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Minutes of the res*ular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council,
helr'. September 5, 196?, at 4:00 P. M., in the Nhan_icipal Office.
There were present: Mayor C. V. Jackson, presiding.
Councilmen.: Rudolph Farmer, ?~1. S. Cummin~s, H. H. Bnc*ert,
Paymond F. Ratcliff, Glen K. Aunt came in l~tel
Absent: C. R, ra11_imo-•~ ?nd T. J. McCarthy
Also n~°esFnt.; Ta~,-n Mana~e?_•• 'van ~rorton
C1-^rk: C,l~:dys R,. ??alton
To~•m Atto~~n y: Garnett S. Moore
V~.si+a~s: Paul De11.in~er, ??o`?noke Times reoorter
Paul Simpkins, Southwest Times reporter
Rev. G. C. Timmerman, Church of God
The invocation was given by Pen. TimmF~rman, pastor of the
r?st Main Street Church o~' ('od.
Minut?s of th:; re~alnr meetinn off' Auntzst 1`~th ana special
meetinrr ofl Alz~~zznt 29th, were approved as reco~^ded.
Town Manager. Norton rend. a l:tt~r from the Appalachi'?n
Po~frer Company in which it was stated. that the Power Company had
APCO. TO purchased lands east of the Town and was in the process o`' erecting
BUIi:DING a buil'9ng for its trucks, etc., and advised. they would terminate
SEPT. 30'67
its lease on the Bunts Buildin,^; and vacate said. buildinS September
30, 1.967.
Rev. Timmerman anpeai ^~ t,o Council_ fo~• assistapce in a
situation in which they now find themselves. He staaed the Fast Main
Street Church o" God had purchased lend from Hor~kins and Poop on
Pou~,e 61.1_ - Bor ?~Thite Bau1_~~vard -and had nv~omined to run water and
sewer lines to the property. Rev. Timm^rman stated. the Church would.
CAN It~?STAL. be completed within tue T.aeeks, and th?t Hopkinn and ?'.non h^d not, ~ iv^d
TdATER TO :`~~~~ up to t,he:_r word abou` the tinter and newer and. na~~ p ~•amisr~d to run
!'rOD, OR PAY Grater to the middle n" t,h~ ?'ou' e 61..1., and w'~en Mr. R.aop was recerrt,l.y
AATD T~"?N con~:,acted abau±. this h~~ stated th;v would noF run the water to th~~
mid_d1e of tho road. Town Mana~?er A?orton advised that a plan had been
submitted to Hopkins and Poop that the Town wou1:~ instal..l taa.ter and
sFwPr lines on the ~nst nice nr nou+^ 611. to Wont `''7,R8?.00, as span
as Honk:inn and Ponn dAno"1.±:Pd troth th,. To~•m thn innta,ll~tinn cost.
He further stated that nathin~ had bean hr.ard from Hopkins and. Roop
wi`h r~f~rence to thin. Pev. Timmerman was advised that Hopkins and
??oop can run the liar-; according -Lo the town sp'cification~, or p?y
Council minx, contd.. 9/567
RE~'U~; S
the amount necessary for this construction to the to~,rn any? th^ town
t,ri11 in.~-ta7J the *~aater and c~~acr l.in:~~, mh- Torn had a,nrnod to
n^y the difference butt-race a 6" a..nd 10" ~; nee
RPV. Timmerman
their Chuch site.
Deporting for
vised that the Committee
ed on Smith Lan:-; to take
asked that a street li,rht be installed at
the ?dater Committee, Chairman Cummings ad-
recommended that a 2" t-rater line be install-
care of the t~.m housed owned by James ~~~.
A PPRb~7~~D
T'•10 INC',~? McMillan, and so mo~~A~ that th^ 2" ~*a+.,~r lie;, be in~tall~ d, which
CN S'°TTTi mo+ion was seconded by Councilman. Tatcliff, inn carried.
"fCN'ILLt.N~i Mr. Cummin~~s further stated the '•TatPr Comm:i.t,tee fP1t the
Sni'.er Lane water lie-; in;~tal_l^t;.on cost to be prohibitive at this
Councilman Ratcliff advised that the sewer committee
recommended that the sewer lin^ to T,o~.ti~r Bo+tom be constructed
at an estimated cost o~' ```'~iq~n.rn. Ha f1~:; th.;r stater3 a n~ta rots.±.A had
been ~ao.~•k~d out. fo:• t,his ~ ine which cut the con^truction cost, and thn.t
=~ x'ROV~,:L
O1:S`;~ar,~R seven p~opcrty ournnrs wanted the service and Chore seemed. to be other
LOTTII:R potential-, anal so moved that thc~ recommend?tion be adopted, which
COST `""1:OC . motion was seconded by Councilman Farmer, ~.nd. carried.
