HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-29-67`~~~ I Minutes o`' a sp•-oial m~=eons- of the Pulaski Town Council, held Au<-ust 29, 1967 at 4:~0 F. M. in the Municipal Office. There were present: Mayor C. V. Jackson, presiding Councilman: H. H. E~nert, S, G. Frye, ?~?. S. Cumminns Ra;ymons? F. Ratcl.iff, Pudolph Fanner, Glen K. Rust, C. B. Ga1l.imore. Absent: T. J. McCarthy Also n~~Psen+ : Ac+,inn ^lerk: Mr:~. Fran^es I.ookabil_1. Torn Atto-,~ney: Garnett c. Moore Ho~•rard Jackson, r.. ?~?. Holyfi.eld, Larr~T Hancock, J. L. Patterson, Mrs. Doris Graham Visitors: Janc ':raham, Southzaest Tim^^ Reporter Invocation was niven by Councilman R.atcliff. Mayor arnointed Mrs.Fran.ces ?:ookabill aotin • cler'~ in the abs~ncP or Mrc. G1•~?vs nal_1on. Cp''C , M ~rmTT?G Mayo.' Jackson ~xnl ~a n _d that. +h:,. meeti n • had been. call~.d rnT ~..;n mn nTCrTTcc PPnP ,,,TT?I t•o c?'._ac~zss th.:: problems the office ha.d been havin`~ in aettinr the rmm~ ~yST~~.M ; correct information on payrolls and utility billing from the data processing service, Datamac, Inc. of Po~nok^ Virginia. , Mayor Jackson in~'ormed Council. that eTaery effort had FFFn, m nr° pnr.T hewn expcnc3Pd on the ra.7't of the 'g'ot.*n o"fice emn7_oyees to flzrnish n^ Tnr.~,r n~,-~~ TO FtT''S?1rH natam~,c with all the r,,~oncr in_`_'o=~n?tior. on the n^vroJ_1 ~^d utilit.v Pr.OP . IN~'^ . ~Ac R~Fn~ on°ration~, ark that Mr. ~?o~~ton hid made many tP7^phonc calls in an M ^PF effort to t'rv to see what could be dono to het the data processing • t_. s~rstem operatinr~ accurately. The office staff had a1.so made several trips to p.oanok-' to the Datamac office. Those extra trips and the extra tan-^k 1_oad had cau^ed a hard~hin on the office staff. A letter ~,ahz eh Mr_ . r~or+-nn ha,d t-rrit.ten ±n ?~Lr. MnPhil ?my n.4T?Mnr of Datamac on August l~ was. read. The latter stated the To:.n~s r~nm•j~Tr, n 8/1'!/67 dissatisfaction with D~tamac's services, and informed them action n-~ r~Tcr.prnT~_ FACTTnn? ~" would be talren if all the necessary corrActions were not made ~F~TICE immediately. MayoM Jackson ca.ll~d on Mr. Patterson end Mrc. Doris pgnR. T'XT'' Grahams to ~xpl^in. the problems th;:~~ h^d been hav9nY with utility BY DO??T ~ - rP.~HAM u. bi7ln~, and Mrs. Lookabill exnl~in~d the diffi_culti•~s that assured f. f MKS.?-~"IT.T, tir.'i_th the payrolls. Portions of th~~ con-tract with Datamac Grate read with regard rnnTms?nCT to services thy:. agreed to perform ant? „~ rF~n y _.~Orts t.o b~ ~~rr.i^hed by them ~•rhich hid no-` been dons. '~(7:.7 Council min,.. con';d. R/29/67 n~izn^i_lman T'n.r*e'^t rai aPd +.,hc a,z~stion aS to ?•rheth~,r +~hey had. m:~t to d~ scuss nonti.r.,zin.;~ data n'-°ocPncin;-• frith anoth:r firm or return to the old sy^tem. Navor Jackson replied that we should cancel our a{}ree- meet wi+.,h Datamac ar,.a return to the old system of payroll and utility billin-. Attorney Moore also advised +.h^t ~.,~ ,~hrnal.' terminate rnzr n:::•esen±, won;rac#~ and no'; enter i.nta ano' hc:r at this tim+ . noun^ilm^.n ?'r,tcliff men~,ion~d that no nt,hnr data nrocessinr ~erV1Ce WOUI_d aCCE',~t• Ou'_" ?y~Ork an its present state. Councilman E~•~•ert su~*~ested that tare shoul.:? keep a record OVET?TINL? TC o~~ all the ov~rtim~~ the off:i r,e staff ?aou]_d have to spend in correct- BE CT~A~?'o~D . TO DATAMAC ion of Datamac's errors, and deterr,i.n^ our loss and damage;, and ~~ DEDITCTFD FROM BILL deduct this amount. from any hill that T)atamao might present, or hid presented. Counr'il.man Fry,: stated there was no doubt that Datamac TERMI~?A.TFD had breached their con+:ract, so that we could cut off with them COnTmnnr,T R, RF`1'TTpRTT'D TO immed9.atel,y. Council-man Frye moved that we terminate immediately OT T~ SYSTrM O^ RIT t,IAT f; the contract ,~ait,h Datamac, Inc. of Poanok^ and rPtuNn to our re~•,ilar svst~m off' ~...ra+.,~r billing- and doa n ° the payroll. Also that Datamac ^houl.r? b~ notified by tel.e~ram~ of Council_-c action. This motion ti-ras seconded by Councilman FR~ert, and carried the fol_loT:rin~^ vote: H. H. Ennert - ayF R.aymon~? ??atcliff - aye; :~'. S. C,unminrs - aye rxlen Ault - a y~ ?udol ph Farm~.r - aye. C. T3. Ga.llimore - ;eve c' ~, F"'v" - av,~ T. J. McCarthy - absent Thy following tPle~•ram was sent to Datamac, Inc. of P~oanoke late Tuesday afternoon, Aumust 29, 1967: Mr. TJ!illiam P. McPhil.amy, Jr. 376 '.?alnut Avenue, S. ?~I. DATnr~r^r n?OTIT'IT'D Ro9noke, ?lir~inia RY T~'I:~'~R ^M nT TF??rfilNnmTnn~ BE ADVISED THAT THE COTT^'PA_CT Or Ap"IL 4, 1967 T~rT?rIFF?~? S/29/67 THF' TOT.~T n-~ Pi1I:^.SKI ADTn ?1ATnMnC;, Il~~!', ?,rAS THT° DAv TFPMI?~T".TED BY ACTInP' O ~ T?iz' COTi"?''IC. Fn, THT:: TOTiJN O'~ PLTL^STrT.. YOi1 P.T?r r?OT TO P?'R.FO"M An1Y FURTHI'P SERVICES FO^ THT' TO'::'?~T B" P,EASOP, OF SAID 4GR.EEMEI~T. 8. ~F. Jackson, ?~?ayor ~~ 1 1 rounc:i.l mins. contd. 829,67 Thn meetin.^~ adjouY~n:,d at 5•~~ P. M. n.mT~~T; ~ n ,^ ~~~ (',Z.. rk O~ (: unC7.1 APP '~~JFn ~~~~ ~ . cc ~.._ ...~,r~ _.. . M?._.. ~~1,~f l~ ~.