HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-15-22Town Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, November 1, 2022 1. Mayor called the Meeting to Order at 6:30 p.m. and asked for a roll call. Lane R. Penn- Aye James A. Radcliffe- Aye Mayor Collins- Aye Brooks R. Dawson- Aye G. Tyler Clontz- Aye Gregory C. East- Aye Michael P. Reis- Absent 2. Mayor asked for a motion to go into Closed Session to discuss the following items: a. VA Code 2.2-3711 (A) 1 (1 item)- Discussion of prospective candidates for appointments. The motion was made by Mr. Clontz and seconded by Mr. Dawson Open Session Lane R. Penn- Aye Brooks R. Dawson- Aye Gregory C. East- Aye James A. Radcliffe- Aye G. Tyler Clontz- Aye Michael P. Reis- Aye 7:00 p.m. 3. Certification of Closed Session- The Mayor asked for a motion to certify that only the following items were discussed: a. VA Code 2.2-3711 (A) 1 (1 item)- Discussion of prospective candidates for appointments. The motion was made by Mr. Reis and seconded by Mr. Dawson. Lane R. Penn- Aye Brooks R. Dawson- Aye Gregory C. East- Aye James A. Radcliffe- Aye G. Tyler Clontz- Aye Michael P. Reis- Aye 4. Mr. Radcliffe lead the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Mr. East gave the invocation. 6. Guests and Visitors- The Mayor welcomed all in attendance and viewing online. 7. Modification of Public Session- Mr. Reis asked for a motion to add Resolution 2022-45 Reappointing a Representative to the New River Valley ASAP Policy Board. Mr. East seconded the motion. Lane R. Penn- Aye Brooks R. Dawson- Aye Gregory C. East- Aye James A. Radcliffe- Aye G. Tyler Clontz- Aye Michael P. Reis- Aye Page 1 of 6 / November 1, 2022 8. Public Hearing a. Case 2022-07CP (Comprehensive Plan Amendment)- Amendment for property at 0 First Street NW and 34 First Street NW [tax parcel(s) 072-140-0000-0156, 072- 140-0000-0157] from Industrial to Commercial- Ordinance 2022-15. Caroline Smith, Town Planner, gave the staff report stating the town received a request from Aggregate Capital, LLC to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map for parcels located at 0 First Street NW and 34 First Street NW from industrial to commercial. A Comprehensive Plan Amendment is required when a rezoning request does not reflect the Town's current Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of the Zoning Amendment to Town Council. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing. Luke Allison, with Peak Creek LLC, asked if Council had any questions regarding the plans for the buildings and with no questions, asked continued to say that Pulaski is being noticed nationwide with its continued redevelopment projects. The Mayor closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Mr. Reis and seconded by Mr. East to approve Ordinance 2022-15. Lane R. Penn -Aye James A. Radcliffe- Aye Brooks R. Dawson- Aye G. Tyler Clontz- Abstained Gregory C. East- Aye Michael P. Reis- Aye b. Case 2022-08RZ Rezone property located at 0 First Street NW and 34 First Street NW [tax parcel(s) 072-140-0000-0156, 072-140-0000-0157] from I-2 Industrial to B-3 Central Business- Ordinance 2022-16. Caroline Smith, Town Planner, gave the staff report stating the town received a rezoning request from Aggregate Capital, LLC for property located at 0 First Street NW and 34 First Street NW from I-2 to B-3. The rezoning request is contingent on the passage of the Special Exception by the Town Council. If the rezoning request is approved, the applicant plans to construct apartments. The Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of the rezoning. Mr. Dawson asked what the expectations were for the buildings. Luke Allison stated the plan is to construct apartments, as many as thirty-five in total with commercial space available to be rented on the ground level of both buildings. Page 2 of 6 / November 1, 2022 The Mayor opened and closed the Public Hearing as there were no speakers. The motion was made by Mr. East and seconded by Mr. Dawson. Lane R. Penn- Aye Brooks R. Dawson- Aye Gregory C. East- Aye James A. Radcliffe- Aye G. Tyler Clontz- Abstained Michael P. Reis- Aye Case 2022-09ZA Zoning Amendment to Section 11.2 Definitions, "House of Worship"- Ordinance 2022-17. Caroline Smith, Town Planner, gave the staff report stating that staff initiated a zoning amendment at the request of the Planning Commission and Mr. Charlie Barbettini. The proposed amendment would amend Section 11.2, Definitions, adding the definition `Houses of Worship' defined as "An institution that people regularly attend to participate in or hold religious services, and shall include buildings in which the religious services of any denomination are held. As an accessory use, emergency warming stations are permitted, as defined by the building ode and subject to meeting applicable building code and fire code requirements. Staff and Mr. Barbettini met multiple times to determine the best course of action for Taking it to the Streets to operate legally under the current zoning district. It was determined by the Planning Commission that adding `Houses of Worship' would be the cleanest option. The definition would allow any `Houses of Worship' or `church' to operate a warming shelter under conditions cited in the building code. The Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of the zoning amendment. Mr. East questioned the definition of an emergency warming station. Ms. Smith stated the definition is an emergency situation as when the weather drops to a certain temperature and the center would need approval from the town's Building Official to operate to allow people to stay overnight. The Town Manager added the center would need to meet certain code requirements to ensure the safety of the occupants for the overnight stay, which would be the responsibility of the Building Official. This amendment would require that anytime Take It To The Streets and any other `House of Worship' wants to provide that shelter, they have to advise the Building Official, have to meet the weather threshold, and the Building