HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-06-21Minutes of the Pulaski Town Council Meeting held at 5:30 p.m. p.m. Tuesday, July 6, 2021 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 42 First Street, N.W. The meeting also featured a general live cast to the public via the Town's Facebook page. In attendance were: Mayor: Shannon Collins, presiding Councilmen Present: Brooks R. Dawson; Greg East; Lane R. Penn; James A. Radcliffe; Michael P. Reis Councilmen Absent: G. Tyler Clontz Administration: Darlene L. Burcham, Town Manager Legal Counsel Spencer A. Rygas, Town Attorney Staff: David Quesenberry, Clerk of Council Jordan Whitt, Social Media Manager 1. Call to Order Mayor Collins called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call of Council Present for roll call were Mayor Collins; Mr. Dawson; Mr. Penn, Mr. Radcliffe and Mr. Reis. Absent for Roll Call was Mr. Clontz and Mr. East. With a majority of Council members present, a quorum existed for the conduct of business. 3. Modifications to the Closed Session Agenda None. 4. Closed Session Mayor Collins then asked for a motion to enter Closed Session for two items under Va. Code 2.2-3711 (A) 1 discussion of personnel issues involving an appointment and an employee evaluation; and, one item under Va. Code 2.2-3711 (A) 8 consultation with legal counsel. Mr. Reis moved to enter the Closed Session on the stated items. The motion was seconded by Mr. Dawson and approved on the following roll call vote: Lane R. Penn -Aye James A. Radcliffe -Aye Brooks R. Dawson -Aye G. Tyler Clontz -Absent Gregory C. East -Absent Michael P. Reis -Aye Council entered Closed Session at 5:32 p.m. Mr. East joined the meeting at 5:39 p.m. 5. Certification of Closed Session Council returned from Closed Session at 6:58 p.m. Mayor Collins requested a motion that Council discussed only those items for which it went into Closed Session: two items under Va. Code 2.2-3711 (A) 1 discussion of personnel issues involving an appointment and an employee evaluation; and one item under Va. Code 2.2-3711 (A) 8, consultation with legal counsel. Page 1 of 7/July 6, 2021 Mr. Dawson moved to certify the Closed Session. The motion was seconded by Mr. Reis and approved on the following roll call vote: Lane R. Penn -Aye James A. Radcliffe -Aye Brooks R. Dawson -Aye G. Tyler Clontz -Absent Gregory C. East -Aye Michael P. Reis -Aye Mayor Collins then requested a motion to approve Resolution 2021-34 appointing Roger Bell to the NRV Alcohol Safety Action Program policy board. Mr. Reis moved to approve the resolution. He was seconded by Mr. Penn and the motion approved on the following roll call vote: Lane R. Penn -Aye James A. Radcliffe -Aye Brooks R. Dawson -Aye G. Tyler Clontz -Absent Gregory C. East -Aye Michael P. Reis -Aye 6. Pledge of Allegiance Mr. Radcliffe then led the Pledge of Allegiance. 7. Invocation Mr. East gave the Invocation. 8. Modification of the Public Session Agenda None. 9. Guests and Visitors Mayor Collins welcomed those guests in attendance and those watching online. 10. Presentations a. Resolution Honoring the Life of Pauline G. "Polly" Mitchell Mayor Collins read Resolution 2021-30, honoring the life of former Councilperson and Town citizen, Pauline G. "Polly" Mitchell. On a call for a motion from Mayor Collins, Mr. Dawson moved to approve Resolution 2021-30. The motion was seconded by Mr. Penn and approved on the following roll call vote: Lane R. Penn -Aye James A. Radcliffe -Aye Brooks R. Dawson -Aye G. Tyler Clontz -Absent Gregory C. East. -Aye Michael P. Reis -Aye Following the vote, Mayor Collins presented Ms. Susan Mitchell a framed copy of the resolution honoring her mother. 11. Public Hearings a. Budget Appropriation for ARPA Funding Council next considered a budget appropriation for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for the town. Mr. Ike Jeanes addressed Council and proposed that acquisition of the former Appalachian Power Co. building held two opportunities for the Town. First, was the elimination of an eyesore and second was provision of a building that the Town might use in establishing a presence on West Main Street. Mr. Jeanes then concluded his remarks. Page 2 of 7/July 6, 2021 Mayor Collins said he had talked with one of the owners of the building and learned that it was to be sold. Mr. Reis added that he thought that the ARPA funds could not be used for a building, but was focused more on water projects and other specific areas and not general expenditures. The public hearing was then closed. b. Appropriation of ARPA Funds, Resolution 2021-31 Mr. Reis moved to adopt Resolution 2021-31 as written and was seconded by Mr. Dawson. Mrs. Burcham explained for the benefit of those in attendance that the Federal Government had been very specific about the uses for the ARPA funds. The funds were not part of the operating budget and, if accepted, would be appropriated as a separate grant fund that would not be comingled with the general operating budget. As further guidance on the use of the funds is received, the grant will be broken down in four specific areas as identified in the legislation. The legislation heavily emphasizes infrastructure, but limited the infrastructure to water, wastewater and stormwater, which would allow I&I efforts. Funds could be used to assist businesses affected by the pandemic and potentially aid tourism -based measures. The Town has two years to use the funds and would