HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-21-61~_ ~3~3J Mirnates of the regular meeting of the Fulaski Town Council held on the 21st day of March, 1961, at x:00 P. M., in the Municipal , office. There were present: Ma~TOr C. ~T. Jackson, presiding. Councilmen: Billy B. Flint, T'. S. Cumminp-s, T. J. McCarthy Glen K. Aust, F. L. Carrico, J. W. Nash, Eugene L. r?uckols, Claude B. Gallimore Also present: To>nm Manager: T. B. Noland Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore Visitors: Bill Akers of the Southwest Times P~ielvin Lang of the '?oanoke Times N. L. Bond Berain Cable The invocation was given by Cc~zncilman Aust. Minutes of the regular meeting of March 7th were approved. Councilman Nash advised Counci7_ that the Street Committee hall met on the site to consider the request of "~1rs. Mona Lefts~?ich fora legal closing of a street known on an old map of the Town as "Prospect Street" and Valley Ro=ad, and that it was the recommendation of his ST. COT~'!T;~,r committee that the street be opened up :and used in the future rather Rr C OP~Z~1.E: r?'~ ST. OFF 'T.P.LLEY than to close same. On motion of Councilman Carrico, seconded by RD. BE O''ENBD R~ USFD, ~.ATHi?R Councilman Aust, and carried unanimousl7i it was, RESOLVED, that the re- TI~1T~d CLO:~FD commendation of the Street Committee be accepted, and further that the Town engineer be directed to establish the proper street lines. As a result of a petition from t~~e residents of Mathews Court for hardsurfacing of a street, Councilman Nash advised that the ST.CON~TTEE Street Committee had been on the site and that as a first step to R_,.,. R ~',, rS1D~'1`~TS OH r"^TI~','S complying with their petition., these residents should purchase culvert COURT ITw~'TALL DRIti~~7AY DF~'.IT~TSpipe and have the Town install these for driveways to take care of m , r.r' nr & 10:^l~? :-~ _.LL THEW FECOT~dSiD~~' the drainage situation, and further recommended that after the R"-r , CT __ . U E,:~ _ , Oi,~ HARDSUP_F~~CE OE installation of these culverts that the Street Committee, together S TRTE T with the Sewer and Water Committees meet on the site for a further investigation as to the next step of this project. It was brought out by Mr. Cable and Nor. Bond that the majority of the residents were willing to purchase culverts byt they could not speak for Fred Jackson, who owns about five of the prorerties. Town Manager Noland ~~36 Council mins. contd. far. 21, 1961, ~1P. T~. stated the culverts would have to be standard or approved culvert pipe, and that the Town, in many instances, sold to property owners culvert pipe and installed same for them and billed them only for the cost of the pipe; he further stated the property owners in Mathews Court would be advised of the amount and cost of pipe needed. On motion of Councilman T~IcCarthy, seconded by Councilman Gallimore, and carried unanimously, it was, RESOLVti'D, that the recommendation of the Street Cot~mlittee be accepted. Councilman Aust stated he felt that the next step should be hardsurface for this street. Councilman Aust advised that Temple R. Jarrell, Southern District Representative f_or the U. S. National Recreation Associa- tion had met with the Recreation Committee on March 16th, and that Mr. Jarrell had given them a good picture of what "recreation" AUST REPORTS OT; really means; that he showed slides and told of the work being done REC. COML. T~ETIPIG ~,dITH Tf,'I,.pLE R. at Ft. Lauderdale to illustrate his suggestions. r'r. Jarrell stated JARRELL RE EA:PLOYIPdG FULL recreation meant the participation by all, adults, teenagers and TIME R~'C. DIR. ~C X11,000. Lam' children; he suggested that Classes in ceramics, bridge, wood- SFT U?' Il`? ?~1ET,J EUDGI:T FOR. working for men, and dance classes, etc. should be set up and RFC. PROGRAnf should be operated on a "self-paying" b asis, with the instruct- ors of these classes being paid for their time with fees assessed against the participants in such classes. Mr. Aust advised that Mr, Jarrell was quite impressed with the recreational facilities in the Town, such as the Armory, Calfee Park, Yf~iCA swimming pool, and stated the Town Recreation Department should work closely with the YMCA. He further suggested that a full time live-wire recreation director be employed at once. The Committee was of the opinion that the approximately X2,000.00 remaining in the recreation budget for 1960-61 should be used to employ a full time director as soon as possible, provided Council would grant a budget of $11,000.00 for the operation of the Recreation Department, for the coming fiscal year. Where- upon, Councilman Aust made the motion that the budget for 1961-62 carry an item of $11,000.00 for recreational expenses, which motion was seconded by Councilman Flint. A full discussion ~~3~ Council mins. contd. Maw. 21, 196.1, ~t P. M. followed as to ways and means of financing or underwriting a $11,O~O.GO recreational budget without raising taxes. Councilman McCarthy fe lt the motion should so state that a sum of $11,000.00 be carried in the 1961-62 budget, if such sum is available. Mayor Jackson re- stated the question: That the Totrm Manager be directed to include in the proposed 1961-62 budget the sum of $11,000.00 for a full time recreational program. The following vote was taken: Mr. Flint - aye Mr. Carrico - aye Mr. Cummings -aye Pfr. Nash - aye Mr. McCarthy - no Mr. Nuckols - aye N1r. Aust - aye Mr. Gallimore - aye Councilman Flint made the moti~>n authorizing the Recreation Commission to proceed at once to try to obtain a full time Recreation; Director, ~.*hich motion was seconded by Councilman Nash, and carried on the unanimcus vote. A petition from D. Gbe1 Ratcliff was read by Town Attorney Moore, in which Mr. Ratcliff asked the To-„m to consider the closing of an unopened alley, .lying at the rear of a building belonging to him which is located at 235 Fast Second Street (Main Street) on the corner of Hickory Street and now occupied by the Home Finance Company approximately 10 feet wide by 125 feet long, and extending from Hickoz~y Street west to a six foot right of way near creek, and being bordered TO'~n(N ATTY. TO on tl.e north and south sides by nropert;,r of Mr. Ratcliff and on the MAKE LEGAL IAIVESTIGATION east side by Hickory Street. P=1r. Ratcliff stated that since h.e was OF CLOSING OF ALLEY OFF MAIN the owner of the property surrounding the unopened alley on three STREET AT REQUEST OF D.OBEIZ sides, and since the alley, if opened, ;~rould not serve any useful RATCLIFF purpose to the public, he requested same be closed in order that he could beautify the appearance of his property which will be on the new Route 99 now under construction. Council discussed this request "; and felt that the Town Attorney should make such legal investigation as is necessarR~r and report back to the Council at its next meeting. On motion of Councilman McCarthy, secon;~ed by Councilman Gallimore, and carried unanimously, it was, RESOLV"D, that the Town Attorney be, and he rereby is, authorized to make such legal investigation as may be necessary to get this matter in order and bring back a report to Council. 3338 Council rains. contd. Mar. 21, 1961 ~~ P. M. Inasmuch as Town Manager Ploland could not complete his REPORT OF TOWN MGR. ON SEWER LINE FXTENSI ON ALONG SMITH LANE POSTPONED UNTIL NEXT MEETING investigation on a request for a sewer line along Smith Lane, on motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the matter was tabled until next meeting of Council. Town Manager Noland presented to Council two applications for placing house trailers, one in the name of John D. Owen, for a house trailer on Newbern Road just TJrest of Macgill Street; and one in the name of Joe L. Bates, for a house trailer in Kersey JOHN D. CF,rJEN & Bottom, approximately 100 yards south of Mcl~Iillan's Store. On JOE L. BATES APPLICATION FOR motion of Councilman Cummings, seconded by Councilman Nuckols, and PLACING HOUSE TRAILER PRESENTED carried unanimously, it was, RESOhVED~ that proper legal procedure PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD be followed in this case as in all such cases, and a public hearing be advertised for the next regular meeting of Council. ON motion of Councilman T~IcCarthy, seconded by Councilman Nash, and carried on the following recorded vote: Billy B. Flint - aye W.S. Cummings - aye T. J. McCarthy - aye Glen h. Aust - aye F. L. Carrico - aye J. W. Nash - aye Eugene L.Nuckols - aye Claude Gallimore - aye SALARY OF TC{nTN TREAS. INCREASED it was, RESOLVED that the salary of the Town Treasurer, J. L. $50.00 PER M0. RETROACTIVE Patterson, be increased X50.00 per month, retroactive to 1 1 TO 1/1/61 January .1, 1961. Town Manager Noland stated a letter from U. S. Fish and U.S.FISH & WILD- Wildlife indicates that any time after June 30th (as soon as the largemouth LIFE INDICATE GATEWOOD LAKE bass have spawned) Gatewood Lake could be opened for fishing, and a COULD BE OPENED FOR FISHING further investigation is being made of stocking the stream below AFTER JUNE 30TH the dam with trout. Town Manager I~'oland stated that in all probability construction RT. 99 WILL PROBABLY BE of Route 99 would be completed by September, 1961. COM°LETED BY SEPT.1961. On motion of Councilman Nuckols, seconded by Councilman Gallimore, and carried unanimously, it was, RESOLVED, that a resolution be adopted con¢ratulating the City of Radford upon RESOLUTION ADOPTED CONGRATU-being chosen as an ALL AP~RICAN CITY, to be executed in the name EATING CITY OF RADFORD ON BEING CHOSEN of the Town by the Mayor, as follows: ALL AMERICAN CITY WfIEI~,AS, our sister City of Radford is the only southern city among the total of eleven cities from throughout the country to have been chosen a.s an ALL AI~IERICAAI CITY for 1960; and, Council mins. contd. N"«r. 21, 1961, ~t D. M. WHEREAS, Radford's proximity to Pulaski, both physically and community wise, causes this signal honor to redound to the benefit of Pulaski, and the remainder of the area. DtOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVI~D, that the Council of the Town of Pulaski hereby t-girders its warmest congratulations to Radford's Tsai*or and Council, the Municipal employees, and especial.l~T to the citizens at large, and this Council hereby pledges Pulaski's continued cooperation with its neighbors. ~'' Un motion of Councilman Flint, .seconded by Councilman Gallimore, and carried unanimously, the following ordinance was adopted: ART ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND PF,-EIS?? CT CERTAIN SECTIONS OF ARTICL'? I OF THE MOTOR VEHICLE AND TF,AFFIC CODE OF THE TO'vJnt OF PULASKI, VI~?_GIAIIA, AND TO PROVIDE FOR TRAFFIC VIOLATION NOTICES, PROCEDURE, USE OF SLUGS OR OTHER TYPES OF COINS, AND `'ROVIDITv~G A PETuALTY TIEREFOR, P.S FOLLOWS: Section 12-19. Traffic Violations, Procedure, and Penalty. `~ Traffic violation notices shall be issued to operators ~~ 1 of vehicles for violations of p_trking regulations and a.ll other non-moving regulations, with the exception of persons charged with the violation of Section 12-~1 of this. Code, or charged with violation of otl-~er sections upon specific violations, unless circumstance, warrant other action on the part of the police officer, in which event the usual procedure of summons or arrest :-hall apply. Failure to ORDIPIANCE RE- obtain town license plates, blocking or impeding traffic DUCING PARKING shall be covered under other ordinances. TICKET FINE FROM $1.00 to Traffic violation notices gi~~en for non-moving parking $p,2,; violations other than those above may be settled by payment thereof not later than 7:00 P. ?~4. upon the day upon which said notices are given, for the sum of Twenty-five (25 ¢) for each violation notice, which payment shall be in complete satisfaction of the offense. Pa,,rnent of such notice to be made by dropping the traffic violation notice or notices, together with the required minimum penalty or penalties into one of the payment boxes provided for such purpose and found attached to meters at various places upon the streets within the Town, or pay tc such persons at police headauarters as from time to time shall be designated by the Town Manager to receive such payment, or by mailing the reauired amount of money for said minimum penalty, together with traffic violation notice or notices to the police Department upon t'~e same day said violation notice was received. Cancellation date upon mail received shall be conclusive evidence as to the time when such traffic violation notices were placed in said mail. In the event traffic violation notices are net paid as above indicated, but paid thereafter and within five days of the date upon which t'~e notice was given, then they may be paid at police headquarters for a minimum penalty of .~. 3~~" Council mins. contd. Mar. 21, 1961, Z; P. M. Two Dollars and Fifty Cents 02.50). The failure of any person to pay said traffic violation notices as above provided sha71 result in the issuance of a summons on said notice and the offense being treated as a misdemeanor, and punishable in like manner as provided for punishment of misdemeanors under the laws of the State of Virginia. It sha.11 be the duty of the Towr Manager, and he is here?~~~ authorized, to set up, provide necessary tickets, summons, etc., establish and publish a full and complete procedure for handling traffic violation notices, and for such other procedure as he may deem necessary, and he shall render repents on compliance thereof at such times as he may deem it wise. All amounts paid in under this ordinance to be credited to a.nd become apart of the general fund of the Town of Pulaski. This ordinance shall become effective upon the 1st day of T~arcl-~, 1;'61, and after due publication for at least cne time, of a synopsis of the ordinance in the Southwest Times. Section 12-6i:. Deposit of slugs, etc. It shall be unlatrful and an offense to deposit, or cause to be deposited, in any parking meter any slugs, bent, defaced, cr a punched coin, or any device or substitute fcr a et:e cent (1¢}, er five cent (5¢} coin, or for any other coin of the United States of America, authorized to be used in the Town Parking meters. Councilman T''cCarthy presented to Town Tlanager P~ioland MR. HILL'S a .letter from Mr. Earl Hill of Jefferson T~Ti11s, which had to do with COMPLAINT RE: UNSAFE unsafe and run-down buildings, and asked that the matter be BUILDINGS CON1dERCE placed an the agenda for the next meeting of Council, or handed ST. TO BE ON AGENDA to the proper committee. FOR NEXT MEETING There being no furtr.er business, the meeting adjourned at 5:5o i~. M. Approved: yon Attest: .-~~ Pr