HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-20-62~J Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council, held on the 20th day of February, 1.,962, at ~t:OO P. M., in the Municipal office. There were present: Mayor C. V. Jacks~?n, presiding. Councilmen: Ri71y B. Flint., W. S. Cummings. Glen K. Aust, F. T.. Carrico, John W. Nash, T. J. McCarthy, ~i7gP.T1P, T . Nucko~ s Absent: Claude B. Gallimore Al so present: Town Manager: T. B. Noland C1.erk: Gladys R. Dalton Town Attorney: A.l_an Groseclose Visitors: Jim Terrell, r?porter for the Southwest Times Mrs. J. F, Spencer The invocation was given by Alan Groseclose. Minutes of the regular meeting of February 6th were approved as corrected. Mrs. Spencer inquired as to the progress being made in the air no1_lution matter and was advised by To~fi Manager Noland that hQ had received blueprints of nc_neratnrs, the cost of which being too exhorbi.tant for the use by 1.nca1 indtast.riPs and that the design F~p~CT R7TT~'pRTN'af a simple incinerator which had been recommend Ad had not been OF STMPT a INCIN- ERATOR TO BF comr,leted; that both Engineers were still working on the problem CONSIDERED By T.Or.gr TNTATSTRT~'and that one of these gentlemen was in Pulaski the day before FOR CO~TTR~I LING F~,TT,QTTT checking with the inr?ustry condi.sering the installation of a new boil er . Mazror Jackson declared the meeting to be a public hearing, as advertised in the local. newsraTer, nn whether to rezone a portion pT~BLIC T-TF'ARTNG of the north side of Fast Main Street from residential to business LOT ON FAST MAIN S~?FFT classification. No one appeared either for or against the rezoning REZ~I~TFD RTTST- NESS FR.^~M of this r,arcel of 1 and and upong being advised by Mr, Noland, RESTDFN'"T A ? , Secretary of the planning Commission, that it was the recommendation of the Comoniss-+ on that this parcel of. ~ and be rezoned, Co~~nci lman Aust moved that Council accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission and that all the 1_and lying between Fast Main Street and Bank Street, and between the all ?y whi ~h i s midway between Npwbern d and peach Street, eastward to the Line Lying to the east of peach S C~~~~ which Tine is shown on the official Toning Map of the Town as being the boundary between the present residential. and public grounds zones in the area, be rezoned business. This motion was seconded by Councilman Flint, and carried unanimously. On motion of Councilman Cummings, seconded by Council rains. contd. Feb. 20, 1.96?, ~ P, M. 1 Councilman McCarthy, and carried unanimously, the fc~1_l.owing resolution was ad~nted: WH~'RFAS. Mr. C. P. Bail ey has been a Town booster for many Years and has been a member of the Town P1.anning Commission since it was formed on March 27, 7.957 , and has be~+n its Cha rman since August ~, 1.958; and, C. P,BATTFY RFSnITJTION D~f PIED WHEREAS, during all of h-1s tenure, and especially during the time he has been Chairman, Mr. Railer has shown extraordinary interest and willingness to put forth extra time and effort towards the furtherance of Pulaski~s planning program, particularly exemplified by hi.s leader- ship in the promulgation of a Tiui1_ding Code, S~ibd~vision Control Ordinance and a 7,oning Ordinance as well as Annexation and major Public t~lorks Proiects; and, ?niT~'RFAS, Mr. Bail.ey~s retirement from his position of importance wi.tr the Appal achian Power Company will be fa17oG*ed by his moving to the Gtate of Florida, NOT~1, THEREFORE, BF IT RFSnLVF'D, that the Pulaski Town Council hereby recogni?es the many civic contributions made by Mr. Bailey, esneci.all.Y his service as a rlanner, and hereby expresses the Town's appreciation for those civic