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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town
Council, held February 19, 1974 at 7:00 P. M. in the Council
Chambers in the Municipal Building.
There were present: Mayor C. Robert Edens, presiding.
Councilmen: Glen K. Aust, Andrew L. Graham, Mason A.
Vaughan, William A. House, Arthur L.
Meadows, Raymond F. Ratcliff, J. L. Congrove
Absent: Councilman S. G. Frye
Also present: Town Manager: J. E. Marshall
' Clerk: Gladys R: Dalton
Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore
Visitors: Representatives from The Southwest Times,
WPW Radio Station and WBLB Radio Station
Approximately twelve visitors
The invocation was given by Councilman Vaughan.
Minutes of the regular meeting of February 5, 1974 were
approved as recorded.
Mr. Abell of Dora Highway inquired about flood insurance
and if property owners are now covered, and was advised that the
Town had taken all legal steps necessary for property owners to
be eligible fbr flood insurance and it was entirely up to the
property owners to secure whatever flood insurance they so desire
from an insurance agent writing this type insurance. Town
Manager Marshall also advised that all of the brush from the
REPORT ON THE trestle on Peak Creek had been cut and as soon as weather permits,
CLEANING JOB a chipper would be used to chip up this brush; and that this would
take care of cleaning the creek to the corporate limits. He
stated the cost of cleaning Peak Creek todate amounted to $2976.65
which had been charged to Revenue Sharing Funds. Later in the
meeting flood insurance was again discussed and Councilman House
recommended that the Town Manager make available to the news media
inf ormation in order that property owners would be aware of the
responsibility for obtaining flood insurance.
Bill Byrd of the Explorers appeared bef ore Council with
other members of the organization, and thanked the Council
for giving permission to them to ride in the police patrol cars
and observe.
Februar A3" 1974 ~~~
REQUEST FOR SEWER Fred Jackson stated he was present relative to a sanitary
sewer line which he had requested, but he understood from Town
Manager Marshall that the details had now been completed and work
can now be started on the construction of the line.
Councilman Graham reported that the Utilities Committee and
Town Manager Marshall had met with Mr. Conrad Dodl of Wiley & Wilson
with regards to the Town's contract with the Firm of Wiley & Wilson
for an expansion study for the water filtration plant from three
million gallons per day to four and one-half million gallons per
day, and the question has now come up as to whether the Town should
TO CONSIDER THE consider going to a six million gallon per day capacity instead of
PLANT STUDY the four and one-half. Mr. Graham stated it was felt that all
members of the Council should be consulted on this inasmuch as a
considerable amount of money would be involved. Mr. Graham suggested
that Council hold a work session on Tuesday, February 26th at 5 P M.
to discuss the matter further: Council was in agreement on the time.
and date..
Councilman Congrove reported that wording of Section B of the
SECTION B OF THE Taxicab ardinance has been under consideration by the Ordinance
STILL UNDER STUDY Committee, and that Town Attorney Moore would have the ordinance
at the next meeting of Council for Council's consideration.
Councilman House stated he had no report to make; however, he
hoped that everything was being done with ref erence to the Bond Issue
THE STREET proceedings for street improvements in order that these improvements
could be made during the summer months of .1974. He stated the streets
were in pretty bad shape and he only wanted to be sure that everythiing
was being done, and moved that it be carried on the agenda for furthler
discussion by; Council. The motion was seconded by Councilman Vaughan,
and carried. I
Town Attorney Moore explained to Council the necessity of
incorporating into an ordinance all the aspects of collecting delinquent
TO PREPARE AN taxes, plus penalty and interest, as well as designating the date upon
DELIQUENT which taxes become delinquent, and on motion of Councilman House,
seconded. bq..Councilman•~Ratcli€f, and.carrfed, Town Attorney Moore wail
directed to prepare such an ordinance for Council's consideration and
adoption..-. -~<_ ,
February 19, 1974
Town Manager Marshall reported that it was necessary for the
Council to adopt a resolution relative to the Second Phase of the
construction of Memorial Drive in which the Town of Pulaski
assumes the responsibility for making arrangements for the
adjustment and/or relocation of certain utilities and for the
installation of new utilities by the Town of Pulaski, Appala-
Chian Power Company and The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone
Company of Virginia, with the .funds for construction costs of
said project to be based upon participation by the Department
of Highways and the Town of Pulaski on a 85/15 per cent formula.
On motion of Councilman Vaughan, seconded by Councilman Meadows,
and carried on the following vote, the following Resolution was
Mason A. Vaughan - aye Glen K. Aust - aye
Andrew L. Graham - abstainedWilliam A. House - aye
Arthur L. Meadows - aye Raymond F. Ratcliff- aye
S. G. Frye - absent J. L. Congrove - aye
WHEREAS, the Department of Highways of the
Commonwealth of Virginia has .established a project
for the construction of a roadway or street from
0.003 Mi. E. INT. Peppers Ferry to intersection of
Bob White Boulevard (Route L1), designated "Town of
Pulaski, Highway Project U000-125-i0I, C-502"; and
WHEREAS, the funds for construction costs of said
project are based upon participation by the Department
of Highways and the Town of Pulaski on an 85/15 percent
formula; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Highways is ready to
proceed in the near future with the Letting of contracts
and has requested that the Town of Pulaski assume
responsibility for making arrangements for the adjust-
ment and/or relocation ofcertain utilities and for the
installation of new utilities; and
WHEREAS, the said utilities affected are identified
as follows:
Utility Owner
Town of Pulaski
Appalachian Power Co.
