HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-03-50~~ti~ Council Minutes Pulaski, Va., Oct. 3, 1950 The regular monthly meeting of the Toga Council of the Tcw-n o! Pulaski, Virginia was held in the Municipal Building at 4:00 p.m., October 3, 1950. There were present: Mayor Howard A. Imboden, presiding Councilmen,: 1~. p, Aust, I. R. Carper, 0. 0. Crowell, J.R. Martin, d. E. Owen, G. R. Steger, w. F. White, T. F. Wirt. Aba ®afi : Bone Also present: Town Manager: E. A, Becsk Clerk: Verna L. Dalton Town Tressurer:Lottie R. Runion Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore Visitors: Avis B. Quesenberry, William H. Grubb -oP Aust Addition; Mrs. C. 3. Kegley, Mrs. d. P. 1Nilliama- of Maple Avenue. MINUTES The minutes v! the regular semi-monthly meeting held 3.eptembsr 19, 195© were read and approved. BANK 0. P. Jordan and ~. H. Chapman appeared before COLLATERAL the Council and requested that the Council rescind the action o! 3®ptoaber 1, 1950, requiring local banks to deposit in escrow collateral covering the Townts funds. It was stated that this would cause considerable hardship in that the bonds that would be used were in l~ew York and it would necessitate transpor ting the bonds back and forth when they matured. In addition, it was stated that the banks were in excellent financial conditioB, and as one of the larger tan payers, they Pelt certain consideration should be gives them, particularly in view of the-Pact that they handle pay- ment of the Towns bonds and coupons without charging for this service. On motion duly made by ~. F. white, seconded by I. R. Carper, it was unanimously PETITION RE30LVED, that a petitien Prom residents ot` ~~I~R~TE~TS Pepper 3'treet for improvements be referred to the Street Committee and Town Manager for investigation. SIDS'~ALK A request from property owners for repairs Y~ASHIN~GT4N AVENUE and reaonstraction of a section o! sidewalk on the east side of Washington Avenue,betrveen 3rd and 4th gtreets, S. E., was presented, and it was stated that this matter .had been con- sidered previously by the Council, and was approved as part o! the sidewalk and sorb and gutter repair program, and should be included in this work. Council Minutes Cont-d. Pulaski, Va., 0n motion duly made by J. R. Martin, 0. 0. Crowell it was unanimously i ~ti~ Oct. 3, 150 seconded ~y s ~; ALLE3~ RESOLVED, that the request of the property own~-rs IMPROVEMENTS 4-5th S'ts. N.E. adjacent to the alley between 4th and 5th Streets, N.E. and parallel thereto, that the alley be improved from iNalnut to Y s Franklin Avenue be referred to the Street Committee and Towne t Manager for investigation. k VA.OAB _ Mrs. C. S. Kegley and Mrs. J. P. 1~illimas appeared FLOOR IAG COMPANY before the Council with canrplaint as to the soot and dirt cased -Soot and dirt complaint by Virginia Oak Flooring Company plant, and presented to the~j r~ Council as evidence soot reported to have been collecte$ dai~y Prom their h©uses. On motion duly made by T. F. dirt, seconded bye! J.E. Owen,. it was unanimously B.P.0.8. _ .RESOLVED, that the following application for building BIIIID INf~ PERMIT permit be -approved, sub~eet to the eontra-ctor providing adeq~.ate APPROVED barricades and scaffolding to protect ,the public: To B.P.b.~. ~~ for repair-~.ng- cornice sad installation of am elevator shaftf4 B~ using brick, stucco and cinder block, to Elks Building on th~ north side ®€ S'eeond Street and west side of Mashington Averse, between Je#'fersan and il~ashington Avenues, estimated to cost ~2,544.f~ for repairs (permit obtained by A. F. Mhite, Chair~an Board of Trustees). ~ ~ APPLICATIONS On motion duly made by T. F. dirt, seconded bye; BUILDIl~a I. R. Carper, i t was unanimously „ PERMITS '' RESOLVED, that the following applications fors' Crowell building permits be approved: To 0. 