HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-17-50Council Hi~ttes, Pulaski, Va., Oct.. ~; l~ The regular semi-monthly meeting v1` the To~w~' . i Council c~1' the Town of Pulaski,. Virginia was held in the MufAiaipal Buildin at 4:00 ~yi g p.m., October 17, 1950. PRESENT There were present: Hayor H. R. Imboden, presiding Councilmen; ~. D. Ault, I. R. Carp®r, 0.0. owell~ J.R. Martin, G. R. Saeger, X.Fhite, T.F.N~irt. Absent: gone Also pr®sent: Town Manager; E. A. Beek Clerk: Verna L. Dalton Tower Treasurer: Lottie R. Runios • Town AttoPney: Garnett S. Moore Visitors: Hrs. Bohn gaper, Hrs. H. ~. trson, Jr., Hrs. Robert Beamer; Hrs.+~. R. Slaughter; Virginia Randolph PETITION '~ SEWERyEpgXT. A petition was presented by Virginia Randol, ""' 15TH s resident of Randolph Avenue, requesting a sewer extension!near 15th Street. This matter was referred to the Town Managert~or estimate of cost. ~ELEGATI01~ A delegation Prom the women's clubs appeared, ~OME1~ ~ S GLIIBS requesting what action had been takes in th®,matter oP playing ,and zoning, and urging that the Town go forward with this ~Ibrk. This,delegatipn also requested information concerning the ~ltatus of the cemetery operation, and particularly, considerationbP the trusteeship. FIFTH STREET S.E. auth, 1 RESOLUTION JOHN E. BEN DECEASED J.NI. Slaughter appeared before the Council, =trequest- ing that a section of Fifth Street, between Lexington and l~ashi~ag- ton, be opened. It was stated that the recent improvement~l at the intersection of Lexington and Fifth made the rest of this undeveloped street appear worse than it had before. On motion du7.y made by 0. 0. Crowell, secon~ed by l~f. F. N<hite, it was unanimous~.y , RESOLVED, that a section of Fifth Street be~ween ~, Lexington and 1ltashington Avenue be graded and covered with stone in keeping with the work r®cently completed in the block bl~tween Lexingtoa and Hadison Avenues, this work to be a minor impove- d, merit in the Form of maintenance cost, sad to_be done in ac~ordande k! with suggestions of the Town Hanager. On m®tivn dt~y made by T. F. Wirt, seeonded„Iby J. R. Hartin, and carried by a unanimous vote, the followi resolution was adopted: °~ 1pHEREA3, Jo}~s E. Owes departed from this 1 on the 3rd dug oP October, 1950; and i~"~~ ~ ~Cauneil Minutes Conttd. Pulaski, Va., October 17, 195® WHEREAS, Mr. Owen was ]sown as a public spirited citizen and respected in the community, NO1Vi, THEREFORE, BE IT RE30LVED, that the members of the Council of the Town of Pulaski, hereby, record this personal loss in the untimely death of a©hn ~. oven; - That this body conveys unto his widow and family our deepest sympat}ay in their bereavement; ' THAT a copy of this resolution be spread on the minutes of Council, a copy sent the family and one forwarded to the-Southwest Times for publication. SUCCES30R There was discussion as to appointment of TO COUNCILMAN OMEN successor to Councilman Owen, deceased, and s number of suggestions were made. It was determined that it would be necessary to investigate qualifications of several of the persons named. On motion duly made by G. R. Steger, seconded by T. F. Wirt, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this matter be deferr®d. APPLICATIONS BUILDING On motion duly made by T. F. •irt, seconded PERMITS by 0. 0. Crowell, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the following applications Bowman for building permits be approved: To Glenn ~. Bowman for frame private garage, 10at18t , at the rear of 322 walnut G.&Lively Av®nue, estimated to cost $75.40; To Gallimore & Lively for remodeling former Peoples National Bank Building on the east side of Washington Avenue, between 1st and 2nd streets, N.1f~, using glass, estimated x,500.00; To dames Martin R. Martin, for Peaks Knib Lodge 84, for inside and outside repair to building on the west aide of Randolph Ave., between 2nd and 1st Streets, using fireproof shingles, to cover putting in fire escape, two doors to be installed as ®xits; one door to open ®utward (these changes required by yeason-of Fire Marshallts inspection, estimated to cost Crawford X1,900.00; To Claude S. Crawford for addition of bath, frame, to 818 8th Street, N.E., estimated X930.40. PETITION A. petition from a number of residents in the 2 & Lake St.Res. vicinity of 2nd and Lake Streets, requesting that stop signs be erected at this intersection was presented. On motion duly made by 0. 0. Crowell, seconded by I. R. Carper, and carried by a unanimous vote, Of~INANCE B~]' IT OI~AINED that east bound and west bound STOP SIC~S 2ND & LAKE traffic along 2nd St., S.W., be tequired to come to a full stop before crossing Lake Street. This ordinance shall be in full f©rce and 1 ~~ 1 effect upon the erection of signs at this inters~ecti©a. - i Fes' ~'+ O C s C V il Mi l ki 17 t t ~ d P t ~5b~ ~' ounc as nu e on . , a. , c , ~ u . r k~ ;.