cont•ri.butions, and wishes for him many happy Years cf retirement. Town Manager Noland read a letter from the Pulaski PT3T~ASKT CO. HORSEMA.TT' S ASS~CTA TI ON GRANTED PERMTSSTON Tn TTSE CAT.I'F'F' PARK County Horseman's Association reeuesting the use of Calfee Park far July 20th and 21st, for the Purpose of holding its Horse Show. Counc3.1 discussed this request, and on motion ~f Councilman Cummings, seconded by Councilman Nash, and carried unanimously, it was, RES~LVF'Da that the Pulaski County Horseman~s Association be allowed +.p uGe Calfee Park for its horse shoe on July 20th and 2lst, at the same rate which Pxistpd last Year. Council man F't int advised that the T anr1, Rui7_dings and C Parks Committee had studi ed the nronosal_ ~i~f Ri.11y T~sor and others, r ~ ~~ r RFpORT OF t P k C k d th t h t' on the with regards ,o ea ree an a , e was repor ,1.ng , CnMM, ON PROPQSA? NLADE BY RTLh feeling of the Committee and not its snecifi.c recommendation, WYSOR RF : PEAK CREEK it was felt that the Town won7d want unrestricted use of the land Council rains. contd. Feb. 20, 1.962,. !~ P. M. and would be interested in obtaining the lot ad,iacent to the Dalton Buil.di.ng because of the wal.kwav to 3 rronosPd narking lot behind Dalton Theatre; that if Cou.nci.l wished to go ahead j ~'~'y c_ ( r with Mr. T~ysor's proposal, it was felt that attorneys should be obtained to check the deed records for clear title. Mayor Jackson i stated he personally felt the creek should certainly be the propertyG i of the town, the title to same having been in onPstion for many ,years. He further stated it was his opinion that this Council could not Hermit any type of building over the creek because of poGsible flood conditions, As the above was a report only, no action was reeuired of Council. at tY:~~ time. Councilman Flint further stated it w^s the reoommendation of hiG Committee that a strip of land ~?0 x ~0 feet at the rear C0~?M, RECOMMn. of the Pulaski Hospital be sold to the Hospital., at their request, ^-Tr' OF' ~'~'RTP OF T,oNn Rn x 3~' with the understanding that appraisers be appointed to view and off. M!' *rpv n t~ , TO PTrT^..r,?cT appraise the rroperty in order to arrive a.t a sale price to the HQ~P.~PI~~ TSFRS ~ TO'RF ^pPOTN'~'F'D Ho~ital. On motion of Councilman McCarthy, seconded by Councilman Cummings, and carried on thQ fold o~.fi ng recorded vote, Z~?. S. C~xmmings -ave F. T.. Carry co -aye T. J. McCarthy -ave .Tnhn trr, Nash -aye Ri_7ly B, Flint -ave FugenA T~.Nuckols -aye Gl en K. Aust -aye Cl_audP Gallimore -absent it was RFSOTUF'D, that the recommendation of the Committee bP accepted, and that. appraisers be appointed to appraise the s+,rin of land at the rear of the Pulaski Hospital_ to arrive at a sale ~~"7.CP. i ~n motion of Councilman McCarthy, seconded by Councilman Flint, and carried unanimously, Foy Au st, '~T. Marvin Board, and Curtis C. Jordan were appoi.ntpd armrai stirs, with F. 0. King as an alternate, for the purpose of appraising a. strip of land at the rear of the Hospital_ for sale to the T'~~lask-i~ Hospital.. X4'78 PLANNING COMM. NOT OPPOSED TO REO. TO CLOSE ALLEY TN JONES SUBDIVISION BTTT WIT~L VIEW ATLFY BET. 6TH & 7TH STS. BEFORE MAKING, RFOOMMENDATT OPT ORDINe NCF trA CATINtI ALLEY IN H.E. •TON~'S STTBDTV. ANT? AI,I~Y BET. WASH. AVE. Ar1D PROSPECT A VENTT~' Council minx. contd. Feb. 20, 1962, ~ p. m. Mr, Noland advised that the Planning Commission had no objection to the closing of the all~v as petitioned by H. E. Jones, et a? s, off Oreen Acre D7-~ivP and the a't'1 Pv between ?Tashi ngton AvennP and Prospect, AvPnne between the Dobvns property and Property of the Catholic Church. Hoy*ever, the Commission ~rJ thhe7.d any recommendation