HomeMy WebLinkAbout92-04r~ RESOLUTION # 92-4 AUTHORIZING THE TOWIy MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE. COUNTY OF PULASf<I TO PROVIDE WATER TO THE BROOKMONT AREA OF PULASKI COUi~T'Y Whereas, the County of Pulaski has received approval from the Farmers' Home Admini_strat.ion fcar funding for the construction of a waterline extension to serve approximately 60 residences in the. Erookmont area oi~ Pulaski County; and, Whereas, the Town Council has previously indicated that the Town would be willing to supply the water to serve s~..rch area. iyOW, THEREFORE, Sf,= IT RESOLVED 8Y THE COUNCIL OF Tt-IE TOWN OF PULASKI, VIRGItJIA, sitting in regular session on iharch 17, 1992, ghat the Town Manager be, and hereby is, authorized to executes an agreement with the County of Pulaski to provide water to tt-ie Srookmont are..: c)f Pulast;i Caunt.y. Said agreement shall bE~ i.n ~;ubst~-~ntially the same form as .attached hereto. • Thi~~ Resolution is Effective uK;on adoptior.~ .an<~' .~-, aj~opted b~,~ recorded vote of the Town Counci 1 of the Towri of P~ ~ lasb:i , Virginia, on tt-~is 17ttz day of Marcl•~, 199^, ~<>, f:~11~~L~:,- Char 1 e D. C r i 4. p i. r; gym A n d r E~ (.v ,_ . G s .:~ t~i ~~. rn A ~t--- J . R . Sc h r._tde r.. , J r _ ~~ W . H . St. h r.~•:~e r . .J r Aye--- Mary Lou Ca?enh~;ver absent Alrna H. Hc~J.•~ton Aye-. :J a rn e s i~ _ N t.=.~ F-, 1 ~~~ t. t ~__ R. o b e r t N. C;1 e n r~ A ~~ TC?Wi~ OF PULASKI, '~/T~:~~INIA ~ y ' -- -- - --- Andrew L. Graham, Vice Mayor F=1t.te~t. t_, ... . F E B- 2 8- 9 2 F R I 1 T 4 8 P - E-* • 02-24-92 03:59PM FROM BMNA/~YT1iEVII,Lir U.O. PO2 USDA--FHA Pariricsrr S Form FHA 442.30 (Rev, a•19.7~) WATER PURCH~5E CONTRACT Ibis ooatract for the sale attd purchaN of water !e enticed tnta ss of the .._~.~._.__day of ~a'''~'~' r 19 ~.~, betweea the ~ o. `~ GG a hsrelnalter referred to as the "5ellec" and the hereinafter referred to sta the "Purchaaet", lAdd~is~) ~~.s ~;~~ T (Add.~~.) IVITNESS8T1i: ltfhereas, the Purchaser it or~,tnired sad established under the providaaa of ~'¢ ,~'~''~~ ~ ~,~.^Q3~~(the Code of V~~~•rk~ /'Sb ~ ~~ for the purpose of conatructin; snd opetstin~ a water supply distribution • s stem servin` water users withla the area describsd la plans sow oa (tie to the office of the Purchaser and to accomplish this purpose, the Purchases rein aquir• a supply of treated water, snd Whereas, the Seder owes and operates a water supply distribution syatent with a capacity currently Ctppabie of scrvin; the present euttome:a of the Seilet'a system sad the estimated number of water uses to be served by the said Purchaser :a shown in the plans of the system now on Zile !a the office of the purchaser, and Wlseraaa, by Ko. _...._._.._enacted on the Qty ~ L of __~._.,_.,,,,_._,___.,,., ~~y,+w' - , 19 ...._,., by the Salter, the aria of wstet to the Purchsset in accordance ,P' with the ptovidons of the slid was approved, sad the •xecutioa of this contract carryin; out the uld by the , ~, .._...~..~,., , sad attested try; the Secretary, was duly autho:lead, sad Whereas, by of the of the Purchuer, eaactad on the day of , 19 ......._, the purohaee of ~wtter from the Seller in aoeordancs with the tercna sat foKh in the add Mae approved, sad the e><eoutioa et this contract by the - '~Q~ ~~ - ~_,__~~, ~„ sad attested by the Seaetacy was duly author{sed; Nort, thatefora, in ooaaidesatioa of the fartaoiaS sad the mutual a;sameats hereinafter set forth, ~. T. b! liar A ees: • 1. (tZuality sad Quaatlty) To fucalsh.the Purchases at the polar of delivery hereinafter specified. duria; the term of thin contract or say eaaevrsl or eYteaalon thaw!, po4ble treated water meatier; applicable purity swndards of the ._....