HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-09-50~ _ _ ~ ~~J Council Minutes Pulaski, Va., November 9, .,950 The regular monthly meeting of the Town Councl of POSTH~0fi0NED MEETING PRESENT the Town of Pulaski, Virginia was held in the Municipal Builing ;~ ,, at 4:00 p.m., November 9, 1950. '` This meeting was ,~ scheduled to be held November ?, held in lieu of the meetings~i 1950 and November 21, 1950.`; Signed agreement is filed in the Town files. There were present: >'i Mayor H. R. Councilmen: Absent: MINiTTES Imboden, presiding ~9`. D. Aust, I. R. Carper, 0. 0. ~$rowel~, 11~. D. Macgill, Jr., J. R. Marti G. R. Steger, W". F. White, T.F.W~,rt. None. N~ Also present: Town Manager: E. A. Beck Clerk; Verna L. Dalton. T'o~xn Treasurer: Lottie R. Runion Town Attorney; Garnett S. Moore Chief of Polic® Lee S. Booth® The minutes of the regular meeting held Octob r 1?, 1950 and of the special meeting held October 30, 1950 wee read and approved. W .19. MAC GILL , JR . APPOINTED COUNCILMAN The Mayor recognized ~'. D. Macgill, Jr., courilman ~~ from the Fourth ~a.rd to serve the unexpired term of John B. Ewen. It was stated that Mr. Macgill would serve on the committees;! formerly assigned to John Owen. q ~~ APPLTCA~IONS On motion duly made by T. F. Wirt, seconded BUILDIN 0. 0. Crowell, it was unanimously PERMITS ~' • RESOLVID. that the following applications fors!' -Morgan -Collins -Gemmell's Transfer -Johnston building permits be approved: T'o Theodore Morgan for one-s r'y frame dwelling on west side of Madison Avenue, South, betwe 5th and 6th Streets, contractor Fred A. Jackson, estimated cost ~7,500.00; Tv Clinton M. Collins for one-story two-roo and bath frame dwelling on east side of Lafayette Avenue, betwe 6th and 7th Streets, estimated to cost $1,000.00; To Gemmel s Transfer for 13x30 addition to garage, corrugated metal, on; he south side of Lake Street, between Commerce and 1st Streets estimated X200.00; And to T. P. Johnston for 12x20 addition o gr©cery, cinder block, at 196 West Main-Street, estimated ~ 0.00.; LICENSE CODE The Town Attorney discussed the license code,~~ i SECTION 30 ''f Section 30, with regard to vendors of motor vehicle fuels ar~~l petroleum products, and expressed the opinion that this sect~~.on ~~ was not applicable to any vendor whose bulk plant was locate! outside of Town and sold exclusively to dealers. It was sub that the code might be amended so as to clarify this sectio~ ' upon•the recommendation of the Town Attorney, on motion duly M by T. F. Wirt, seconded by G. R. Steger, it was unanimously • sted~ and made ~~~~ ORDINANCE AMENDING BIISINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE SEC.30, CHAPTER 1 Council Minutes Cont~cl Pulaski, Va., Nov. 9, 1950 ORDAINID, that Section 30, Chapter 1, of the Business License Ordinanao b® and is hereby amended as follows J` „Any person, firm or corporati on whose storage tanks and/or offices are located outside the corporate limits of the Town of FU.laski, and who transport gasoline or other petroleum products on or over the streets of said Town, for sale or delivery within the Town, or who conduct a business of dealing in coal oil, gasoline, or other petroleum products, by. selling or delivering the same to other than licensed dealers or retailers, shall pay a wholesale merchants license on all business done within the Town.' _ ~ -:"Any person; firm or corporation whos® storage ' tanks and/or office are located within the corporate limits of this Town, and who°transports gasa~line or other petroleum ' products of like nature on or through the.. stt~eets of 'this Town for sale or deliver within the Town shall pay a wholesale • merehantts license. BRID GE IPHPROVEM~IBTS DISCIISSED There was discussed the problem of certain bridge improvements that have been requested for Maple Avenue or James Hill Section, Kersey Bottom, and Big Railroad BIG RAILROAD Section. There were outlined three possible locations for SECTION the improvements in the Big Railroad Section - the plan whereby a new road would be constructed across the Nunn -Town Manager to contact residents FRANK MITE S13,LARY property, and a 'bridge built connecting with another road in the rear of the houses in the Big Railroad Section was considered, and it was felt that, until such time as the Right-of-way could be obtained, the Council could not take any action inthis matter. On motion duly made by ~'. F. White, seconded by I. R. Carper, i t was unanimously RESOLVID, that the Town Manager contact the residents in the area, and advise them that, if they were able to make satisfactory arrangements to procure necessary minimum width of 30 foot Bight-of-way between the railroad and the creek, across the Nunn prapertq• and others, and such other Right-of -way as is necessary, without cost to the Town, that the Council will favorably consider making a minimum of necessary improvements. On motion duly made by W. F. White, seconded by J. R. Martin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the payment of salary to Frank White, during the time he has been off by reason of illness be continued until the next regular meeting of the Town Council, at which time the matter shall be further considered. 