°ni•~h the mo••n with the nror~-r inform^+inn; that the staff in
the Torn orf~ ce h~c~ don c~v~rythinn oo.^- s~ b•! ~~ to assist Datamac,
and they had not earri^d out their part of the agreement by
getting the proper information to the town on time, but sti_11
come back with the same situation. Mr. Norton stated he had
forwarded them a l~~.ttor advising them that they must ~?et this
m~tt~r strai~~htened out at or_cA, o.° oth:~r steps wi1.1_ be ta?~en.
Coup^ilman Frtr~ ~tat,~d i± Tfras the r?commen+?aton o" th : Finance
PrP'A?_,TY A,r?r} Committee that the penalty and cut-off date for the July water.
_ bills be susn:;nded and that a period of twen~!;
y days from the date
F~;; JTTT Y ,
^?ATFR DTI T.^ of mai_lin~; be allotiaed on all bills .for thf- month of. July. This
motion was seconded. by Councilman Ault, and earri.~d.
The. meeting adjourned at 5:a5 P. M.
~ ~~ ,.
Atte s+., ;
...._ _ _ ._. ~_ _ ~~~~T1.1
Cler o'' Council