HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-59~~~9 I Council mires. October 6, 1959, ~ p.m. I•Iinutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council held on the 6t1'i day of October, 1959, at !., p. m., in the ' I~Iunicipa.l office. ', There tirere present: ~`.r:yor C. V. Jackson, presiL~ir_g. Courcilr-en: •.. F. ~'r~it=, Glen :. Aust, J. R. Iu"artit~(, John '.. :;ash, ~'. L. Carrico, ?°'. C. Cumm~it~gs, T. J. P•'cCarthy, '~~. .'i. Larson Also present: Town '`~:-~nager: T. ?. Noland ', Clerk: Gladys R. D;~lton Visitors: Bi1.1 Akers, reporter for Southwest Times ', Rev. George Ogilvie E. D. Newman, representing Pulaski Hospita`1, Inc. Darce B. D-=vis & Homer Dalton, residents cif 10th St Berlin Cab1F: The invocation was given by the Rev. George Ogilvie,;' pastor of the Presbyterian Church. I~:inutes of the regular meeting of .^;e-~tPmber 15th ' and called session on tr.e 2tth day of Se;~tember, 1959, i,.Tere approved. 1~Iayor Jackson declared the Public Nearing or. the ', Petition of the Pulaski Hospital, Incorporated, to be open for those persons wishing to be heard either for cr against the closing of a portion of Tenth Street, :North, in tre. Town of Pulaski, adjacent to the properties of Pulaski Hospital; said strip of land being approxima.telyj ~,J*.~I T i '~'ApIT';G , ~, r ~ S 2„ feet wise and 73 feet long;, lying on ~,he South side of said treet , i:A1'Ji: ~~i,lr ?-~ULiCKl T m ' ~~jacent to and near the back portion of the dospital property. there ,r r, T, • , _T ~ ;~ T T70q" R ?1FPOR1 pp p. g c osing of this portion of a eared to be no com laint a-ainst the cl ~~ Tenth Street. The viewers' report was as follows: Gn trio Str, day of October, 1959, r--. L. King, Jr., °T. I~:arvin Board, and Robert 'r7. Stevens, being viewers duly appointed by the Town Couxt~cil of Pulaski, Virginia, viewed that portion of Tenth Street, North, in the Town of Pulaski, ti'irgirs.a, adjacent to the properties of Pulaski Hospital, and more particularly shown or. a ~~' map attached hereto, tirhich map includes ?^oth tY:e parcel which the Pulaski Hospital desires from the Town, xrd that which they are ~, willing to give to the Town in exchange "or the strip which the TeUrn is recuested tc vacate. After due consideration, it is the rpinion of the above r_azned ' viewers that no inconvenience would result from vacating or discontinu± ing the 2~ x 53 foot strip which tY•_e Hospital requests to be used in its present construction program. The viewers are of the further opinion that the portion and ', strip as shown on the map above referred to which the Hospital proposer to deed to the Tcwn is of eoual value to that whits they request from '~ the Town, and that the strips should be exchanged without any monetar~r consideration being paid by either party. 3~ ~() Council rains. contd. October 6, 1959, 1-t p. m. Given under our hands this 6th day of October, 1959. ~S~ F. 0. King, Jr. (Seal) :'. ~'arvin Board (Seal ) Robt. 1.'. Stevens ~Sea1) On motion of T. J. ~°"cCarthy, seconded by Glen K. bust, and carried on the following recorded vote: W, F. White -aye ~~=1. A. Larsen -aye Glen K. Aust - aye J. 'uv. Nash - ayc U1. S. Cummings -aye T. J. I~~cCarthy -aye J. R. I~'artin -aye F. L. Carrico -aye it was RESCLVFD, that the viewers' report be, and the same hereby is, accepted; and further, it being the opinion of Council that there would be no inconvenience as a result of vacating this strip of land, the Towr. Attorney is hereby directed tc prepare tr:e proper ordinance to carry out tris procedure. i~:r. Berlin Cable, who lives in I~"athews Court, requested that the street in front of his home be hardsurfaced. He further requested that water and sewer services be extended to r,"athet•rs Court. ST. COT~~~.iTTrE TO