1 1 w "f Council Minutes Contt d. _ Pulaski, Va., November 9 ~~~Q r i SOCIAL SECURITY The recent action of Congress, in which the ~bcial •+ Security Act was extended to apply to municipal and state° ~'. employees was discussed. It was stated that, before the mur>~~cipal employees could come under the Social Beautify Act, it wool d~be necessary that the State take action to make the Social 3~ct~ity Act effective in V3r ginia. It was also stated that a numbe~j of the Town employees had requested that the Town endorse such ~~ action, and eupress by resolution to the 3'tate authorities ~i Townts interest in this matter. ~: On motion duly made by T. F. dirt, seconded I. R. Carper, the following resolution was adopted: RESO. RESOLUTION ENDORSING EXTENSION OF SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS ~0 RE.SOCIAL MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES AS ADOPTED BY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF PU~ASRI, SECURITY VIRGINIA, AT ITS REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 9, 1950. 1~DHEREAS, the Congress of the United States h: recently amended the Social :security Law so as to provide f~ municipal employees to come under the benefits of this act;~and WHEREAS, at the present time, the Town of Pu~ski employees are_ not covered by any similar form of benefits,d that until such time as the Commonwealth of Virginia, by su~~table action, provides that the municipal employees may be eligible for participation in the Social Security Act, it is impossible ~lor this municipality to extend the benefits to its employees; id WHEREAS, it is considered desirable and prop that municipal employees should be participants in the Federal S ~cial Security Act; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this bo go on record as endorsing the extension of Social Security to ici-+ pal employees, and further, that it is the expressed desire~bP this body that the Commonwealth of Virginia take such actiox~ as is necessary to make effective .the Social Security Act with~~ ' this State for municipal employees, and that copies of this; resolution be sent to the Governor of the State, the local,; ~~ ;, representatives, and League of Virginia Municipalities and ~tther interested authorities. On motion duly made by G. R. Steger, seeonde by ~. D. Aust; and unanimously passed, the following ordinance ? as adopted; ~ ~~~ BE IT ORDAINED that an ordinance enacted Sep mbar 1, 1950 be amended to read as follows; 1~ ~~ ORDINANCE PARKING E. SIDE JEFF . AVENUE (AMENDING FORMER ORDINANCE) RECODING & REDRAFTING ORDINANCES Council. Minutes Contd. Pulaski, Va., Nov. 9, 1950 BE IT ORDAINED that no parking be permitted between Commerce Street and First S`tre~t, S. E., on the east side of Jefferson Avenue~at all times except Bondage, and that this be enforced the same as other traffic violations, to become effective upon the installation of suitable signs, The matter of recoding and redrafting of the town ordinances was discussed, and a letter from Kermit V. Rooke, dated October 30, advising the Town as to the Town Attorneg~s suggestion in regard to the work of reviewing and approv-ing of the finished ordinances as required bg the Charter, although no definite proposal was given-as-to the possible cost of this, it was indicated that the amount possiblg would be between X300. to X500.00. The Magor stated that the Town Attorneg had indicated that he would cooperate with the Town should they determine to engage Mr. Rooke for this work. The various proposals submitted were reviewed. On motion ding made bg J. R. Martin, -K.V.Rook® Proposal lFc~epted seconded bg rR. D. Aust, it was unanimously RESOLVID, that the proposal Prom K. V. Rooke, 1~ttorneg-at-Law, Richmond, Virginia (affiliated with the accepted and that he b® League of Virginia Municipalities) be/engaged to recodify and redraft the ordinances of the Town at a sum of One Thousand Two-Hundred 01,200.00) Dollars, provided a suit- able contract covering this work be submitted, and ~-Appropriation l~ppropriation SIDEiN'ALK E. MAIN STREET DALTON BLDG. Be It Further Resolved, that an appropriation from the General Fund to cover this cost be made. On motion ding made bg J. R. Martin, seconded bg G. R. Steger, it was unanimouslg RESOLVED, that a sum of Two Hundred-Forty (~~40.00) Dollars be appropriated from the General Fund to cover the entire cost of the sidewalk on East Main 3'~treet, in front of the Dalton building, which was previouslg approved, subject to the propertg owner paging one-half of the cost. On