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~4~2 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski ,~; Toxn Council, held on the 21st day of November, 1961, at t~s00 P. M., in the Municipal office. There were present: Mayor C. V. Jacksc3Yi,' ~ '~ presiding. Councilmen: Billy B. Flint, F. L. Carrico, T. J. McCarthy, Glen K. Au st, John W. Nash Absent: W. S. Cummings, Eugene L. Nuckols Claude B. Gallimore Also present: Town Manager: T. B. Noland Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton Visitorss Jim Terrell, reporter-Southwest Times Miss Elizabeth Bonham, Mrs. J. F. SpeROer Mrs. 0. M. Duncan - Air pollution Comad.ttee Homer Rogers Mrs. W. D. Macgill, Kenneth Fulp & R. H. Athearn - YMCA Edward Dent, Dent Radio-TV Council parsed for a moment of silence to honor Police Chief G. E. Bouldin, a veteran of thirty-one years of Town t Police Service, ten years as Lieutenant and five years as Chief, who COUNCIL PAUSED passed away on the morning of the day of the meeting; after TO HONOR POLICE CHIEF BOULDIN which Councilman Flint gave the invocation. WHO PASSED AWAY NOV, 21, 1961 Miss Bonham, Mrs. Spencer and Mrs. Duncan in- quired about the status of the smoke abatement situation and were advised that Council is awaiting a reply to its inquiry of an AIR POLLUTION Engineering Company for a survey of the industrial plants in COMMITTEE ADVISED Pulaski to determine wY~at ateps can be taken to eliminate, as COUNCIL AWAITING WORD FROM ENGIN- ch as possible, the problems about which these citizens have EERING FIRM RELATIV~ TO SURVEY OF complaiq~ci. INDUSTRIAL PLANTS Mrs. Mscgill, Mr. Athearn and Mr. Fulp appeared on behalf of the local 'YMCA, and advised that their Board at its last meeting had passed a resolution asking that the Town Council, if they do n~bt already have sack an ordinance, pass YMCA DELEGATION ASK COUNCIL TO an ordinance that would require anyone soliciting in the Town PASS RESOLUTION FOR ALL SOLICITA- to have a license; and anyone not willing to come under the TION TO COME UNDER COMMUNITY CHEST Community Chest Drive not be given a license to solicit. Mr. DRIVE;ORDINANCE COMMITTEE TO STUDYFulp stated the purpos® of this request was to eliminate seYeral REQUEST 1 1 1 r Council mina. contd. Nov. 21, 1961, !t P. M. c~~~ fund raising drives and consolidate them all in the Community , 1 Chest Drive. This regaest was discn8sed at length, and on maotion of Councilman Flint, seconded by Councilman Aust, and carried Z '` "unanimously, it xas, RESOLVED. that the matter'•be turned over to I'.-~ the Ordinance C®maittee And Town Attorney for a stt~jr and recommends-- ., i tion to Council. Mr. Dent and Town Manager Noland explained to u Council the situation as regards the necessity of making mayor changes in the Municipal emergency radio setup, the changes being necessary because of new FCC regulations. The new regulations require that allmatters except police matters be no longer trans- matted on the present frequency which has been used by all municipal departments., As a result of mach stud? and also as a 1 result of an area meeting participated in by all municipalities, POLICE, FIRE AND UTILITY sheriff departments, etc. in Southwest Virginia, decision had been RADIO SETUPS ARE TO AE; made as regards frequencies. In the new setup the existing common SEPARATED UNDER THE police frequencywould be maintained and the various communities NEW REQUIRED ELAN & 7'0 COST would secure a npw fire department frequency which would be common APPRO%. $!~l~5O.00 between the various departments in order to get the full value of mutual aid pacts. A third frequency for utility use would be private with respect to Pulaski. It was explained that the tota:I cost of this new setup, which involves replacing the obsolete Police Department transtaitting equipment, the addition of an antenna at the Filter Plant and the placing of a remote control unit in the Public i Works Department, all at am estimated cost of $!t,lt50.00. It was pointed out that the present budget carries an appropriation of $2,50. and that the suppliers of the equipment would provide immediate 1 shipment on all of the equipment with the understanding that partial payment would be made in this fiscal year with the remainder to be paid in the 1962-63 fiscal year. After a discussion of this matter it was agreed that the Finance Committee would meet with Mr. Dent and the Town Manager so that additional information could be studied with the idea that the matter would again be considered at the next meeting. 