HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-06-62 I .~ ;4~.„;. ti,,.. ~;,,,,u,. -~.,• ~; ~,, NT;nutP.S Of~f,1'IP ~P~ul ar ~~etinf? of t, .Pulaski Tcy~In . 1 ~, '"here were x~resent: Mayor C. V, Jackson, nresi~?i ng. w Councilman: Rill. Fl_~nt, TnT, ~. Cummings, T, J. McCarthy, ! G7 en K. lust, F. T . Carrico, Claude Ga11_imore~, .Tohn W, Mash ' ".hsent: Counc~ lman FugenP ~T~ackol s zl.so rresent: Town Manager: T. R, Noland C1. ark: f'r7ad4s R. Dalton Town P,ttorhey: ^~'n Grose~l ose i "i_:-i tors : Tas.ll.iam Farmar rm Terrell, renor±.er for ~ovth*•rest Times Th? invocation was given by Councs.lman Gail i more. I Mi nutas of tha reg~.al ar meeting of February ?nth, Were anrr~red . A~Tr, Farmar comrla~n~d of tra GmokP ?nd f~~lov± from thQ oreln barns ngs at Coleman Furniture Coroorati on and the n,rl asks VenQer and ' Furniture corporation, stating that him wife ha.d been in serious REPORT ON condition for the east two months bPCa~~se she i_s allergic to smoke AIR POLhUTION SITUATION and dust, ToT~rn Manager Nolanr? advised that one of the engineers studying the si tuati.on had been i.ll. for some time, b ~_it. that i t was hop Pd that, bl~rPprint.s of incin?ratnrs T~rould be a~Tail?bl? wsth~n tha next week. 1 ~Ptter from Mr, M. G. Bang reouesting perms~sson to brickt- case his business property frontage on .Tefferson Avenue was ds_scussed~ by Council. To grant Mr. Bane's rer~rest would amo~.:nt to an encroach ment on the tot~m's right of way, wi th ~ et~a1 nroneedi ngs and survey I being ner,essary before such ? rer.uest crn~l~1 ba srant.ed. On motion COMMITTEE TO STUDY REQ. of Councilman McCarthy, seconded by Co~~ncilman Carrico, and carr-iPd ` OF M. G. BANE I, TO BRICKCASE unanimously, ~t was, RESnT~V~'D teat the matter be turned over to j BUSINESS PROPERTY ON the Committee on T~and, Busldings and parkG and ~f they find from '~ JEFF. AVE. their investigation that only a ttrn ~n~h encroachm~n+ is ~mTolved, thAy be vested wi t.h t~ ~ .authors ty to d; rest tha+, ~ agal proceeds ngs be made and brought back to Councs.l for final approval. , ~~i~~ j i i i Council, hP1.d on the 6th day of March, l_96?, at 2. n, M., ~n the . .,~~, Mvn~ cix~al Gffice, '_ 3l~8~~ Council mans contd. March 6, 1962, ~ P. M. <. x .~. . C~~~nci.lman Carrico adviGed that t~,e Sewer Commi ttee had met with the Water Committee ret~ard~ n~ the ~nt.herlan~, ?~Joo~s T~'ater .,,. , SIITHERLAND WOOD6 lines, which report weul~ later be given by the Chairman of the WATER LINE REPORT TO BE MADE LATER Water Committee, and that with regards to the budget prepara- tion, no recemmAn~lations were made at t~"i s t~ me. ". -` t.^rnev Alan CTr~+Gecl ose ad~n Ged that the streets which were lai!