HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-06-65-OOH Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski. Town Council, held April 6, 1965, at x:00 P. M., in the P•lunicipal Office. There were present: Mayor C. V. Jackson, presiding. Councilman: H. H. Fggert, T. J, McCarthy, ',~1. S, Cummings, Rudolph Farmer, ?=I. A, I:arson, C. B. C7alJ.i_more, F. L. Carrico, ~=~_en K. Ault Also rresent: Town Manager: T. B. Noland Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton Totrn Attorney: Garnett S. Moore Visitors: Midge ?Woodard, °outhwest Times reporter Paul Dellinger, Roanoke Times reporter R. P. Beamer, ?,~'. T. Smith, Geo. A, Hillsman Tom Cox, Forest Haley, Larry Barnett and Airs. Jean King The i nvncation eras given bar Councilman rust. Minutes of the regular muting of March 16th, were approved as rpcordPd. A'~r. Beamer, speaking on behalf of the visitors, advised VISITORS PRESENT TO HEAR ACTION OF Cf~JNCIL RE: PROPOSED UTILITY TAX MATTER they were present for the purpose of hearing the pro:~osal and any discussion by Council relative to the proposed new uti.li.ty tax matter, a.n item T~Thich was on Council's a.gonda. This item was heard later in the meeting. Town NTanagor Nn7_and advised that ti•]ill.am R. Cross, who WM.R.CRESS 1~S~R~~ TO ~& X518 PULASKI TER. NO REPORT ON LARK PETITION FOR REMOVAL OF STABLE had applied to Council for permission to place a house trailer at 518 Pulaski Terrace, had indicated that he wished to connect. the trailer to the Town's Tfrater and sanitary sewer systems. Councilman Cummings moved that since Mr, Cross had rovieed hi_s a-~plication and noVr desires to connect the trailer to the Town's water and sewer systems, that a publ_c hearing be advertised to be held by Council at its next moeting, and that the Town N.anager take a look at this particular traitor. This motion T~ra.s seconded by Councilman Eggert. Councilman Eggert stated the Land -Buildings and Parks Committee had no report t•o make at this time with .regards to the request of J. ?-~I. Nark, Jr. for the removal of the stables on town- oT;rned property next to the Bageant property on Bayh!arst Avenue which Mr. Lark ha, i.~~.rchased. Councilman Larson reported that the Finance Committee RESULTS OF MEETING WITH APCo TO BE GIVEN IN EXEC. SESSION had met frith officials of the Appalachian lower Company on two -~.-- _~~~ Council minx, contd. Apri_1 6, 1965 occasions with regards to the proposed utility tax, but that the results o_f these meetings should be given in executive session. Mayor Jackson asked Totrn Manager Noland to give the vi.si_tors and VISITORS ADVISED OF rprrosentatives of the T~Irrchants Council a resume of ?what had PARTICIPATION OF COiTNCIL INactuall_~r taken placo r,';_thin Council. with regards to the Tor~rn' ^ tax TAX MATTER structure, Trrhich tras done. Councilman Larson exr_lained to the visitors that the Toirn hooded to securo additional revenue to finish paying for Route 99, as will as to pay the To<<rn's share of the cost for relocating Route 611, Newborn Road, and the ToTrn's .hare for the upcomi ng COUNCILMAN CARSON GIVES improvements on Route 99, north of the Tc~rn, on what is known as REPORT 0!V FINANCIAL Randolph Avenue. T~?r. ?.arson also s+.,ated that the Town mu^t rrovide NEEDS OF THE y TOWN RE: storm drains from Third Street to Peak Creek, another costly project, TAX MATTER and that if the Totim is to continue to groti-;, additional revenue would have to be fcand to tako care cf the expense of the r~rowth and expansion. Thom fol7.owod a lengthy discussion betwPer. Council and the v-i.~~i.to:cs T~rith regards to a possibl_^ state sales tax. and *srhat effect it would have on tosms and citi==^ of the crate. Mr. Cox, Morr_hants Council ?'.resident, stated that they roal_i~Pd the Town needs monnV to carry on, and that hz.s Council ~t0.^~? roadV a:•O a.sSlst _n any way por~siblo. No action was takon b~. t~c~~nci7, but Council agreed to a sr~ci,al me~?ti.ng, tc; bo deli ~Tn-~ted at a l~tor dato, for farther c?i_s- c~as~~_on of the tax mat±~=r. Counci_1 consi~?erod a petition signed by seven property ot~mers for the ins±all.-tion of a sidetiralk on P1ort.h..wood Drive between ST. COMM. & TOWN MGR. Prospect AvenuF and Hi.1J.crest Avenuo. Or. motion cf Councilman Aust, TO INV. PET. FOR SIDEWALK soconded bar Counci~.man Ga7_limoro, and carried unanimously, it tray, ON NORTHWOOD DRIVE RrSCL~lF'D, that t.,he petition be turned over ±o the To1rn Manager and St,reot. Committee fora survFy and cost estimate of tho sidewalk, and repcr± to Council. `~`-L~ Council mins, contd. Air. 6, 1965 Town attorney T~'oore presented to Council the option agree-Went betUreen th^ Tos,*n and the''~oples National Rank, dater? March Z., 1965, for. the ;,ur~hase cf the pror.,erty known as the Bunts Building, for signatures, and nn motion of Co~zncilman Eggert, seconded by Councilman Ga7l.imora, and carried on the folloi•,*ing recorded vote: ZIT, A. Larson -aye F. L. Carrico - a~,re T.1. ^. Cummings -aye H. H. ~:ggert -aye T. ~T,1~cCarthy-abstained Rudolph Farmer -aye Glen K. ^~.ust -aye C. R. G?17imore - a~Te ADOPTION OF