Official has to certify that the space conforms to the safety requirements. Mr. East also brought up concerns regarding the excessive litter and loitering that the occupants generate. Mr. East wants ensure the tax payers and business owners are considered when deciding on this definition, as this is their community as well that we are trying to make vibrant. Mr. East also had concerns regarding other organizations coming into town and increasing the transient population. Page 3 of 6 / November 1, 2022 Ms. Smith clarified that this definition was initiated by staff and Council could offer recommendations and send the `House of Worship' definition back to the Planning Commission for clarification. Another option was adding it as a Special Exception in certain districts so it doesn't open up to all `Houses of Worship' and organizations regardless of location. Spencer Rygas clarified that Taking It To The Streets is a well -intended and funded program and has a plan to comply with safety measures for occupants which include the Building Official's requirements. The Mayor opened Public Hearing Pastor Charlie Barbettini spoke to Council on the history of Taking It To The Streets, the guidelines the board has put into place for the occupants that stay at the warming station, and the plans they have to continue to service the residents of Pulaski County. Mr. Radcliffe stated his concern is the location of the Warming Station being across the street from the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office and when the occupants are released, they cannot loiter in the neighborhood. Spencer Rygas explained the guidelines for where the Warming Station would be defined is included in the "House of Worship" definition. Mr. Rygas also explained the guideline of the zoning ordinances and the special exemption procedure for future cases and the circumstances that could be added to the definition. Mr. Rygas stated that Council is only approving a definition that can be changed at a later time and the definition could be sent back to the Planning Commission for additional clarifying language. Vicky Goad spoke to Council in favor of the Warming Station The Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Mr. Reis asked for the Ordinance to be amended to include the complete definition that was included in the staff report. The motion was made by Mr. Reis and seconded by Mr. Clontz to approve Ordinance 2022-17 with the addition of the entire definition of `House of Worship'. Lane R. Penn- Aye Brooks R. Dawson- Aye Gregory C. East- Aye James A. Radcliffe- Aye G. Tyler Clontz- Aye Michael P. Reis- Aye The motion was made by Mr. East and seconded by Mr. Dawson to send back Ordinance 2022-17 to the Planning Commission for additional review and conditions to the definition of the `House of Worship'. Lane R. Penn- Aye Brooks R. Dawson- Aye Gregory C. East- Aye James A. Radcliffe- Aye G. Tyler Clontz- Nay Michael P. Reis- Nay Page 4 of 6 / November 1, 2022 9. Resolution 2022-45 Reappointing a Representative to the New River Valley ASAP Policy Board. The motion was made by Mr. Dawson and seconded by Mr. Penn to approve the resolution. Lane R. Penn- Aye Brooks R. Dawson- Aye Gregory C. East- Aye James A. Radcliffe- Aye G. Tyler Clontz- Aye Michael P. Reis- Aye 10. Public Comment Period- No speakers were present. 11. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of October 18, 2022 minutes The motion was made by Mr. Dawson and seconded by Mr. Clontz to approve the minutes. Lane R. Penn- Aye James A. Radcliffe- Aye Brooks R. Dawson- Aye G. Tyler Clontz- Aye Gregory C. East- Aye Michael P. Reis- Aye b. Sole Source Declaration for Water Meters The Town Manager explained the changes to the state procurement which requires a Sole Source determination be acknowledged by the governing body. This Sole Source is for the replacement of water meters. The motion was made by Mr. Dawson and seconded by Mr. Clontz to approve the Sole Source. Lane R. Penn- Aye James A. Radcliffe- Aye Brooks R. Dawson- Aye G. Tyler Clontz- Aye Gregory C. East- Aye Michael P. Reis- Aye 12. Council Comments Mr. Dawson stated he was impressed with the Treat Trail downtown on Halloween Mr. Reis stated he had a wonderful time participating in the Treat Trail and thanked Pulaski on Main for their involvement and the staff that participated. Mr. Reis also thanked the Chamber of Commerce for their pumpkin carving event at Randolph Park this past weekend. 13. Manager's Report The Town Manager stated the Treat Trail was very successful and many parents were surprised with the number of businesses in the downtown area as Pulaski on Main handed out flyers with the businesses listed. She reported over half of the potholes that were submitted on the Facebook have been filled and we will be posting that list on Facebook. She explained the green lights illuminating the Municipal Building are for a nationwide program, Operation Greenlight, where localities are encouraged to use green lights in support of our military veterans. Page 5 of 6 / November 1, 2022 She reported the closure schedule of the parks in town as new playground equipment will be installed. The Town Manager also reported that sidewalks will be added to a portion of Memorial Drive and an inventory will be conducted in the future to see where additional sidewalks are needed. She announced the enforcement of speed limit will begin Monday, November 7th. She stated that the town is not interested in making money from tickets but instead interested in slowing people down as they travel and keeping them safe. Mr. Radcliffe commended that surrounding towns also are posted at 35mph. Mayor Collins stated the caution lights on Rt 11 needs to be recalibrated due to the updated speed limit. 14. Reminder of Future Council Meeting a. November 15th, 2022- Closed Session 6:00 p.m.; Public Session 7:00 p.m. 15. The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:58p.m. ATTEST l I, @liVia C. Hale Clerk of Council TOWN OF PULASKI, VIRGINIA W. Shannon Collins Mayor Page 6 of 6 / November 1, 2022