HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-04-64Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council, held the Jath day of December, 1961 , at h:00 P. i"!., in the Municipal office. There were present: Mayor C. V. Jackson, presiding. Councilmen: W. S. Cummings, H. H. Eggert, Rudolph Farmer, C. B. Gallimore, T. J. McCarthy and Glen K. Aust Absent: F. L. Carrico and W. A. Larson Also present: Town Manager: T. B. Noland Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton Visitors: Midge Woodard, Southwest Times reporter Jean Buckner, Pulaski High School Senior Mrs. Anne A. Fnglish Miller A. Bushong, Jr. James A. Brown The invocation was given by Councilman Gallimore. Minutes of the regular meeting of November 17th were approved as recorded. Mayor Jackson advised that as had been advertised in the Southwest Times, Council would then hold its public hearing on the application of James E. Brown for permission to place a house trailer at the corner of Garnet Avenue and Highland Terrace. It appeared that all the proceedings were in order, and the Town Manager advised that the trailer would cost approximately $2,000.00 and would contain two bedrooms, and that Mr. Brown planned to tear down the substandard J.BROWN house in which he now lives, just as soon as the trailer is placed on GRANTED PFRMISSION his lot. Mr. Noland recommended to Council that the application be TO PLACE HOUSE TRAILER approved. On motion of Councilman Eggert, seconded by Councilman GARNER AVE. & HIGHLAND McCarthy, and carried unanimously, it was, RFSOLVF'D, that permission TERR. SENIOR STUDENT OBSERVES COUNCIL REQ. OF MR$� ENGLISH FOR WATER & SEWER SERVICE TO LOT IN ENGLISH FOREST REF.TO COMM. be granted to James F. Brown for placing a house trailer at the corner of Garner Avenue and Highland Terrace. Miss jean Buckner, senior student from the Pulaski High School, was present for the purpose of observing only, was welcomed by Mayor Jackson as were the other visitors. Mrs. Anne English, who owns the subdivision known as English Forest, advised Council that Miller A. Bushong, Jr., was considering the purchase of a lot in that subdivision, but would like to be assured by the Town that town sanitary sewer and water services X958 Council mins. ccntd. 12/1-/61_! would be available to the lot in ouestion. There followed a short discussion in which Town Manager Noland advised that because of the topography of this area, it would be necessary to look at this lot with Director of Public Works Howard Jackson before an estimate could be given to Council as to the cost of such line extensions. On motion of Councilman Gallimore, seconded by Councilman Eggert, and carried unanimously, it was, RESOLVED, that the matter be turned over to the Water and Sewer Committees for study and report to Council. Town Manager Noland read a letter from Mr. Douglas Fugate of the Department of Highways, in response to a recent resolution of Council, reouesting that the Department consider REO. F OR WIDENING the widening of Route 99 to four lanes from the east corporate ROUTE 99 ROUT T LANE limits of Pulaski to the relocated Route 611. Mr. Fugate TO BE CON- SIDERED advised that an allocation for this construction would have WHEN ALLOCA- TIONS ARE to come from funds available to the Salem District for rural DISCUSSED primary construction and assured Council their reouest would be brought to the attention of the Highway Commission when it met to consider future allocations. Another matter pertaining to the State Highway Department was brought to Council's attention by Town Manager Noland, having to do with the recent Highway Department change in rules pertaining to the movement of mobile homes, prefabricated house sections and PROPER RESOLUTION boats on trailers with widths in excess of 10 feet four inches, TO BE DRAWN TO COVER and which had been changed to not mire than 12 feet. Mr. Noland FEE OF $5. FOR MOVEMENT a.dv?sed that the Highway Department would not issue permits for OF BOATS, TRAILERS,ETC. mobile homes, prefabricated house sections, or boats on trailers THRU TOWN, RENEW HWY. with widths in excess of 10 feet four inches, but not more than REQJLATION 12 feet, on routes leading to and having destinations in municipalities until the nermitt-e produces in writing rer- mission from the municipality to terminate in the municipality. He further stated that a 15.00 fee will be charged by the State for its permit, and suggested that if Council is favorable a resolution be adopted setting forth a set fee to be charged by 1 1 09 Council mins. contd. 12/1/61, the Town for its permit. The amount t- be considered as a fee was discussed and on motion of Councilman Cummings, seconded by Councilman Fggert, and carried unanimously, it was, RFSOLVFD, that a proper resolution or ordinance be prepared sitting forth a -t5.00 fee to be charged by the Town of Pulaski. Chairman Eggert advised that it was the recommendation of the Land Buildings and Parks Committee that the resolution granting an easement to the Fast Tennessee Gas Company to cross encroachment EASEMENT TO BE over the two parcels of land owned by the Town, below Gatewood GRANTED FAST TENN.GAS. CO. Reservoir and at Loving Field, and which had been drawn by the Town TO CROSS TOWN OWNED LANDS Attorney, be adopted. On motion of Cmincilman Cummings, seconded by Councilman Gallimore, and carried unanimously, it was, RFSOLVFD, that the recommendation of the Land Buildings and Parks Committee, be accepted.