~ A violation of the same shall be a misdemeanor ~d subject to the same penalty as is provided Por other traPfid{ law violations. On motion duly made by T. F. Nirt, seconded by ~. R. Martin, it was unanimously PEPPER RESOLVED, that the unimproved sects®n e#' Pepper trq-et STREE'P IMPROVED be graded and crushed stone be placed to make the condition>laimiliar to the remaining section oP street. On motion duly made by Yr, F. White, seconded by '~. F. lrirt, it was unanimously OPENING RffiOLVffi3, that the opening of the alley parall®~ to ALLEY PARALTTL . and between Fourth and Fifth Streets, connecting with Frat~k~lLn 4debSts .S.E. DEFERRED A.veaue, be deferred to some future date. On motion duly made by J. R. Martini, seconded b~'' 0.0. Crowell, it was unanimously BANK ST. RESOLVED, that the section of Bank Street, immediately IMPROVED west of Walnut Avenue, be improved and aiu shed stone placed, this ,~ work to be in the form of maintenance. On motion duly made by I.R. Carper, seconded by 'G. R. Steger, it was unanimously PARKING 6TH ST. NE r RESOLVE, that the matter of parking on 6th Str~lat, DEFERRED near Madison Avenue, N.E., be deferred to some future date .:. On motion duly made by I. R. Carper, seconded b W. D. Aust, and carried by a unanimous note, the following ordina~ee was adopted: ORDINANCE - BE IT ORDAINED that parking on south Jefferson 1~~enue 2HR. PARKI~ta S ~F~AQ~. on the west side approximately I60 Pe®t south oP the inters~~tion WEST SID$ oP Comneerce S'.treet and Jefferson Avenue, shall be restricted to two hour parking, between the hours of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on ~I.l days except- holidays and Sundays, and that this be enforc®d'~the same as other parking regulations. 8 a, On mots®n duly wade by G. R. Steger, seconded b~' J. R. Martin, and unanimously carried FLORAL BE IT RESOLVED that the purchase ®P floral display IS PLAY ~~ for John E. Owen, shargable to Council, Other Serpens®s, be approve d. On motion duly Carper, it was unanimously WESTERN RESOLVED, that UNION SIGN ~T Company to erect a sign on corner oP Washington Aveau~ made by T. F. 11'irt, seconded by ~'. R. the request of 1-estern Union Tel~~raph the whiteway lighting standard o~ the e and 2nd Street, be n©t approved`; On motion duly made by T. F~ Nirt, seconded by ~ 0. Crowell, carried by a unanimous vote, the following ordinan was adopted: ~ 1`~~n Council Minutes Contd. Pulaski, 9a., pct. 17, 1954 BE IT ORDAINED TEAT '~ ORDINANCE WHEREAS, a certain stone retaining wall to the (PERMISSIVE) south of the southern ortion of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 28 of alley p '' encroacmments N.deff.Ave. CORRECTID PLAN,A of the Pulaski Land and Improvement Company encroaches on and upon the alley running east and west through said Block 28, a distance of four (4) feet for a linear length of approximately ninety (94) feet; and WF~EREAS, a certain brick, one story, one vehicle garage to the north of the northern one-half of L©ts 2 and 4 in said Block 28 encroaches on and upon the said alley a dis- tance of three feet eight inches (3 ft. 8 in.) or three and eight-tenths (3.8) feet for a linear length of Twenty-two _ (~~) feet; and _ WHEREAS, said encroachments were in existence as of, and prior to, January one, nineteen hundred and forty- eight, and are not susceptible to moving without destruction thereof, and whereas, said encrvaclrnents, as they exist, per- mit sixteen (16) Peet of unobstructed passage in said alley; THAT, pursuant to Section 15-'776 of the Code of Virginia of 1954, the owners , of said lots are hereby authorised to maintain such encroachment as they exist as of January one, nineteen hundred and forty-eight and as of today, until such structures are destroyed or removed, the encroach- aent so existing being shown by survey of E. H. Millirons, Registered Professional Surveyor. BE IT FtTRTHER QRDAINID that when and if the structures so encroaching shall be altered, mddified or enlarged by the then owners of either or say oP said lots, this said authorization shall i~nediately cease, and the then owners shall forthwith remove the same without the lines of said alley; and further that nothing herein contained shall be constr~xed neither to impose upon the municipality any obligation whatsoever for the existence oP said encroachment nor to imp©se upon said rnunieipality any liability any lia- bility to any persons whomsoever by reason of this authority nor to relieve said owners, nor their successors in title, of any liability for negligence or otherwise on their part on aecaunt of such ene~oschment. - Council Minutes Cont' d. _ Pulaski, Va., Oct. 17, 19'~~~ This ordinance shall be in fall force ar~d effect ifrc~nt and after the 1?th day of October, 1950. On motion duly made by 0. O. Crowell, second®d by W. F. White, it was unanimously . APPROP. CURB & RESOLVED, that