HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-07-17 Minutes of the Town Council meeting held Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of
the Municipal Building at 42 First Street, NW.
There were present:
Mayor: Robert N. Glenn
Council: James A. Radcliffe, Gregory C. East, David L. Clark, H. M. Kidd, Lane R. Penn
Absent: Joseph K. Goodman
Staff: Shawn M. Utt, Town Manager
Nichole Hair, Deputy Town Manager
Patricia Cruise, Clerk of Council
David Quesenberry, Assistant to the Town Manager
Spencer Rygas, Town Attorney
John White, Economic Development Director
Gary Roche, Police Chief
Robbie Kiser, Fire Chief
Rebecca M. Reece, Finance Director
Dave Hart, Parks and Facilities Director
Others: Clark Payne Brooke Wood, Press Mike Williams, Press
At 7:00 p.m., Mayor Glenn called the meeting to order.
Councilman Kidd led the Pledge of Allegiance and Councilman East gave the Invocation.
Councilman Clark moved to add item 13c, Performance Agreement for Virginia Brownfields Restoration and
Economic Redevelopment Assistance Fund program. Councilman Penn seconded the motion and carried on
the following recorded vote:
James A. Radcliffe -Aye Joseph K. Goodman -Absent
Gregory C. East -Aye H. M. Kidd -Aye
David L. Clark -Aye Lane R. Penn -Aye
Mayor Glenn advised that the first item on the agenda was a presentation regarding Downtown Revitalization
grant request—CDBG funding.
Ms. Hair reminded Council that the Town had been the recipient of a CDBG Downtown Planning Grant and
would be applying for a grant in the amount $700,000 to do downtown business district revitalization. She
continued that the key outcome of the planning grant was an economic restructuring plan, being handled by
the New River Valley Regional Commission. She provided a summary of the overall project which included a
facade program, streetscape improvements, development of a pocket park, alley improvements/lighting, bridge
beautification efforts and administrative costs. She advised that a Resolution had been included in the packet
to move forward with the grant application.
Following discussion, Councilman Kidd moved to adopt Resolution 2017-05, Authorizing the Preparation and
Filing of an Application for Community Improvement Grant Funds Through the Community Development Block
Grant Program. Councilman Clark seconded the motion and carried on the following recorded vote:
James A. Radcliffe -Aye Joseph K. Goodman -Absent
Gregory C. East -Aye H. M. Kidd -Aye
David L. Clark -Aye Lane R. Penn -Aye
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Mayor Glenn moved on to Public Comment Period.
Clark Payne addressed Council advising that he had noticed that houses in surrounding areas tended to be
130% to 150% more expensive than houses in the Town for similar properties. He asked what the Town had
done to ensure the property values in Pulaski increase in a similar manner as our surrounding communities.
He encouraged Council to pro-actively address declining property values.
Mr. Utt responded that the last re-assessment lowered property values town-wide by at least 4.5% to 5% on
average. He continued that some areas were lowered more than that. He added that when that assessment
came out, it stimulated an increase in effort for property maintenance code enforcement efforts. He continued
that those efforts were bearing fruit now.
Mayor Glenn commiserated with Mr. Payne, but pointed out that property maintenance code enforcement is a
detailed, time consuming, expensive project. He added that it took time, but he felt the Town was making
Councilman East agreed that it was a slow process but he felt the Town was making progress.
Councilman Clark commented that he felt the Town had been making definite strides forward in the last few
There being no further comments, Mayor Glenn moved on to the Consent Agenda.
Councilman Clark moved to adopt the Consent Agenda consisting of the February 7, 2017 Town Council
Minutes as written. Councilman Penn seconded the motion and carried on voice vote.
The next item on the agenda was Project Updates.
Mr. Utt summarized the Project Review Chart, including that the draft Brookmont PER had been completed
and submitted to the Health Department. He added that this would entail work at the Treatment Plant and
some work at one of the water tanks. He continued that the goal would be to improve the quality of water that
gets into the County's system in Brookmont.
