HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-05-62f ~~ N'inutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council, held on the 5th day of J~:ne, 1i 6?_, at Lt:00 P. NI. in the Municipal office. There were present: Mayor C. V. Jackson, presiding. ~i, Cot~ncilmen: Billy B. Flint, W. S. Cummings, T. J. McCarthy, Glen K.. Aust, F. L. Carrico, Eugene L. Nuckols Claude B. !'rallimore absent: John ?^T. Nash .^_lso present: Town Manager: T. ??. n?ol.and `~7 Prk: C;~adys R. Dalton Town I?ttornev: Garnett ~. Moore Visitors: RonniF Patt?rson, re-~orter for Southwest '1~'imes mfrs. Ernest ^vst ) I~Trs. ~Ternon Hinton I~Trs. Edythe Harmer ) lair pollution Mrs. J. F. `?pencer ~ i~iiss Elizabeth Bonham ~ r~Irs. Curtl.s Elkins The invo~ati.on was gi.~~~n by Counc; l man Carrico. Minutes o_f .regular meeting of P•~Iay 15th, Public heari~hgs on Trla.y ?_2nd, and N:ay 28th, at 10:00 A. NT. and 1:00 P. Tf., were a;~proved . Town P?anager Noland ad•Tised that ~~ water line ext:ens~.on on tvTells Ctreet t,o service the property of Mrs. Curtis Elkins, would!. involve an extension o_° approximately ?00 feet at an estimated cost WATER COMM. TO STUDY WATER of ~1.GG per lip. ft., and to serve both the property of P-1rs. Elkins; LINE EXT. TO !. WELLS ST. & and property belonging to the Stefi's, would involve an extension of REPORT TO COUNCIL approximately 600 feet. The matter was referred to the UTater Commit,~ee i for study and resort. to Council. There was a len~thv di scuss-i.on betT•reen visitors interested i.n the sir pollution stuaton and members of Council, in which di.sctJSSion it was brought out that the Pulaski Furniture Company plans t,o inspect incinerators in use at other plants ccnfronted with similar problems! AIR POLLUTION DISCUSSION of burning debris and that th.e Colemar.t, Furniture Corporation is making daily hauls to the town-owned landfill, and these visitors were also; advised that Council. would discuss during one of its budget meetings; the matter of keep; nf' the lard.fill oven later in the afternoon for tote convenience of the local industries. ~5~2 Council minx. contd. June 5, 1962, Z1 n, M. To.~m Attorney Moore advised that the Town will TOWN ATTY. WILL FILE ANSWER TO INJUNCTION FILED BY MR. DI LL OW RE COUNCIL IN ERROR IN HOLDING PUBLIC HEARING IN RE- ZONING OF BLOCK121 file an answer to the injunction Bled with the Pulaski County Circuit Court by Dillow and Andrews, Attorneys of i'earisburg, who represent approximately seventy-five citizens who Oppose the proposal to rezone Block 1.21, as shown on the Official Map of the Town of Pu7_aski. TJ'r. Poore f_urthPr outlined to Council such. statements as would appear in the answer of the Town to substantiate Council's position that the T'lanning Commission's hearing and the public hearing held by Council, followed the proper procedure in holding these hearings. Since it app eared there would be an encroachment on the east side of North Jefferson -Avenue by Mr. 1~?. G. Bane in constructing a wall against the present front of his building, Councilman Nuckols moved that the second reading of the ordinance be dispensed with and the following ordinance T~ras adopted. This motion was seconded by Councilman Carrico, and carried on the following recorded vote: Bil.l,y B. Flint -aye F. L. Carrico -aye. Id. S. Cummings -aye Eugene L.Nuckols -aye T. J. T-IcCarthy -aye Claude B. Ga~T_limore -aye Glen K. P~ust -aye John ~^~'. Nash -aye A~' ORDIP?ANCF TO GRANT A LICENSE T 0 OCCUPY THAT CERTAIN STRIP OF LAND OTv TTY T'AST SIDr~ OF °dORTH JFFFFRSOTJ AVFATiTF I?