The Chesapeake & Potomac
Telephone Co. of Va.
Type of Facility
Water & Sanitary Sewer Lines
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the
Town of Pulaski, Virginia, meeting in regular session on
this 19th day of February, 1974, that:
(1) The Town has received from the Department of
Highways contracts involving adjustment, relocation or
installation of new facilities by the Appalachian Power
Company and the Chesapeake and Potomae Telephone
Company of Virginia, and does hereby certify that it has
this day caused to be executed the contracts and will
return.+same forthwith to the Department of Highways for
execution by the respective utilities.
February 19, 1974
(2) The Town certified that it is Milling to
'cooperate with the Department of Highways and the
contractor in any and all ways possible in order to
RESOLUTION RE: insure that the adjustment; relocation or installation
THE SECCND of utilities will not in any way interfere with or cause
PHASE OF THE delays to the contractor and the construction of the
(3) The Town hereby agrees to be responsible in the
same proportion of its participatian 'in the project for
any justifiable claims if timely made in writing from the
contractor for damages caused by delays or interf erence
caused by the Town failing to do all that is required to
do in the way of ad}ustment, relocation and installation
of utilities and for which it could lawfully be held
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council that the Town
Manager and the Clerk execute on the part of the Town those
two agreements, one with Appalachian Power Company and one
with the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of
Virginia for the adjustment and/or relocation and install-
ation of the respective facilities for which said utility
companies are responsible, and agree upon in said contract,
and that the necessary copies be returned to the Department
of Highways for execution by other necessary parties.
Town Manager Marshall reported that as had been instructed,
Mr. Clem Milstead had been contacted and asked to respond in writing
as to who would be occupying"the' trailer.f or which Mr: Milstead had
APPLICATION recently filed an:~pplication; and according too the i:nf~ormation con-
HOME ON tained in Mr. MiLstead'-s letter and; in v~ieaa of the Council not having i
DENIED the past issued trailer permits for rental purposes, Town Manager Marsh
recommended-that~the permit be denied. Councilanan.Aonse.moved that the
"recommendation of the Town Manager be accepted, which motion was
seconded by Couneilma,n Vaughan,~and carried.
Town Manager Marshall further reported that applications
had been rece'ived'~f'rom'Ja~lnes E. 'Ault and Warren C. Matherly for the
TAXICAB Certificate of Public Convenience and NeYcessity issued to Dennis Ratcliffe.
REF: TO There followed discussion concerning whether it was a~matter of trans-
COMMITTEE ferring the Certificate, or re-issuing the Certificate approved for
Mr. Ratcliffe, and on motion of Councilman Ratcliff, seconded by
Councilman Meadows, and carried, the matter was referred to the Ordinance
Committee for report to Council.
Town Manager Marshall reported that the Town had received an
inquiry as to the willingness of the Town to supply water and treat
sewage from a residential area to be developed beyond the two mile limit'..
of the present water and sewer contracts existing between the Town of
February 19, 1974
Pulaski and Pulaski County. He stated further that the inquiry
recited- there.:would b~e approxirnaae1~y 2~5 equva1ent home sites and
a figur~.of ap'praximately 36;000 gallons per day- of water would be
the requix°emant along with approximately 40' of that being sewage
treatment requirements. Mr. Marshall also stated that under the
terms; of the contract Gounc~l could indicate. its willingness
as long as -,the proposal is a part of-.the original contract that
the request would he acceptable;. ~Inasrnuch as this. was the first
request of this nature under the existing contracts, it was felt
that the Town Attorney and Town. Manager should.,-work out the legal
detaia,s, and :Councilman Meadows moved that any correspondence of
same _sh~oul_d ;be _~ith tl~e F~l$ski; County, Board of Supervisors . The
motion was seconded by Councit,m~n-Uaughan,.and carried.
Councilman Meadows-reported he had received inquiries
relati*a~e to providing more .grave spaces at Pinehurst Cemetery. Mr.
Marshall ad~rised~that-work would~~be programmed assoon as the
weather permits.~~There~was discussion also by. Council relative
to Perpetual Care for the Cemeteries. Councilman Vaughan moved that
the Tcuan Manager furnish up to date data regarding cemetery
financing, etc., and that it be carried an the agenda for the next
meeting, :of Council. The motion was seconded by Councilman Graham, and
carried. '.
Councilman Vaughan moved that the proper-legal proceedings
be taken to consider a raise for Councilmen and Mayor for the Town
of Pulaski. The motion was seconded by Councilman~Graham, and carried.
At 8:05 P. M. Councilman Vaughan moved that the meeting be
adjourned... The motion was seconded. by Councilman,.Graham, and
,~ `~ ~ ~~
Clerk of C ncil