Mr. Utt advised that depending on Council's actions at this meeting, the downtown branding would begin on
the Wayfinding signage. He advised that the bids that came back for the four houses on the Kersey
Bottom/Case Knife Road CDBG housing grant were well over budget. He added that staff was going to ask the
state for a budget modification to help with tear down/rebuilds. He advised that the landscaping company that
would provide the trees for the cemeteries were scheduled to visit that Friday to see what type trees were
needed and provide a drawing of the plans. He added that they would also visit Jackson Park to suggest what
type trees to be planted there and provide a drawing of the plans. He advised that the computer software
update for the Finance Department was complete. Regarding delinquent real estate taxes, he advised that
notifications had been mailed twice. He added that he wanted to partner with the County and Mr. Campbell on
a delinquent tax collection plan/partnership to try to get the Town of Pulaski's delinquent taxes to be more of a
priority. He noted that the Town decals were on sale and were due April 1.
Mr. Utt advised that the budget process would begin the next week and that the first Finance Committee
meeting was scheduled for March 14. He commented that the agreement with the USDA for vulture
disposition/relocation had been renewed and their personnel had begun to target the problem areas.
Councilman Radcliffe asked for the delinquent tax amount currently due.
Mr. Utt estimated the amount to be approximately one million dollars.
Ms. Reece interjected that approximately $400,000 of that figure was likely to be penalty and interest.
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Mr. Utt continued that the County had received the recommendation from the Fire Protection Committee to
purchase a fire truck rescue engine for the Town Fire Department. He added that it was hoped that the request
would be included in the County's final budget. He noted that no response had been received on the FEMA
grant request for an aerial truck. He advised that the Town was awarded a $240,000 grant from the Virginia
Brownfields fund for the General Chemical site on First St., so staff would be moving forward with that project.
He advised that the contract for the West Main Development construction was ready to be executed and staff
would be moving forward. He advised of the receipt of 5 applications for the revolving loan fund for downtown
roofs. He added that staff would be submitting a CIP request for design of the water treatment system at
Gatewood. He continued that the Public Works crew was about 85% complete with the grading renovations
and other improvements in the Gatewood campground. He added that the campground opens for 7 days a
week April 1.
Mr. Utt advised that staff had priced out the remaining renovations for the kitchen area of the Senior Center
including cabinets, flooring and drywall and that amount would be included in the CIP requests for the FY 2018
budget. He continued that the landscaping vendor would be meeting with staff to prepare for the trees to be
installed in Jackson Park and to identify any trees that would need to be removed.
Councilman East inquired whether the Peak Creek Promenade plan would be included during budget
Mr. Utt responded in the affirmative.
There being no further questions, Mayor Glenn moved on to Department update.
Mr. Utt advised that for the department update, staff would focus on the branding efforts being worked on
through the Downtown Planning Grants. He reviewed the proposed logo information and the PowerPoint
presentation slides for Council.
Following discussion, there was a consensus among Town Council members for staff to move forward with the
proposed branding efforts.
Mayor Glenn moved on to Old Business.
Mr. Utt advised that following the discussion of the proposed amendments to the UDAG program guidelines,
the following draft revised criteria for a "Line of Credit" was prepared:
1. Not to exceed $15,000.
2. Loan to be repaid within 24 months.
3. Interest rate based on prime, but no less than 3%.
4. Funds may not be used for operating capital.
5. Town will use funds to pay approved vendors directly.
6. Eligibility would include a minimum of 5 years of continuous operations in the Town of Pulaski.
7. Applicant should not be delinquent for any fees or taxes owed to the Town at the time of loan award.
8. In addition to collateralization of a minimum of 75% of the line of credit, a personal guarantee of the
borrower(s) is required.
He asked for Council's input.
Mayor Glenn advised that he had been contacted by Beans and Rice, and they wished to make a presentation
explaining what their projects were and how their projects could mesh with this project because they had
funding mechanisms that were possible alternatives that might be helpful.
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Mr. Utt recommended that in item 6, the words "in the Town of Pulaski", not be included and that any motion be
adopted as revised.