~ out, on the H. ~', o»Gt Surdiv~sion °7at of 1.9[~~, Bell Ave. prop. and one known as Bell Aven~.ze, became vested in fee simn7e t~ the of Comm. of Va., Town has no Commonwealth of V~r¢in~.a, and therefore th.e town had no rights title to wane; St. Comm. to to the title. He further stated that i f t}'le street, i s cl osed, as recommend portion to be closed has been rernlested, the l_.and reverts to thQ land owners, and the tnrM1Tt1 has nothing to self Councilman Flint moved that the matter be turned over t~ the Street Committee to make recommendation, if they see fit, on the norta_on of Bell. Avenue t~ be closed, ThiG motion was seconded by Councilman Carrico, and carr~e~i, with Counc~~man Nash ~bsta~nina. Town Manager Noland was a~ithor~zed to calla meeting of the Street Committee ~n view of the fact that its Chairman, Mr. TTash, ~G one of the petitioners to trP c1 nGi ng of Rel l ~vernle. ?+ was adv~ red by ToT•m Manager ?~TOI and that ? traffic l~gh+ engin~Pr had been renuested +.e come to "~~lasv~ and makA ENGR.TO MAKE a survey and recemmpndat~on for a traffic ~~ght f^r the corner TRAFIC SURVEY AT COR.MADISON of North Ma d;Gnn At*en~~e end Third Street; and that at. the same & THIRD STS. & WASH. & FIRST time a recemmen~atien would be asked of th;G eng;peer repa.rdi_ng STS. FOR STREET LIGHTS,ACTION traffic at the corner of ?Washington Avenue and lst Street and HELD IN ABEYANCE ON LIGHT FOR Washington AzTenuP and Commerce Street. Action by Council THIRD & MADISON on the matter of a traffic light at the corner of Thi"~ and Made son was h~l d ; n abeyance until suc?~ report, , ~ made by the traffic eng~ Weer. '"?~~ ~7'ainape nrobl.Qm wh-+ch ~s caused by the b~„~t-~~r rai_~road crossing on Ma di Gen A.nernae, said cress ng being the MAYOR, TC~n1N MGR. DIR.TO WORK nronert~~ cf the ColQman F~arnitnre Corporation, was diGCUSSed WITH COLEMAN FURN. & N. & W. RY.TO CORRECT DRAINAGE _~ ~. SIT. AT RR CR06SING ' ON MADISON AVE. -,. 1 ~~~85 III unexpired term of Mr. C. P. Rail ~y as membAr of the Tot,~n Planning H.H.EGGERT APPOINTED TO Commission, which term expires Februar~~ 20, 196?; as well as re- FILL VAC. ON PLANNING COMM. appointed Mrs. rlcrman Coker and Robt. ?'T. Stevens, whose term ex- COKER & STEVENS RE APPOINTED pired ~'ebruarv ?~, ~9h2, t^ another f;.,,.. v~ar term, nn motion FOR !~ YEAR TERM '"Ia.~;or Jackson groin+Pd Mr, H^w~rd u. F~~Prt +•^ fill- the 1 ~rn~n~il. m~ ns . contd . Marsh F, l 9F,? ~ i. r, M. and ~t. was brrntght ont that thA Norfolk and T~iPStern R?i.lway ComTanv will work w..th the town ~n ~ettin~ th;^ sit,uati.on work~i ont w'th Coleman Ti',,rn;t,trP ('nrr,oratzon. ~n mo+,~n of roun~~lman mash, sPC~ndPd by C^~,nc;lman rT~~''~mnNP ~n~ c^rr; ~r1 ~~n^ni.mo~~s7_v, it was, RFS^?i1FD, that, +.h~ M~--or and Tcwn M^na~er be d;rected to w^rlr w, t.h +.ha n?orf^, k end t.i~stPrn R^; lw~v pomp :env and the Col.Pman Fnrn~ tur? C'or^orati on nff~ ci a~ ~ t~ see if a s~zti sfact^mr arT'^n~re- mPn+ can be made.. of Councilman McCarthjr, secc~ndPd by Cn~-nr''lman F~;n+:, and carried unan~mo•tsly, ~t wasp RESOTIT~'R that t,h~ 'rno`n+m^n+s m~~ie by Ma-nor Jackscn t•^ +t,~ "~ annin~ r^mm~ ss~ nn hc+ ^~rr^vPd, Mayes'" .Tacks^n stated "~rOP'7"P,~,G f^r air~or+ ~; r~ht.; n~ at N?w pr©gress of LIGHTING AT LARVA GOOD Tt was +h^ r?c^mm~na~t.~nn of the ?