receive a second award in the same amount next year. There was no rush to spend the funds. The Town was being very thoughtful as to how the funds would be spent to put the community in the best position for the future. There will be strict accounting and reporting requirements for the funds along with justifications for each individual project. She said the Town will proceed cautiously and look at every aspect of its operation and the community to better take advantage of these one-time funds for one- time purposes and avoid building in future expenses which could not be absorbed. Mr. East asked if the intention was, after review, to come back to Council with recommendations. Mrs. Burcham responded there were certain items that she had authorized to order because of the long lead time, such as the replacement of two filters at the water treatment plant. The Town would be looking at the Capital Budget for eligible projects for ARPA funds instead of issuing debt. A meeting was scheduled with Department Heads with the goal of presenting a list of projects possibly by the next Council meeting. Action was being taken on those ARPA qualifying projects that absolutely had to be done because of their urgent nature. Mr. Dawson expressed concern over aging water lines and the expense involved to address them. Mrs. Burcham responded that it was on the list and was being reviewed to determine the best approach. Equipment could be purchased to better detect leakage in the system. In addition, valve replacement, I&I and line replacement needed to be done. Aging water lines are at the top of the list. After discussion, the Town Council approved the resolution by the following roll call vote: Lane R. Penn -Aye James A. Radcliffe -Aye Brooks R. Dawson -Aye G. Tyler Clontz -Absent Gregory C. East -Aye Michael P. Reis -Aye 12. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of the Minutes of the June 15, 2021 Council Work Session Mayor Collins then asked for consideration of the minutes of June 15, 2021. Mr. Dawson moved to adopt the June 15, 2021 Council work session minutes. Mr. Penn Page 3 of 7/July 6, 2021 seconded the motion which was approved on the following roll call vote: Lane R. Penn -Aye James A. Radcliffe -Aye Brooks R. Dawson -Aye G. Tyler Clontz -Absent Gregory C. East -Aye Michael P. Reis -Aye b. Consideration of the Minutes of the June 28, 2021 Called Council Meeting -Absent Mr. East moved to adopt the called meeting minutes of June 28, 2021 as written. Mr. Radcliffe seconded the motion which was approved on the following roll call vote: Michael P. Reis Lane R. Penn -Aye James A. Radcliffe -Aye Brooks R. Dawson -Aye G. Tyler Clontz -Absent Gregory C. East -Aye Michael P. Reis -Aye 13. Appropriation of Police Department Funds, Resolution 2021-32 Mr. East moved to adopt Resolution 2021-32 as written. The motion was seconded by Mr. Radcliffe and approved on the following roll call vote: Lane R. Penn -Aye James A. Radcliffe -Aye Brooks R. Dawson -Aye G. Tyler Clontz -Absent Gregory C. East -Aye Michael P. Reis -Aye 14. Resolution Supportina the Minor Leaaue Baseball Relief Act, Resolution 2021-33 a. Overview of Minor League Baseball Relief Act Mrs. Burcham said the Town had been advised that one of our Congressional representatives had introduced a bill, with bipartisan support, that would provide Relief Act funding, which was left over from the COVID-10 relief funds. The funds would be repurposed, through the Small Business Administration, and provided to Minor League baseball clubs as it relates to loss of revenue and incurred expenses during the pandemic. Pulaski's local baseball club had been identified as eligible for the funding. She said that given the local importance of the activities at Calfee Park, a resolution was prepared to be sent to our Congressional delegation urging them to support the measure as quickly as possible. Mr. East stated that the legislation extended to other businesses such as restaurants, gas stations, etc. Mrs. Burcham responded that the actual details of the bill had not yet been reviewed, even though the overview in the packet indicated inclusion of other businesses. It would need to be seen how the act would be administered, but as with the CARES Act, documentation had to be provided showing what the losses and expenses were. Eligible businesses would have to apply through the Small Business Administration. Mr. Reis noted the similarity of this program to an earlier program that aided theaters and other entertainment venues. b. Resolution Supporting the Minor League Baseball Relief Act, Resolution 2021-33 On a call for a motion from Mayor Collins, Mr. Reis moved to adopt Resolution 2021-33 as written. The motion was seconded by Mr. Dawson and approved on the following roll call vote: Lane R. Penn -Aye James A. Radcliffe -Aye Brooks R. Dawson -Aye G. Tyler Clontz -Absent Gregory C. East -Aye Michael P. Reis -Aye Page 4 of 7/July 6, 2021 15. Amending Town Code Parking Penalties, Ordinance 2021-17 Mayor Collins asked for a motion to take Ordinance 2021-17 off the table. The motion was made by Mr. Dawson, seconded by Mr. Reis and approved on the following roll call vote: Lane R. Penn -Aye James A. Radcliffe -Aye Brooks R. Dawson -Aye G. Tyler Clontz -Absent Gregory C. East -Aye Michael P. Reis -Aye Mr. Penn noting the fine for handicapped parking, said that some parking spaces in the Town for handicapped persons were not clearly labeled. Mrs. Burcham