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Council Minutes
Pulaski, Va., August 19, 947
The Council of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia met in
regular semi-monthly session in the Council Chamber of the Muni~Cipa_1
building at 7:30 P. M., August 19, 1947.
PRESENT There were. present: ~dayor A. T. Eskridge, presiding;
Verna L. Dalton, clerk; A. V`d. Gate~aood, director of public wor s;
and Councilmen: T. F. V`dirt, C. V. Jackson, Howard R. Imboden, j
F. A. Seagle, 4~j. D. Aust, G. C. Hall, ~d. F. V~dhite and I. R. Caper.
Absent: None.
MINUTES The minutes of the regular monthly meeting held on
CORREC- August 7, 1947 were read and approved, subject to the followin
correction to be made to the minutes p. 1137 in~re to the Kist ric
log cabin in the mountain park: t~On motion of C. V. Jackson, my
seconded and unanimously passed, Council authorized that the t wn
make the necessary repairs to restore the cabin to its former
condition" CORRECTED to read, n'~he motion Ras not erred." i
The following building permit, coming within the regt~ire-
ments of the Ordinance was granted: To Lee Johnson, °or one
grocery store building on the east side of Highland Avenue, in
"Dude Hill" section, to cost X100.00.
~d.:di. 6~dOLFE,
~lilliam M. t~dolfe, owner and operator of a taxi under
th e
name of Safeway Cab, was granted Hermit by the Council to operate
the taxi under the name of Roy's Cabs.
CLARENCE, Council granted Clarence Chrisley, Roy Chrisley and Olin
COLIN Gregory permit to operate taxis under the name of Roy~s Cabs
REQUESTS (Roy E. Aust, owner), rather than the name of Star Cabs, previously
operated under.
Charles E. Bowles, Jr., Attorney, representing propes~ty
owners in the north side of Pulaski, appeared before the Counc 1
with a delegation and presented a petition signed by forty-sev n
property owners in aforementioned section, urging the Council o
take prompt action to alleviate the smoke and soot hazard crea ed
by the industrial plants of the town. Those members of the de'e-
gation present who spoke were: Miss Effie Boothe, Mrs. V`dillia
C. Brittain, speaking for her mother, Mrs. Jean ~d. Hunt (and p e-
senting a letter from same, which was Bled in the town files).
and Dr. C. E. Bowles. Others appearing and sneaking, urging
~ ~ ~~- ~i
4ti AT ER SUR-
Council Minutes Contd.
Pulaski, Va., August 19, 1947
prompt action, were: George M. Rhodes, who represented himself
as being an employee of the R. C. A. Plant and as speaking for the
employees of the plant; and Jack Myers, of said plant, stating
that his union was one hundred percent in favor of action in
the matter.
In executive session, the director of public works
reported that he had contacted several towns in regard to the
matter and had received a copy of the ordinance in use in Roan-
oke, Virginia. After considerable discussion, on suggestion of
the Mayas, on motion of C. V. Jackson, duly seconded and unani-
mously passed, the Council instructed the director of public
works to persue the investigation further and to contact the
heads of the various industries concerned to arrange a time
agreeable to the majority for meeting vrith the Council in a
special meeting to discuss the aforementioned matter.
In the matter of the water survey, R. P. Runionyreport-
ed to the Council that same was completed as to cards, but that
another thirty days were required to complete the books.
The director of public works reported to the Council
as follovrs:
1. In the matter of a proposed cooperative arrange-~
went between the Town of Pulaski and the County
of Pulaski looking forward to "the installation
by the County of broadcasting and receiving faci-
lities for the law enforcement branch, previous-
ly considered by the Council, the director of
public ~rrorks reported he had been questioned by
Mr. T. E. Tabor, chairman of the Board of Super-
visors, as to the action taken by the Council in
regard to the matter. The matter eras discussed
with no action being taken by the Council owing '
to the fact that no official requests had been
made as yet by the Board of Supervisors.
2. An engineering corps representing the Virginia
Department of Flighways is in the town making a
survey for vridening Randolph Avenue.
3. Roby K. Sutherland and Alton I. Crowell, attor-
neys, are working on the deeds and lease for the
properties. to be purchased and optioned by the
4. The director of public vaorks advised the Council
that Adams and Tate Construction Company had con-
tracted to resurface the streets, the work to
begin August 20, contract to expire the fifteenth
of September.
Council ~1linut es Cont T d.