4 i '~ ~ *,~ ~~'~~~ Council mina. contd. Nov. 21, 1961, !t P. M. .~ ~ Councilman Aust, Chairman of the Recreation Com~te,~~, advised that it was his committee's recommendation that Sgt. , SGT. WM. V. BOADWINE Willia F V. Boadwiae be named to the RecrQ~tion Commiss~pt~.~to,,~•fi.11 "~ APPflED'-TO FILL {" ~. •F VACANCY ON REC. COMM. the vacancy caused by Mr. Peck Baxter's resignation. Mr. Aust "'a~"`~'"' CREATED BY RESIGNATION OF 0. PECK BAXTER put this recommendation in the form of a motion, which motion was seconded by Councilman Flint, and carried unanimously. Town Manager Noland read to Council an ordinance establishing certain regulations for the operation of public utilities within the Town of Pulaski, and after a full discussion ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING CERTAIN of same, on motion of Councilman McCarthy, seconded by Councilman REGULATIONS FOR THE OPERATION OF PUBLIC Aust, and on the following recorded votes UTILITIES Billy B. Flint -aye John W. Nash -aye T. J. McCarthy -aye W. S. Cummings -absent Glen K. Aust - gye Eugene L. Nuckols -absent F. L. Carrico -aye Claude B.Fallimvre -absent the following ordinance was adopt ed: 1 [] 1 Council mina. contd. s Nav. 21, 1961 R ~J I AA1 Q~tDINANCR BSTARLISHII~ GSgT,l~Ili RgGUt~AT~aNS FQR THS QP~.ATIUN aF PUBLIC UTILITIRS 'WITHIN TfiB Rn1~t aF 1~ULA3KI, VINiGtI~IA, INC41tPUxATING BX FICE ~TH~ A~'I'LICAB~ 4RDIl~A~tCE3, 3TATg AND FBDIAL ULAN©1~5, AND Q~HE~ ~~U.A- TIUNS 3PBCIB'IG~AL~.~' !" Tai P'~?VZI~-It~G GBHTAIN STANDARDS AND DRSCRIBZAIG PF~AI.TtF 1~'t)R V'IOLATICIN ©F ITS P~UVISIONS .'TER 21, BB IT Q~DAINED BY THE {~UNCIL 4F T TOWN 4F FULASE.I, VIRGINIA, THAT: S~tion 2l-l. 7;~j, This ordinance shall be ~ and may be cited as Chapter 21 "~'ublic Utilities of the Cade of ate Tcxwn of ~'ul~.aski, Virg3.Aia" , Seetian 21-2. Definitioas. For the purpos~as of thus Qrdinance, the fallowing terms, phrases, words, and their dmrivatons shall have th+s meaning given herein. When not a incon~tisteant with the content, words used. in the preset tensi include the future, words in the plural number include the ,sin,Sular number, snd wssrds in the singular member include the. plural nu~anbar . The. Word '~ she 11" is always mand$ tc~ ry and na t merely directory. (l) "Town" is th® Town. of Pulaski, Virginia. ~2~ "mpany" is the grantee of rights under any franchise granted by said Tvstn df Pulaski, 'Vixginia. „~ -~ :, :r ~~~~, ~~ , ~, . '~: Council mains. contd. ,( N' ( ~~~ tl~'t +S: ~i~~T~" E'1 ~ .,:p, s .. X'71 ~. c~; _. Nov. 21, 1961 < 91 ~_ f~ !_`f~ j ~s `'~ ~~ ~ ~ fi l' ~ Section 35 of the Building Cods eartitled "Flues and `Tents for Gas 1~lppliances" Section 36 mntitled "Heating, Ventilating Air«Conditioning, BloWSrs, and haunt gyste~" Section 4Q entitled "Gas p"ipers" Sean©n 21.5. Lvsry company shall maintain and operats~j Its plant sad systam, and shall. render +ef€icisnt senrwic®, in accordance xith the provisions of this C'baptsr, as~d Frith such y provisions and regulations as may hsrea€ter be sat €orth by t1~e To7rn, and with the regulations and provisions which are dssme to establish the generally accepted good practices o€ the .~ industry as promulgatead and set out by the Natiarnal Board o€ Firs tTaderarriters, the National Standard Building Cads, and The Southern Standard Building Cods, or as they shall be amended. If there is a con€lict bstoresn the aforesaid Codes, the most restrictive provisio~a therec€ Mich is applicable shall apply,. Section 21-6. N,~ic;~ ~ ~ ~3, o,,a. ~hexasvsr it is necessary to shut o€€, or interrupt se~cvics, €or the purpose ~€ making repairs or installations, the company shall do so at such time as ~ri.ll cause the least amount o€ inconvenience to its consvmsr, and ualass such repairs are un€oresesa, and i~mmsdialNaiy ~aecessary, it shall give reasonable notice of the interx~-tioa to the consumer, .