HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-20-63r I s. ` ~J P~7inutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council:, held on the ?0th day of august, 1.963, at ~t:00 p. T~?., in the Municipal office. There were present: C. B. ~Tallimore, Billy B. F1_int, F, ~,. Carrico ?'1, c,. Cummings, T. J. McCarthy, ?~1, 4. Larson, Glen u. :oust 1 r_rsent : '' ugene T . Nuckol s Also present: H, C, Jackson, Director of ''ubli c T^rorks G1.adys R. Dal ton, Clerk Garnett S. N?nore, Town Attorney U;sitors: Ronnie ~'atterson, reporter for SouthwAst Times T~Ir. Norman K. Coker The invocation was given by Counci.l.man Flint. i Minutes of the called meeting of August 12th were approver. Mr. Norman Coker, a residen± of Sutherland ?Moods Gubdivisi~on, 1 SEWER COMM. TO appeared before Council with a petition contain the signatures of REPORT ON REQ. OF SUTHFRI,AND approximately twenty-seven residents of Sutherl.a.nd T~loods, Grove DridP_ WOODS-GF~OVE DR. - ENGLISH FOREST and ??nglish Forest Drive, reeuesting sewor serwi.ces to that area. A Ater DR, REQ. FOR SEWER SERVICE some discussion by Council of this ma+ter, on motion of Councilman F!`Lint, seconded by Councilman Galli.more, and carried, the petition was referred to the Sewer Committee for study and report to Council. Mr. H. C. Jackson reported that work had been scheduled, ~t WORK SCHEDULED FOR SIDEWALK the request of and at the cost of the Medical ~?rts Pharmacy, for sic~e- AT MED. ARTS PHARMACY ON walk construction north from Tenth Street to t?~:e alley just north ofd the RANDOLI?H AVE. Medical 4rts Dharmacy on Randolph Avenue. i T;r. Jackson further stated that delivery of the new ga.rbae?e DEL. OF truck would be made during the week o~' Aug!ist 2~th, havi ng been NEW GARBAGE TRUCK so advised by the factory. No action was taken on a communication relative to `'ulaski 125th ANNIV. IN 1963 celebrating its 125th Anniversary in 1.963. Councilman Gallimore Wave a brief resume of Council's ~' i REPORT ON STATUS t~F GOVS. COtTNCIL FOR YOUTH BY COMMITTEE actions on the Governor's Council for Youth matter, in which he stated that on May 27., 1963, Mrs. ?~T, FT, Carson, Jr. appeared before Council and ?xnlai_nPd the work of the Governor's Council and asked the governing body t.e endorse same. On dune lit.h, Council's next s `7~f Council mins. contd. Aug. 70, 1963, ~! P. M. GALLIMORE REPORTS ON GOVE RS . COUNCIL FOR YOUTH & MOTION TO INCLUDE CERTAIN MATTERS regular meeting, the matter was discussed further by Council, and at that time T~Tayor Jackson appointed Mr. Cxallimore, Mr. Aust and Mr. Cummings to a special committee to study same and make an investigation to ascertain what, if any, duplications would be made in connection with the organization of a similar committee by the Judge of the Cae~nty Court. Mr. Gallimore stated that such an investigation had been made, and it was the feeling of the special committee that there would be no duplications in the two organizations, and that the special committee had met with Ms. T^Ieddington, Executive Secretary for the Governor's Council for Youth, and that another meeting was scheduled with Mr. T~°leddington for September 3rd. Mr. Gallimore asked that Council officially endorse the Governor's Council for Youth, so that when they met on ~'eptember 3rd the committee would be acting as an official body. Mayor Jackson stated that it was his thinking them should bP one member of the council on the citizen's committee. ThPSe feelings of Mayor Jackson, Mr. Gallimore advised,t~rould be incorporated in the recommendation of the specia~f. committee, which was put in the form of a motion by hTr: Gallimore, being seconded by Councilman Flint, and carried unanimously. It ,aas the recommendation of the Street Committee, presented ADL BLOCK ON EASTMAN ST. WILL BE a~ENED FOR TRAFFIC by its chairman, Mr. McCarthy, to open an additional block of Eastman Street to provide an access road, Tfrith gravel, to the property of Mr. Satterfield, the cost of whl.ch would be very small. since rTr. Satterfield had prepared most of the right-of-way. Councilman Aust asked that a letter bP written to the City LETTER TO BRISTOL RE : N 0. ONE MODEL FIRE TRUCK IN BRISTOL PARADE of Bristol, Vixbinia thanking the Fire and ~'olice Departments for their courteous treatment to members of the °ulask~. Fire Department when the Pulaski Department recently took its Number One Model 1917 La.France truck to Bristol for the Shrine Parade on August 16th and 17th. On motion of Councilman J~icCarthy, seconded by Councilman TOWN ATTY. TO PREPARE LEASE FOR RENTAL OF BUNTS BLDG. TO APCo. Larson, and carried, Town Attorney Moore t^ras directed to prepare a ~~~ a Council mine, contd. Aug. 20, 1963, 1~ °. h. lease with the Appalachian Power Company for a major portion of the lower floor of the Toti~rn building at th:: corner of 1^lashington Avenue and First `?treet, at the rate of `~1KO.