0. Crowell for rem©del former •. d.. Sanode Taxi Stand and Dentts Studi© to provide se renting space, raising roof and putting in modesus front, on he south side of(59)2nd Street, between Nashington and Jeffers Avenues, with the request for pe rmissios to block,off two t two and one-half feet of sidewalk until front is installed, sti- Folder mated to cost ~Y,000.00; To Oscar Folders for one-story five. oom frame dwelling on the west side of Madison Averaza, south, b wean Umberger Second and Third Streets, estimated $4,725.t~'f; To Cora E. II erger ', Boars for fry replacement of porch ~loo~ at 304 Lake Street, es mated. to cost $100 to 125.44; To Nelsen H. Boas by F. J. Swinburn for frame addition of bedroom and bath to property on east side f Prospect Avenue, between 10th a8d 11th streets, estimated t cost Thornhill $3,340.40; To Dr. R. F. Thornhill by Gallimore & Lively for oreh repair, frame, property aouth side of 8th Street, between J ferso~ Andrew and l~ashington Avenues, estimated X350.00; To d. C. Andrew r addition of frame shed to store building on west side of Ne ern Alley Road, estimated to cost $35.0®; To S. L. Alley, dr. for loc ing a 25-foot 2-wheel trailer on vacant lot, ad3oin3.ng the prop ties of H. 8. Mooney cad A. C. Linkous, both having given their 9 permission, on the south side of 13th Street, N.~i'. sateasio~ between Randolph Avenue and Thaaton Road. DONATION On motion duly made b, a. R. Steger, seconded PIIL.CO. ~• D• Aust, it was unanimously LIFE SAV ~ ($l~04.~N &~ ST AID RESOLVED that the sum of Two Hundred i`7~~ Council Minuted Conti d. Pulaski, Ya., Oet. 3, 195© I APPROPRIATIORLollars be appropriated From the General Fund as a donation to the Pulaski County Life Saving and First Aid Crew.fer assistance in construction of a atati®a. ND PARffIN(~ ALLEY NEST OF POST OFFICE On motion duly wade by T. F. dirt, seconded by G. R. Steger and carried by a vote- of 6-2, it wan RESOLVED, that no parking signs be erected and running north and s®uth. in the al le' immediately west oP the post office property, SAID RAND. It was reported that the estimated cost en AVENUE BET. 13th and 14ththe proposed sewer on Randolph Avenue between 13th and 14th AUTHORIZED Streets to service four property owners would be X387.20, and that the property owners had been contacted to see whether they were willing to pay a X50.00 connection charge, and that it was not known whether this was ac~eptable.~ - On motion duly made by T. F. Wirt, seconded • by G. R. Steger, it was unanimously RESOLVh'0, that the c©nstruction of a sewer line between 13th and 14th Streets on Randolph Avenue be approved, stxb~ect to a eonnectien charge- of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars sash being paid in advance by the four property owners to be served. ~~ OPENED It was reported that the County of Pulaski REAR NSNf JAIL ENTRANCE desired to have the alley immediately behind the. new fail MADISON AYE. IMPROVED opened, and that an entrance along Madis®a Avenue be improved to provide passageway. Is order to do this, it w®uld bs Buildings public rt/wy directed move d E.DALTOI'~ S ID~ALK RE~IUggEpST ~VENUEN necessary that certain buildings that had built upon the public right cP-way be removed. Oa motion duly made by T. F. Wirt, seconded by J. R. Martini, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Tows Manager writs Sherman L. Thamesos and E. B. Morris, directing that the buildings encroaching on the right of w~ oP Madisog and the alley adjacent to the fail were to be remwved within thirty (30) days, except that the Dixie Fe~undry•building proper might remain until further action of the Council. The Town Manager reported that Ernest Dalton had requested that the-Town construct a•sidewalk on the east side of Madison Avenue, immediately south of 1 1 1 Second Street, in front of his new building. No cation was taken on this natter, same being deferred for conside- r..,,~ r? Coua~eil Minut®s Conti d. Pulaski, Va., Oct. 3, 9~f' ration at a future date. RECODING A proposal from John ~. $. Deeds -and Garnett S 0~'9INANCE_ S PROP03AL Moore, loc