^iater. C^mm;ttee tk~at new [' APPROPRIATED $].500. for WATER LINE & METERS TO 7 ROUSES IN SUTHERLAND WooDS sUBDIV. R; ver Tray ~ ~v r,; resort, _ ~ mo~*i. nt~ ^~ onp ,-_~'^; ~?, v , nd ; t w~ s hon?d t'~3+. t~ °r^~ ?ct• 4-~nlicat.i on will soon be rPad~r fo^ gabm~ tt,i ne t^ +r~ m4 n for ^n"oTr~l , water 1' nPS end mP+.nrc }jn ~ Cl~j-,al ~ ^d +n +h^ Re~'An ~"A,5`l (~^n(`Ag ~ n C?tt}]o`r~ I ~an~ t~ir)C1rjS ,~',t}~.q;vi_S~nn. Wi+,Y, nAnpSsar~T Y`i¢ht Of w''V° bei..ng SP.^~arP~1 fo^ these l ~ nos, an' thn+ an a^nro-~ri.at~ on n~ ~ inn, nn t,P made to R ccoan+ ~n?7 t~ cotrer +.h^ cost. of this ; nsta~ ~ ati on. On motion of ~'^`tnC''~man r~amm;nas, RPr'^n'~Pd h-~ ~!,'tn(';~irr~T1 r~T°~+i^~• .^.n~ cirri@~ On +ha fnllo`•rin~ rer`^rded vn±.e: ?~1l l Fl ~ n+ - ~v° m. ,r . Mc~'~rthv - avP Gl nn K , !! ,~ St - aTTr~ ;+. was T', T (`arr; {gyp _~vp (`l a,lr~P, ('',al l; more _ at~P r,,¢^n^ ~1~,^ko~s -absent. RPSO? V~'D that a n a-,nrorr~ at; nn of ~15n~. nn from the water f~,nd be made to Q cr^„n±. ~'n''? fir the ; nGt.~~~ a+; on of wester l~ nes and meters ; n +h~ ~„+h~rl and Woods Snbdi TT; .-; r,n. X486 Council rains. contd. Mar. 6, 1962, 4 P. M. Town Manager Noland reported that with respect to APPROXIMATELY $1x0,000. will COVER COST OF MATERIALS FOR INSTALLATION OF WATER LINE TO WINDSOR CIRCLE AREA the upcoming project involving the extension of water mains to the Windsor Circle Area on Route 11, the plans have been completed. It was explained that the project would involve materials approximately, as follows: 2,920 feet 6" C. I. pipe; 100 ft. 8" C. I. Pipe; 3,066 ft. 10" C. I. Pipe; and 3,b80 ft. 12" C. I. Pipe, in addition to at least a half-dozen valves and valve boxes. Mr. Noland stated that the cost of the above materials, not counting freight, would be about $It0,000.00, and that attempts are being made to get contractor bids covering the installation of the above materials, and as soon as the complete cost figures are known it would be necessary that Council make an appropriation from the water farad to finance the project. As a matter of record, Councilman Aust advised that WM.BOADWINE APPOINTED TO FILL C.SMCTH'S PLACE ON REC. CC1MNfZSSI ON AS CHAIRMAN the Recreation Commission had recently met and that Mr. Wm. Boadwine had been named Chairman of the Commission to take the place of Mr. Conway Smith, whose term expired in December, 1961. Councilman Aust moved that Council go into executive session, which motion was seconded by Councilman Gallimore and carried unanimously. After a short discussion the Mayor declared APPOINTMENT OF the executive session adjourned. Following this adjournment, on NEW POLICE CHIEF HELD IN ABEYANC~otion of Councilman Carrico, seconded by Councilman Cummings, OF INVESTIGATION OF RESIGNATION and carried unanimously, it was, RESOLVED that no definite OF OLIN PIERCE ASST.FIRE CHIEF action be taken on naming a permanent Chief of Police and Assistant Fire Chief until after a hearing is held on the matter of the resignation of the Assistant Fire Chief Olin Pearce. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:20 P. M. Approved: /~ ,. ~.:- ~,G~ C ~~~ Att t: ~ ~ ayor er L'~ 1