~ ~~. ;;- t> v _ _ ., ~`t`~C~ Council mina. contd. Nov. 21, 1961 ~~, *,I.. 1 r k~ _ ~.",; xj~ ~- fin Section 21- 7. All Pipes, 1ine~-, conduits, aAd ee~ui~eaat of any c p, including all u+aceseary gaits flf any g~-s system, natural car artificial, or mixed gas equigment, laid or glared in the Tam shall be located in the streets, alleys, anc~i6ther glaees in the Town so as ~t tv obstruct, or intearfexre~ with any water gige-s, seater lines, ixistallaticans, or othear st~cuctures already installed or hereafter to bee iaatalled, The comgany shall, when practicable, avoid the urea of any alley, street, highway: or public way,, where the gavag ar surface of the street weuld be disturbed, and all iustallatc>ns, re~-airs and re- locati+~rci shall. be donee iA accordance w3.th the ordinances of the -` Town peartaini to the cap+ee~ix>$ of streets, alleys, or public way. Seactiau 2~-8. Odor,~,,,~,izitut ,$.~, . Gas fuxnishad to con- sumeaes under this franchise shall be of marketable quality and free frees impurities, Bacept that it shall contaix- s+cnsa elaaa;ent or cc~pound with an easily detectable odr,~r in an aunt suffi- cient to be noticeable when the $as is released, but oat sufficieant to bs harmful tv human and animal life, or tc> interfere with combustion. Section 21.9.x ,~~ g,~ F1+svatioA ,~,~ S;„g,~~. in the event that a~ any time during the period of, any franchise of any caangany, the Town shall lawfully elect to conetxuet, alter, widen, c-r change the grade of aay street, alley or ether gublic ,.~. k. ~~ __ - ~ }~ i5~ 3.,.~ ~id~ Council rains contd. ATov. 21, 1961 s`t`t~ a~ay, the utility, upon reasonable notice by the Tort, shall re®ove, re~.ay and re-locate its mains, services, pipes, poled, Manholes, apparatus, axed arty fixtures at it$ o~rn, e~cpease. Section 2l•I0. ~7G„,~ .Any company this mains, eonduitdl, w3.r err an Other a y pparatus or equipment located underground shall mere, or cause to be made a ms.p or plat of the locatia of all such mains, conduits, etc., Qr any other apparatus or ', equip~aeztt, and shall keep Qn .file in the office of the Tern Managerr, or such other place as he ~mnay designate, a ¢opy of +l such maps ar plats, and shall periodically revise and bring -tc~»date said map or plat, eo the corrected location of all' its lines, ~aains, conduits, rri.res, or any other apparatus or equipment, pvfthin the said Tt~wn may be determiuod. S eRtion Z l~ l l . R,g~~; Traits f errs . No company she sell, transfer its plant or system to another, nor transfer any r rights under its franchise without council ~ s approval. 1~1o such sale, or transfer shall busked until the vendee, asdgaee, orj lessee has filed with the Town. Clerk an instrument duly executed r reciting the fact of such sale, assi~mtent, or lease, and aec+~ptance of all the teansa of the framehiae in force and agreeing to perform all the co~tditions thereof. Section Zl~l2. Y „~. Anq coerpany, its vendee, 2esg~e, .~,~.. _ '_ ,-~^ ~'-"~~O Co~acil ~ai.ns. eor~t,d. Nov. 21, 1961 ~ , ,, a._y , _.. F _ _ ~ assigns, ~,z successors, violating any ~~' the psrovisicros of this chapter, Qr any cathsar ardinax~ce pertaining tc~ itR c>pexatic~n, aY any rul+u or regulatior~-e~ incvrprsrat+~d herein, or o~ ether ordir,~ces o~ said ~+, cr anp material parts the=ecaf , yr shall fail ar refw~e tc prcm~ptly p+~ric~rm any ag the previsions hereof, such failure shall be sufficient cauae~ fcr the said Tcra~n to rewake~ all the rights granted under their franchise after written notice to the eaa~-any of its failure to cem~rlp ~ and subsequent contl~asuatien of the vie~latic~n, failure er default. ted this =~/~~ da of Neve~rabex, 19bi. Adeg ~... y 'Tt?WN OF PiJLASK2, VII~GIAtIA ~,J Attest: ~~ Clarks saf Cc~uneil .~e.~,~,.., ' ~~~~ =~~~, _ Cc~zncil mains. contd. `51 Nov. 21, 1961, ~. P. M. `' i ~• '~ '~, ,~,: ~: There being no farther badness, the meeting i ' adjourned at:30 P. M. ' n A 3 ` Appro~eds ~ for Attest: er 3 1 u . .y~ 4 (~ .'.~~.~ ~) V a ~~e B ~ .~