5. He reported that
.Company had. been
' they were making
in regard to the
a report would s
Pulaski, Va., August 19, 147
the Appalachian Electric Poerer
contacted in regard to the progr ss
in preparing a report to the Co cil
"~dhiteway System++ and they advis d
oon be ready for presentation to he
~Y i~EN+S A letter from Charles F. Smullin, president of the Y+~
EXEMPT dents Club,. was presented by the director of publ~.c works and read,
requesting that the Council exempt the club from the payment o
X60.45, the 10~ town amusement tax, on the Donkey Ball Game pl ed
at Calfee Park on August 14, 1947, in view of the fact that th
game was a benefit game. On motion of W. F. Vt~hite, seconded by~
C. V. Jackson, and unanimously approved, the request for exemp on
of the tax was granted in view of the fact that the proceeds w re
~~ for the Y. M. C. A. operating fund, the game being a benefit g e.
'APPACH. The director of public works sumitted a request of t e
E. P04"nER
CO. NO Appalachian Electric Power Company that parking on an east-wes
RE~wUEST alley between their parking lot at the rear of their second st eet
office building and eastward, to the north-south alley extendi g
from Second street north to Third street be prohibited due to tie
dangerous intersection of the two alleys. On motion of F. A. eagle,
seconded by T. F. Wirt and unanimously approved, request eras g anted
and it was ordered that No Parking signs be erected. at this po nt.
STREET Ln the matter of the street sweeper, the purchase of which
RUTH. was authorized lay 11, 1946, the director of public works repo ted
that a letter from the Elgin Sweeper Company had been received, stat-
ing the current price of these sweepers as being X8,957.50, an
increase of ~v1,337.50, and stating the sweeper could be shippe~ in
sixty days, this adjustment being in accordance with the contract.
On motion of F. A. Seagle, seconded by T. F. 4'dirt, and unanimo sly
approved, the Council authorized the purchase of the street sw eper,
instructing the director of public works to so advise the comp ny.
t+U++ The director of public works brought before the Coun it
the matter of the method of elimination of the ++U++ Turns at Wa hing-
ton Avenue and First Street north, as previously authorized by the
Council, and after considerable discussion, the matter was con inued
to the next meeting, pending information to be received relati e
to costs and shipping dates of steel poles.
~.~ ~~ _.
Council Minutes Contd.
Pul~.ski, Va., August 19, 1947
ACTION Action at the August 7, 1947 meeting to put into
effect one hour parking on the North side of First Street
between Jefferson and ~dashington Avenues, was recinded, and on
motion, of ~d. F. White, duly seconded and unanimously approved,
the Council instructed that parking space for one car, the length
of twenty feet, be painted yellow at the northwest intersection
of V`dashington Avenue and First Street North.
~iIN. CHGS. The matter of a minimum to be set up on charges for
metered crater was brought before the Council by A. tiT. Gatewood,
and after considerable discussion, on motion of Howard R.
Imboden, duly seconded and unanimously passed, the matter was
referred to the water committee with power to act.
PERMANENT Councilman T. F. ~~'irt submitted a request from J. l~lard
PIPES Long, football. coach of Pulaski High School, that the school be
allowed to plant permanent goal post pipes set in ~t~ncr~te in
Calfee Parka On motion of T. F. 4`dirt, seconded by C. V. Jack-
son, and unanimously passed, the matter was referred to A. 4~.
Gatewood to confer with Coach Long in regard to the matter.
FOOTBALL On motion of T. F. 6"dirt, duly seconded and unanimously
CALFEE approved, Council authorized that the high school football team
PROHIBITED not be permitted to use Calfee Park for practice sessions, other
than for light workout the night before a game to be played.
PULASKI On motion of H. R. Imboden, duly seconded and unanimous-
;RENTAL ly passed, Council authorized th~:.t the payment of regular rental
be omitted on the series of two games to be played by the Pulask i
Counts wrath Radford, followring the close of the official baseball
season, other than the expense of lighting and janitor vrork.
O A Petition for street lights in the t'Crestline Drive
DRIVE Area~~ signed by three residents of that area was presented to
the Council, said lights reruested on poles Nb. 546-936 and
546-935, said petition being filed in the tovm files. On motion
of T. F. Vdirt, duly seconded and unanimously passed, the matter
wras referred to the light committee for investigation and report.
~,1~~AP Councilman I. R. Carper brought to the attention of the
~~SPARKSn Council the danger and objection created by the sparks from the
Council Minutes Con+td.
pulaskj., Va., August 1'9, 1947
Dunlap Veneer Plant pipe, and on suggestion of the nTayor, o
motion of H. R. Imboden, seconded by T. F. Wirt and unanimo sly
passed, the matter was referred to A. W. ~Tatewood toconfer ith
A. H. Wygal in regard to the matter.
The Council agreed to have a picnic on the secon
6'dednesday in September.
There being no further business, the Council adj urned
at 10;15 o~clock, P. 1l~7.
C e~~?~k of Cottnc~