~_,. ~a- ~~~ !.n ancb quantity se mW be required by the Purchaser sat to exceed ..(t,~~ o~plloas pat saoath, FHA 442.30 (Rev. 4-19.72) FF=Fs-28_g~ • P ~ 2, (Paint of DeJivtrq utd Prsasurt) That water will bt tutniahed at a naaoaably coaatant pneaure ralcul~ted • rr tt 8 2 ~. S' t . trodt an •xletia~ S inch a~aSr, supply at • potttt located 'z~' Gw~ ~";- tics S~t•a ~,a,,, t.s~tir-•til. l w+~1ic, v,N, ~.~. Lam ~w~:~'S o+~ ~'!' (.~ C It t ~reatet prtrfura then s! normally evallable at cite point of delivery t• repulsed by the PutcbAaet, tht con of providiaQ tuck dreatte pttfeur• shale ba borot by the PurChafar. Emeretaey tailuref at pceefure o: supply due to main eupply liar braelrf, powee failure, Hood, list an4 ua of water to tt~3tt Eice, aerthga:ke or other cstaetroph. aheli excuae the Seller Iroat thla proviaioa for such reasoaa6lt ptciod of bate as taay be necefaary to :ettor• service, 3. (tdetetinS P.Quipateat} To turalfh, iartail, operab, sad meiatain rt ttf owe exDtate tt tat of deUvay, the aecasaary meceria~ tquSp~4eat, tacludin~ t meter hoata or pit, and required dtvlgef of standard typ• tour property metfuriat eht Quantity of water d~livert4 to the Purchrrer and to eallbratr each atettrin~ equipment whfnwer reQueated by the purchaser but not Wren itfQuerttlyy tha4 OdC• every twelve (12) tnonthf, A meter nasteria~ not more thaw tyro percent (2~6) above oc below the Lett result shale bt daemtd to be securatt. Th• prtvloua readia~s of say meter disclosed by test w be inaccurate fhell be wrtsctld for th• ..,.._,..~~ ~,..~~....._..,moathf previont to =uch lest in tccotdance with the pfrCt~itete Ot taaccuteey Iouad by fueb tettt. It eny tnetu fait: to aplster for say period, the te~ount of water turnlehe6 durinC such pedo6 shall be deaated to be the uaonat of wttsc delivered ic+ a cottetpoadlad period i~amedittely prior to the taiiure, unleaf Seller ~ ~ ~~ and Purchtfar shall a •e u oa a diittreat amount. The totttrtn~ tautpmeat ahtil be rend on Aa }pprgtdau officist of t~te Ptitrchata rt a1i r•aaaa.bt* ticaa• shell have ecceat to the meter r the purport of vettlyla~ eta ntdia~a. 4, (Hiiiia~ Procedure) 'fo taraith th• Puroharer at the above addeess not later tAta the ~`~~' day of each month, rrlth an itemi:sd etatetteot of the amount of water furalsiSed the Purchastr durln~ the prectdinq month. J3. The Putokastr Aaeeae 1, (Rates artd 9syrtttnt Dare) 'CO pay tht $tlllr, not later titan the ~_ day of tech month, for watsr dalirtevd ~ seeordartce with tht Eoilowla~.uhsdule of rtaai S foe tb ~ s, whic t shal the mum er m b. i cents per IQ~O ~alloat tOt watsi..l1Z ezCeif of ltff e. t ~ ' `} 3 cent/ pet 1040 ~alloar . . 2, (Carsseotioa lief) To pry as art afreed sort, a connection eta to connect the Se11e>'t tyatem with thf cysts of the Purchsstr, the aua~ of ~ dol}srf which shall cover sny and alJ cosh of the St11er t'or inftallati. ~~ r i 7: 4 g AI t}If etetarlnt equipmtnt r2~ - r+~~.~ -rr ~.~..--rr.C'`•-_~ ...~.. ~.