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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council,
held April 20, 1965, at 1~:00 P, I~!,, in the Ititunicipal office.
There were present: Mayor C, V. Jackson, presiding.
Councilmen: Tai. 9. Larson, Glen K. Aust, ?~', S. Cummings,
T. J. McCarthy, H. H. Eggert, Rudolph Farmer,
F, L. Carrico
Absent: C. B. Gallimore
?.lso present: T, B. Noland, Town Manager
Gladys R. Dalton, To~.an C1_erk
Visitors: Midge~~~oodard, Southwest Times reporter
Paul nellinger, Roanoke Times reporter
Olin Pearce
R. P, Reamer
T~Jm. M. Gallimore
Howard C, Gilmer
The invocation T,aas given by Councilman C,~rrico.
Minutes of the regular meet;_ng of April 6th ~~rere approved
as recorded.
The meoting was opened by Cnunci.l hoZr'ing a public hearing
as had been advertis?d in the South rest Times, on the application of
?^'illiam R, Cress to place a house trailer at 51R Pulaski. Terrace.
No one appeared objecting to this application, and Town Manager Noland
advised that Mr, Cress had advised that he wished tc connect this
trailer to the Town's ~r~ater and sewer systems; that he had inspected
WM.R. CRESS the trailer which was a small, one bedroom-type trailer, which
GIVEN PERMIT appeared to be well kept on the outside, and that on the day of his
TRAILER AT inspection the trailer Utas locked, and he could only report on the
TER. CONDITION- ondition of the trailer on the outsi.d~; that, he had viewed the site'
TO TOWN SEWER on which Ivlr, Cress planned to place +,h,~ trailer, and if there was no
opposition to the application, he woul~? recommend that the permit
bP granted. On motion of Councilman ~'egert, seconded by Councilman
McCarthy, and carried unanimously, it eras, RFSOL:~.~'D, that the appli-
cation be granted to Mr, Cress to place a house trailer at 51~ Pulaski
-'i17_? sm Gal imorn advised Counci7_ that the Trustees of the
LEGAL STEPS Gospel Tavernacle Church on Fast Main Street wished to sell their
CLOSI building and lot and move to another looation r~*here there will be
RT, 99, ample parking facilities, but that upon a search of the reccrds it
Council rains. contd. Apr. 2.0, 1965
appeared that the Church as well as the adjoining Bud Hudson
property was located on an alley. I~1r. Gallimore asked Council to
close this alley. The matter wa.s discussed by Council and Mr.
Gallimore was advised that the prooPr legal steps wo uld be taken
for a formal closing of the alley,
T'ci~rard Gilmer appeared before Council and requested that
the Town make available town water to 7.cts 7_ocated adjacent but
outside the corporate limits on the north side of. Pleasant Hill
H.C.GILMER REO. Drive. Mr. Gilm~>r left with Counci_7_ a Memorandum Agreement between
TO PLEASANT the Town of Pulaski. and r. O. King, Jr., Trustees for himself and
RESIDENTIAL Howard C. Gilmer, Jr., in which it was stipulated that N's. King and
TO BE ANNEXED P"r. Gilmer agreed to file a petition for annexation under Section
15.1-103-~ of the Code of Virginia, as soon as his house is completed
in that territory; and further agreeing to give the Town ten (10) feet
of land on the north side of Pleasant TTi11 Drive for additional street
width in consideration of this reouest. Mr. Gilmer T~Tas advised that the
T~Temorandum Agreement would be turned over to the Toirn Attorney for
consideration, and, if necessary, a called meeting would be held
to speed up the matter.
Council heard a compla.i.nt from Olin Pearce to the effect
that the Pulaski Fire Department is selling fire extinguishers to
industries, on a competitive basis with his firm, Gatewood Engineering
STUDY COMPLAINT & Supply Company. On motion of Councilman Carrico, seconded by
PEARCF THAT Councilman Farmer, it was, RFSOI~V~'D, that the matter be turned over to
SELLING FIRE the Fire Committee to see if fire extinguishers are being sold *.ahole-
BASIS sale by the Fire Department, and report t.,o Council.
Councilman Rust reported it was the recommendation of the
Recreation Committee that Rev. I)avP ChPVerton be named to f_1.7 the
vacancy on the R+°creation Commission, end ^lac~~~~ the recommendation
CHEVFRTON in the form of a motion. The motion was seconded by Councilman
ON RECR. COh1M. Farmer, and it s~ras, R~'CnLV`iD, that the Rev. Dave Cheverton be
named to fill the vacancy on the Recreation Commission.
Council mins, contd. Apr. 20, 1965
Counc~_lman Cummings reported that.. five property owners
on Byrd Drive had deposited their check^~ for t,Tater connections a.nd
tz~ro more would b~ forth-coming, and that ~_t was the recommendation
CONSTRUCT of his Committee that the Town proceed -~^ th the installation o.f. a
BYRD DRIVE grater line to Byrd Drive according to Mans prev-ously outlined.
Counci loran Eggert moved that the recommendati on of t'ne T~Tater Committed
be accepted and the Town proceed with the project, t,~rhich motion teas
seconded by Councilman Farmer, and carried unanimously.
A standard R~_lroad A¢reement from the PTOrfolk and ?^'estern
Rai.1_Taay Company to the Town for the use of that area bett,reen the
pas;aenger station and rora HighT~ra,j, approximately 2.87 acres, for
WITH N & W beautification purposes, was presented by Town i~TanagPr Noland. After
FOR 2.7 Ac.
FOR BEATJTIFI- a discussion of the consideration of this lease, Councilman Carrico
EXECUTE'~J moved that the contract ~~Tith thc~ N ~~ ti' Railway Company be executed, which
motion was seconde-d by Councilman Eggert, and carried unanimously.
Reporting for the Finance Committee, ~ou.ncilman Larson
advised that over a period of weeks there have been discussions by
Council as to various taxes in an effort, to find a new or additional
source of revenue, and that a report had been made on these various
taxes, and that it was the feeling of his Committee that the sales
tax offers the best source of revenue T~rhich has been discussed uz~ to
DISCUSSION the present time. A recorded vote, as fo1_lows, indicated the feeling
TAXES FOR of Council ?,rith regards to a further steely on the possibility of a
P.DDL. REV, sales tax: T!r. ?+armer indicated he felt the utility tax to be the
best, but would go along tirith the sales tax study. P~1r. Eggert favored
a sales tax. Mr. Carrico favored a sales tax after hearing a report
on all phases of taxation. Nir. Aust recommended that a f urther study
of the sales tax be made. T~,r. P~cCarthy stated that after consideriizg
al.l phases of taxation, he was of the opinion that a further study be
made of the sales tax, hoping to come u^ ?ti7ith a solution so Council
would not have to consider a net~r tax each year for additional revenue.
Mr. Cummings favored a sales tax study. Mr. Larson stated if the town
Council minx. ccntd. April 20, 1965
adopted a saps tax, he felt the town could forget about a new
ta.x each year as he felt i.t would bring in the additional revenue
which the to*.an is seeking. It Ural dec;_ded that the ToTan Manager,
members of the Finance Committee and some one from the Merchants
Council go tc Bristol. and study their sales tax sPt-up. Mr. Robert
Beamer advised that his feelings i.n the matter, as a representa-
tive of the t'~'erchants Council, had been explained in the resolution
recently presented to Council.
Town Manager Noland was authorized to continue paling
BE PAID DURING Sgt. I. D. Long during his sick leave.
A shot discussion on beautification was held, and the
meeting then adjourned at 6:00 P. N~.
r ~ Mayor