art appropriation from the General ~{Fund GUTTER S I in the amount of Tight Huad~+ad Forty ($840.00) D®llars be provided D~OF 8TH 3T. - - to Qover the east of curb and gutter ©n the -south side oP Ei~ht~t Street, betwre~en Rand©lph and Jefferson Avenues, sub~ent to t~+O property owners paying one-beef (~) of the actn~t.7. crost, cad hat this appropriation b® made to cover the work which had been ~endin~ since the, request for the work on .the north side. On mot ion duly made by ~. F. White, seconded by ~ .0. ~ Crowell, wi th a re c orde d vote of Aus t, Cra~well, Kirt, and te voting for, and Carper, Steger and Martin voting against, ih was i RESOLUTION BANK COLLAT R$SOLVffi), that the reso~.ution by the Council on A,, ERAL RF~CI~II?~i September 1, 1954, providing for the banks to protect the Tern' $ depositor by at~tficie~tt collateral, be and is hereby rescinded is its entirety. On motion duly ffiade by T. F. dirt, aecoaded by ~~. R. ~ Carper, it was un.aniffionsly ' TO~~ RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney with the Finan~e REACHED Cc~ittee contact the bankst representatives and determine ~ satis- factory plea that would prQVide protection to the Towns finds, and report reeommendations to the Council covering the same On motion duly made by 0. 0. Cr©t-ell, sec©nded y R. D. Aust, it wa$ unaaimoualy ~~ Sh'i1FR RA?iDOLPH ftESOLVTD, that the resolution of the Council mellting ~VENf~ 14-15TH October 3 1950 s ,Providing for sew®r on Rand©lph Avenue, be~ween STREETS 13th anal 14th Streets, be rerriaed a$ follows : that the con~tru- ction of sewer line between 13th and 14th Streets, ®n Randoph ,~: i Avenge be approved, and an appropriation of `Phree Hundred .rid Ninety ($390.80) Dollars be provided Prom the General Fund ~o - cover the cost of the sam®, and that this be contingent upol~t - - i three oP the property owners paying a connection charge of ~h3r ty N~ (~30.04~ Dollars each, aid that any additional property owr t© be served by said sewer extension shall pay a eoz~nection chrge ®f Thirty ($30.00) Dollars, if and when such a©nnection is Made. TE ING The matter of recoding the Town ordinances was ia- ORDINANCffi cus$ed and a letter was read from the Fichte Company, augge~~tiag that arrangements be made to reimburse the Town Attorney fd~ any services required in connection with approving of the ordinces. ~~t)~ Council Minutes Contd. Pulaski, Va., Oat. 17~ 195© On motion duly made by G. R. Steger, seconded by I. R. Carper, it was unaniixc~usly • RBSOLVEfl, that this matter be deferred ITE cor~rlr~ ~ OLIVER SALARY coxTl~U 'EMPLOYEE .:POLICIES ARTHUR DAMS PAY until further information can be obtained from Mr. R. V. Rooks in regard to undertaking the work. On motion duly made by T. F. dirt, seconded by I. R. Carper, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that paynsent of regular salary to Frank V~hite, during the time that he had bees off frwa work by reason of illness, beginning about September 1, 1950, be approved, and that he be continued on the pay- roll until thenext meeting of the Town Council, at which time the matter would be further considered. On motion duly made by T. F. 1Nirt, seconded by I. R. Carper, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that paym®nt ®P regular salary to Sd Oliver, during the time that he had been off from work by reason of illness, beginning about 3epteffiber 16, 19b0, be appraved;,and that he be continued on the payroll until the next meeting of the Town Council, at which time the matter would be Furth®r consider®d. On motion duly made by ~. F. rMr'hite, seconded by ~. R. Martin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the proposed effiployee policies as~ revised dated 10-14-50, be approved, with the further revision of section A-2, Sick Leave For Meekly Employees, is to start on. the first day of sick- ness, and that a maximum of ten days credit at the effective date of this policy be allmred, and that this policy shall become effective at once, and further, that the T©wm Manager shall b® authorized to make such additi©nal ru,3.es as are necessary to carry out the policy as outlined. On motion duly made by G. R. Steger seconded by MI. D. Aunt, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Arthur Davis be paid for the time off on Oat®ber 16 and 1'~, 1950, due to the death of his father, at the rate of.6t~, and that the same be taken off of his sick leave, provided he returns to work. AIRPORT It was reported that Porter Ham, present OPERATOR 1 L~ 1 Council ~imxt®s Contd. r~~' Pulaski, ~Ta. , October 17,~ 1950 airport operator and leases, had indicated that he iatrx:.def. to request termination of his Aresent conaraet. A13 JOUR~NAdEI~T The C Dune it adjourned at 6 :20 p .m. Approved: Attest: lea or Clerk of ounail ~ The minutes of the regular monthly meetia held Oct©ber 3, 1954 w®re reael and approved. 1 1