Mr. Ratcliff reported that the Park Lana and Haney Street
ewer renu^st by s~vPn residents an^ r,n~ b~zsin~~G ~rtabli^hm: n+, at
R~ Uc,~~y ;?~T, an ~rtimst~d cost, o~' ~,".R~On.00, was recommended. by the Sewer Committee,
5 ; ;,:R :~Px~R~r,
'"2?CO. and so moved that the project be carried out. This motion was second-
ed_ by Councilman Firs-ert, and cirri ed.
Mr. Ratcliff advised. that more observations must be made
n~ m;~OR_ on the Fred Jackson and Taylor-~il.lon Strut c.etirer rPauests, and
SE?,."'R fir. r s~~~*g°sted that thFSe two be r.arriF.d on Cho a~Pnda
RF^UIR.F 1~".(~.RT
STUDv Mr. ?'atcl_iff further advised that unti]_ s~.ach Limo as the
t^dater Committee felt a water .line could be constructed on Snider Lane,
the Sewer ~ommittee could. no+., recommend a sewer line, and stated hc-
SE'.~,'ER LI3dE
RI'z, ~'OR wouL' like to see some action taken to take this off the agenda. On
SNID~I L:'~.N~~
nyO~D motion of Councilman Cummir.~s, seconded by councilman '~atcliff, and
?'?? U?~ A O~,P' DA
PF,rJDING c?r~:i_ed ± i+ was, nFSOLVFn, that the sewer l s.n~: far Cni~'er T,an~ bP
CONSTR. remo~~ed from t,hP an•enda.
Councilman T'ryr~ rPpoY•te~1 that ~?~~~ to the present difficulty
TO `~21~./M0.
Council minx c~~ntd. 9/5/67
1.n the Treasurer's office in obtaining efficient help at the present
starting rate of ~'l~?5.00 per month, the Finance Committe recommended
that the rate be increased. to x:2.15.00 per month, or "`'1..'52 an hour a,nd
that a sum auffic:i_rnt to cover these ir.crea,sed be transferred from
the Gen;~ral. Fun,a to the payroll accoun+, an? so moved, ~•rhich motion
was s~con'Pd by !'nur.cilman C;ummin;~;s, and carried on the fo_llo?~rin~ record-
ed vote:
T'avmon~ F. P.atcliff -aye
t~:i. 5. Cummi.n^s - aye.
S , fx . Frv: _ a~T~
H. H. Enn~rt -aye
??udolph Farmer -aye
C. T3. c;allimore -absent
01~ n K. ~1ust - =~bs~nt
"'. J. McCarthy - absent
Counci.lmnn Frye reported that the Hadar Fauipm:nt for the
`5205. APPROP.
Police Department had been received and insta.ll_ed., and that the sum
of x'1,000.00 was set up in the current: bud het for thi, epuapment ;
however, the a.ctiz.al. cost of thn eauinmcnt ~•ras `''~1,2~5.00, and i+, ?aas
the recommcndati~n of the Finance Committee that thy. sum of .'20~.On
he ?~r;, h~?ra~•rn from the ~c~ner-~7_ ~i~.tn' ~u-••plus a.nd app~~opriated to cover
this additional coat, and. so movAd, ~srhich motion Gras seconded by
Councilman T?;~tcliff, and c~rri~d on the folloGr~.nr recorded vote:
Faymor.~? F. Patcl..iff - ?,ye ^udol rh Farmer - ayc
T,iw c, C~zmminr*s - aye: C. F3. Gallimore - absen',
S. fi. Frye - aye G1~n K. Aunt -absent
H. H. F~~ert - ayc: T. J. McCarthy -absent
Councilmen Fr•y further reported that thy-; Safety Committee
hr:d considered the comnla.irts from various ^itis~ns rFnardin~ the
~.,~~din,. on rrnz'e 99 and the difficlzlty traffl'~ is h^vin~- en1Pri.nn
route 99 from Fd~*ehill nrive and Frankl i.n A~renuP, and h^d mst faith
Police Chief ComF:r and thief Comer had agreed. to "crack-down" on
REPORTS ON these speeders, and it Baas felt that thn situation ~•ras al.rPady be1',ter.
COPIDITS. He stated traffic linhts h^.~ bnen_ rern~este~? by these r•itizens at
AVE.& RT. thi^ intersection, but. that the To~:~n h^s nn ri~-^ht to do thi^ without
first the app.rov~l n° the Hi-`,h~•ra~,r n~partment,. Th:~re was no a.otual
recommendation from the Safety Committee, but, i.t ?aas the feelir.:~ or
the Committee that the citua.tinn *.aoul_~? ~^et bc~ttr'r,
ToTrn Atto-.°nea T~~oo~ e advicnd that the ea.,ement from the
GEN.CHEM Gen~:ral Ch.;mic~l Comnanv had not been rece;zr~d but h~ ~,rotzld ads*isP
NOT YET Council ns soon as this is received. He fu,:•ther stated that the
Oeneral_ Chemical_ Company will probably Haan to petition Council to
close certain other .^>treets on their property.