~.. - ~59PM FROM FMHA/~YTHEVII,I<E G. 0. P03 t~ ~ k. ~c~ C. It tt furtba mutually aarsed betwssa the &ller fad the Purchasat a follows: ~ ~~.U~ 1. (Tara: of Contratt) That this contract shall extend !or a tsrm of ~ veers from the data of the tn{tial - dellvsry of say water ere shown by W• brat bi11 subtnltted by the Stiles to the Putchaasc sad, thsrsaftsr tray be rsnrwsd or extended for loch tesm, or tsrma, al stay bs weed upon by the Sailer tnd Purchaser. 1. (Deltvsry of Water) That ~,rc~ ~"i~ days prior to the estimated dote of completion of conttructioa of We Purchaaat'a water wppty distribution tryatem, the Purchaser will notify th• Selles la writing the date for the initial delivery of wetsr, 3. (Water for Tsatia~ Whsn tsqueftad by the Purchaser the Ssller will traiCe available to the contractor at the pout of dsllvsry, or other point reasonably ctost thereto, water sufficient for teetin~, ftuahta~, tad trench flllia~ tba system of th• Purchaesr durlnr conetructioa, tnsapsct{~vs of whstha the atstarin~ etluipasent has bean inetallsd at that time, at s flat cher~e of S `•`}~ ~ i ~00°.•.~`~ which will be paid by the contractor oe, oa hit tenure to pay, by the Aurc6Yaft. 4. (Failure to Deliver) That the Seller will, at sit timer operate sad ataintain •ita tyattee !a m efficient maaasr sad wtli take wch action as may be aeceaeary to furnish th• Purchaser with quantities of avatar rsqquised by the Purchaser. Temporary of partial tailutea to deliver water shall be retaedlad with all poaible dispatch. In th• event of an sxteaded shortage of avatar, or the supply of water available to the 5e11ss i• otheerriae diminished over art extsaded per{od of bate, the supply of water to Furchase~a cos:umsra sha11 be reduced or diraiaished it, tits came ratio or p:opartioa ere the supply to Seller's coaat:r..ers is tednced or dimtnlthed. S, (lioditicatlosf of Coalract) That the proviaioaa of thts croatraet psrtalnia~ to the schedule of rtitse to bs paid by • the Purchaeet lot water dalive:sd are subJfot to motiiticatloa at the sad of every ~"`,..,~t.~yesr period. Arty iacz+ase•~ ~ in rates aball be based on a demonatsable iactasse et-faeeaase ie the costa of yetforataace haseuadK h . ~ peo\~ t the i~ coatrtct grey be awdlh.d or altered by amtaat a~nett+aat. p{-~,~, 6. (Rec~latory Apacies} That tale contract it subJect w such soles, reCulations, or taws a• may be applicable to simile: a~c~ents Ia this Scats sad the Sailer sad pnecheeet a-i11 colltbotat• In obtainia~ such permits, cettiflcates, of tbt tike, as taay ba agttired ;o comply ths:ewith. 7. ()tiscellasiso~as) That the caastructioa of the wttar su iy distribution tyatem by the Pttrchasar is bain` Haaace by a loan etafa er insured by, and/or t ~rar-t boar, the Ualted Slate~ot America, acting thtou~t the Sarraera Homer Adtainiatra~ tion of the Uatord St^tea Deperttaeat of A~rlcultun, sad the pcovttioaa hereof pe:esiniai to the undertekiat;a of the Purcbaea are eondltloesd s+pon the approvti, !a wtitin~, of the State Alrector of the Fartaetf Koms ~ldminietrattoa. S. ~eeaoe m the Purchaser) That in the evsstt o! any occursnce rsndetia: the Purchases incapable of pper toret{a~ aada shis coatzact, say sueoesaot of the >pnrchaser, whether the result of fetal process, as:t{rtmsnt, or otherwise shall anocwd m tae rim o! the Purchaser hereuadet. -- _ - __l ..~.. __ ~'E8-28-~2 FR I 1 ~ 5 1 02-24-92 03: ~9PM PROM FMNR/~YTHEV II,I,E ti, 0, ~c kC. /~~ ~.~ d betweea the 3ellet ear P _ ip .~ follows: P03 Y u~ 1. (Term of Coattact) That thfs contrwt shall exte~6 tat a term of " years boas the data al the ialtial ~ t''1 datlvery of water ae shown by the first bill wbraftte4'by tha Ssllts to the l~uec sear sad, theteaiter stay be renawad oc extended toe a twos, or terms, a stay be agreed upoa,bf+ the Salle: and Purchaus r: I~ 2. (Dell ry of Water) That ~~~ (,~~ days prlot to the eetimat~id date of ootnpletion of eoeetrvcttoa of the Putcltseet'e valet ply distribution systeas, the Purchaser wll! notlty the SelYes fa rvrftinj the date for the iaitlal deilWry Ql p'ater, %' 3. tSYater ioe eftin~ Whea nquefted by the Purchaser the Seller wl11 maka avsilable to the contractor at the pout of dtlivety, or other olnt reaaoeably close thsrete, water sulfideat,lor testing, flusktnS, snd trench fiilinr the ayaem of tke Puechaser dutlnr eo ~ coon, irrespective of whether the tnetadb~ equlpmerst has bees installed at that liras, at a ffat ehat~e o! 5 ~•`f'~' f t whloh will be pall by tbe~~oatractot ot, ea hit teJlttre to pay, by the purchaser. 4. (Fdlute to Delive:) `Tlsat the f4etlar vrill, at all time~~((~ operate and asaintatn •its aystent in as elftofsat maaaer sad Ntll take such cellos as may be~t acetary to luentrh We 1?s}lclsaaer with quaatlties of water:e aped by the Pu:chafer. Tetra~ nary of putlai lailuuf to ~de11~r cater shall be remedied wtth tll possible dsripatch. Jn the event of an exttaded shotte~e of wstar, or the supply of watte~r avsllable to the 5yl~ler ie oeheratae dlmtaiahed ova as extended pentad of tine, tha sappty of water to Purchaf~'t's coafu~ers fha11 be eeduolRl or diminished !n the Nate ratio of psoportioa as t8e fupply to Se1les't Coasutnen is reduced pt dimintfhefi. ; 3. ($ueceseoc to tlse Pueehaeee) 'ghat in loratln` ander this coatrsct, say sseotuor o the P .hall succeed to the riSlsta of the Purchaser h S, jltodilioatlott of Contract) That the provleia//g~i of thts contract pettainiar to the schedule of rates to be paid by the Putehaaet tot water delivered are subJeet to modittatioa st the end of very ~''`...~!~.yesr period. My laerase or decrease in retea shill be beaed oa a demoaatrahle~c:ease or deoaaea fa the coats ai yyestorataace htreutsder„ ~provistoas of tltlf coatnct may be modified or sltmdd by mutual ~nepteat. 6. (lteWlatory Apaclt:) ?hat dtif contract is fubpect to such ruleex~te'ptlatioas, t laws as stay be applicable to efas!!ar saeee;eats is tbit Stets and the Seller,and Purchaser w111 coUabotetein obtalnia~ su psrmltt, certificates, of the tike, as may be squired to comply therealth. 7. (3UsCellaneous) That the cosatruatioa of the vratu snpp~dltMbutioo systeat by t Purchaser le beit-`` Q~asnced by a loss mace of lnftued by, and/or a rrattt tnpat, tha Ualted State' America, sctia$ throu 'the Rarmats Home AdFaialstra• tioa of th* Ualted States Department of A~rlcspltun, and the pro~tsfoas hereof pertfinlnd to tit# nndectakia{s of the Parehaset are eaaditloaed upon the appceval, !n writinS, pl the State Dir~otor of the Farmers Home Adasldietratioa. of any occuteade nadetiar be Purchaser iacapable o! peM whether the result o~ legal pr~cess, ssstt;rtment, of otherwise, F'EB , 28-92 F'R I 1 7 53 • 02-24-92 03:59PM FROM FMNA/WYT}iEVII,I.E D.O. P _ 0 5 P04 Ie wltaesa wbenoi, the parties heteta, actla~ nt~der ~utbority of them rerpeotlve jovtrai~s~ bodice, baw Caused thle coatract to be duly executed ~ coueterpa:ts, each at which chat! coaetitute ea ori~al. sewer: Attest: sy .~ 'title Secretary pu~baae:: Attest: By ~._~.~._,~. Tttte - --., ecrttary Thlt CoatraCt It appcovedon behalf of the Farma:t Florae Adn~int~attoa tbla ~..-.-day of , $y ~..~. Tltte ,. • •