HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-13~ `~ RESOLUTION 2007-13 RESOLUTION OF GOVERNING BODY OF the Town of Pulaski, Virginia The governing body of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia consisting of seven members, in a duly called meeting held on the 10th day of July, 2007, at which a quorum was present, RESOLVED as follows: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that, in order to facilitate obtaining financial assistance through a Rural Business Enterprise Grant from the USDA, Rural Development in order to conduct a feasibility and planning for the Virginia's Nanotechnology Park, the governing body does hereby adopt and abide by the covenants contained in the following agreements: 1. "Letter of Conditions" dated June 19,2007 2. Scope of Work 3. Form RD 1942-46, "Letter of Intent To Meet Conditions" 4. Form RD 1940-1, "Request for Obligation of Funds" 5. Form RD 400-1, "Equal Opportunity Agreement" 6. Form RD 400-4, "Assurance Agreement" 7. Form AD-1047, "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters-Primary Covered Transactions" 8. Form AD-1049 "Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements (Grants)" 9. RD Instruction 1940-Q, Exhibit A-1, "Certification for Contracts, Grants, and Loans Regarding Lobbying" ~0. SF-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Manager or Economic Development Director for the Town be authorized to execute, on behalf of the documents including, but not limited to, debt or grant instruments and security instruments as maybe required in obtaining the said financial assistance. This Resolution, along with a copy of the above-named documents, is hereby entered into the permanent minutes of the meeting of this Council. Town of Pulaski. Virginia Attest: B ~ ~,r ,c ~ ~~ y. Certification I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Town Council of the Town o Pulaski in a duly assembled meeting on the 10th day of July, 2007. • Patricia Cruise, Clerk of Council 5 f r ~ ~~ RESOLUTION 2007-13 RESOLUTION OF GOVERNING BODY OF the Town of Pulaski, Virginia The governing body of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia consisting of seven members, in a duly called meeting held on the 10th day of July, 2007, at which a quorum was present, RESOLVED as follows: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that, in order to facilitate obtaining financial assistance through a Rural Business Enterprise Grant from the USDA, Rural Development in order to conduct a feasibility and planning for the Virginia's Nanotechnology Park, the governing body does hereby adopt and abide by the covenants contained in the following agreements: 1. "Letter of Conditions" dated June 19,2007 2. Scope of Work 3. Form RD 1942-46, "Letter of Intent To Meet Conditions" 4. Form RD 1940-1, "Request for Obligation of Funds" 5. Form RD 400-1, "Equal Opportunity Agreement" 6. Form RD 400-4, "Assurance Agreement" 7. Form AD-1047, "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters-Primary Covered Transactions" 8. Form AD-1049 "Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements (Grants)" 9. RD Instruction 1940-Q, Exhibit A-1, "Certification for Contracts, Grants, and Loans Regarding Lobbying" 10. SF-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Manager or Economic Development Director for the Town be authorized to execute, on behalf of the documents including, but not limited to, debt or grant instruments and security instruments as maybe required in obtaining the said financial assistance. This Resolution, along with a copy of the above-named documents, is hereby entered into the permanent minutes of the meeting of this Council. Town of Pulaski, Virginia Attest: - ~ By: Certification I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Town Council of the Town o Pulaski in a duly assembled meeting on the 10th day of July, 2007. Patricia Cruise, Clerk of Council Sertt,By: t4lytheville USDA Service Center; 276 228 3049; Aug-2-07 15:10; Page 2 „~ t'cvinon 3 L, Posinfti)1942-4G 'UNt'tl~y'~~A'1'fiSni?i'AR1'N1BN'CtyT/~(:RT(`t11.'RJRL~ I~c)RMAPPROVL'1) (Rau. G-9R) Rtmiu.Dt:v~WPMEh"l' (~Mii Nc~. OS75-0015 r•,1RM SRRVt(:}i AGENCY LETTER OF 1NT~NT TO MEET CONDITIONS IMte 06-19-2007 TO: United Stater Dcpartmeat Of ABricidturo Rural Development (Name of 1~51)A /1Rency) 1606 Banta Rosa Road Suite 238 RichmonQ, vA 23229-501a (U,llA A~~sscy Ot~tee Address) We have reviewed and understand lh~e Conditions act forth rn your letter dated 06-19 -2007 , It is ow intent to meet all of them not later Wan 09-19-2007 Town of