on the clos-i.ng of the a11_ey between the Huff and Robertson pro*~erty on 7th Street, south to the Shuff Estate property, between 7th and 6th Streets, until such time as the Planning Commission could Look at this alley on the ground. Councilman Carrie moved the following ordinance be adopted, which motion was seconded by Councilman McCarthy, and carried on the fol.lowi.ng recorded vote UT, S. Cammi ngs - aye F. T.. Carrico -aye Claude B.Galli_morP - absent John W. Nash -abstained Bi_71v B, Flint - aye G1Pn K. An4t - aye EuPene, ? , Nuckol s - aye T. J. McCarthy - aye AN ORDINANCE TC? VACATE AS ,AT~TFYS THAT CERTAIN TF'N-FOOT STRIP OF T,AND ~'XTEND- ING ARO[1ND THREE SIDES OF THE H. E. JONES STJRDIVISTON IN THE NOPTH~'RN SECTION OF THE TGbJN OF T~[TT A SKI , VIRGINIA , RESERVING, HOWEVER, n, TTTTLITY FASFM~;NT 0?TFR ANT? THROTIGH SAID STRIP OF LAND; AND THAT OTHER CERTAITT STRIP OF LAND TWENTY FFFT TN TnTIDTH RTJNNIT?G FAST AND WEST THROTTGiH BT,OCK ?7 OF THE TCT^TN OE PrrI.ASKT, VIRGSNIA, BETWEEN WASHINGTON A_VF'NTTF AND nRaSP~'CT AV~'NTTE; AND TO PROVIDE FAR PAYNL~'NT OF COSTS. ?~>NFREAS, H. F. Jones and Ethel P, Jones, hi.s wife, app Pared by pet.itaon on the 2nd day of Oct.oher, 7.961., before the Council of the Town of Pu.laski., Virginia, after posting due notice of the filing of said petition as required by law in at 1 Past three places in said TouTn, on the 13th day of November. 1.967.., that being the first day of the November Term of P~a7aski County Circ~zit Co~~rt, said petition Pea±zesti.ng thats the Town vacate that certain strip of land t,en (lO) feet in width, which is shown as an all Py nn a p1 at of the H. F, ,Tones Subdivision, and extending around three sides of the said subdivision, through the property of the pet,i.ti_oners, which stria of land i e needed by neti.t,i onPrs in re-subdividing their property; and, ?~THEREAS .Tames Robert Dobvns, Cornelia Gates Dobvns, John J. Swint, Archbishop of. TrThPPling, .Tnhn ?~T, Nash and Marv Virginia J. Nash, also appeared by petition on the ?_nd day of October, 1961, before the Council. of the To?an of Pulaski, Vi_rgi_nia, after Hosting due noti.cp of the filing of said petition as reeuired btr 7aw,in at least three places in said Town, on the l 3th day of Nwpmber, 1961 , that being the first day of the November Term of Pulaski County Circuit Court, said petition rernaesting that the Town vacate a 2O-foot wide strip of land extending east and west through Flock 37 as shown on~ '1 1 LJ i c 4 (~ Council rains. contd. P°b. 2C, 1..96?, 1a p, m~ i the offi.ci.al mar of the Town of Pu?aski., between Tnl.ashing- tnn Avenue and Prospect Avenue, adiacent to the rronerty of petitioners, which s'F,ri.r of Land iG needed by ret,i_tionPrs in the use of their nroperti_es; and, '.~?N~RPAS~ »non the fi? ing of said netiti.ons, the Council did appoi nt, G. C. Hall , .T~mes R. G'< Ann, and TAT, M. Poard ~r ewers as is recuired under Section 1K-76F of th? CcdP of Vireinia of ?9~n; ana, 1.,~cT^R~pS. s~.~bse~nent ±hPre+,~ a?~ of +hA ?andoT~mers who would be affected her the vacation of the aforesaid strips of land were notified of the filine of the petitions and of a nub?.ic hearing thereon to be hP?d on the 16th day ~f January, 1.96?, in the Town Office ~t P~a.laski, Virt?i_nia, said notice being delivered +,o the ?.andowners and ?w publication i.n the Southwest Times, a local newspaper; and, WHEREAS, on the 16th day of January, 1962, said public hearing was held pursuant to the aforesaid notice and there appearing to be no persons opposed to the vacating of the strips of real estate as se+ out i_n S~ti d petitions, and »ron the fi'lcng of the viewers' rernrt stating that in the opinioln cf the vi ewers nn objection or ~_nc r'r?ven].