said that was correct and the Town could not cite for violations in those spaces until they were clearly labeled. The Town could advise the owners of such spaces to correct the signage. Mr. Reis moved to adopt Ordinance 2021-17 as written. The motion was seconded by Mr. Penn and approved on the following roll call vote: Lane R. Penn -Aye James A. Radcliffe -Aye Brooks R. Dawson -Aye G. Tyler Clontz -Absent Gregory C. East -Aye Michael P. Reis -Aye 16. Public Comment Period Mr. Ike Jeanes addressed Council concerning back -in parking on West Main Street. Mr. Jeanes used a diagram to illustrate the difference between drive-in and back -in parking. Back -in parking he said directed children and passengers to the sidewalk, while traditional drive-in parking directed them into or towards the street. Given that since May 2018, back-up cameras were required in cars, Mr. Jeanes maintained it would become progressively easier for persons to do back -in parking. Mr. Reis mentioned the previous week he was in Cape Charles which had the back -in parking in their Downtown that seemed to work well and did not impede traffic flow. The other side of the street had parallel parking. When asked by Mr. Radcliffe about the current flow of traffic on West Main, Mr. Jeanes said the street would have to be widened but that trucks would have an easier time backing in. Mr. Reis ventured that backing could be done only on one side due to the street width. Mr. Radcliffe agreed, that if UPS or other delivery trucks tried to load they would block up the street, it would be one side only. Mr. Reis said the engineering would have to be considered. Mr. Jeanes added that every drawing he had seen had back -in parking on one side of the street. 17. Moving of Local Elections to the November General Election, Ordinance 2021-21 Mr. East moved to adopt Ordinance 2021-21 moving local elections from May to November. The motion was seconded by Mr. Radcliffe and approved on the following roll call vote: Lane R. Penn -Aye James A. Radcliffe -Aye Brooks R. Dawson -Aye G. Tyler Clontz -Absent Gregory C. East -Aye Michael P. Reis -Aye 18. Council Comments Mayor Collins next requested comments from Council members. Mr. Penn, Mr. Dawson and Mr. East had no comment. Page 5 of 7/July 6, 2021 Mr. Radcliffe introduced Mr. David Hall to the Council and mentioned his interest in getting involved with the community as a potential board/committee member and asked the Clerk to serve as a point of contact for Mr. Hall regarding vacancies. Mr. Radcliffe then expressed displeasure concerning remarks made by the School Superintendent in social media postings. He called on his School Board representative to address the issue and expressed support for the Board of Supervisors in their response to the comments. Mr. East asked Mr. Radcliffe if he was requesting a motion in support of the Board of Supervisors' letter. Mr. Radcliffe responded he could get a copy of the Board of Supervisors' letter which Council members could support by their own choice. Mr. Reis mentioned a report issued five years ago showing greater suspension rates for black students and underperformance of minorities and students from low socio-economic background on state tests. These issues were not being addressed by the criticisms over the emails. If these issues were not addressed, the state had the authority to take over the school system which no one wanted. Citizens wanted to run their own schools, which have to measure up to a minimum standard. Mr. East said he observed citizens opposing something they were passionate about since they were guarding what their children would be taught. Mr. East felt the CRT theory was divisive and was a destructive philosophy and teaching and found it offensive. Mayor Collins praised the 0 of July Parade which he felt had turned out well and showed that the Town wanted to get out and do things. He thanked the Police Department, Mrs. Burcham, Mr. Whitt and Chief Kiser for the festivities. 19. Manager's Report Mayor Collins then asked for the Manager's Report. Mrs. Burcham said she was pleased with the parade turnout. She has talked to departments about how the Town as an organization can participate in the event in the future. Chief Robbie Kiser and Jordan Whitt were commended for putting a parade together on short notice. She also shared with the Council a photograph of Jackson Park which was given to the Town by the Fine Arts Center in appreciation of the Town's support. Mrs. Burcham said she felt good about being a part of the Pulaski community and hoped to see more events in the future for citizens to celebrate the community. She thanked Council for her first year with the Town which had proven rewarding with the support of Council and the employees. The Town she added, had a great group of employees who were willing to do their very best. Mr. Whitt publicly thanked John Rupe for his assistance with the parade. 20. Reminder of Future Council Meetings and Adjournment Mayor Collins reminded Council of the upcoming Council Work Session on July 20, 2021, with the Closed Session beginning at 5:00 p.m. and the Public Session beginning at 6:30 p.m. Page 6 of 7/July 6, 2021 There being no further business, Mr. Penn moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Mr. East and approved by unanimous voice vote at 7:56 p.m. Approved: W. Shannon Collins Mayor ATTEST: David N. Quesenberry Clerk of Council 1 1 Page 7 of 7/July 6, 2021