Pulaaki - - - (Na»ie of A,tau ti BY JOHN J. HAWLEY Town Mana er (Title) Accordinj k, (he Pappwnrk RedretlonAer oj1995, rro persona am requrred to rstpund to a mllectiun n(tnJormaiiun un/eee it dirylayR n valid UMB cnn-ro(nu,nher. Ibe vahdC)M!i control nvrstbsr,for -hls Irjo-rnarion c~Ueclx,a u 0313.001 S. The tone reyutred m cornpfete thta mformalivn enNerrion it srtl,nmad ro average (hour per -sspcwes, including tGs fans jnr reviewing (nrtruenou, seachb{q asrtnng data Ynureu, galher,~ and niainmrnrng tiw data, xeeovd, prod eonrpl~tir{q pod revleW Aft the Cal(eCff011 of -ejwinalti,n. Fozm RD 1942-4G (Rero. G-91 • Sent,By: Wytheville USDA Service Center; 276 228 3049; Aug-2-07 15:10; P2ge 3 CITIZENSHIP CERTIFICATION 1 hereby certify that at least 51 % of the outstanding membership of the governing body of the Town of Pulaski is comprised of those who are either citizens of the United States of America or reside in the United States after being legally admitted for permanent residence. June 19.2007 Date • ame: JOHN J. HAWLEY Title: Town Manager C Sens By: IMytheville USDA Service Center; 276 228 3049; Aug-2-07 15:10; Page 4 DISCiC4SURE OF LOBBYING ACTMTIES'-` npprowd ey oMe Complete this form to disclose lobbying activities pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1352 0346.ooss . Soo reverse for ublic burden disclosure. 1. Type of Federal Action: Z. Status of Federal Action: 3. Repoli Type: ~h. ~ a. contract (,, ~a, bid/offer/application ~, ~ a. initial filing b. grant b. initial award -J b. material change c. cooperative agreement c. post-award For Material Chanple Only: d. loan year quarter e. loan gUarentee date of last report f. loan insurance lame and Address ol` Reporting Entity: Q Pritns ^ Sub~w~rds. Tier If known Town of Pulaski YU Box 660 Pulaski, VA 24301 li Reporting Entity In No. 4 is a Subewardse, Enter and Address of Prime: Congrossional DlatrlM, ifknown: 4u Nindl, VA 6. Federal DepartmenUAgency: USDA Rural Deveiop>pant Federal Action Number, if known 10. a. Name and Address o1 Lobbying Registrant (if individual, lest name, /Irst name, MI ): NA Congressional 171strict, !f known 7. Federal Program NamelDescriptivn: Rural Business F.ncerprise GL~ant Program CFDA Number, iiappNcsble: 10.769 9. Award Amount. If known $ 5,000 b. Individuals Performing Services (includln9 address !f dlArerent hom No. f 0a ) (fast name, first name, Mt ): hiermaYOn rpwe.d NroYQh Ihd Conn r ^utlaniee Dr sue ~+ V.S.C. seGlon ,C,lgnatUr@; • tf62. TTia dYCloeunt n! loh6yinp ecetmw n r malmiN repreaamman of raa upon r~iu' reKUlo rrr. pl~cod Oy Ilr slur scow when INS IrenmclWn wia maeu Print Na ~ JOHN • HA W LEY w w..ma intn mu ~v~ w1 .sgw.e y~~ur~ to 9/ u.B.C. raez. rn. Mxmapen w110. hFlP.l~ ror gable inupaelMfn 4ny Pors.n wlq telllt0luo the Title: Tuwn MnndgOl rogWrae Alucheuh awl D. eublsn a e eivi pMelty of not bs. lnat Sto,00o end rot mon INn stooaoo ro,..c++.~ b+uro. Telephone No.: 5-994.863 R Date: ~191~,. 07 ............. ..::::r .: . ..................::. ; : ;... ............. ;:.....:...............:.; uthonz~d Dr lo~e1 p ;Fede~ttt 111.0 may?:: ~•.:.::::::~:~::~?::::::.::..:::::.:.::::.; ::::::: ~;.:::::::::::..: .:::::: ::::.:...::::::..::: ~:::::::::::.:: s~srlaard Fom, ~u (aev. z-s~i Ser~t.By: Wytheville USDA Service Center; 276 228 3049; Aug-2-07 15:t1; Page 5 RD Instruction 1940-Q Exhibit A-1 CERTIFICATION FOA CONTRACT, aRANT9 AND LOANS The undQr®igned certifie9, to the beet of hie or her knowledge and belie#, that: 1. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behal! of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employes of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employed of Congress, or an employee of a Member of CongYees in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making o! any Federal grant or Federal loan, and the extension, continuation, renewal. amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant or loan. 2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in Connection with this Federal contract, grunt or loan, the undersigned shall complete and submit standard Form - LLL, "Di9cloeure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions. 3. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award docum®nts for all eubawards at all tiara (including contracts, subcontracts, and subgrante ender grants and loans) and that all eubrecipienta shall certify and disclose accordingly. This c®rtification is a material representation of #act upon which reliance was placed when this transaction woo made or entered into. submieefon of this certification ie a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, V.S. Code. Any parson who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. ~y~ JOi~1N J . HAWI,EY / G (name) dpte} Town Manager {title) • Serrt,By: y~ytheville USDA Service Center; 276 228 3049; Aug-2-07 f5:1f; Page 6 ~. ~,` U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Ceirtitlcation Regarding Debarment. Suspension, and Uther Kcsponsibility MAtters -Primary Covered Transactions This certification is required by the rcgulatiuns implementing Executive Urder 12544, Debarment and Suspension, 7 C:1~ K Pan 3017. Section 3017,510, Participants' responsibilhies. The regulations were published ac Pan 1V of the January 30, 1989, Federal Regis er (pages 4722-4133). Copies of the regulationx may be obtained by contautittg the Uepartmcnt of Agriculture agency offering the proposed covered uansactiun. (BEFUItE COMPLETIN(; CERTIFICATION, READ INSTRUCTIONS ()iY REVERSE) (1) The pmtpti~etive primary participant eenifies to the best of its kttuwledse and belief, that it and its principals: ('a) are not prexcnlly debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, nr volut-Iarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; (b) have nut within athree-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of yr had a civil .judgment rendered against them fur commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or pcrl'orming a public (Federal State or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of F'cd- oral or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlemcr-t, theft, forgery, bribery, fal,citication or destruction of records, makittg false statements, yr receiving stoh:n property; (e) are not presr»!ly indlctcd far or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental cnlity (Federal, State or local) with commissirn of any of the uffensez enumensted in paragraph (1)(b) of this certiticaticNt; and • {d) have aot within athree-year period preceding this application/proposal had one or more public ltansactions (Federal, State or local) terminated for Cause or default. (2) Where the prospective primary participant ig unable to certify to a-ry of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this ptopasal. 'coven of G~i~l.aski Virginia'sNanotechnologyPark.Plenninp Organization Name PR/Award Number or Project Name Jvhrt Hawley 'town M.anagex Nsme(x) and 'f'itle(x) of Authorized Representative(s) ~. s ~~ ~ ~ grlaturc(s) Date Firm AD- 1047 (1192) Sent.By: Wy#heville USDA Service Center; 276 228 3049; Aug-2-07 15:11; P2 e 7 ., g ,,.% _ Instructions roe Certification . 1. Dy signing and submitting this form, the prospective primary participant is providing the ccrtiflcatfon set nut on the reverse side in accordance with these instructions. 2. The inability of s person to provide the ccriiftcation required below will not necessarily result in denial of participation in this covered transaction. The prospective participant shall submit an explanation of why it cannot provide the certitcation set out on this foam. The certification or explanation will br cutuidered in connection with the department or agcrtcy's determination whether to tinter into Ittis transaction. I lowevcr, failure of the prospective primary participant to famish a certification or an cxplanarion shall disqualify such person from participation in this transaction. i, The certification in this clau.4c is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when the department or 8 eery detcrmtned t0 enter into this transaction. If it is later determined that the prospective primary participant lutowingly rendered an crmneous certification, in addition m other remedies availahle to the Fcdcr+d Government, the departirtent or agency may terminate this transaction for cause or default. 4. The prospective primar~+ participant shall provide immcdiale written notice tp the dCpartment yr agency to whom this proposal is subm)tted if at any lime the prospective primary participant learns that its certitcation way erroneous when aubrrtitted or has beco-ne erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. 5. The terms "wVerod transaution," "debarred," "suspended;' "ineligible," "lower tier covered transaction," "participant'" "person, 1 l "primary covered transaction; "'principal," "proposal," and "voluntarily excluded;' as used in this clause, have the meanings set nut in the Definitions and C'.ovrrage sections of the rules implementing Executive Order 12549. Yeti may contact the department ur agency to which this proposal ig being submi-ted for assistanu; in obtaining a copy ot'those regulations. 