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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski
Town Council, held March 16, 1965, at ~t:00 P. M., in the
Municipal Office.
There were present: Mayor C. V. Jackson, presiding.
Councilmen: Glen K. Aust, T. J. McCarthy, W. A. Larson,
H. H. Eggert, F. L. Carrico, C. B. Gallimore,
Rudolph Farmer, ti~T. S. Cummings
Alse present: Town Manager: T. B. Noland
Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton
Director Of Recreation: Ned B. Bane
Visitors: Midge Woodard, Southwest Times reporter
Paul Dellinger, Roanoke Times reporter
Chas. N. Boone
J. W. Lark, Jr.
The invocation was given by Councilman Gallimore.
Minutes of the regular meeting of March 2nd were approved,
as recorded.
J. ?~~. Lark, Jr. appeared before Council and requested that
a shed used for keeping horses, and located on the Oakwood Cemetery
lot owned by the Town, which is adjacent to the Bageant property on
Bayhurst Avenue and which Mr. Lark plans to purchase, be removed.
Mr. Lark also asked that Council give consideration to
modifying the line fence on the west side of the Bageant property
COMM.TO REPORT ON at a later date. A discussion followed during which it was dis-
FOR REMOVAL OF closed that the Town by verbal agreement had given Mr. Bageant
TO BAGEANT PROPERTY permission to build and maintain this shed during the time he lived
there and that the Town receives a monthly sum of $3.00 from the
rental of the land for grazing purposes. Councilman Cummings, moved
that the matter be referred to the Land Buildings and Parks
Committee, which motion was seconded by Councilman McCarthy, and
carried unanimously.
Ned Bane advised Council that he had been approached by
the Dillon Brothers to participate in bringing a horse show to Pulaski
TO ACT AND BRING July 1, 2, and 3, 1965. He further stated that the Town would not
TO HORSE SHOW be obligated for ,any expense except the usual maintQnance of
Calfee Park, and that it would be necessary to secure a co-sponsor.
Council discussed this reouest and on motion of Councilman McCarthy
that a poll be taken to see what Council thought of. having the horse
show on July 1, 2, and 3, seconded by Councilman Carrico, carried as
Council mins. contd. 3/16/65
W. A. Larson - abstaining F. L. Carrico - aye
?~~. S. Cummings -aye N. H. Eggert - aye
T. J. McCarthy -aye R~_idolph Farmer - aye
Glen K. Aust - aye C. B. Gallimore -aye
Councilman Gallimore moved that the Recreation Committee on the
Council work with the Town Manager and Director of Recreation to
bring about a solution, with the power to act, to this horse show
proposal. This motion was seconded by Councilman McCarthy, and
Town Manager Noland advised. that X575.00 represented the
structural damage to the Recreation Building as a result of the Pulaski
Building Supply fire, and that X2,550.00 had been received from the
Insurance Comrany and rlaced in the General Fund. Mr. Noland further
.`x,2,000. A.PPROP stated that most of the football equipment had been destroyed and
EC!UIPMENT asked Council to appropriate fi2,000.00 to replace the football
FIRE equipment destroyed. On motion of Count-lman Larson, seconded by
Counci'l.man Farmer, and carried on the fcl.lot~ring r. ecorded vote:
Tv~T. A. Larson - aye F. L. Carrico - aye
UT. S. Cummings -aye H. H. Eggert - aye
T. J. McCarthy -aye Rudolph Farmer - aye
Glen K. Aust - aye C. B. Gallimore -aye
it was, RESOLVED, that X2,000.00 from the General Fund be used to
replace the football ecuipment recently destroyed by fire.
Chesapeake and Potomac Telenh~ne Company Manager Chas. N.
Boone appeared before Council in protest to the proposed utility.
Mr. Boone gave as his reasons for opposing the utility tax that a
ten per cent federal tax on telephone service which is a hold-over
C. & P.T'{;L.
MGR. BOONS from the war years, has been reduced but not completely removed;
FOR OPP~ING that his customers would look at the figure as a cost .for telephone
UTILITY TAX; service and not as a tax; and to keep proper records, separating
RFCOMMEND.ATION customers within the town limits from those in the county, would
involve a burden on his company. Mr. Boone stated that he felt the
tax on telephone and electricity is unfair in that it singles out the
two services to be taxed, and that the real estate tax was more just
and equitable. Mayor Jackson thanked Mr. Boone for coming and
voicing his opinions, and later in the meeting Councilman Larson, as
Council rains. contd. 3/16/65
Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that it is the
recommendation of his Committee, that the Town ?ttorney and
Town Manager work with the Finance Committee in drafting an
ordinance based on the figures submitted by the Finance Committee
CONTINUED and bring back to Council for any necessary changes; that his
committee felt the head tax as well. as tax on household effects be
dropped. He further stated that his committee recommended the
utility tax on elnctrici.ty, gas and telephone services. Council-
man Farmer moved that the reoommendation of the Finance Committee
be accepted, which motion was seconded by Councilman Cummings, and
A request from t^?illiam R. Cress, Jr., to place a house
trailer at 51~ Pulaski Terrace was considered and denied because the
applicant did not plan to have sani.tar.y facilities connected to the
PLACE HOUSE trailer. On motion of Councilman Cummings, and seconded by Council-
Wm.R CRESS man Farmer, the Town Manager was directed to return the Ten Dollar.
TO CONNECT TO application fee rea_uired of Mr. Cress unless Mr. Cress wished Council
to reconsider his application upon the express understanding that
Mr. Cress would have sanitary facilities connected to the trailer.
Council agreed to hold over for further investigation a
reauest for the construction of a sidewalk on Northwood Drive from
NORTHWOOD DR. Prose ect Avenue to the intersection of Hillcrest Street.
A deed and bill. of sale from the Town to the Appalachian
Power Company conveying certain rights of way and easements of an
MAYOR AUTHORIZ- electric power line in connection with the operation of the pumping
DEF D & BILL station at Warden Springs for the consideration of ~E~10.00, was
PC~7ER LINE AT considered by Council. On motion of Councilman Eggert, seconded
by Councilman McCarthy, and carried on the following recorded vote:
W. A. Larson - aye
Ud. S. Cummings - aye
T. J. McCarthy - aye
Glen K. Aust - aye
F. L. Carrico - aye
H . H . Egg ert - aye
Rudolph Farmer - aye
C. B. Gallimore -aye
it was, RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute
said deed and bill of sale.
Council rains. contd. 3/16/65
On motion of Councilman Larson, seconded by Councilman eummings,
and carried on the following recorded vote:
W. A. Larson - aye
W. S. Cummings -aye
T. J. McCarthy -aye
Glen K. Aust - aye
from water
Fund to cover
Exp. of Case
Knife Rd.
water line
F. L. Carrico - aye
H. H. Eggert - aye
Rudolph Farmer -aye
C. B. Gallimore - aye
it was, RESOLVED, that the sum of X17,500.00 appropriated from
the ~nlater Fund to cover the cost of the recently installed six
inch water line to Case Knife Road.
Mayor Jackson advised that something must be done about
the trash and litter on the streets and directed Town Manager
Noland to determine what ordinances the town has to correct this
situation. Mayor Jackson further asked that a representative of
Council go before the Board of Supervisors and ask them to join the
BEAUTIFICATIONtown in a campaign against litter on the streets and along the high-
MAYOR ways. Mayor Jackson referred to the many improvements already
accomplished by the beautification committee, but stated he felt
more rigid enforcements of the law must be made.
The meeting adjourned at 5:35 P. M.
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