~i THE TOUJN OF PULASKI, VIRGITvIA, 71 FEET IN I~Iv'GTH AND NCT TO EX ~{~ND A. ORDINANCE-RE: GRANTING GREATER DISTANCE THAI`? FOUR INCTT~'S WEST FROT~f THE M. G. BANE PERMISSION PROPERTY LINE OAITO THE RIGHT OF WAY OF THAT PORTION TO OCCUPY & ENCROA CH OF J~;FFE RS ON ,4 VEN[If?, OC CIT PI ED BY THE S I DFWALK A DJ A CEN T ON JEFFERSON AVENUE TO THE PROPERTY LINE AND TO PROVIDE FOR COSTS. FOR PUEPOSE OF REPAIRING , BUILDING ~~uHEREAS, M. G. Bane, landowner of property on the east side of North Jefferson P.venue, requested by letter of I'~Iarch 20, 196?_, that the Co~.zncil of the Totan of Pulaski, Virginia, grant permission for Lando?aner to use and occupy a portion of Jefferson Avenue now being used as a sidewalk not to exceed four inches in width alone; a portion of the property of said landowner and adjacent thereto, in order for said landowner to construct a wall against the present front of his building; and, UTIERFAS, upon its oztirn motion, the Council did appoint titir. I~. Board, Curtis C. Jordan and Foy Aust as viewers, under provisions of Section 15.766 of the Code of Virginia. of 1950, a.s amended; that said viewers dial meet on the 30th day of March, 1.962, :and the Attorney for said Town did give to them written instructions setting out thez.r duties; and, 1 1 1 ~r Councilmi ns, contd. June 5, 7.962_, ~~ P. M. ?^INFREAS, subsequent thereto, a7.1 of the= landowners who wool-d be affected by the reauest.ed action were given notice of the same and of a public hearing thereon to be held at I~:00 P. N. on April 17, 1962 in the Council , Chambers in the Town of Pulaski, and further notice being given by publication in the Southwest Times, a local news- paper on April 5 and 12_, 1962; and , ti~REAS, at 1:00 P. NI. on the 17th day of April, 6 19 2, said public hearing wa.s held pursuant to the afore- said notices, and there appearing no persons opposed to the granti-ng of sa.i.d license and upon the filing, of the viewer's report stating that in their opinion no damage wo~?7.d result to the other property owners and that no , inconvenience would result from the vacation or altera- tion of the necessary portions of Jefferson .venue and , said viewers further recommend that said wa.7.1 be rounded at the cor.~ers of any partition col~wmns and at the corner of said building; and, ?nJ~RFAS, the said Council of the To~~Tn of Pulaski ORDINANCE , Virgi-nia, is of the opinion that. there now exists some hazard to the pub7.ic using sas_d st,rPet by reason of the deterioration of the front of said'buildi.ng and that CONTINUED , no i.ncomvenience would result b~T allo?wing thn Lando?aver to occupy ~ portion of said sidewalk not to exceed fear inches in width for the purpose of reinforcing and con- structinS a new wall, and thus correctir}~ the present condit~_on, providing that the s~~.d Lando?~rner shall hold tre Town harmless for any damage to any person, or property, by reason of the existF~nce of the said encroach- ment upon the right of way of Jefferson A~.•P rnxe, and providing further that the lando?aner should submit. unto the I~lanager of the said Town the specifications of his sa-id improvements prior to the beginning of the construction thereof, for approval. or disapproval; NO~J, TH~:RFFORF, BF IT ORDAI"IF.D by thr' Caancil of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, as follows: That permission be, and it is hereby, granted unto A?. G. Bane for a license to occupy that certain strip not to exceed four inches in width and adjacent to the western boundary line of the ?