STUDY R~'CUr'ST ~=s. Cable was advised that the matter would be turned over to the L i:. FOR ~.ro TrR ~. S~^~~, SERVICES TO ,treet Committee with instructions to study the situation together P•;ATHF.Z~rS COURT with the Town I•Tanager and report back to Council. The Town Tanager retorted that after much joint study u 1 by the i~~iayor, Director of Public ?:orks and himself on a caretal~;ers home at thE~ new dam, it was 'rtis recommendation tYiat construction of the hor?e be CARETAKER'S postponed until the spring of 1960. It was explained that it ray HG"^F AT R9I'_~.m',S HOI~LO?~:T IMP. D~~''. be around December 1st before impoundment of water in the neUr lake: PO,STPOPI':~'D UNTIL SPRII`1G 1960 can begin and that during the wi.rter months there would be little or no need for a resident caretaker. Also, the ifanager expls.ired that the present heavy work load being carried out by Public ?:'orks forces indicates a more advantageous construction schedule for the home in the spring of 1960. t'~fter a discussion of this situation it was the unanimous decision of Council to postpone construction of the caretakers home until tree spring of 1960. Uiith further reference to the neTti~ water supply 1 development the i~~anager reported on the completion of the clearing; ~~~3 Council minx. contd. ~'~ctober 6, 195°, ~~ p. m. contract by Phialips and Jordan of Robbiravine, Pdorth Carolina, G^~hereas, the original contract called fo~'~ cl.earinf; 35 feet above '~~'POR'I' ~P (~TFAR- IPG C~'ITR.^ CT thE: normal high treater mark, subsequent dr vision reduced the area '~A?D C UC T 0~' R''.Tr.I;C F.UIJ~U' T II''P ~ R??A cleared to an average of 5' grove the hi~~;h water mark. This reduction GUAR~lT~r 0.' in acreage clearing resulted in a credit of fi3,~00.00 toward the CUTTITJG 2 iD GRO:^ITH original contract amount of ~i~8,38l;.U0, making the net clearing contract total ~4Lt,5~~t.00. I;. wa:, further explained that 5~ of. the revised contract figure is being withheld as tY:e contractor's g uarantee that all seccnd gro`rth ur~l1 re cut as necessary before tI'ie water level in the new lake reaches {,;he spillway level. ' Tlie Town I~Tarager reported that a 3/L'~ grater line serving Floyd Avenue bet`ti*een First and :`,°cond streets, Coutheast, ', had become inadequate to serve the home;: in that dock. i;oreover, ', APPRO?'RI:TIO~~ this area of Floyd Avenue has extremely inadequate fir? protection. ~F ?1500. FoR6" ,rArr*~r~ LIT T; Tn because of the distance from fire hydrant. The I~"anager recommended ;, FLOYD ~VI?. ail appropriatiot: of :1500.00 from the grater fund to cover the install~- lion of approximately 350 feet, along rl•ayd .lvenue, of a 6" water ' main and the instail.atior_ of afire hydrant. ' On motion of '.1. F. t'hite, := ~conded by ? . a. Larson, and carried on tee following recorded vote: ''J. F. ?••:'hite -aye J. ''. dash -aye ' ;~'. A. Larson -aye F. L. Carrico - aye Glen K. Aust -aye ?•~~. ~. Cummi.~gc - ays J. R. Martin -aye T. J . '°°eCarthy -aye it was '' RF:~OLtIG'D, that the ^>um of '1500.00 be appropriated from th.e Taater funds to cover the instal7_ation ccsts of the Floyd :venue: water main and fire hydrant. j Mayor Jackson brought up the matter of reactivating the Recreation Commission a~ stipulated in ~'r:e Town Code, and it was ', RFCRFATTGiI agreed that a Recreation Comriission should be appointed with the CnI~1~~ssl TU ~?E 1?'PUIi~T- hope that new interest in recreation could be built up thereby. FD Council was unanimous in its endorsement of this. plan and each member agreed to surr~~it pos^ible names for consideration. as appointees. V~V Council minx. contd. Oct. 6, 1959, ?; p. m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at u:~i5 p. m. ~?PPROV~D: -, ayor A TTF.,~ T ~~ ~~~~ Clerk 1 1