HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-20-57~''~ a Mirz~tes of t.?zF r~=gala:. se:~i-monthly rieetng of the Town Council of the Tc~+•-n oI' Pulaski, Virgi~.i.a, held on the 20th day of Se~,tembAr, 195^, at i, ~;. m. in tY:e municipal office. There were present: C. ~I. .Jackson, Fresi ding. Councilmen; W. F. 'vdhite, W. A. Larson, A. E. I~;eons, ~, F. L. Carrico, J. R21ph ;~?artin, ~'. H. '~Tysor,~ I. R. ;Carrico Absent: Counncil',°nan '~1. S. Cumm:~ngs. A1.,o present: To~~n Manager: T. B. A?ola.nd Town: At'tarney; Garnett S. rioore Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton Visitor z: Eve?tim S. Hall of the Southwest. Times 1owEird R. Imz~oden, and Dick Miller, represent:~ng Pulaski Baseball Cl~ G. E. Fverha.rt of Everhart. Cleaners Mayor Jackson called the meeting to order, after which F. L. Carx•ico gave th.e invocation. The minutes of the regular semi--monthly meeting held Sep~!1 2., 195?; of a special meeting Yield Sept. 9, 1957, and the public hring on the 10th c.f Sept., 195?, were approved. Mr. Everhart appeared be_rore Council and stat.~~? lfe would FiE~UEST CF ~'IR. l~~ce to have a parkiT3g space i.n front o`' his place of business for Fz ~~~ii~.RT REFER- i ED i0 ST. loading and unloading his deliverer truck. ^'he situatio~~ ~;as dis- ~cr^~TTmr c'zssed fully with Mr. ~rerhart and on_ motion of F. L. Carrico, seconded ry- Tel. F. L7Y:1±P.., it was unanimously RESCLUED~ that the matter :~e referz^ed to the Street Committee, and that rir, Everhart continue his present practice of parking until such time as the Street Committee makes their report,; ar~d Mr. Everhart i.s advised of tie decision. N[r. Imboden anr.'{ r1r, Miller appeared before Council relative to the use of Calfee Fark for professional baseball during next summer. Mr. Imboden stated that all the other members of the Leag~~t were given park space free, whice Pulaski had paid the town for the! F.'?~t~F'ST FCR UST CI' C1+.L'^~' FARM Past season $?20.00 in rental and lights for the use of the park ark FC~P FRn?'ESS. T_~A,~'•'??t~LT, '^0 RE $53.00, representing ten percent admissions tax; and in addition lid DT^C'JSSF'P I~A'?'T`' I"? ,..~,TIi?G to pay the League $500.00 concession rights and that the Toam had operate+-i the concession. stand and the Pulaski Club had reali2ed nothing from this source. After NIr. 7mbod.en and Mr. Miller left this meeting, it was decided to discuss this matter more fully when the '' Recreation Committee gave its report on the improvements needed a.t i Calfee Park, later on the agenda. ,' ti ~~' Council minutes contd. Sept, 20, 195?, 4 p. m. The Town Manager read a letter from Mr. Jack l~ewman, I.TTTER OT r president of the Southwest Virginia Model Club, in whic'n he expressed ~ii'FF.EC LA , IOC,; `~'~' S0.'w~ST t, heir appreciation for the cooperation of the members of Council VA.. 'KCDEL I:IR.PLAIIF, CLL"_? and the assistance of the Totim Recreation Department in obtaining their Model ~'irport development at Loving Field. The Town riarager read a request from S. L. Thompson that Council rezone a portion of land located in the Town of 0. Z. ^'HOA1PSOi' pulaski and ],ying on the north side of Third Street, N. E., and REQUEST ~'OR RE'7..Oi~IT~~G TO '~E extending one block northward to Bank Street between Union Avenue FF;i'FF.P,T'D TO PLAi•'T~I?