~'. G. Bane prcperty on the eastern side of Jefferson Avenue and extending for a distance of 71 feet as shoT~n on a plat prepared by R. ~, Mathews, Town ~'ngineer, dated Q.pril 9, 1962_, entitled "Plat Shotiai-ng 1-vocation of Building o?^rned by M. G. Bane in '?lock No. 22." for the purpose of placing thereon a walk. to support and improve the front of the existing building at this location: subject, ho?tiTever, tc the said M. G. Bane holding the said Town harmless for a.ny damage or injury to an~r person, or property, by reason of the said construction Occupying a portion of the right of way of Jefferson Avenue; and the construction of said wall shall ^onstitute acceptance of this covenant of indemnity. BF IT FURTh'~' ORD.4I1\~D that '~~he To?•an Manager of the said To~~rn cause to be recorded i-n the Deed Books of the County of Pulaski , V5_rginia, loc~~ted in the Clerk's Office of the said Counter, a- cony of th.s ordinance, and to take any. and all other steps necessar~T to propsrly place on the record th~~ said ordinance. BE IT F"1RTHER ORDAIPIED that ?a. h1. Board, Curtis C. Jordan and Foy Aust, the viewers, be paid the sum of Ten Dollars (lO.!?O} each, for their services rnndered, and that all of the costs and expenses involved in the granting of the license be assessed against M. G. Bane, property o?-m er . aJ~~ Council mi ns. contd. June ~, 1962, ~: ?. N. It was the decision of Council to enter a float in the Ju7.y I,th Parade to be sponsored by the Civitan Club. TOWN WILL ENTER FLOAT IN Gn motion of CoLi.ncilman Carrico, seconded by Councilman Cummings, 1~TH OF JULY PARADE: T~ and carried unanimously, it was, NOT TO EXCEED $150.00 R~SOhV~D, that the Toi•rn Peter a float in the July l,th °arade, the cost of such float not to exceed `~15G .GG, and same to be charged to Account No. lA 207_-3. Council agreed to mee t at 7:G0 .'~. I~'., on BREAKFAST BUDGET MEETING Tuesday, June 1'~th at. the Armory for its first discussion of the AT ARMORY 1962 -63 proposed budget. .t the request of I°Tr. Chas. E. Straubb of the Texaco Company, Christiansburg, that the divid_nq strip on 5th Street in the Town of Pulaski which had been placed there several. TEXACO CO. REQUEST ISLANI3~ears ago had served its purpose and requested same be removed. AT 5TH & WASH.AVE. Councilman Carrico moved that the matter be referred to the Street REMOVED; ST.COMM. Committee for a report. This motion was seconded by Councilman TO STUDY & REPORT Aust, and carried unanimously. A letter from the C. ~.. Duncan family was read LETTER FROM to Council, wherein the family expressed its appreciation to the C. A. DUNCAN FAMILY Totrn for dedicating the bridge on Duncan Avetxue to their father, Charlie Duncan. P~a~ror Jackson stated that bids were opened the day of the meeting for lighting at the Neia River Valley Airport, BRYANT ELEC.CO and Bryant Electric Company of High '_'oint, North Caro7_ina, wa.s HIGH POINT, N.C. LOW apparent low bidder in the amount of ~2.3,G1.~.38, and that he saw no BIDDER ($23,018.38) reason why the low bid should not be accepted. RE:AIRPORT LIGHTING Councilman N~cCarthy moved that an appropriate LETTER TO telegram be sent to the widow of Lt. Col. A. C. Nowitsky, Asst. Director Division of Aeronautics, Commonwealth of Virginia, who was on his way WIDOW OF to the New River Valley Airport dedication on June 3rd when his LT.COL.A.C. NQrTITSKY plane crashed near Roanoke and he was killed. This motion wa.s seconded by Co~~.ncilman Cummings, and carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at ~ : 20 P. I"1. Approved: _, _ I~:ayor At st: ~~ ___~.t_-__.. Clerk 1 C 1