6. Tlie prospu;tive primary participant agrees by submitting this form that, should the proposed covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transact[on with a person wire is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible:, or volunrtarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless atithonud by the department nr agency enuring into this transaction. • 7. The prospective primary participant liirther ab~res by submitting this form that it will include the clause titled "Certification Regarding nebarment, Sa4pension, ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion -Lower Tier Covered Transactions," provided by the department or agency entering mto this «)vrred transaction, without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in al! solicitations for lower tier covered transactiut-s. 8. A participant in a c;uvered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that it is not debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from the covered transaction, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant may decide the method and fl'equenry by which it determines the eligibility of its principals. Each participant rnay, but is trot required u), check the Nonprocurement List. 4. Nothing contained in the foregoingg shall be ~wnsttved to require esutblishmcnt of. a s stem of records in eerier to render in good faith the xrtificatton required by this clause. The knowledge aru! information of a panleipant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. 10. Except t'or transactions authorized under paragraph ti of these instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction knwwingly enters into a lower tier coveted transaction with a person who is suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, ale department or agency may t~Ktninate this transaction fnr cause or dclhult. Form AI)- 1047 ('1/91) • tl.S. UI'0:1999-757.04 t 85012 Sent_8y: Wytheville USDA Service Center; 276 228 3049; Aug-2.07 15:12; Page 8/12 - - ;. - • ate APIROVAL Nv. 9000 - 0101 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CERTIFI.('ATiON 12EGARDJNG DRUG-P"REE WURKPLACE RF:QUIREMEN'fS (GRANTS) AI,'fERNATiVE J -FOR GRANTEES OTNER TAAN 1NpiVIDUALB 1'hie aertitication is required b1' the regulations ioplementinq Sections 5151-5160 of the Druq- rsee Norkplace Act of 1969 (Pub. L. 100-b90, Title V, Subtitle D; ~1 t).S.C, 701 of esq.), ~ CP7t part 3017, 8ubpazt e, eeceson 3017.600, puzpese. The regulations were published as Part II of the January 31,1999 ledarel Register (pagew i9b7-9952). CVpieH of thv regulations say be ebtsined b7t contacting the Department of Agriculture agency olteslnq the grant. (BiBORt C068LSTtM4 C~RTIIIC71?ION, ASaD IW6TAVCTSONS O11 RSV8R9R) Alta;native i (A) Thu grantee pstities that it sill provide a drug-lree workplace by: (e) R,lfliahing a statement notifying eeploywa that she ualaaful aanuf.cture, distribUtien, dispensing, possession er use of a centroiled snbstaace Se poohibited in ens grantee's aortplaco and specifying Ehe aellone chat rill bo taken againae employees for violation of • rush prohibition; (b) establishing a drug-tree aastenees program W inEora erployaes shout -- (1) The dangers of aruq w4usa in the aoslcplaaw; (2) ?h. grantee's policy of maintaining a drug-tree aorYplwce: (3) Any available dtuq counseling, rehabilitation, end employee •ssiatanae programs; and (4) The penalties that may be isrpesed upon employees for drug abuse violatioat occurring in the aoskpiace; (c) Making it • requirement that each e~ieyee to be engaged in the pes£ormance of the grant be given s copy of iha statement required by paragraph (a); (d> llotilyinq the eeployee in the statement soquired by paragraph (a) that, as a condition of es~loyment under the grant, the employes will -- (l) Abade b7f tM terms et the etatemanC; and • Foss AD-1069 (ASV 2-691 Serrt•By: Wytheville USDA Service Center; 276 228 3049; Aug-2-07 15:12; Page 9/12 • ~.:` ,~ • (2) Notify tho osployes of any crisinal drug atatuto eenviction for a violation • occurring in she wos)~ylaee no later then live days attar ouch conviction; la) Notityiag the agency within tan days after receiving notico under subparagraph (d)(2) tsos M asployee or etharwiso receiving actual notice of cosh convictien; (t) Taking ens of the tollewing actions, within 30 days of roeeivinq notice under subparagraph (d)(2), wilh respect to any eeployee who is ae convicted -- (1) Taking atspropziato personnel action against such an eepleyee, uD to and including teainatioa; or (2) Requiring ouch osployee to pastieipsto satisfactorily in • drug show aesietanco or rohabilitativn progras eppseved for such purposes by a >rederal, Stato, or Local health, law enfoscownt, or other appropriate agency; (q) Mekinq • good laith otters to continue to saintain a drug-tree workplace through isplesentatien o! paragraphs (a), Ib), (c), (d), (a) and (t). B. The grantee shall insert in the space provided below the aitolal for the pertormanee oP work dono in conviction with tho epaciEic grant. Plsce of Parlossanco (street address, city, county, State, sip coda) P.O. Box 660 42 1st St. NW .. ... • Pulaakt, Pulaski County, Virginia 24301 Town of Pulaski Virginia's Nanotechnelgy Perk (VNTP) - Planning osgani.atien ilaso pR/Jward Nusl~os er lisojoct Now John Hawley, Town Manager Name snd Ti a of 1luthoriaed Mpreeentativa aturs Paee INST UCTIONS FOR CERTIFICATION 1. Hy signing and subsisting this tors, the grantee is previdinq the eortltlcation set out en pegas 1 and 2. 2. ?ho oartitication sot out en pagan 1 and 2 is a satorial representation of Pact upon which reliance was placed when th. agency detassinod to award the grant. IE it ie later datersined that the grantee lwowingly rendored a false certitiastion, or otlwr~.i.sa violates the saquiriaonea of the Drag-Free Moskplaae 11ct, the agency, in addition to sny other resedioe avsilabie to thr R.derel Cov.rnsent, say take action authorised candor the prug-pree Morkplaoo oat. 2 1ost1 AD-10a9(I3EV Z-89) •U S. ci!'U. tvx~,~ss•Uirerols~ Sent,By: Wytheville USDA Service Center; 276 228 3049; Aug-2-07 15:12• Page 10/12 . ,• , • Pnritian 3 USDA FORM APPROVED Form RD 4(10.4 ASSURANCE AGREEMENT OMB Nu. 0575-0018 (Rev. 3-97) (Untltr Tttle Vl, Civil Rights Act of ] 964) The 'PAWN OF Pl.)I,ASKI (name of reC.ipient) p() F3ox 6ti0, Pulaski, VA 24301 (nddrert) ("RecipienC' hrrCin) hereby assures the U. S. Depamncnt of Agriculture that Recipient is incompliance with and will continue to comply with Title VI of the Civil Righu Act of 1964 (4Z USC 2000d et, seq.), 7 CFR Pan. 15, anti Rural Eivusing Service, Rural Business-Cooperative Service, Rural Utilities Service, yr the Farm Service Agency, (hereatlcr known as the "Agency") reFttlatiuns protnulgated theit'undet, 7 G.F.R. § 1901.242. In rwe:utdaucc with that Act and the regulations referred to above, Recipient agrees that in cunttection with any program Or activity for which Rcx.ipietu receives Fcdcrul financial assistance (as ouch term is defined in 7 C.F.R- § 14.2) no person In the United States shall, on the grvutld ofrace, actor, or national origin, be ezcludcd from particiratinn in, be denied the brnefibs of, ctt be otherwise subjected w discriminuton. 1. Recipient agFeea [hat any transfer of any aided facility, other than personal property, by sale, lease or other conveyance of contract, shall be, and shall be made expressly, subject to the obligaticros of this agreement and tramsfer+u;'s assumption thereof. 2. Recipient shall: (a) Keep such rea>rd~ and submit to the Gov~nmena ouch timely, complete, and accurate information as the Govcmment may determine to he nec:c$eary to asecrtain our/my compliance with this agreement and the regulations. (b) Permit access by authorized employees of the: Agency ur the U.S. [lerartmcnt of Agrieulture doting normal buvinesa hours to such books, records, accuuata and other sources of information end iW facilities xs maybe pct'tinent w ascertaining such compliance. (c) Make available to user's, participants, beneficiaries and other interested persons such infuratution regarding the pruviaions ofthis agreement and the regulations, and in such manner as the Agency or the U. S. llepartment of Agriculture finds necessary tU inform such peraom of the protcetion assured them against discrimination, • 3. 'fhe obligations of this agrcemettt shall continttc: (a) As to any real property, including any structure, acquired or improved with the aid of the Fakrol financial ossistance. so long as sue:h real properly is used for the purpose for which rho Federal financial assistance is matte ar for soother purpose which affords similar services or benefits, or far as lung as the Recipient n;tains ownership or possession of the prvperry, whichever is longer. (b) As to any personal pruperry acyuired or improved with the aiJ of the Fuieml Fnsncial assistance, yu long as Recipient retains ownership of possession of the property. (c) Aa to any other aided facility at activity, until tla; last advance of funds under the Juan or grant has been made. 4. Upon any breach or violation this egrsr:ment the