HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-07-593~9~ Council Tins. July ?, 1959, 1* p. r:=. 2~.tlutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of the To~Tt1 of Pulaski, held on the 7th day cf July, 1°59, at ~t p. tn., in the l~Sunicipal office. There titi~ere present: mayor C. V. Jackson, presiditlg. Councilmen: ?~~'. r . T:Ttiite:, ? . =~. Larson, Clen i~. Aust, ~, ~,~ . ~ ~ Jc t1 '~•. t:~srt, P. i. Carrico, ~~d. S. ~mml~_gs, T. J. ~'-'cCarthy ~~.bsent: J. R. ?'<~artin Also present: Acting, Toxin i":anag~=r: Fi. C. Jackson C.lerl:: Gladys P. Dalton Town 1_ttcrney: Cartlett S. 2•~oore Visitors: Bill _'~l:ers, reporter for the Coutrnaest Times yt. Travis Of t%.e Salvat' On _~rmy The invocation ~rTas given by Lt. Tr-:vis of the `'alvatioil Army. I~~ayor C. ~I. Jackson opened the meeting i.Tith t-:te follofTing• statement. I have a sta.te~~,ent to make to the Council. I speak only for STATEriENT OF MAYOR C. V. JACKSON RE: RECREATION PROGRAM myself and not for ally member of the Counril. At the special .meeting on rune 30th to discu:7s final approval of the 1959-60 budget, the Counc_1 was evenly divided as to the Roc?°eat~_on program. The Council votr:d four for continuing a. full time recreation :~ro~;ram and four against. It is my opinion that each member of Council expressed his sincere conviction by his vote, I have no criticism of an~r member of the Council for tYte posi tior. they took, in fact I adr.ire them for voting their conviction under pressure. It was necessai~r for ;..e as T~Iayor to break the tie. ?~"y vote was cast in accordance ~*ith my honF~st convictions under the circus?.stances, and mfr duty to t'rie Totan and it's people as a whole. P•"y reason for my vot^ on this is^ue has 'peen fuller e;~p1_ained. This decision brought a vicious personal attack: on sevOral member.: of the Council and ~~^aycr, throu~'n the editorial columns of the Southwest Times. It contained i~_l-temyc~ered lan,uage, personal abuses and thrests. 1 It is dif.iicult to understand what an editor ho_~es to gai.r, for himself or the community by attacks of this nature on public servants, who have given many year. of valuable service to their toc~Tn and community, The four Councilmen under attack are men of honor and integrity. Their sincerety of pur~~ose cannot be questioned. T'tey are T~Tel.l in- formed on to?-m affairs an~• they certainly would not be loyal public servants utlless they followed thf~ir convictions. As to my position as I'~~ayor, the press because of my vote on a accordance ,,Tith their i~Tishes. I and T•iayor for more thatl ten years public record. If I am on trial, Pulaski and not the editor of thE~ I stand crucified in the eyes of cotltroversial question. T~-as net in 'gave served Pulasr_i as Councilman and my service is a matter of the jury Trri 11 be the people of COUthTSTest T1.meS. I make trio solemn pledge that my actions as Mayor of Pulaski will never be controlled by the Southwest Times, it's editor, ;•'"r. Rooker, or any other individual in opposition to my honest contirictions. 1 Council mires. contd. July 7, 1959, 4 p. m. 309 ~: At the conclusion of Mayor Jackson's statement, Counci]~1an Larson and Councilman White went on record stating they would likd it be known that their vote in the recreation matter, as well as X11 other matters, was according to their own true convictions and they were not controlled by any one, and never would be controlled by any person of group of persons. Councilman Aust stated that even though he voted for a full time recreation program, he would like to commend the Mayor on hi9 statement. Three petitions were read by the Clerk in the following; order: 1. A petition, signed by four taxpayers, with regards to water service on a certain line on Newbern~Road. Later in the': meeting under water and sewer construction program, Acting-Town Manager Jackson advised that Hopkins and Roop had plans for " opening a new subdivision at the site of the old C. P. MacGill home place; that these plans had been approved by the Town Planning Commission and that the contractors would be requesting the town for water service shortly. He estimated it would take APP ROVED WATER LINE FOR NEWBERN about 1200 feet of cast iron pipe to put the water line to this ROAD, $3600.00 new subdivision at a cost of approximately $3600., and if the Council saw fit to give him permission to go ahead with the new line, this would take care of the request of these four petitioners. On motion of W. S. Cummings, seconded