M~vor J~:ek_^on n+,ate~? that dur-i.r.^' Mr. T?orton's recen+, stay i. r.
Council_ mine. contra, a/S/F7
the hOCnll:^~ ~ ~ rllrcha~~ nrtapr hard ~^rn n~ a^~?Ia l'71th .t•.}.7r ('ay.y T~~l
M?chin~r~,r f`nmD`?nV fnr =? r,1-R itr?'171~Frit c-F'rnc~'f; Ci.rnAL1Ar {'O~"' the sl]m
o~ ?`~~~;~1aJ.O~', lc.;:s t,raraP-jn o~ .=,,,~n~»nn ~r,ra 1 s~ 1`~ ~?jscoun+,
`"1~,8~r'.6O» Council.ma.n Frye stnt.ed the Fi.n~7nce !'nmmjttee had r*or.r
A~'?ROZ':~;3 ~~*er the bids ~77rmjtt~~ anr? t,h~,+ j'#- anr~,ar~,~ that, t.h~ Mawr, M"~
ACTioN c~F
MAYOR TO r?ortor. and Mr» HnJtr~'i^~ra h^r~ iook~ra ozr~,. this enuirnrPnt and had a
SrTEEPFR, ^h~nn~ to evaluat^ ~~me, ,n;~ From ~hP st~'nr3nnint or r.ri.ce, it was.
`~15 , l I;1.
& Trade the' lolae^t arc.nptabin bid. submjttera, ^.nd i+., was the recommendation
of the Finance Committee that the action hY P~layor Jackson in ~7lacin
the order fox' the sU7neror to he ann:-Dyed, and so move;, which mo~ion
~.7as secondr?d by t'.ne Col.lnr`:i_lm<<n F~!~ert, =7nd carri~ d .
!fin mo~,i.nn nr Col.zncilm..r n,l~`, ~,.~-,na~~ b~: rou.ncilman ??atr,]_i.f~',
A?ORTOn1 & n.nd carried, i.t L7^s, n,,m?','r'~, that '~r» A?o~'+•en and nT^r? l~.~ne a+,tond the
AmT~A1D mer't].n~" n.:(~ t}'Ir' !~?l).t,dno•.' ^rrr+~..°~tj On ~l1rC'nll 1~ riCh7^lnna ~r Fr~ca^q ~ep'~;embf?r,
II`' Rt_Yl ^"~ c-1l~lmj.~ the T~ -rtc nrr•r~~t,j.On n~_.,n~- ^Y7d T)_''Ocrrn7?,»
Tn n ?~4nnq~rn-r l`TC)_'t.!~n ?r7?Tj.cnr7 t}-t.,} ., Qn m-+l ^ :'"?rj.t .,l l.!~'v'l n-'
tin !'`, ?. p, `T'n'1 Y.}'?nn r'r,mY~anv t0 r<'mflTrn anri rn•nl ~ ~±~. t;'n~ ~;~nl.rallr t,n
.'.ID.-1.".TAiSi ~'l th r'f;.r^C`+'~ t() ~('flt,'7' ?Y+r7 piC!O ~'(-'+?"rn~+n .. ~'?"~ b~'r'~'' T'~'°!'~'~r°C~ ~'1t! '~, ~"Ip Tn': ~~'1.
AT 5TH ST. .
v~C'TT A. ~.t},r7".n~ST• ?, (~(', n'v,,l-~Y+-. .f.,n t,h!? tn.,7n t c rn!'t,,j "'r`T~l ~ y'~.." and cr~._,.f'] f'-~ n^},l nn,. ~
iICO y
T~~iR.ADI~'t, nr?ll!'1^i~.. 7•~^.S f)." th-: C?1~lnlnn t•.1'+,n'}', i', }'7't' ,.rp c, an .'?. (?ml!17.."t'!"?t7?J r? m"tt,n„ end
+...h~ '~'m.rn Manan~r h,~^ t.h~ ri;-ht t . i.sal7:> t,he -~r~rmit.