(See pages 4009-)i01.7 for AGRFFMFNT & CFRTIF.OF INS.) Mr. McCarthy reported on the Industrial meeting recently held in New York City, at which meeting Governor Harrison gave a very enlightening talk on Virginia's Educational system, as well as other facilities which the State of Virginia has to offer to MCCARTHY REPORTS ON INDUSTRIAL industries who wish to settle in Virginia. Mr. McCarthy stated the MEETING HELD IN NEW YORK Governor's talk made it easier for them to annronch interested CITY - FELT _ IT WAS SUCCESS- industrialists, and it was felt that the meeti ng was very success- FUL EUBANK &. CALDWELL;TO ASSIST 1; PRESENTING FEDERAL APPLI- CATION T FED. PUB, S . FOR PLA%tING FUNDS ful and worthwhile. It was the feeling of Mayor Jackson that Pulaski should always be represented ai this annual industrial meeting. In the absence of the Town Attorney, Town Manager Noland nre- sented the written report of the Town Attorney= In the first matter Council discussed the contract with Eubank and C-ldwell, Architects, for the proposed new municipal building. On motion of Councilman Fggert, seconded by Councilman McCarth�r, and carried, Councilman Aust voting in the negative, it was, RTSOLVFD, that the Town anrly to the Federal Public Works Planning Agency for planning funds, and ask Eubank and Caldwoll., as our agent"; to heln seruce the nlanning funds advance. P 76® Council mins, contd. 12/b/6), The fa 7 owi.rng Town Attorney opinion on appropriation of funds for (1) recreational facilities and (2) health center, and letter from Mr. G. C. Hall, was read to Council by Town Manager Noland December 1, 196), Mr. T.B.Noland, Town Mgr. 2. The Town has sneci.fi.c authority both under its charter (paragraph 22 and 72) and the state code (Section 15.1-861) to annropriate funds to be used for nurnoses as a health center or clinic. Respectfully,, /s/ G^rnett S. hoore November 25, 1965 Mr. Thomas B. Noland Town hanager Pulaski, Virginia Re: Conveyance of Town lot, Fourth Street, to Pulaski County Dear 1"r. Noland: Subject: Cpi_nion on appronriation of funds for (1) recretional facilities and (2) health center 1. It is the opinion of the town attorney that the council maty appropriate funds to be used by a charitable organization for construction of recreational LETTER FROM facilities on Altoona Street. TP.Thile the charter contains G. C. HALL no specific authorization for such, it would be consistent ATTYS. OPINION with the general welfare paragraph (no. 75) in the charter. RE: APPROPRIATION The state code (Section 15.1-862) authorizes the granting OF FUNDS FOR of financial aid to charitable institutions or corporations RECREATIONAL which further the public purposes of the municipal FACILITIES ON corporation. ALTOONA ST. & has reouested the Council of the Town to make a donation HEALTH CENTER In the particular case in ouestion, this appropriation COR. RAND.AVE. could be considered as the fulfillment of an agreement with & 4TH ST. Mr. G. C. Hall and the 79ysor heirs, arising out of their releasing to the town their interests in the, land located on Fourth Street and Randolph Avenue. At the time this lot was deeded by them and the town to the county for a health center, there was an understanding that part of the purchase price to be received by the Town was to be spent for recreational purposes. A letter from Mr. Hall has recuest- ed that this particular nroiect be the recipient of such funds. Therefore, this appropriation app ears to be legal and proper. 2. The Town has sneci.fi.c authority both under its charter (paragraph 22 and 72) and the state code (Section 15.1-861) to annropriate funds to be used for nurnoses as a health center or clinic. Respectfully,, /s/ G^rnett S. hoore November 25, 1965 Mr. Thomas B. Noland Town hanager Pulaski, Virginia Re: Conveyance of Town lot, Fourth Street, to Pulaski County Dear 1"r. Noland: 1 1 J You wi`l recall that at the time I discussed the conveyance of the lot on Fourth Street to Pulaski County for the health center with —)u, that I suggested as hart of the consideration for the owners conveying their interest to the Town, that the Town agree to use a LETTER FROM portion of the funds which they would get from the sale G. C. HALL of the prorerty to the County for recreational facilities. RE: PROCEEDS FROM SALE OF T,,Te did not reouest that this be made a condition in LOT TO CO. the deed, but felt that the Town would ahi_de by this FOR HEALTH CENTER understanding. I have now learned that the Christian Citizenship League, Inc., a local negro organi?ation, has reouested the Council of the Town to make a donation toward a building Tti*hi.ch they propose to erect and to be used for a civic and recreational center. This is a very 1 1 J --"961 Council mins, contd. 