~G CC''Q'. and the East Corporate Limits, from puniness to Industry so that he could _ build a foundry in that area. On motion of ~,'. H. Wysor, seconded by I. R. Carper, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the request of Mr. S. L. Thompson for the rezon?_ng of that certain area, as described above, be referred to the To*N-n Planning Commission. The Town Y`'janager stated that the Planning Commission would like for Council to amend their request to them in the matter of the request of T. W. Dickerson. In referring these COLT,,,,CTL 1~~'~T~:?dDRI~ RE~t1EST '^G matters to them the Planners would like to consi~•ier at least a RE: RE'0'?~1G block and not „lust a lot or two in a block. On motion of t~T. H. DLC;.rR~OP• Wysor, seconded by I. R. Carper, it was unanimously F.F.SOLVED~ that we change our rer,uest to the Planning Commission on the Dickerson matter, from rezon3_rg his lot, to the study of the vicinity, Tom Manager uoland stated that Judge N~thews cad AFPGI"'T":~~i~?T C~' appointed the following as members of the Board of Zoning Appeals: '~CARi~ GF IC?d'"~; ~=PPEALS Robert P. Be~~mer, J. C. Crutnbley, Jr., A. M. ilarman, Jr., Ernest. T. Painter, and William L. Tate. Their terms are for a period of three years from the 13th day of September, 195?. Mr. Ralph Martin, Chairman of the Recreat9_cn Coix~ittee, • stated tYi.a.+., because the bleachers behind the catcher's box had rotted ^PCF.T OF RFsCRF~1TICDT ancY mere unsafQ, these had been recently torn down; that a new asphalt COP'~I~iITTF'F GN ?4FC. Z'~~'R.OVEMEtbTS roof coating was being put on the grandstand at this time, and that AT CA7,~~ EF PARK the roof rheaFlii_ng had oohed out in places and that was being re- 1 placod. He further stated that i-ii4 Cotnmi.ttee maclo the fo?lawing three rec. or.xmendat.,i.ons: (1) To i'ix the bleacher:: behind home elate and th2.t the supports be of masonry blocks ~~a.th penetrated Arkansas pine seats; cost. of materials only, $1,554.40, this estitrY~te tc± _nclude the press box. (2) To rerla:,e the rotted taood scats ~~hich a.rF affixed to the concrete ~,zr.der the grandstand with penetrated r".rkansas Dine wood, m~.;terial cost only, $983.5. (~) Sug;;e~t that ^onstru.ction be mute of ,50 lin. ft. of the rotten wooden binacher.:~ ,juAt to the north of the concessicr. stand with masonry block :~japports a.rrd penetrated Arkansas pine seats, m~~tPr's.al cost only, ~1,?.~ j.04. these -recomme?~datro?as were dis- c~zssed fully. On motio;~ of ;J. A. La:r.son, seconded Y,y '~1. H. 'vJysor, ~~i.th the follo~air~g recorz3r-~d y`c~t~~: ::'. F, '.'},its. -aye ., 4y. .az•son -aye A. F. Lerr;r~ns - a;;~p J. R.. Martin - a~~ e ~_FPR.GPF I~'; TI02~ ~%h DF r OR ~.,A LFEE n rru 7t . ?~n~ ~~.m~. It WAS g. ?.. ^arT'iro -aye T. F~. Carper -aye RESCLVED~ tY;at. ~3,500.0~ ?-~ apprupria~~:e~; frr_m. Getzeral "ur~d i:C} S.wI1deT•':~kF' h=~"!~`. first fiv,-o pi'c;;~:c:.s a. r: r~cor~mendpcr d~;rin~; they <~ on,ing wont ~~s. It ~~as estimat.E~d tha+. .'~t would cert. the .town at least v7,5a0.OC? t.o put, the Park in go~~rl shapf, anc3 Y~ecau,~. of this ex- pense it N'as {vhe~ "ee'i.n~ of most of Council that the to~m~ could nd~ Gff ord. to let the Pule. ski Rase},a 13. r 1rAb have t•t:e use of the Park rent free. On motio?~ c>f I. R., Gaz'per, seen: dad by '•'. A. T°'ysar, ax,d wi.~ili a;`. affirrriat:ive vote. o.C a'? present except rir. Carrion, ':.', was Ft~sSOLTI~:•^, t:Yznt t.ho tos~J-n would offer t.t;e Z?asF;ba'_l Club ~'"Z,A^Y,T Ra?O~rSSiC"SAL i~~..SF^%, LL OF~rP' U th~> .sGr:1~ con;:z•act. for re.{t sur,vneZ° ar. they, }~;d fcr i:.he past, ysar. SA*""E "01'TRAC'T AS PiTG'. Y?~'. Tot•,-ra ~.ttarnP;/ i'2oGre read a letter frog; T~,r. R. L. vicar, I.ar..xsc€~pe En~:i.n<<c,a' far ':he Pepa.r+;mF~nt of ~?i.ght~~ays, concer•nr~g the posss.bi li ty of the Highway Depc?°tment deedir_g the Pulaski '4vay side i'CSSI??ILITIES a.~F p.~,Si,T -tiA. ~~,., ors Route lI, at the top of Draper ;~"our;fain to the To-,an of Pulaski ~.Ol"ll'limm~ i:. The poss~_1:~ilitie^ anent operat<en ~,rd ~api;eop cor:t~ of tY.is Wayside Park were dis:.•ust:ed, a.ncl ars motion c'.' '•'. r, '.•;; ~;,r, Seconded by ~~ ~~~ ,+.: s° ~ Cour~c~.l m7_nut.es contd. Sept. 2O, 195r, ~ p. m. ~T,. , . J. Ralph ~a~.r~a.n, it. was urear,imo,_i~;z~,. RESOLVEDr thc:':: a speci a-1 conunittee, not necessart ly from i~IAJOP. CRiTi~IF TQ VIE'wl .~~R.I~iOP,Y SIT>rS I.Ar?D Ao~tTzsTT-ro~T ;'EGv R ~,F VALLT;Y ~1~fiPCFT Council, be appointed t,o study the ~, ~. tuation ar, ,' report to Council their recotnrr_endation. Town ~'~anager Noland advi sed i o~illcil t}-,at Major Gere~ra.'. Crumip, Adjutant reT~eral of the Sty+te, Tr-ould be in Fulask. ';;rte following ~r'Pdnesday to look over armory sites. Playor Jackson stated that progress *a2.s being made on lanai accuisitior, for the I~e~a .i~rer Va11ey Airport despite the bad weather. Town Attorne~l Moore stated that Dr. Iut.trF~ll and Dr. Fox REGtiLATIOtdS REL. TO DOCTORS OFFICES Ib? F.ESSDFP~TIAL ARF~A .REFERRED TO FCR CL.AFIFIC.FTIOIl? we~i•e planni_n.g to build. a.n. office t:uildir.,~, ar~d that the tFro situ; which they had consi.derFsd ~:gpr~Y in residential zcr.es. A discussion followed. regarding Zoni.*~g Ordinance re~ilatioris tha± ~3octors offices rust. be attached to their residence to be allowed in residential zones. On motion of wJ. N. Wysor, seconded by W. A. L3rcon, i.t was unanimously RESOL~rF'D~ that this b? referred to the Planning Commission for clarification. Tt was the feelirg of Council that inusrruch as there :gad GFCLO~ICAI, SURVEY TO BE i~'IADE OF RA ~'d^S HOLI C't1 TC Sti'',STATTTIA^'E REPOF-.T Cr ~vZLi~,Y ~'~ 'nT''IaOi~i beer: some criticism by the public to the effect that Raines 'follow was nc~t a.n F~conamica.2 source of future water supply, a geological survey be made of Raa.nes Hol]_ow to substantiate f9_ndngs of the Finn of GTiley & Wilson. On motion of W. p. I:arson, seconded by W. r. Wysor, it was unanimously RI~,SOLVED, that the To*Nr, yanager be auf.hori z.ed to make contact with same Geologist, possibl;,~ Dr. Cooper eat V.P.T., t.o make a survey of Raines Hollo?~r. The meeting adjourned at 5:50 p. m. Attest; Clerk Approved; ;~-~ C_ ~a;;Tor 1