al attorneys, for undertaking the reeoding and r aft Deeds and Moore ing of the Town ordinances was presented. This matter was is- cussted at length, and it was determined that the Town Man er should further investigate the proposal of Kermit V. Rooks. PROPOSED Proposed working conditions for the Town emplo ees CONDITIONS were discussed, and ,a number of suggested changes regarding tine off and sick leave for the weekly employees were eons idered~ It was determined that the Town Manager should prepare anothe draft' covering the prt~posed policy. On motion duly ,made by ~. F. White, Seconded b T. F. R'irt, agrried by a vote of 7-1, it was r ' ESCRQI~ A GREEM£N~i' RESOLVED, that the effeeti®e data oP the eacr ~ y ', DATE DEFERRED agreement ®n collateral for Town funds be delayed for two k eks and that, in the meantime, the Town Manager determine fmm hs League of Virginia Municipalities, the number of municipali ies requfring this type of agreement from their banks. ' CERT. PUB. On motion duly mmade by T. F. Wirt, seconded b CON,d~ NEC. 0, 0. Cr©well, the tollow3ng appli~eation for permission to -KanAd® change trade name and 1<mm ation of business by holder of cs ifi- date ©f public convenience and necessity was granted: v ^alt er Jacks on Ranode T/A Safeway cabs -147 N. Jefferson Avenue for 1 taxi from -and the following is canceled: - ~slter J. Kanode T/A.1r.J.Eanode Taa3. Servies taai', ORDINANCE On motion duly made by G. R. Steger, seconded y ' SIGNINC# ac d. R. Marcia, and carried by a unanimous vote, the follawi COUNTER- ©rdinaoneae xas adopted: SIGAING CHECKS AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL OF T(jWN 0 IGA- TIONS AGAINST APPROPRIATIONS, A1~D THE SIGNING ,AND COUNTER- GNING ~.OF CI~CKS IN PAYII~NT OF VOUCHERS. BE IT ORDAINED, by the Council of the Town of - Pulaski, Virginia, as follows W~REAS, the Auditor of Public Accounts for t ~ State of Virginia did revise the entire accounting system Town oP Pulaski, Virginia; and, ~ r the'. ' WHEREAS, in a latter dated August 15, 1949, Assistant Auditor did recomaaend that the Council of the To of Pulaski, Virginia, by resolution or ordinance, and under t - authority granted it in Section 11, Sub-Section 2, paragra 7 end 8, page 620, Aat of Assembly 1948, authorize the Town ger~, to approve all ®bligations against appropriations and make this!, responsibilit? so to do; that th® disbursements on the you rs in connection with the payment of the ob 1 igati ons be throe the office of the Town Treasurer by cheeks, signed by the Trea er ', - and oo~aar-signed by the Town Manager; that certain other officials b~e designated to sign and caur~ter-sign said doc nta in the absene®, or incapacity, of the Town Manager and Tre carer;, Nom, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINID by the C®unail f they 1~'"f' Council Minutes Cont t d. - Pulaski, Va., Oct. 3, 1950 Section 12 - EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect as follows: _ _ A. The provision of section number try (2) as to s~,se of containers and capacity there®f shall not become effective until July 1, 1951 or until containers new in use need to be replaced. B. All other sections shall become effective on and after the 1st day of Novemher, 1850. All sections or parts of other ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are herewith repealed. On motion duly made by T. F. 1Eirt, seconded by G. R. Steger, it was unanimously A.P.~.A. RESOLVE, that Howard C. Jackson be named as a delegate CONVENTION H.C.dACRSOI~© attend the American Public i~orks As sociation Convention NAMED DELEGATE in 1~ew York, October 15 - 18th, as representative of the Town, and Imo. that an amount not to exceed One-Hundred Twenty-Five 0125.00) Dollars be appropriated from the General Fund to cover expenses, to supplement Account 18A-220. I ADJOURI~MEI+i'P The Council adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Approved: Y..~.... D \C. lM~e~P~ Attest: Clerk of Council C 1