To.~n M.9.n~cr(.r TTn;"f',r)n a!3STjc.n1 th?t ^;". the 1^9t meetj.n~ of the
pllln glrl r%oLln' ~T R(~^.i"d ~r `'llr ''v7 ,^or:", ? p~ , !l }1:~r7 ~on!~ r?-j c~rl7c~o(~ t0
11:"'n`T1!jn gn]_1f7 ?+T2C'f.n (a1^n~°?] {'O:" PI)1.^~k~ rn7lnt.v. Tt ,7•'1c cl7f,'rvnetr''!j
F~/~. n~ t,h-,t. ~;hn 47E',°,tc"'n .°r~n~,11n f>._' ~",11^ !'rlu!~~",vr 7.Y?Il~'7.:'ln'" t~'1~? T~`?^OJ.~;;, n0111!1~'(7n
77^~, Cl'' a nrl T1,+n,-. ., aq (.tr; nt r ,,roll]- ~ 77'-n 't:he 'j;t7b7C7 l an.~ r'j l ] ~-,hn r,()l.lha'.V WOl~Id
U~7FAIR m„l•` `'n ^cTl^nmm~nt, i.rj.th t.h~ tn,.r~ jn rl'1'~.'^jn<r thn r'nc;t r~r' t,~.c? ppr~r;at.7.7n
STUDY nr th^ ~.^.nd~'i1.1. and t;hr? ~nunt.v rnsi?r~nt.~ *.,n,,~,,' be n~.rr,j.t,~~-.~' to u:-e the
f`?ni~j'~'V f'?'Pn. ~nlln^llm.`-ln T'~~rF? r7r~S('~'ib•"(j t,1''? t~""'nY?Oc.?l pc nl7n„`j_.11 t,,n
the 1'' onl - o'' th« to~:~n in th?t: the ta,~.~ n~j_' by th^tn-.7n +.o t},,,
rnun'v 1,7ola.l-' be u:red to nay the to*.in fog" t~~ a -n of t,h~ dumrz. He
s'7~*~ested that further stur?tT be t'iven to the l~^sto disno:ra~reauest,
and on Mo+ion o_' Cnu~ri]m~-r. Rust, secnnd~~a by crn7nr'ilma.n Frye, and
!',~rY'~ r? ~ j ~ l,ra~ ~ Pla C(1TT1T'Tl thllt, t,h~ m.,+,t,or 1~c1 T`F7f'nl"]'t?ra t() t•1'ln ~`nt.Tgr•
?nd ranj"..a{-.jnY7 ~nr1 ('l_n.,nljnF?c;~ f'nmml.t.toF',^, fC!„ ~tllr7tT ~n rr~nn...}»
'jvia~r0~' J^.l',k^-~'n Y'°T7O'.'t,c~rl t,h'?'~ t}1P. :`"1'm t7' ;~Ll~ r!,.ri~:? ran h?!1 Y,nnn
I~,~EIrT RIVER a] l netted to thr` T'^*.r T'j.'-~,.. 1T'11 v ^ i .pn:~t. fn;' '
a~rrn~,+ ,anq~'t ~nln: nt., and
th^t the ?irnort iG no... l•7o,'kin~ tolaard~ ~ua1 ifyinn fog" j=>t service.
P~`~ RF,r' ,
~t;1+19, 513. .y.LLOCATION
`~~~a`~ Council mina. con+.d , 9/."/t'7
Councilman P^.tcl.iff .reported. that Harry Ha11 h?d approached
him with regards to ,~, sc?:Ter 1a nc. extension to a tenant house, a
distance ar annroxim~tely 420 feet; and it T~*as sstimnted that the cost
I-I1`,RRY H.4I,I, of ~~iatcr and sewer tc, accomo~?atc one. house wnU1d cost ar~nroxx_ma+,c:?.v
SEZr1ER TO `''? ,~2n•CC, plus ''35.~!~ ~~r manhole fo~• only nn ; connection at thin-
ON RT. 11 f'~]_m~^. Nn `('Vr?r~ ~(-.}]F re, a-nr~ n.~ h~.~., *10';C?nt,7'?~ ~ n t,}'in n,+c,o , ~17~', ^.U^?P..StF'f~
th?t the matter ~'l^ carr3~~? ~n the '3:pc?nd? for the n ?'+ m. et.n^• ?,T}Znn a,
r~rl(l^ • ~ ~ 1.I'' (.1~ m`~:.J f? ~-iV '~' n C`,I~T.Tf»~ ('~n~n~. 1, ~~r'~ ~
The matter o~' a storm drain on r?Pwbern Ro?d at the entrance
STORM DRAIN to Medallion nr~ve eras discussed bri~;fltT, and council agreed to carry
Nr'~~ERN RD.
AT MF.D^~LLION same on the anenda fry-:, the next re~a.lar meetin~.~, ~.ahen more inro-rmation
dr. to be
CA? AGE;vTDA c'"a~' be nrc'sentel tr. Connca.l.
Th re h^i n- no further bus-in~s^, the me.etin•- adjourn.-r~ at,
~ rnrnV^r?
__ . r_ .._ ____.___.. __._ ..__ .
M~ vo^~
~l.er~o~ Council