by W. A. Larson, and unanimously carried, it was RESOLVED, that a. water line, approximately 1200 feet, t}osting approximately $3600. be constructed to the new subdivision of Hopltins 'and Roop on Newborn Road. 2. A petition signed by some 20 merchants on Main Strut between Washington Avenue and Jefferson Avenue, requesting that Main Street between Washington and Jefferson Avenues be closed MAIN ST. BET. JEFF. to vehicular traffic from 9:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. on Saturday, AND WASH. CLOSED TO TRAFFIC'-JULY July 18, 1959, in order .that the Baton Twirling contest can be he~.d in 18, FOR F3ATON TWIRLING CONTEST ~ front of their stores. Later in the meeting, on motion of W. S. Cummings, seconded by. Glen K. Aust, and unanimously carried, it was 3(~9 Council mires. Contd. duly 7, 1959 ~ p. m. RESOLVED, that Main Street between Washington and Jefferson Avenues, be closed to vehicular traffic on Saturday, July 18th, 1959, from 9:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. 3. A petition signed by sore twelve taxpayers requesting NO ACTION RE: PETITION WITH REGARDS TO VFW BUILDING PERMIT REQUEST the Town not to issue a permit to the Veterans of Foreign Wars granting them permission to build their home on their lot on Lee Highway Service Road, calling to the attention of Council certain restrictions contained in a deed of record in the Clerk's Office in Deed Book 85, page 116. No action was taken on this petition, the matter being turned over to the Town Attorney for further study and recommendation. On motion of T. J. McCarthy, seconded by John W: Nash, and on the following recorded vote, W. F. White - aye W. A. Larson - aye Glen K. Aust - aye J. R. Martin - absent $50.00 APPROPRIATED FOR ADV. IN CLAYTOR LAKE; WATER FESTIVAL PROGRAM it was John W. Nash -aye F. L. Carrico - aye W. S. Cummings- aye T. J. McCarthy- aye RESOLVED that the sum of $50.00 be appropriated from the General Fund to cover the cost of an advertisement by the Town in the Claytor Lake Water Festival Program. Acting Town Manager Jackson presented a bill from the CHAMBER OF COMM. MEMBERSHIP FOR FISCAL YEAR 1959-60 TO BE PLACED ON AGENDA Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce for membership for fiscal year 1959-60. No decision was made on this matter, but it was the recommendation of Council that it be placed on the agenda for the. next meeting of Council. Town Attorney Moore advised Council that he had been unable to reach an agreement with R. P Pike, who owns 1977.5 feet of the 30 foot right of way needed for the construction of a power line to the new Raines Elam, and upon the following recorded vote, the following resolution was adopted: W. F. White - aye John W. Nash - aye W. A. Larson -aye F. L. Carrico - aye Glen K. Aust -aye W. S. Cummings.- aye J. R. Martin -absent T. J. McCarthy - aye RESOLUTION ADOPTED WITH REGARDS TO WHEREAS, the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, a municipal CONDEMNATION PRO- corporation, proposes to build an impounding dam on the south CEEDINGS FOR PIKE fork of Peak Creek, in #hat is commonly known as the Raines LAND IN RAINES DAM Hollow Section of Pulaski County, Virginia, for the purpose AREA -$799.40 of impounding waters for use by the Town and as a~ extension OFFERED of its present water system, all of which is to be a part of the water system of said Town and is hereby declared to be necessary in order to provide an adequate water supply for the Town and the citizens thereof; and, 4 ~9v Council minx. contd. July 7, 1959, ~t p. m. WHEREAS, in the aforesaid Raines Hollow Section, and more particularly described as being near the center of Raines Hollow, there lies a certain tract or parcel of land consisting of approximately seventy-nine and ninety-four one- hundredths ;(79,.910 acresi more or 3ess,~which land, because of its location, is particularly adapted for the purpose of impounding water, and is the only land in that section which will serve said purposes; and is necessary for the impounding water and for adequate control of adjacent land in order to guarantee a pure and uncontaminated supply, and proper watershed, said tract being surrounded by lands belonging either to the Town or the U. S. Government; and, WHEREAS, the said Town, through a Special Agent, A. W. Gatewood, appointed for the purpose of appraising said property and for negotiating for the purchase thereof with the owners, together with other officials, have made a bona ,fide effort to acquire