the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION GRANTING OPTION The option agreement between the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, and the Peoples National Bark of Pulaski, Vir- TO PEOPLES gi pia, dated the 1st day of March, 1965, containing the terms heretofore .agreed upon by the Town was zresented by HANK FOR PUR. the Tourn Attorney: OF BUNTS PROP. TnIIF'RFUPON, by motion of H. H. Eggert, seconded by C. B, GallimorP, the following r. ~soluti.on Teas adopted: T,,rFIFREAS, the Town of Pulaski , Virginia, and the Peoples National Rank of Pulaski, Virginia., have hereto- fore agreed upon certain terms under T•rhich the Tos~m granted to the Peoples National Bank the rs_ght to purchase from the Town certain property lying on the past side of 1~shington Avenue and nosh of the T~orfolk & Z~'estern Railway propert.,r known as the Bunts Ruildi.ng; NO`~d, TTT?~'R'?F'ORT, ???? IT RFSOLV~'D RY THE COT?NCT?~ OF THB' TO'.mv OF PULASKI, VIRGINIA, that: The option agreement dated Trarch 1, 1.965, by and between '',he To*~rn of Pulaski, Virginia., and the Peop7_es National Bank of Pulaski, Virginia, presented to +.,he Council on this date, is her~~b,y approved and ratified, and the Mayor of said Town. is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agrr~ement on behalf of t:he Town, and the Clerk of Co17,nC]_1 7f Gal d 'i'oT•Tn l_G die°( tF,d t0 F?X~?r;~.'~'.° ?Cl~ ~1ttP,St SB.mf?. R?, IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other officials of said Town carry out the terms of the said agreement on the Hart of the Town, and in the event the option is exerc~sPd, to so inform the Council and to take all. necessary steps to com~le,te the sale of said premises to tee Peoples n?ational Bank of Pulaski. Council heard a report from Town Manager Noland with regards to thQ condition of the tT~renty-seven year old three wheel $8500. APPROP. FOR PUR. ~ ro17_er Tahich has been used for colli.ng stone and asphalt, indicat- NEW ROLLER ing the immediate need of a neT,~r roller due to excessive cost of repair parts. It. was brought out that a trade fora neUr roll. er could be made fora maximum of X8,500.00, with X2,000.00 being allowed on the old roller. On motion of. Councilman Larsen, seconded ~~~)(~'~ Council rains. contd. April 6, 1965 by Councilman Eggert, and carried on the follokring recorded vote: T,~T. A. Larson - aye F. L. Carrico - absent-left meeting ?^7. S. Cummings -aye H. H. Eggert - a.ye T. J. McCarthy -aye Rudolph Farmer - aye Glen K. Aust - aye C. B. Gallimore -aye 1 it was RESOLVED, that the sum of X8,500.00 be appropriated from the E & S Fund to purchase a new roller. Town Manager Noland outlined a plan for periodic check-ups POLICEWOMAN TO ASSIST IN ENFORCEMENT OF LITTER PREVENTION IN DUn1NTOWN AREA on litter prevention in the downtown area, and advised Council. that if Council was agreeable, cne of th.e policewomen i.s willi.ng and anxious to assiet in the enforcement of the ToVrn ordinances having to do ~~ith litter prevention. On motion of Councilman McCarthy, seconded by Councilman Ga7.limore, and carried unanimously, it was, RESOLVED, that the Town Manager have authority to use a policewoman to observe, make contacts, Ptc. as was suggested. Mr. Hillsman of the Chamber of Commerce asked Council to GEO.A.HILLS- MAN ASKS CCdTNCIL TO APPROP.IN NEW BUDGET $!~, 000. FOR BEAUTIFICA- TION CC6T5. MRS. CRUISE TO A TTEND MEETING IN RICHMOND u PROPOSAL TO CONCRETE AF~A AT CALFEE PARK FOR REC. TO BE CARRIED ON A(~NDA carry in their upcoming budget the sum of ~1~,000.00 to back-up and continue the clean-up and beautification nro~ram, advising that the need for funds to carry on this work is becoming more necessary all the time. No action was taken on Mr. Hillsman's reouest. Mr. Hillsman farther suggested that he felt in major beautification plans the services of a professional landscaper should be secured. It was also brought out that a state-wide meeting to "Keep Virginia Beauti- ful" would be held in Richmond on April ll,th, and Council felt there should be some one to represent the Town of Pulaski at this meeting. On motion of Councilman Eggert, seconded by Councilman McCarthy, and carried unanimously, it was, RESOLVED, that NIrs. Stella Cruise, a private citizen be named to represent the To~~rn at the meeting to bP held in Richmond on April 11th, and that the Town pay her expenses in attending this meeting. A proposal by the Recreation Department to concrete an area at Calfee Park next to tierce Avenue for outdoor basketball, open air f oll.er skating and winter ice skating, was presented by '~~~!~ Council mins, contd. Apr. 6, 1965 Town Manager Noland. Mr. No7_and advised that the Director of Public U'orks had estimated the project to cost approximately ~1t,000.00, bat that the current budget provided only X2700.00 for the project. This proposal was discussea ny ~ouncii ana vu motion of Councilman Aust, seconded b,y Council man McCarthy, and carried, it was, RFSOLVA'D, that it be placed on the agenda under Pending Projects. The rreeting adjourned at 5:1;5 P. I'~. Approved: Attest: 1 Frk~' 1 1 n