12/1/6), worthy cause and of course �,Tould provide not only recreational facilities, but a meeting place for a number of neo -ole. It is our opinion that since these lots were HALL LETTER originall._y given for recreatior.nl_ nurpos-s, that some of the proceeds from the sale of the lot to CONTINUED the County could possibly be. donated to tris organi zat,ion under our understanding. r,Te hope this will be done. I trust that the Council wi.l_l give prover considera- tion to this matter. Thankin you, T_ am S ncerely, /sl G. C. Hall On motion of Councilman Cummings, seconded by Councilman Farmer, and carried on the following recorded vote: W. S. Cummings - aye Rur?olnh Farmer - aye T. J. McCarthy - aye C. . Gallimore - .aye Glen K. Aust - are F. _ T. Carrico - absent H. H. Fggert - aye W. ^.. Larson - absent it was, RESOLVT_+'D, that the sum of X2,000.00 of the 16,000.00 received from the sale of the lot located on Fourth Street and $2,000. of Randolph Avenue, to the County, be donate -1 to the Christian Citizen SALE PRICE League, Inc. of Pulaski for the construction of recr=-ational FROM CO. TO facilities on Altoona Street. BE GIVEN A resolution, prepared by the Town Attorney, nuthorizing TO REC. FAC. the signing cf the contract between the Town of Dublin and the Town ON ALTOONA of Pulaski for the water line was presented by Town Manager Noland. STREET There followed a. ai.scuF-^icn by Counc l and it was the feel -i- 1 o_f Council that a sneci al meet. _ng should be called at which time t} -.e 9PEC.MEETING Town Attorney could be rresent as well as officials of the Town RE: CONTRACT SIGNING BET? of Dublin. PULASKI & DUBLIN Town Manager Noland outlined to Council an emergency situation which had arisen at the Filter d ant involving the worn out gear box and motor for the mixing device on the flocculator. $2,000. It was exrl.ained that a replacement of this mixer might cost as APPROP.F REPAIRS AA much as $1,000.00, including necessary changes due to installation. FILTER PVr. )1962 Council mins. conte. 12/1.1/6!: This mixer had been in constant use since the dant began operation and the Town Manager explained that a substitute gear had been borrowed temnorari-lv from the Genera. Chemical Company. In addition to this matter, the Manager explained that when the present budget was made up and was approved it was not known the amount of the cost which Tans involved .for an additional finished water FILTER APPROP. rump which was necessary to rumn an increasing amount of treated CONTINUED water into the distribution system. This situati on coming about due to increased capacity necessary because of system growth. Because of these unknown factors the budgetary allocation had already been exceeded by approxmately `300.00 and the Manager recommended that Council appropriate `2,000.00 to cover the replacement of the mixing device as well as estimated maintenance expenses for the rest of the fiscal year. On motion of Councilman Cummings, seconded by Council man Gallimore, and carried on the fellotiring recorded vote: Tq. S. Cummings - aye T. J. McCarthy - aye Glen K. Aust - aye H. H. Fpgert - ave Rudolph Farmer - aye C. B. Gallimore - aye F. L. Carrico - absent TiT. A. Tarson - absent it was, RFSOIVnD, that the sum of 12,000.00 be annrorriated out of the T -Tater Fund to ;account 1882-219-5, to nurchasP the needed eruiT�- meet at the Filter Plant. Counc_1, on motion of Councilman Gallimore, seconded by $550.00 app- Councilman Fggert, and carried on the following recorded vote: rop. FOR W. S. Cuw.nings - aye Rudolph Farmer - aye T. J. McCarthy - a,ye C. P. Gallimore - aye PURCHASE OF Glen K. Aust - aye F. L. Carrico - absent H. H. Eggert - aye T•'. A. Larson - absent TRUCK BODY HOIST appropriated the sum of `550.00 to account 6009, from 7ouinment and Stores Fund, for the purchase of a truck body hoist. Council set January 12, 1.965, at h:00 P. M. in the PUB.HEARING Council Chamber, as the time and place for a public hearing on the SET FOR 1/12/65 new Zoning Ordinance and Map. RE: NEW ZONING ORDINANCE & MAP Mayor Jackson advised that as a safety factor the 100 foot extension of the runway at New River Valley Airnort was now MAYOR & CLERK being planned for construction in the spring, to be naid for with AUTHORIZED TO federal agency and state funds, but that it would be necessary SIGN XMIM.%NN PROJECT APPLICA. for each governing body sponsoring the Airnort to adopt a resolution FOR RUNWAY EXT. AT NRVA 1 1 11 63 9 Council mins. contd. 12/1./61, authorizing its Mayor and Clerk to execute the Project .Apnlication. On motion of Councilman rggert, seconded by Councilman Farmer, and carried unanimously, it was, RrCOI VrD, that, proper authorization be given to the Mayor and Clerk to execute the project Application on behalf of the Town fnr runway extension at the New River Valley Airport. Town Manager Noland referred to the fact, that he had submitted a lengthy special memorandum to Town Council and Planning Commission the previous week, concerning his recommendations on what TOWN MGR). should be included in a proposed general fund bond issue, and S PEC . MEMO. TO COUNCIL suggested that. Council consider whether to make tris report nublic. RE: PROPOSED BOND ISSUE There was a general discussion of the matter of additional narking TO BE MADE PUBLIC in the Town as i,rPll as of an adequate muni.cinal buil(qing,and it was the decision of Council that the Town ?Manager's special renort be made public immpdi_atel.y and that the Planning Commission be requested to make a study of the items included in the report. The meeting adjourned at 5:)j5 P. M. Attest: --4--V _C oo�incil 1 Approved: