HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-06-62~4~7 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council, he7ci on the 6th day of February, 1962, at !~ P. M., in the Municipal office. There were present: Mayor C. V. Jackson, presiding. Councilmen: Billq B. F7.int, F. L. Carrico, Claude B. Gallimore, Eugene L. Nuckols, John W. Nash, W. S. Cummings, and T. J. McCarthy Arsent: Council ma.n G1 en K. Aust Also present: Town Manager: T. B. Noland Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton Tom Attorney: Alan Groseclose ~r ~i_t.ors: Jim Terrel.7., reporter for Southwest Times Mrs . J . F . Sn enc er Mrs. Stella Grubb Wendell Jones The invocation was given by Counci.7man Flint. Mi notes c?f the regular mee+.i.ng of January 1.6th were approved. Mrs. Spencer inctuired as to what progress had been made in the air pollution situation and was advised by Tothm Manager Noland that two combustion engineers had recently visited all the industrial plants in Pulaski. and that within a short time AIR POLTIITTON blueprints wou7.d be received of plans for clearing up the CT?MMITTEE ADVISED ENGINEERS STIL,T• problems at the furniture factories and that another industrial WORKING ON PLANS FOR CGNTR~LLING plant was conss.deri_ng p7_ans for controll_ing_ fallout from its ATR POLLtTTTON BY LOCAT, TNDTTS, smoke stacks by installation of new equipment, the over-al_1 picture being that definite progress is being made. Mr. TnTendel7 Jones of the Pulaski Theatre asked that the Committee studying his recent request for a reduction in license taxes for the Pulaski Theatre consider the fact that this consideration PULASKI THEATRE was merely a local situation and not national, an~1 that hi.s company ASKS THAT THEY BE RE-CLASSIFIED would be happy if Council would put the theatre back in the Retail AS RETATL MERCHANT Merchants cla.ssifi~ation as it had been before the change in May of 199. No action was necessary inasmuch as this matter had 1 1 1 been referred to the Finance Comm_ttee for study and rebort. Council rains. contd. . '73 Feb. 6, 1962, !~ P. M. Mrs. Stella Grubb advised Council that the Christian C Citizen's League and the Mary White Baford Woman's Club were conducting a drive to build a community center for the Auroose of nrovid3.ng a .meeting place for the various Negro organizations; ~~ to serve as a recreational. center as well. as offices for the YMCA r RFnTT~'ST FAR and to stimulate and promote all. programs for the imArovement of th~ n SSTSTdT~TCE FROM CntiT~Tr,TT, Negro ,youth. She further asked Counci 1, on behalf of the two ON CONSTRUCTION AND OpFR4TI01~Torganizations, that they consider a ~?,0C10.00 yearl.,y donation to OF 1~TFGRO COM~.INITY this Community Center when Council prepared its b>>dget for the CEN"'~'R coming year. Mrs. Grubb was advised that Council. wnul.d consider this request. Town Manager Noland read a ~Atter of resignation from Mr. C. P. Bailey as Chairman of the Pulaski Tot~m Planning Commission, effective March 1, 196?, and after a discussion of Mr. Ba-iley's many .years of loyal service to the Town Planning Commission, l Councilman Nuckols moved that the Town Manager nrerare for the 1 adoption by Council , a resolution conveying to Mr. Bailey its 4CCFPTA.NCF OF RFSTGNA._ appreciation for his many ,years of service, to be signed by the TT ON OF C.P.. B~TT~'Y OrT Town Manager and Mavor and that a cony of such resolution be spread PT. eNDTING Cp~r, ~ anon the minutes of Council; and, further, that an appropriate TOWN Tn SENT? MR. R~TTFY momento be presented to Mr. Bailey. This motion was seconded by C npY OF RESOT~7TTON Counci 7man Gal 7.i.more, and carri ~d unanimously. Tcwn Manager Noland rerortPd that, he had been contacted by on? of the banks with an ~nnuiry as to whether the To*~m wnnlc? consider some plan for the accex~tance of a Thousand Dollar Fund [1 mpr~~ aTTY, to establish a trust, the proceeds from whi.oh would be used to TO WnPK OTTT DET~,TT,~ OF maintain the Troli,nger 7 of in Oakwood Cemetery. It was suggested TRT?ST F'TTND FOR MRTNTE- that it would bP beneficial. for the To~um to accept this trust NAT`TCF. OF TROTTNGER fund with the general understanding that the donation would be CFM~'TFRY I~OT p7.aced in a special. bank account and that the Town would agree to bear the cost of maintaining the cemetery with any nrncePdS from the trust no+. being needed to maintain the Trod ~ ngPr lot +.e be wail.ab7 e for use in the ~enera7. cempt-ery main+-enance, On moti on c)`~ (.`-f Council mins. contd. Feb. 6, 196?_, !~ P. M. of T. J. McCarthy, seconded by Councilman Cummings and carried unanimously, the matter was referred to the Town Attorney tc work out the tega7 details with the rPrson making the donation. Ta?.rn Manager Noland advised that after holding a public hearing, the Town Planning Commi psi on recommended to Co~zncil that it rezone a rort•i.on of land frantir~ on the north side of Fast PLANNING COMM. RECOMMENAS RE- Main S+,reet from residential. tc business elassif~ cation. It ZONING OF LOTi ON E.M.ATN ST. was the decision of Council. that notice be given a.f its public CCAJNCIL TO HOLD PUBLIC HEARING hearing on the rezoning o.f this land, tc be held at its next regular meeting which is scheduled for February 20th. Mr. Nash, as chairman of the Street Committee, stated that his committee had viewed the situation of opening ~n alley between 7th and 6th Streets, and next to the Shuff Estate, and that i_t was the recommendation of the committee ghat the alley STREET CnMM. REC~M,be opened as requested by Mr. H~~bPrt Groseclose and others. He OPENING OF AT,j,EY 6TH ST. Tn AT,LEY further advised that it was the committees recommendation that the FRAM MADISON TO BACK OF SHitFF EST, alley back of the Shuff Estate, nor+,h, to ?th Gtreet be closed if & CLOSING OF A.T.I,FY NORTH FRAM SH[JFF such was the recommendation from the Tn*.rn rlarming Commission. EST. Counci.lma.n Carrico moved that the recommendation of the Street Commi ttee be accented, which motion was secandpd by Councilman Cummings, and carried. Mai,*or Jar,?~~cn adv-9sPd that +he FPdPra7 4~ri_ation Agency had appropriated +hei_r fifty percent share of about ~1~,375. for the FA. ~. APPROPRTA TFD 50~ SHARE OF cost of lighting at. New River Valley Airport, and that the Project ?SGHTING PROGRAM AT NRVP. AnAl.ication _s being prepared for approval.. Co!~nci? considered and approved the warding of a nlaa~~e to be placed on the new creek channel bridge on Ih~ncan Avenue APPROVAL OF PhA.CUF, TO BE which had been submitted by Mr. Chaffin IAancan, and it was the feeling PI ~A CED ON NF'W CREEK CHANNEL of Council. that the Town work with Mr. I~ancan and r.articinate in the BRIDGE ON DtiNCAN AVF?~?UE nl ans for a. suitab7 ? ceremony to be held at a '! atQr date. On motion made seconded and carried on the unanimous , VO'tP. of those n,T'eSent, ~'O?lnc~l decided to ~a into eXeCUti~Te EXECUTIVE SESSION session to discuss several matters. Thy meeting ad.iourned at K:10 p,M. Annro~*ed Attu : ~[avor ~_ r. ~ .