motion ding made bg T. F. ~lCirt; seconded bg J. R. Martin, it was unanimouslg Appropriation RESOLVED, that a sum of Six Hundred {600.00) AIRPORT 1l~ORK Dollars be appropriated from the General Fund to cover the '1 1 1 N^ r- l~j Council Minutes Contd. Pulaski, Va., Nov. 9, v~d-•` n 4 "t cost of improvements at the airport reeeritly completed, incl~~ling ;~ s, cutting of grass, filling holes, etc. a On motion duly made by T. F. Wirt, seconded by W. F. White, it was unanimously REQUEST RESOLVED, that the request of George S. Bunn, J~#~. G.S.BUNN CONCRETE that the space between the sidewalk and the curb and gutter ~~ the FILL N. V4'ASH.AVE. west side of North Washington Avenue, between Third andFourt Streets be filled in with concrete and approved subject to a~~. of the property owners in the block agreeing to this request,an~ ~~ contingent upon the property owners paying one-half of the c0~t, proportioned on the amount of the improvements made in frontbP their respective properties, and Approp. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that an amount of One Hundred Fifty {150.00) Dollars be appropriated to cover the!~COSt of this .work. On motion duly made by I. R. Carper, seconded bar'. ~. D. Aust, it was unanimously " ~,UEST .RESOLVED, that the request of Pulaski Lumber Coany PULASKI LUMBER CO. for an extension of the sidewalk on the east side of North SIDEWALK EXTENSION Randolph Avenue, between First and Second S'treeas, adjacent Flo their property be approved, contingent upon the property ownA~s paying one-half (1/2) of the cost, and that an amount not to Approp. SEWERS~T . N.RANDOLPH DEFERRED SEWER EXTENSION FRANKLIN & 8TH ST. exceed One Hundred Fifty 0150.00) Dollars be appropriated t~l cover this work. The Town Manager reported on the request for se~iler extension on North Randolph Avenue, north of Fourteenth Strut. E It was stated that the extension would cost approximately On Thousand Four-Hundred 01,400.00) Dollars, although it was a#~tici- pated that additional cost might be involved by reason of exr~avatiaa of rock. It was further stated that the petition requesting thia,' was signed by Pour property owners, and that the improvement~uvould Ff I serve seven houses and a number of vacant lots. '? On motion duly made by W. F. Whit®, seconded bye; I. R. Carper, it was unanimously ~ g RESOLVED, that the matter of sewer extension no~th of Fourteenth street on North Randolph Avenue be deferred. On motion-duly made by W. F. White, seconded byr~ ~`. D. Aus t, i t was unanimously ~tESOLVED, that the property owners to be servedby sewer improvement project on Franklin Avenue and Eighth Strut ~~ 1"70 EQUIPMENT PURCHASE -Adding Machine -Front Rnd Loader VACANT LOT FOURTH AND JEFFERSON A~SSEE B Y COMMISSION ON ANNEXING Council Minutes Cont~d, Pulaski, Va., Nov. 9, 1950 be notified that, unless a connection charge of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars for each of the houses to be served be paid not later than December 4, 1950, that the project will not be undertaken, and that the Council1s previous approval of this be rescinded, and that the appropriation a so made be withdrawn. ' On motion duly made by W. F. ~Ohite, seconded by T . F . ~I['irt, i t was unanimously RESOLVID, that an adding machine for the Town offices, estimated to cost X310.00, and a front end loader on s rubber tired tractor, estimated to cost Six Thousand 06,000.00) Dollars be approved for purchase, and that an amount not to exceed S'ix Thousand Three Hundred- Ten 06,310.00) Dollars be appropriated from the General Fund for this equipment. The Mayor stated that it was. possible. to obtain the vacant lot owned by Dr. R. 0. Smith on the corner of F©nrth Street and Jefferson Avenue, as a paring lot to be used by the churches, provided the Town would make the necessary curb cut and other improvements. On motion duly made by I. R. Carper, seconded by T. F. Wirt, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Manager report to the Council the cost of preparing the vacant lot on the corner of Fourth Street and Jefferson Avenue as a parking lot, and that a commitment from Dr. Smith be obtained for the use thereof. The Town Manager reported that the commission created by the last General Assembly for the purpose of making a study of the problem of annexation by municipalities, with view toward reporting on any recommended changes in the present annexation law, would hold a hearing in the Senate Chamber November 15. It was stated that there .had been increasing pressure on each General Assembly to amend the law to such an extend that tt would practically prohibit municipalities from annexing. It was stated that every effort should be made to protect the interest of the municipalities in this matter. 1 Council ~liinutgs ~°nt~ d. ,~,aski~ u~., '~, ~4 cil ad3°urngd a~ 5.45 p•m. the C oun App~'o~°sd Attcst: Council lark o~ 1