~'nee won? d res}.tl t from d~sc~ntinuing the use or by clnsin~ said 3l7?ys or. easement ways; and, ?~RFAS, the said Council.. of the Town of Pulaski. is of the opinion that the vacati.np~ of the aforesaid s+,rips of land wnal.d bA for the benefit of the Tov*n of Pulaski, and that no inconvenience would resu?t thereby, Provided that there i.s reserved an easement for she construction, reconstruc- ti on, maintenance and repair of am• water oT sewer lines which R the Tnwn mi_eht hereafter lo^ate in and .iron the s~i;d lC-foot D Fr de stri.n of ?and desi mated as an all ev arcT~nd the H. F. .Tones T Subdiv~+ si on. rr A rI(~^', TfTF'RF'F'ORF J RF T'" ORDn Tr~n t?y TFTG' (,'!11TTT(~TT nF THE' N T~`^TN nF prTT,~ GKT, ZrTR.r,TT?Tp , as fnl? „wG. F That certain t.An (lC~ foot wide stein shnwn on rPCC?rdQd ~!lbdi~')SiOn ''~lRt ps An a??nv eXtend~n~ arnnr.dthreP (?~ sides of the Grid H. ~', .Tones S~~b- dvisi_on of record in t:h~ C?.Ark's ~fficP of the Ci reui t. Court of. ?'nl as1~i C rn~nt.~, Virg; n-i a , i n p?. a±, Rnok ? ~ rapA l ~; the cc~ntAr ? ~ nA of said a?.? Ay bei.t~ describAd as full o'~rs: Reginn;ng nn +~^~ north side ~f a ?(t_fcet street running east and west, known as GrPenl Aa ~h i r. P, a.n~ in the center of say d al i may; thence from the said rn;n+ of Redinning, Norte 1? deg. ?~~ Fast 16?.~ fAA+ to a poin+; t.hPnce North 76 def. KO' ?n~ASt ??5.6 fee+ r»nning rara?l A? to thA northerh bo»ndary l l_neS of T.nt,s Nos. i )i, 1~, 1 h, ? 7, 1R, 19, and ?~ i.n said Subdivision and lands of Foy A~zst; thence North ?? deg. 1~5" Fast 162.? feet to a noi.nt on the aforesaid ~~-fco+~ st.rp~+.; And That certain alley twenty (~~) fAAt in wi_dt,h and anproximatAly two hundred and forty (?L~O~ feet. in ? ength, lying and hei ng i_n the Term of pn? aski, Vi.r~i.nia, beginning at a mint on +.hA west side of. T~Tashington Avenue arrroximate~y 71iri.9~a feet South deg. ~' U'ASt from the SO!J'~;h~?ast, intersection of T~Tashington Avenue and prosrec+ AZrern1P, r~.~nning east between Para?1 e? lines twenty (~nl fee+, arart, and ?ring between the rronertz~ of ,Tamps Robert Dobvns and ~48~D Council mans, c~ntd, FP?~. ?0, 196 Cornet i a Gates D~b~ms, and .Tnhn ItiT, Nash and Mary Virgi ni.a ~T, Nash, on the north, and orox?erty be- 7 ~ngi.ng t~ the Catholic Charch and John UT. Nash nn the South; a1.1. in Block ~7 as shown on the Official Man of the TnT~rn of. Pnl a ski. , V-i.rgini ? ; be, and the samr~ axe hereby, vacated zs a17.eys or ease- ment ways in the Town of Pulaski, V_rgi.nia, sub,iect, O R however, to the reservation ~f an easement for the con- struction, reconstruction, maintenance and repair of any water D or sewer lines which the ToUm mi.gh+• hereafter locate in and T ur,on the said 7.0-foot wide si;ri.n of 7 and designated as an n? a71ey around the H. F. Jones Snbdivi_si.on, which is here- A inabove more fully d?scr~bed, 1~T r F?~' IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Tou?n Manager of F the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, cause tc be recorded in the Deed Rooks of the County of P~.zlaski_, Virginia 7.oca,ted , in the Clerk's Office of the said County, a copy of this ordinance, and to take anY and a7.1 other steps necessary to properly place on the record the said ordinance, RF IT FIIRTHFR ORDATR~'D that G. C. Ha l7 , James R. Glenn and Ztir, M. Board, th? afaresai_d viewers, be paid the sum of Twn D~l7ars ($10,001 each and that the con.rt costs involved in the said vacating of the aforesaid a7Jeys or easement ways be paid by the ret,itioners in proportion t~ their reszzective interests. WHFRFi1PON, this ordinance is hereby adopted by the recorded vote of said members of Council, as