Councilman East moved to authorize staff to make the UDAG program guideline amendments as written with
the exception of the change to item 6 deleting the words "in the Town of Pulaski". Councilman Clark seconded
the motion and carried on the following recorded vote:
James A. Radcliffe -Aye Joseph K. Goodman -Absent
Gregory C. East -Aye H. M. Kidd -Aye
David L. Clark -Aye Lane R. Penn -Aye
Mayor Glenn moved on to New Business.
The first item was Local Government Education Week.
Mr. Utt advised as had been done in the past, a Resolution recognizing the first week of April as "Local
Government Education Week" had been included in the packet for Council's review. He added that staff would
be planning to coordinate various partnerships with the school system to help increase civic awareness and
activities in the school.
Councilman Clark moved to adopt Resolution 2017-06, Resolution Proclaiming the Week of April 1-7, 2017 as
Local Government Education Week. Councilman Kidd seconded the motion and carried on the following
recorded vote:
James A. Radcliffe -Aye Joseph K. Goodman -Absent
Gregory C. East -Aye H. M. Kidd -Aye
David L. Clark -Aye Lane R. Penn -Aye
The next item for Council's consideration was USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program Grant Application.
Mr. Utt reminded Council that in 2014, the Chamber of Commerce had been awarded an advertising grant
through the USDA Farmers Market program. He continued that those funds were opening up again. He added
that the County could not apply again according to the rules, however, the Town could apply for the same
project. He noted that in 2014, the Chamber was awarded $57,000 and there were no match requirements. He
added that the plan this year was to apply for$75,000. He advised that the funds were used for advertising. He
asked for Council's consideration to authorize the application for the USDA Farmers Market program and
authorize the Town Manager to execute the documents.
Councilman Clark moved to authorize the application for the USDA Farmers Market program in the amount of
$75,000 and for the Town Manager to execute the documents. Councilman Kidd seconded the motion and
carried on the following recorded vote:
James A. Radcliffe -Aye Joseph K. Goodman -Absent
Gregory C. East -Aye H. M. Kidd -Aye
David L. Clark -Aye Lane R. Penn -Aye
Mayor Glenn moved on to Performance Agreement for Virginia Brownfields Restoration and Economic
Redevelopment Assistance Fund program.
Mr. Utt advised that during the Project Review chart, he had discussed the fact that the Town was awarded
$240,000 from the Brownfields Site Remediation program. He continued that a draft Performance Agreement
had been placed at their dais. He added that Mr. Rygas had reviewed the Agreement and he requested
authorization for the Town Manager to execute the Performance Agreement. He noted that the deadline to
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complete the work was by April 1, 2018 and after speaking with all agents, there did not appear to be an issue
with that deadline. He added that in case of a problem, staff could request an extension of about 15 months.
He noted there were also some previsions to provide additional funding up to 10% if needed.
Councilman Clark moved to authorize the Town Manager to execute the Performance Agreement.
Councilman Kidd seconded the motion and carried on the following recorded vote:
James A. Radcliffe -Aye Joseph K. Goodman -Absent
Gregory C. East -Aye H. M. Kidd -Aye
David L. Clark -Aye Lane R. Penn -Aye
At 8:09 p.m., Councilman Clark moved to enter into Closed Session under Virginia Code 2.2-3711 (A-1),
discussion for consideration of employment, assignment, appointment, promotion, performance, demotion,
salaries, disciplining, or resignation of public officers, appointees or employees regarding Code Enforcement
Officer position and (A-3), discussion for consideration of the disposition or acquisition of publicly held property
regarding West Main Street Properties. Councilman Kidd seconded the motion and carried on the following
recorded vote:
James A. Radcliffe -Aye Joseph K. Goodman -Absent
Gregory C. East -Aye H. M. Kidd -Aye
David L. Clark -Aye Lane R. Penn -Aye
At 8:55 p.m., Council returned from Closed Session and adopted the Certification Resolution on motion by
Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman East and adopted on the following recorded vote:
James A. Radcliffe -Aye Joseph K. Goodman -Absent
Gregory C. East -Aye H. M. Kidd -Aye
David L. Clark -Aye Lane R. Penn -Aye
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned on motion by Councilman Clark, seconded by
Councilman East and so carried.
Approved: tia4
Rob:rt N. Glen , Mayor
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