~J per month, said lease to contain a four months vacation clause, and the rental. rate to be negoti ted every two years; said lease to become effective September: 1, 1.963. On motion of Councilman Flint, seconded by Councilman Larsdn , and carri?d, the follot~ring resolution eras adopted: ?~'?~LREAS, the Dublin Raritan Club, upon learning that Raritan National intended to relocate i.ts Pational Headquarters in a new site in Virginia, did immedi a±ely ass+smbl? facts , statistics and formulateā€¢a plan to secure the location of the new headquarters i.n Dubl.i.n or Pulaski County, Virginia; and, ~~°7I-L~RFA , to th~.s c~nd, tha Du'~lin Club did present to ADOPTION the Site Committee of the National Organization, an eight-acre OF tract of lane near A?eTTbern, Pulaski County, Virgn~_a, made available to them through the generosity of Burlington Industries, and did further show tc them the many advantages of this location, its accessibility by highway, rail and air, its nearness to RESOLUTION schools at .all levels of education, recreation facilities i , churches, attractive sub-divisions and available home sites, commercial establishments, both i_n the Town of Dublir. and RE; DUBhTN Pulaski, and further that the location was not only in the midst of an active Raritan n~:ighborhood, but that the assistance and RURITAN cooperation of many other civic and cowcnunity organizations were readily available; and, CLUB tiJHEREAS, the Site Committee, after revir-wing all of the sites, recommended the Dublin Club's site to the National officers who held their winter meeting in this area, and at that time toured and evaluated not only the actual proposed location, but the surround-i.ng area; and, 'rTHERFAS, the National officers deferred their decision until the summer meeting at Virginia Beach, where, through its continued and never-ceasing efforts, the ^ublin Club presented to them by the use of colored slides and a recorded narration, a review of the entire Dublin location area, emphasizing by Duality photograr,hs and persuasive narration the tlrork of Ruritans in this area and pointed out the many assets of D`ew River Valley to the successful conc7.usi.on that Raritan National selected the Dublin Club's site for its net~r National Headquarters. id0~~', T:-~RrrOR~;, B?? IT RESOLV~D by the Council of the Town of `'ulaski, Virginia, that: The Tom of Pulaski takes th;:s means of expressing its gratitude to the members of the, nublin Raritan Club for their professional-like presentation, their tireless efforts and successful conclusion in bringing Raritan National Headquarters to this area. The Town of Pulaski recognizes the worth of the efforts of the Dublin Raritan Club a.nd its members and the i_nPstimable value of the new headquarters as an area asset. "7~8 COMMITTEE MEETS WITH DUBLIN OFFICIALS RE: FURNISHING WATER TO DUBLIN, NFW WELL AT DUBLIN PRODUCING WILEY & WILSON TO MAKE SURVEY OF INDUSTRIAL PARK AT LOVING FIELD EXECUTIVE SESSI~1 Council rains. contd. Auk;. ?_0, 1963 1.! P. M. The Town would pledge its support to the Club in any further endeavors neede~? tot^aard the actual establishment of the headquarters. By TT FURTHER R_FSOL~~>I'D that a copy of this resoluti on be mailed to Dublin Ruritan Club and to T7r. Jack Harrell, whose diligent work to achieve the Blub's goal continued even after he relinauishsd his post as club president and moved to a distant town, and a copy to the Press. Councilman Larson reported that he and Town Manager Noland had recently met Taith Mayor Flanagan and members of the Dublin Council at Dublin, and based on present conditions, passed on to riayor Flanagan infermatior_ to the effect that the base cost for water at the Pulaski Corporate Limits, be from 3?¢ to 37 or 3~¢, with Dublin paying for the entire line; that it was also explained to the group that many details would have to be worked out before a final report could be given on the test of the water, all of which involved water lines, tanks and pumps, but that negotiations would continue between Pulaski and Dublin. T~1r. Larson further stated they also visited the site of the second well digging while in Dublin and that this well was producing five gallons a second and in view of this development Dublin might not be interested in purchasing water from Pulaski. Nc action was taken b,y Council. On motion of Councilman McCarthy, seconded by Councilman Larson, and carried unanimously, it was agreed to authorize the firm of t^'iley & T^ ilson, Consultant engineers of Lynchburg, to make an industrial study and survey of Loving Field, the cost of which would not exceed ~?,000.00 and to be charged to Account No. lA-2o1-3; with 1^'iley & T~?ilson procseding to make an immediate report on that portion which Virginia Maid Hosiery is interested in. There ti~ras a motion, seconded and carried that Council go into executive session. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:00 P. M. Approved:. `~ ~Layor Attestre sr ~~ 1 1 ~ ~ I'~