the fee simple title to the property ~``rom said owners and mainly with Robert Richard Raines, who the Town believed to be the owner by reason of the terms of his father's will. However, negotiations have been ineffectual in making purchase of said parcel or tract of land by reason of owner's unwilling- ness to sell at the appraised price, and by further reason of certain phrases contained in the will of C. R. Raines designating: the beneficiaries thereof; and, WHEREAS, the said Town deems the sum of Seven Hundred RESOLUTION Ninety-nine Dollars and Forty Cents ($799.110), arrived at by its commission appointed as aforesaid, and approved by said Council, an adequate and proper price for the fee simple title of said property, and has heretofore by proper action of the said Council authorized its purchase at said price; and, 1 WHEREAS, the said Town deems the parcel of land necessary in order to establish an adequate water supply for use as a watershed and for the protection of said supply of water; NOW, THEREFORE,. BE IT NESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TGWN OF PULASKI, VIRGINIA, meeting on this 7th day of July, 1959, that: (1) The Town, in consideration of the premises, does hereby declare that the aforesaid land is necessary and essential',for the expansion of its water system; that its efforts to acquire said property haue been ineffectual, in that the owners are not definitely known and that such heirs as have been ascertained refuse to accept the price offered for said parcel of land, and that by reason of the aforesaid, the Town deems it necessary to bring a condemnation proceeding for the said tract of land. 1 (2) The Attorney for said Town is hereby authorized and directed to proceed immediately to file a petition for con- demnation of the property and to take any and all other steps necessary to carry the proceedings to a conclusion under the rights of emit~nt domait3 given unto said Town by the Constitution of Virginia, and general laws, and the provisions of its Charter, and to do any antl all other things that are ne cessary to secure the fee simple title to said parcel of land. (3) The Mayor and other officials of said Town are directed to sign or execute any necessary pleadings and to certify this resolution or other resolutions or records as are necessary to this proceeding. (!~) The financial officer or other proper official of the Town are directed to pay into Court, or as may be directed by said Court, the sum of Seven Hundred Ninety-nine 309 Council minx. contd. July 7, 1959, 4 p. m. Dollars and Forty Cents ($799.lt0) for the purchase price of said property to be acquired, plus any other necessary costs for carry- ing on the proceedings. The Town Attorney reported further that it was believed that REPORT ON LEGAL the matter of a water bill due the Town by R. P. Beamer would be MATTERS: BERME R AND HOPKINS & ROOP settled shortly without court action. That he had no report to make ACCOUNTS BY TOWN ATTY. on the matter of the service bill owed the Town by Hopkins and Roop insamuch as he had been unable to contact their attorney. No definite report was made on the Airport, Armory or Route. 99, except that all of these matters were progressing satisfactorily. Acting Town Manager advised that Philips and Jordan, BLEARING OF BRINES contractors for the clearing of Raines Hollow impoundment area, started DAM IMPOUNDMENT AREA BEUUN: AND ADOPTION their work on the day of the meeting, and on motion of John W.'ldash, OF RESOLUTION TO ' U. S. FOREST SERVICE seconded by F. L. Carrico, and unanimously carried, the following T~ ENFORCE REGULATIONS WITH REGARD TO TOWN resolution was adopted: OWNED LAND BE IT RESOLVED, that the United States Forestry Service be, and they hereby are, authorized by the Council of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, to execute and enforce upon property belonging to the Town and in the watershed, which forest and properties are now being and are to be cleared by contract, all of the roles, regulations, policies, practices now in force by said Department in connection with clearing and burning upon Government land, this authorization to extend and to be limited to this particular project and to terminate upon the completion of the construction of the impounding dam and watershed area. This action was taken upon the recommendation of E. F. Walcott, United States Forestry Service. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 p. m. Approved: yor Attest: ~~n, er