Guvemmcnt may, at its option: (s) Terminate or refitsc W render or continue financial aeaistauce for the aid of the property, facility, project, service or activity, (b) Enforce this agreement try suit for specific perfarmattce or by any othtx available remedy under the laws of the Uniu:d Swtes or the Stuoo in which the broach oc viulatinn occurs. Rights and remedies provided fur under this agreement stroll be cumulative. ]n witness whereof TOwN OF PI t1.ASK1 nn this Warne o/Ye~ipient) date hats caused this agreement to be executed by its duly authorizzd umcera and its seal siTixed hcrcw, or, if a natural person, has hen.wtto executed this agreement. HN J HAWLEY Rcclpienr (SEAL) 6/19107 , Dale Attest: 'Town Manager TiHc 7ftlr • A6Y++rdi~ to tea t5apenwnt A.x'eMerian AeI Rf roeS, n~/ISernYi raL tvgrt8•~Am ~aponA m o ~Ydleerinn njinjerhtafinn unlea it digt(Ywt n valid /JMB rnnrnt munOYr, rAr vaIf40AfA anrtal aaYArrJor tAa tyitrwrttan eouearian is uf7n-natty. rbs a~rr rcgYarJ to enmplete Ml~r i~/ornrY+mn is aviwYn•Q to aYna~e /s >Al~mer per trapYn~¢, ttk'lwdinX the IiMt jar /@VU.' Wlq( %g7//yCIYJM, tM/CWnr, ~IlfNla ttala.Y7YlLM~ anlGdNnJ; and ~YdnMlnr~ IAr Jnln wecAal, YnJ a..M~liny amJ h'vle,.~ir~ rM ~'n14Ninn n/'i.Ufn.wmtinn Sent~By: byytheville USDA Service Center; 276 228 3049; Aug-2-07 15:12; P2 a 11 /t2 .- g Form RD 400-1 llNITF:D STATES DEYART'MENT OF AGRIC:UL't'URI', OMB oP05705--0018 (Rev. S-UO) EQUAL. OPPORTt1NITY AGREEMENT AAay t8. 2007 'Phis agrcc,nent, dated between Town ref Pulaski (heron called "Recipient" whether oue or more) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA ), pursuant to the rules and regulations of the SeueWry of labor (hzrein called the'Sccretary') issued under the authority of Executive Urder 112411 as amended, witnesseth: In consideration of financial assistante (whether by a loan, 6Ram, loan guaranty, or other form of financial assistance] made or to be made by the USDA to Ra:ipient, Recipient hereby agrees, if the cash Cost of construction work performed by Recipient or a construction contract firuutced with such ftnancial assistance exceeds S 10,000 -unless exctittpted by rules, regulations or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive ()rdcr 11246 of September 24, 1965. I . '1'o incorporate ur cause m be incorporated tofu any contract for construction work, or modification thereof,, subject tv the relevant rules, rogUlations, and orders of the Secretary or of any prior authority that remain in effect, which is paid fur in whole ur in part with the aid of such financial assistance, flee following "Equal Opportunity Clause": During the performance of this contract, the wntractor agrees as follows: (a)'1'he wntractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex ur national origin. Such action shall include, but not he limited, to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitmem advertising; layoff or terdlination: ra[es of pay ur other forms of twmpcnsation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to bc: provided by the USDA setting fonh the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. (b) The contractor will, in a1.1 solicitations or advertisements for Cmployees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration far employrnrnt without rogard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. (c) The contractor will send w each labor union or representativC of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement ur other contract ar understanding, a notice, to be provided by the USDA, advising the said labor rrniun or workers' • representative of tht contractor's commitments under this agreement and shall post copies of the rx-tice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. (d)''fhc contractor will comply with ail provisions of Executive lhder 11246 of Septetnbcr 24,1965, and of all rules, regulations and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. (c) The contractor will furnish all information and reports required by txecutivn Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, rules, regulations, and orders, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access in his books, re;uords, and accounts by the t1SpA Civil Rights Office, and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. (t) In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or with any of the said rules. regulations, or orders, Otis contract may be cancelled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further Covcmmcnt convects ur federally assisted construction wntracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invokr;d as provided in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regulation or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by Law. (g)'fhe contractor will include the provisions of'paral;t'aph I and parat,Kaph (a) through (g) in every suhwntract or purchase order, unless exempltxl by the rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of [.abet issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order No. l 1'l46 of September 24, t 965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The contractor will take such action with respect to any suhcontract or purcha.e order as the IJSllA may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that in the event the contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a trubcontractor or vendor as a resuh of such direction by ttte USDA, the contractor may request the Uttitcd States in enter into such litigation to protect the interest of the United States. 4rcaraling ro t!-r Pa{xrwork Radacriun .4et of / 9S-S. an ugen~ry may nor conduct nr s/wnaor, and a f-ersun is nor negairud ro respond to, u co!)ecdon of infornnrtion unless 1! displays a valid (3MB•cvnhol numhrr. 7rir voted OM.11 centre/ narnbor jar this injornwrian rnllectinns it OS S {0l8, The rime rrgvired ro cb-n.lrte rbls i-tfurnrarion co!lrcrion is esti-nared ro overage {fl minnres pper res[xmse., inolydin~- the rime for reviewing inatru(rrions, se<-rc~iiny, existing dote sources, gathering and -naintaining the data nr•«,led, anr7 con-p/ennx and reviewing rhr. co!lerrion otinformarion, • !'asillt>n 6 RD 400.1 (Rev. 5-00) Sen*-13y: Wytheville USDA Service Center; 276 22t3 3049; Aug-2-07 15:13; Pege 12112 '•' 2. To be hound by the above equal uypot'tuniry clause with respect to its own empluytn..... practices when it participates in federally assisted eanstruetion work: i'rovided, that if the urgani~aeion so participating is a State or focal government, the above equal oppomi»ity clause is nW applicable to any agency, instrumentality or subdivision of such guvertmrent which does not participate in work un or under the ix-ntract. 3. To notify all pro~peclive contracwts to Erie the required'Compliance Statement', Form RD 40(1.6, with their bids. 4. Form A D-429, Instruelions to Contractors, wilt accompany the notice of award of the contract. Bid conditions for all nonexempt federal and federally assisted construction contracts require inclusion of the appropriate "Hometown" ur "Imlwsed" plan affirmative action xnd equal employment opportunity requirements. AIt bidders must comply with the bid conditions contained in the invitation to be considered responsible bidders and hence eligible for the award. 5. To asaiyt and cooperate actively with t JSDA and the Secretary in obtaining the compliance Of contractors and subcontractors with the equal opportunity clause and atlas, regulatio»s. and relevant orders of the Secretary, that will furnish l1SDA and the Secr~ctary such information such as ,but not limited tu, Form AD-5f~, C;ertiticstion of Nonsegregated Facilities, to xubt»)t the Monthly Employment Utilization Report, Form CC-257, as they may require for the supervision of such compliance, and that it wilt otherwise assist USt)A in the discharge of I,ISDA's primary responsihiiiry for securing compl)anc;e. 6. Tu refrain from entering into any contract or contract modification subject tv such Executive Urder 11 Z4(i of September 24, I )6S, with x eontractur debarred from, or who has not demonstrated eligibility fur, Government contracts and Federally assisted construction contracts pursuant to the Executive Urder and will carry out each sanctions and penalties fur violation of the equal opportuniry clause as may be imposed upon contractors and subcontractors by USDA or the Secretary of Labor pursuant to Part 11, Subpart ll. of the Executive Order. 7. That if the recipient fails ur refuses to comply with these undertakings, the USDA may take airy or all of the following actions: Cancel, terminate, or suspend in whole or in plot this grunt (contract, loan, insurattce. buarantue); refrain fmm extending any further assistance to the organizatitn under lttc program with respect to which the failure or refund occurred until satisfactory assurance of future compliance has been received from such organization; and refer the case to the Department vt' Justice tot appropriate legal prou;edin6s. Signed by the Itecipi tun the date first written above. Recipient Recipient (CORPURATG SEAL) Attest: , Secretary Name ul' ('orpurate Recipient By I~reaident•--- %wti /yJ.~~t~