follows: Woodson Cummings -aye Fred Carrico -aye Claude Gall_imore -absent. John Nash -abstaining. Rill Flint -aye Glen .Rust -aye Eugene Nnckol s - aye T, J. McCarthy - aye And thereuxzon, the Mayor of the said Tom of Pulaski., upon presentation to him of said ordinance, approved and signed the same, this ?0th day of February, 796. Mr. Noland further advised that the Planning Commission had PT.A.NNTN~'~ COMM. D~ TOT OPPO no objection to the rernzest of T~rot,erty oT~mers that a Portion of SF I3T~O~TTIG OF RETT Q`rF. Bell Avenue be closed and after a discussion of same, Councilman TOWN ATTY. Tn GT~IE Flint moved that the matter be tabled, and t~+at the TOt~7n Attorney ~;nTTJ~t(!IT Aj~? OPTNTOTT be instructed to bring an onin~on to Council as to whether the Town can sell dedicated streets. This motion was seconded by Councilman McCarthy and carried unanimously, Councilman Carrico moved that a mP.mbershixz be renewed MFMRERSHTP with the Virginia Municipal Teague at a sum of $K56.00 which is T.AK~N WITH ~,tA, MTTNTCTP, based upon the population of the town. This motion was seconded by T,F A GTTE Counci.7man A~zst, and carried unani..mous7y, Mayor Jacks nn advised that FAA had appropriated the sum of ~lfi,37~, as their share of the lighting costs for New Counci_7 minx. contd. Feb. 20, 7.962, ~t P. M. i~ ~~ i i .~ ~ .~ , ~ti~r? ~ ~+ver .`Nall Qy'Ri.rpo~t,a: atrusl ~i t ~w2ts C~ow~ {~'Pdss`sa~r~.t~~t , a ~oxma'~y ~:• .. ~ `~ ~ `,~ { '",~ "~r~tpplicat~i.on, ~Dpr,,~v~cc9 'b~ eac~1 po2.lt~,ca1 .$;a~"tlini s~.~n 'b's . ~~ submitted, He further stated it was b~lievPd there were sufficient funds in the Airport treasury fir the lighting, but that it was necessary for Counci.7 to authorize him to sign the formal M°YnR application for trP Town of Pulaski. Tnih?reupon, Councilman ATTTHOR?ZFD T~ ,r,T(~~1 McCarthy moved that Mayor .Tackson be a,~thori zed to sign the ?RO•TECT ~PLTf.`n'rTDN ar~7 i cation on beha.7 f of the Town of °i~7 aski , said moti. on being FOR T T(}NTTNCr AT NRyA seconded by Councilman Carrico, and carried unanimously. (Res~l~~tion Town Manager Noland advised that thQ seven houses in Suther- f~17.o*~*s on next ra.~re~ Land Woods Subdivision could not be metered because of the manner ~n wh~~h these water lines had been inc+,al.7ed years ago, and that in order t~ re-install these lines an esti.matPd appropriation W4TFR Cl~MM, TO of $7KnC, was needed to cover this cos+. Councilman C~rri_cc MRKP RFrO?~, ~N WA'~'F'R TTTTES moved that the matter b? t.~,irned over t~ the Water Committee for RFPI,~CF~'.~Tm FnR STTTT-1~'RT ^N^ WoCUSobservation, and recnmmendati on to f'o~:n~~ 7 . Thy ~ moti on was sPCnnded by Councilman p,~~t, ant carried ananimonsly. After a discussion of the constrnc,tion of a water line to the Windsor Circle area, which must be done in the year 1962, Councilman McCarthy moved that, the Town Manager be au.thori_zed to TOWrT Mf;R. proceed to purchase the necessary valves and hydrants to go into n rrmunR~ 7,FD Tn PTTR the line to Windsor Circle and have on hand when construction rFRTA?tT McT~'RTIL~' actually begins. This motion was seconded by Councilman Nuckols, and FpR r^~T~mRTTrm_ TpnT n~ 1nioTFR carried unanimously. T,TTTT' 'T'Q TnITN^fi^F f'TRI'Tr There being no further business the meeting adiourned at K:~_iK P. M. Arpr~ved: Mayor Attest: ~` C, ~1 er ~,~ ~)~C~w _~ it ~', tiM ~i 'Ps~11~r 1~l.~ x4~-~ ~ftll-s~' 13~a ~`~G~s~ M~d* ,~ dM "x"11 +pl~' ~.~~ 9'$.:i~~i~~ ~ bul~~'~-i'! Nth its d-p~@~i+m~a#! ~ '~~s ~.~- ~~~~1 1« ~ 'fir '~ 1!1! ~~~ ~'1r~s~ '~ 1~ 'lr~ ~~- 1~- ~~~~ d~s4l~td #~- ~~1~ ~ ~~1~~ ~1pp~.~.e~tilu~ f1~ u~ -~1~rt, ~`o~ Alit#l.+I~t ~~~ 1~i ~~.~ ie s+~l ~~r a°i~it 1 ~-#t~st +~~' ~1, ~1 ~+~ ~ ~! ~- ~~1~ bar fir ~. ~~~~ ~__.~ =' ~, x